For many, Christmas Eve is the loneliest night of the year. Make someone in your life feel less alone this Christmas with a beautiful hand-arranged bouquet from Teleflora.
Sponsored by Teleflora and the #LoveOutLoud campaign
The holiday season is supposed to be filled with joy and happiness. Christmas is a time for family and friends to come together. From parties to holiday celebrations, the month of December is a time for celebration. For some people, the holidays can be the loneliest time of the year. For many, Christmas is the loneliest night of the year.
Take time to bring joy to those who may be alone for Christmas
This Christmas season, think of those who may be alone for the holidays and think of ways to bring joy to their life. There are so many ways that we can bring happiness to someone during the holiday season. Think of things that you and your family can do to include a friend or neighbor in your holiday celebrations. Simple things like baking someone cookies or inviting them to Christmas dinner can brighten up someone's day. If that someone special lives far away, send them a beautiful floral arrangement from Teleflora.
Teleflora would like to share with you its new 2022 holiday campaign, “Leave No One Out This Holiday,” aimed to showcase the importance of believing in humanity and the power of a thoughtful gesture.
Teleflora has the best holiday campaigns that always include the best ads. Last year their ad campaign reminded us that being with loved ones is what’s most important. You can check the Nana - A Christmas Bouquet Story Here.
Teleflora’s latest campaign comes during a time when many people may be struggling with loss, loneliness, or harsh realities. The ad showcases a woman who is spending Christmas Eve alone. As the lady gets ready for bed she looks at family memories with a sad face. A knock on the door then brings joy to her as she is greeted with a beautiful Teleflora holiday bouquet, sent by her husband St. Nick (Santa Claus). She is immediately overwhelmed with happiness when she is reminded that someone special is thinking of her.
Check out the new 2022 Teleflora holiday campaign
To help make this holiday season a little brighter for everyone, Teleflora, the world's leading floral delivery service, is highlighting the importance of believing in humanity and the immense power of a thoughtful gesture.
We could all use a holiday miracle
The last couple of years have been difficult for so many people. From a pandemic to a recession to a war abroad, the holiday spirit may be hard for many. So take the time to reach out to neighbors, friends, and family members to let them know that you are thinking of them. A small gesture of a phone call, a plate of homemade cookies, an invite to dinner, or a flower delivery can go a long way. A thoughtful gesture can be the holiday gift we all need to make someone feel loved and cared about.
Think about who you can give the gift of a holiday spirit to
It is all too easy to get lost in the chaos of the holidays with shopping, decorating, and parties, that we forget the true meaning of the holiday season. The holiday season should be about spending time with others and spreading the love of Jesus. The lost and lonely people are the ones who need the gift of love. They need to know that someone cares about them.
This holiday campaign is an extension of Teleflora's overarching "Love Out Loud" brand platform, which launched during Christmas 2017. To share the holiday spirit with friends and family afar, Love Out Loud and surprise them with a unique Teleflora arrangement. Teleflora's best-selling Christmas lineup features beautifully curated arrangements always made by hand and delivered to your doorstep by a local florist. Each bouquet comes complete with a festive keepsake container that can be incorporated into home décor for years to come.
Check out these beautiful flower arrangements from Teleflora
Teleflora flowers are all made by hand and delivered to your doorstep by your local florist. Teleflora offers the personal touch, artistry, and expertise with fresh flowers that are delivered by people who care. These professional florists create artistic arrangements in vases that are keepsake containers that can be enjoyed for years to come. The flowers are personally delivered to doorsteps, and offices, often on the same day.
So take a moment to think about who you can share the holiday spirit with and select the best holiday floral arrangement to send to them. Teleflora has a huge selection of Christmas flowers and holiday arrangements to select from.
Teleflora’s new holiday bouquets are now available at
Teleflora Holiday Season bouquets are some of my favorites. Great memory-makers!
ReplyDeleteTheir bouquets are beautiful and would make a lovely gift or as a centerpiece.
ReplyDeleteI love all of these bouquets. I give flowers as gifts often so I will have to order some of these.
ReplyDeleteTeleflora always has some amazing products available. I love that one with the house on it!!
ReplyDeleteI love Teleflora and all their varying bouquets. The seasonal ones are my favorite!!
ReplyDeleteTeleflora bouquets are perfect to add that splash of extra colour and beauty to the holiday season and expressing your feelings.
ReplyDeleteI love that companies like Teleflora think about those that need help. It's beautiful to make something nice for someone for holidays!
ReplyDeleteThose truly are beautiful arrangements, it's good to let people who are going to be alone know that you're thinking of them. Especially during the holidays!
ReplyDeleteThese are all such cute ideas for the holidays. And what a touching campaign; it really does make you think about connecting with others.
ReplyDeleteThese are all really beautiful and lovely bouquets of flowers! I love all of these arrangements