>U Mom Knows Best: How to Organize House Items Not in Current Use

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

How to Organize House Items Not in Current Use

 Are you tired of digging through cluttered closets and overflowing storage bins, searching for items that you only use once in a while? Do you constantly feel like your house is bursting at the seams with things that are not currently in use but you just can't seem to find a proper place for them? If so, then this blog post is for you.

We know how overwhelming it can be to keep track of all the items we acquire over time, especially when they are not used on a daily basis. But thanks to our tips and tricks, you'll be able to declutter your space and have everything easily accessible whenever needed. Let's get started on creating an organized home!

Create an Inventory List

 If you're looking to declutter your space, creating an inventory list is a great place to start. Take the time to make a comprehensive list of all the items that you don't regularly use, and you'll gain a clearer understanding of what you have and what you might want to consider getting rid of. It can be helpful to categorize these items by type or frequency of use so you can easily reference the list when needed. Beyond just organizing your space, this inventory list can also be useful for insurance purposes in case of any accidents or natural disasters.

Invest in Self-Storage Solutions

 Are you tired of constantly tripping over boxes and furniture that only see the light of day once a year? Perhaps it's time to consider investing in a secure storage solution that can accommodate all your items not in current use. Self-storage units are a great option for storing larger items such as furniture, seasonal decorations, and sports equipment. You can easily access these items whenever needed and free up valuable space in your home.

 Put those holiday decorations in a storage unit, let your winter clothes hibernate until next year, and tuck away that extra set of dishes you only use for special occasions. With these self-storage solutions, you'll be able to keep your home clutter-free and organized without having to sacrifice any of your possessions.

Implement a Seasonal Rotation System

 For items that you do use regularly but only during specific seasons, consider implementing a seasonal rotation system. This means keeping all your summer items in one designated area during the winter months and then swapping them out with your winter items when the season changes.

 Apart from freeing up space in your closets and cabinets for items you actually need at the moment, this also helps prolong the lifespan of these seasonal items. Storing them properly in a designated area will protect them from any wear and tear that may occur if they were to be constantly shuffled around with other items.

Designate a Specific Area for Storage

 In our homes, there are always items that we use on a daily basis and others that we rarely need. Keeping the occasionally used belongings can pose some challenges because we want to store them away without adding clutter to our living spaces. The solution? Designate a specific area for storage. This could be a spare closet, an underutilized corner of your basement, or even a loft space in your garage.

 Having a designated area for storage will be sure to keep your home tidy and organized while making it easier to find items when needed. Just make sure to label boxes and containers so you know exactly where everything is and can easily access it.

Make Use of Vertical Space

 Maximizing vertical space is a clever and often overlooked strategy for organizing and storing items that are not in use. By installing shelves, hooks, and racks on walls or over doors, you can significantly increase your storage space without compromising your home's living area. This approach is particularly useful for storing seasonal clothing, sports equipment, and even tools.

 High shelves, for example, can be ideal for keeping items you want out of reach of children or pets, while hooks and racks can organize smaller items in an easily accessible manner. Utilizing vertical space declutters your home and turns previously unused areas into functional storage solutions.

Practice the One-Year Rule

 Some people might find it hard to let go of things, even if they haven't used them in years. The one-year rule can be a helpful guideline in such situations. If an item has gone unused for a year or more, it's probably safe to get rid of it.

 This rule doesn't apply to items with sentimental value or items that are only used on rare occasions, but for everything else, it can be a useful way to declutter your home and free up space for things you actually use and need. Take some time to go through your storage areas and apply the one-year rule to assess what items you can let go of.

 By integrating these organizing strategies, you can transform a cluttered home into a neatly organized space. With commitment and a bit of effort, you can ensure that items not in current use are stored effectively, making your home feel more spacious and welcoming. Start today and revel in the calm and order that come from a well-organized home.

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