>U Mom Knows Best: How To Make Low-Fat Sugar- Free (no added sugar) Banana Muffins

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

How To Make Low-Fat Sugar- Free (no added sugar) Banana Muffins

A great breakfast or party treat for Valentines day.

   Valentines day is almost here. This day of love is usually filled with chocolate and lots of sugar. If you have kids in school that usually means they have a party at school with lots of sweet treats and a bag of candy to take home. I always try to send healthy items when my boys have parties at school. Surprisingly, baby carrots are a big hit at school parties, especially the rainbow baby carrots. This year I wanted to send something different, as requested by my son. So I decided to make healthy banana muffins since my boys love banana bread. I found a recipe and made some changes to it to make it a healthy version of banana muffins. Did you know that you can substitute applesauce for vegetable oil in most recipes? It is an easy switch and the applesauce gives incredible moisture too. Since applesauce and bananas are naturally sweet, you can omit the sugar too in this recipe.

   Another great way to bring great flavor to healthy recipes is by using vanilla extract. Now I am not talking about the artificial stuff you find at the grocery store, I am talking about 100% organic vanilla extract that comes from vanilla beans from Madagascar.  I use Jiva Organics Vanilla Extract in all my baking as they use a proprietary cold extraction slow percolation method that takes nearly one month to complete! This ensures that the rich, deep flavor and delicate bouquet of each vanilla bean are preserved in their vanilla extract. They never add any sugar or flavorings so you get a wonderful true vanilla flavor. I also love that Jiva Organics Vanilla Extract comes in a big 8-ounce bottle so I always have plenty on hand for all my recipes.

Here is the place to get this wonderful vanilla extract.

Low-Fat Sugar-Free (no added sugar)Banana Muffins

4 large ripe bananas
1  egg
1/3 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 teaspoon Jiva Organics Vanilla Extract
1 1/2 cups flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt 

Preheat oven to 350°. Place muffin papers into a 12 cup muffin pan.

Mix the bananas and other wet ingredients until the mixture is mostly smooth and only slightly chunky.  In a separate bowl, mix the dry ingredients, well. Gently mix the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients.  Fill muffin papers with the mixture and bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.  Let cool. 

"These opinions are my own and I received the above mentioned product to facilitate this recipe."


  1. I can't believe these muffins have no fat or sugar that is incredible. They look so decadent!

  2. Yummmmm! First, I love muffins - and secondly, I am watching my sugar intake. These muffins are a winner all the way around for me. I use madagascar bourbon vanilla A LOT in my baking - love it!

  3. Hmmmm Dont even talk about sweets, candy etc Coz Im off them for a few good 45 more days eishhh. Yet these muffins look delicious and sooo tempting and they are healthy right...!

    I have found that schools in UK have got a lil less agreeable with candies. children are not allowed to take those to school unless with specific permission. Well at least where my children go to school!

  4. Wow, I can't wait to try this recipe. I love banana bread but I usually add sugar!

  5. Yum, totally up my ally, especially since I love me some banana bread. Thanks for sharing this fab recipe!

  6. Those muffins look and sound really good. I make banana bread all the time but I've never tried banana muffins. It's time to change that.

  7. I love banana muffins! I will definitely be making this recipe, thanks for sharing!

  8. Totally making these for my son and I this week! Yum!

  9. Bananas are naturally sweet on their own, so I don't mind not having sugar in this recipe. Thanks for sharing!

  10. i love banana bread and i love muffins so i'm sure the banana muffins would be a big hit with me

  11. I love banana cake and by extension banana muffins!

  12. These look yummy! Love, love banana muffins. Will have to give this recipe a try. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Low fat sugar recipe is very healthy. Some wonderful piece of recipe. Thanks

  14. I am always on the look out for low fat sugar recipes.I am saving this recipe to try later.

  15. No fat our sugar? I could eat these all day! I love banana muffins and I'm always looking for healthier ways to make them. Thanks for the great recipe!

  16. I really want to get into baking, this will be my first recipe

  17. I'll have to try this. I like banana muffins and this seems to be a healthier way to eat them.

  18. Awesome post! I gotta try the alternative. I can be a little sugar crazy so I like using agave.

  19. I enjoy Banana Muffins. This low fat and sugar free version does seem wonderful to try.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  20. Sounds delicious and I need to try that vanilla extract, I'm always using that in baking recipes. I like that these muffins are much healthier.

  21. These look great. Love using bananas in place of sugar.

  22. I love sugar free desserts :) This recipe sounds delicious

  23. I can't wait to Try These! My whole family loves banana bread so these look yummy!


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Mom knows best