>U Mom Knows Best: What Is Distillate THC and How Does It Help with Sleep & Insomnia

Monday, April 3, 2023

What Is Distillate THC and How Does It Help with Sleep & Insomnia


There are many questions about distillate THC, commonly known as "liquid gold," and how it affects the body. It is one of the popular cannabis products in the market. But many cannabis users still do not know much about it. This article covers the distillate THC, its effect on the human body, and how it helps sleep and insomnia. 

What is Distillate THC?

 Distillate THC is the concentrated form of the cannabinoid after all plant matter, terpenes, and other cannabinoids are stripped away through the distillation of cannabis oil. The distillation process removes every other material in the oil because each material vaporizes at a particular temperature, so the manufacturers can control the process to retain only one cannabinoid. 

 For this reason, THC distillate contains solely the THC cannabinoid, making it a highly potent form of the cannabinoid. The purity level can be as high as 97 percent THC or even higher. For instance, if a distillate has 97 percent purity, it would imply that one gram has 970 mg of THC out of the entire 1000 mg material.

 It is worth mentioning that distillate THC is not the same - and shouldn't be confused - with distillate weed. Distillate weed refers to any distillate extracted from the cannabis plant. It may contain THC and other cannabinoids like CBD. On the contrary, distillate THC contains solely THC. When looking for a cannabis distillate, check the cannabinoid concentrations to determine whether it includes just THC or a blend of THC with other cannabinoids.

Effect of THC on Sleep

 Research has shown that THC works effectively as a sleep aid. It can help people with sleep disorders, such as insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and obstructive sleep apnea. It can improve sleep quality and help you to fall asleep faster. It will also cause you to sleep deeply and wake up less during the night, so you feel refreshed in the morning. This happens through its effect on the endocannabinoid system.

  The endocannabinoid system is a signaling network of receptors and enzymes that balance physiological processes, such as sleep, mood, appetite, immune response, and pain. THC binds to the CB1 receptor of the endocannabinoid system. Doing this provides a sedative effect by inducing the production of sleep-promotion adenosine. As a result, the person feels relaxed and falls asleep easily.

 A 2022 research on the effects of cannabinoids on sleep also demonstrated that THC alters sleep architecture. It increases the time we spend in the non-rapid eye movement (NREM) stage of sleep. For context, when a person falls asleep in two stages: rapid eye movement and non-rapid eye movement stages. The rapid eye movement stage is where we experience dreaming; the brain stays active while the body sleeps.  

 On the other hand, the brain slows down during the non-rapid eye movement stage to allow total rest on all body parts. NREM sleep is crucial for physical restoration, energy levels, and overall well-being. The effect of THC on the body helps the person to stay longer in the NREM stage so that they can get a full night's rest and better quality of sleep.

How Distillate THC helps with Sleep and Insomnia

 Perhaps you are considering taking distillate THC to help with sleep or other sleep disorders. You can smoke or vape the distillate to supply ample THC into your system. You can also ingest it or use it to make cannabis edibles. You can also apply the distillate topically; although the oil may not penetrate the skin due to its thickness.

 However, it is crucial to know that distillate THC is not recommended for an inexperienced cannabis user. This is because it is easy to overdose due to its high purity and potency levels. It will provide an intense high with only a small product. 

 Another thing to note is the effectiveness. The effectiveness of the dosage depends on the user. Some people require a low dose of THC to fall asleep faster. Others may require a higher amount to experience the same effect. Regardless, it is advisable to start low and go slowly. Start with a small dosage. Gauge how your body responds to it. Then gradually increase it until you get the desired effect.

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