>U Mom Knows Best: Target After Christmas Shopping

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Target After Christmas Shopping

I love shopping at Target after Christmas as I get awesome deals. I stock up on items we use through out the year and also things for next Christmas. Here are some pictures showing my goodies from the past week. Target is at 90% for Christmas non food items and 70% for food items. The sale will be most likely over on Monday 01/05/2014. So if you need wrapping paper or other Christmas goodies go shopping. You may not find all the things pictured as it goes fast. I spent about $70 for all this. I did use coupons on some items. The gold paper goods will be great for church supplies.

I also went to Walmart which was 75% and found these candles and candy. I had coupons so they were free.


  1. Wow!!!! Lots of great deals. I wish I hadn't spent all of my money during Christmas :)

  2. What a great score! I have to visit my Target soon.

  3. I usually stock up every year after Christmas. Unfortunately this year, I've been sick and haven't left the house in 3 weeks. I'm really really going to regret not getting in my Target and Walmart sales, come next Christmas. My stash is getting low.

  4. huge score, I will say that the gingerbread M&M's are pretty bad tasting:) use them for crafting, so you can keep them until next year... I just went to target it was 90% off but not much left.

    1. I agree about the gingerbread M&M but they will be good to give to the neighbor kids

  5. Wow! That Is awesome! I thought my stockpile from today was good, this is awesome! Great job!

  6. AMAZING haul! I have been ban from after Christmas shopping my hubby says I don't need any more because we don't have the room. Sometimes I just can't help myself and sneak stuff :).

    1. It is addicting and fun. My hubby complains but enjoys the goodies


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Mom knows best