>U Mom Knows Best: 3 Ways Chiropractic Care Can Help Manage Headaches

Monday, October 24, 2022

3 Ways Chiropractic Care Can Help Manage Headaches

Headaches are not just a nuisance; they can be downright painful. They may feel like an iron band around the temples or even like a hammer has struck the back of your skull. When this happens, most people reach for pain relievers or medications. Chiropractors, on the other hand, are an option to consider. Chiropractors can evaluate, diagnose, and treat headaches. Chiropractors adjust or manipulate the spine to relieve stress and improve spinal function. Soft tissue therapies, which may include massage and kneading of joints and muscles, are also part of the treatment. Looking for more info? Check out this blog on suboccipital headaches.

Spinal Manipulation

Chiropractic adjustments are one way to relieve chronic sufferers and are a good solution for headache management. The technique uses low force and specially-designed instruments to move the spine. Spinal manipulation aims to correct subluxations that affect the nervous system and the reflex mechanisms. The treatment is not limited to manipulating the bones but also helps to improve soft tissue mobility. This technique effectively treats chronic headaches, especially those resulting from chronic neck and upper back tension.

Several studies have evaluated the effectiveness of spinal manipulation in managing migraine. The first included a randomized controlled trial and two systematic reviews. This study included 70 migraine sufferers.

Deep Neck Flexion Exercises

Deep neck flexion exercises during chiropractic care can improve posture and help manage headaches. These exercises include chin tucks and head nods, performed in 10-second intervals with a rest period in between. They help stretch the deep flexor muscles in the neck, which are responsible for supporting the neck. Headaches caused by migraines are often associated with dizziness and nausea. Fortunately, there are several medications for migraine and effective chiropractic treatments.

Chiropractic adjustments can restore nerve function by helping neurons travel through the nerve again. This, in turn, allows neurons to reestablish proper connections throughout the body. As a result, headaches are extremely common, but the causes of different types vary widely. Fortunately, chiropractic techniques are often effective in managing headaches and are free of the side effects common with prescription drugs.

Neuromuscular Massage

A neuromuscular massage is a form of chiropractic care that uses light pressure to relieve the pain associated with headaches and migraines. During the treatment, chiropractors will identify specific trigger points on the body and work to release the pressure on those points to reduce pain. This release of tension helps to restore natural circulation to the affected areas. The increase in blood flow will help to reduce the resulting migraine symptoms. Misalignment of vertebral joints can also cause pain and block nerve flow. Chiropractors will use alternating pressure and friction to release trigger points on the body and stop referred pain.

Neuromuscular massage is one of many treatments used by chiropractors to manage headaches. It focuses on the body's trigger points, reducing muscle tension and increasing blood flow to the affected area. It may also be used as a complementary treatment for migraines. For example, the chiropractor may combine neuromuscular massage with other treatments, such as physical therapy exercises and stress management techniques, to help manage migraine symptoms. The multidisciplinary approach to headache and migraine care requires consistent treatment and is more effective than prescription pain medications.

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