>U Mom Knows Best: Sylvania - Incandescent Light Ban

Friday, March 14, 2014

Sylvania - Incandescent Light Ban

With her red wagon in tow, 8-year old Jill uses her lighting smarts to talk some sense into her parents, who are still using (far too many) traditional incandescent light bulbs in their home. Watch the intervention go down to see how Jill helps her family save money, time and energy with the three alternative lighting choices available to them. Learn more about the lighting choices available to you at Sylvania

Click on this link http://www.sverve.com/v/d3ktYKo9Pb to learn more
As a member of Sverve I am being compensated for this post.


  1. These commercials are a crack-up - thank you for the weekend laugh Tara!! :) Tweeted!

  2. lol too funny. My mom has been freaking out about this. lol.

  3. As soon as we moved into our new home we switched all of the lights out. The video is funny! Nothing like light to bring two people together.Thanks for sharing!

  4. Love the video. We switched our light bulbs over a few years ago. Love how long the new one's last.

  5. I need to re-do all the bulbs in my place! I would love to save money and time with better bulbs!


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Mom knows best