>U Mom Knows Best: Taming The Pandemic Hair With SoapBox

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Taming The Pandemic Hair With SoapBox

When was your last haircut?

  I received samples from Soapbox to facilitate this post.

  If you are like most people, your hair has been through some tough times these past couple of months. You may not even remember the last time you had a haircut. This is a time when the guys don't understand as they can use hair clippers and have an at-home hair cut. Then throw in the hot summer and my hair needs some much needed TLC. I really want to get a hair cut but my asthma prevents me from visiting a hairstylist for many reasons. One reason that I am staying away from the haircut shop is because of the massive cleaning and sanitizing products that they are using to fight the C lung virus. The other reason is my daughter is having a baby any day and I wanted to stay germ-free for her sake and so I can hold my new grandbaby. I am so excited to be a grandma once again.

Thoughtfully Crafted hair care products 

 It has been at least 5 months since I had a hair cut and my hair is too long. I am not a fan of long hair and like my hair to be shoulder length in the winter. In the summer, I usually wear my hair shorter. So my hairstyle has been a ponytail that keeps my hair off my neck. I have even been wearing my hair pulled back while I sleep as this long hair has been bothering me. I wish I knew someone who cuts hair outside as I am so close to cutting my own hair. Watching failed videos on Youtube has prevented me from grabbing my hair scissors. I have been cutting my bangs though as I have learned how to do that.

 The one thing that I have not compromise on has been my hair care routine and the type of hair care products that I use. A year ago I switched to sulfate-free shampoo when I made the decision to eliminate toxic chemicals from my home. Switching to a sulfate-free shampoo turned my unruly wavy hair turn curly and soft. I also discovered that using shampoos without sulfates and parabens has helped with my frizzy hair. So I am willing to pay more for products that give me great hair.

 I recently discovered hair care products from a company that uses thoughtfully crafted ingredients and has a mission statement to empower people to change the world. SoapBox Soaps was founded in 2010 by a college guy making soaps in his apartment kitchen and eight years later these products are in retailers across the nation and nearly three million donations have been made! SoapBox started with bars of soap and now their product line hair and body products.

 I got to experience their new Tea Tree Clean Purify product line and I really loved the way they made my hair so soft and manageable. My shower experience with the Tea Tree shampoo, conditioner, and hair mask was like a day at the spa. These products had an awesome scent that was minty and I really loved the clean ingredients that are vegan and cruelty-free certified.

  Tea tree oil is known for its purifying qualities of removing build-up on your scalp and hair.  When I got out of the shower, my hair was easy to comb. The weather here has been humid and my hair has been a fizzy hot mess so I was happy to try SB Argan Smoothing serum. My hair felt so soft even the next day and it was not frizzy nor poofy. When I complained to my son about the humidity he said to me, "it can't be because your hair is not poufy." I then had to feel my hair and I was amazed that it was still soft and smooth a day after I washed it.

I have not had a chance to use the Tea Tree shampoo bar from SoapBox but I love that a simple bar of soap can clean your hair. This shampoo bar will be a great travel product as it won't count towards my airport liquid amount. The Tea Tree shampoo bar smelled great even dry. 

 I like that SoapBox uses quality clean ingredients and all of their products are free from parabens, phthalates, silicone, and petrochemicals. Even the fragrances were clean as the scent did not trigger an asthma attack. I also love that SoapBox donates a bar of soap to someone in need with every purchase. They also work with local soap makers to make the donated bars of soaps. The coolest part of the SB soap donation program is how they use recycled bars of soap from hotels. That might sound gross but they use a unique process that cleans and sanitizes the soap. You have to read this article to find out more about how they recycled the soap.

 So while I am waiting to get a hair cut, I will continue to use the Tea Tree Clean Purify hair care product line from SoapBox as it keeps my long hair soft and frizz-free. I have gotten used to the ponytail thing as it is summer. If my hair was shorter, I would still be pulling my hair back as it keeps me cooler. When I do get to the beauty shop, I will have the hairstylist cut off at least 5 inches so my hair will be above my shoulders.


  1. Your hair looks amazing!!!! I will definitely check the soapbox, looks very promising.

  2. My hair has curled so much since quarantine!! I usually straighten it, but I get these little curls up by my forehead and they've just settled in to their new, non-straighter, norm! haha.

  3. Tea tree oil is so good for so many things! It also has some antifungal properties too for dandruff. This is awesome!

  4. I love your hair! I have always heard good things about soapbox. I would love to try them sometime. My husband uses tea tree, and I bet he'd love this.

  5. those look like great products. i'll have to check them out.

  6. I haven't heard of this before, but I'm definitely in need of something for my hair!

  7. I love tea tree shampoos! I've also actually heard of Soapbox before. I'll have to check this product out.

  8. I honestly haven't even been worrying about my hair because I never see anyone right now lol. I have been leaving it in a big bun. Love the sound of these products!

  9. I would love to try this! Sounds really amazing!

  10. These look like great products to try. I'm keen to try out the tea tree shampoo.

  11. I'll have to check these out! I love trying out new products!

  12. I've got the same problem with my hair! Need to try out these haircare products! :)

  13. oh wow these hair care products sounds so interesting and helpful one..glad you shared them with us..great work though..

  14. looks like some great products. My hair are no trouble being few in number and absolutely straight but it looks interesting

  15. What a great box. Thanks for sharing. My hair needs some TLC while I am still cautious and not ready to resume my previous life.

  16. Tea Tree Oil has some great benefits and your hair definitely look so good. I shall check these products out, I am a big fan of tea tree oil.

  17. My hair has definitely been rough these past few months! I've been interested in tea tree oil but have never tried it. I may have to give it a go since it seemed to do wonders for you.

  18. I really really need to get my hands on some of this! My hair is SO unhealthy.

  19. I understand how you feel about your hair, thankfully my husband is the family barber and stylist, so we have been getting our haircuts on our regular schedule. I had a couple friends visit to grill on the deck last month and my best friend asked hubby to give her a trim on her mid back length hair. My other friend mentioned that she needed a haircut as well as she had not had one in several months. She was tempted to try to cut her own hair, but was afraid she would screw it up and her husband refused to try for the same reason. She wanted her grown out pixie cut quite short for the summer and asked if he could cut short hair as it is much harder than trimming long hair. I pointed out that he gives my two teen boys their haircuts and she said that my older son’s hair looked great, she would like her hair cut just the same. So hubby gave my best friend a trim, then he took his clippers and went to work giving my other friend a very short haircut, he took off a good four inches. When he finished, she felt her head and said it felt great to have all that hair gone. Her husband was surprised to see that she got her hair cut that evening, when she told him my husband cut it for her and it was free, he liked her haircut and the price. So I can imagine how you must feel wanting a haircut so badly. Too bad you don’t have a friend or family member that you could trust that can cut your hair.

  20. omg you are speaking my language! My hair needs some woooooooork!!!!


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