>U Mom Knows Best: Carrot Juice Pulp Waffles Made With Carrot Pulp

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Carrot Juice Pulp Waffles Made With Carrot Pulp

A delightfully delicious waffle that is made with leftover carrot pulp from homemade carrot juice.  The waffles may have an orange color but no carrot taste. The carrot pulp adds fiber and extra nutrients to the waffles making them healthier.

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The other day I made homemade carrot juice from a huge bag of fresh carrots. It was my first time using a vegetable juicer machine, so I was unprepared for the amount of carrot pulp that was in the fruit juicer machine. I knew that the process of turning carrots into carrot juice did not use the whole carrot and extracted the juice from the carrots but that was a lot of carrot scraps left. While most people just toss the carrot peels from the juicing machine, I am not one who likes to waste food. If you don't own a fruit and vegetable juicer, check out the best juicer for juicing that I have. It is an amazing juicer at an amazing price.

What can I make with carrot pulp?

 I love my Slow Masticating Juicer Machine for making cold press juice. My favorite vegetable to juice is carrots. Carrot juice is so sweet and loaded with nutrition. 

 After I enjoyed a cup of my DIY delicious sweet carrot juice, placed the rest in the fridge. I then saw all the leftover carrot pulp and knew that it could be used in recipes. I began to search for recipes for carrot pulp. Carrot pulp is loaded with fiber and nutrition. What I found was the usual grated carrot recipes like carrot cake and carrot muffins but one recipe stood out to me. That recipe was Homemade Carrot Juice Pulp Waffles. While the name of the recipe did not sound appealing, the photo of the carrot waffles looked so delicious and I love waffles. My family loves waffles too and I knew that adding carrot pulp would make them a healthy breakfast option.

Carrot pulp is loaded with fiber and nutrients

While carrot juice is loaded with awesome nutrition, many people toss the carrot pulp after making the homemade carrot juice recipe. What they don't realize is that the carrot scrapes or carrot pulp contains plenty of healthy fiber and nutrients like vitamin A. So it is a healthy addition to many recipes like carrot cake, quick bread, veggie burgers, and waffles. I have discovered that adding carrot pulp to recipes gives the food a nice orange color but not the taste of carrots. These homemade waffles do not taste like carrots! So you can serve them to your kids and they will never know that you put healthy carrots in the waffles. Even my husband enjoyed the carrot waffles and he usually does not eat my healthy foods. My husband even asked me to make another batch of the carrot juice pulp waffles.

Carrot Juice Waffles are

~ Delicious

~ Healthy

~ Full of Fiber

~ Loaded with Nutrition

~ Contain Plenty of Vitamin A 

~ Crispy

~ Easy to Make

~ Dairy-Free

Other amazing uses for carrot juice pulp

+ Freeze it for future recipes: Place the carrot pulp in quart-size freezer bags, about 2 cups, for future recipes

+ Add it to smoothies: Carrot pulp is loaded with fiber so it is a great way to add fiber to smoothies.

+ Compost it: Give your soil some love with the carrot waste

+ Add to carrot juice pulp waffles: I added carrot pulp to my homemade waffles and my husband was surprised that they did not taste like carrots but I snuck fiber into his meal.

+ Add to homemade veggie burgers: Add bulk and fiber to homemade veggie burgers.

+ Make carrot juice pulp crackers: This one may sound strange but they are super tasty and crunchy.

+ Add to quick bread: Adds fiber and texture without a strong carrot taste.

+ Add to muffins: Adds fiber and texture without a strong carrot taste.

+ Make carrot cake: Adds fiber and texture without a strong carrot taste.

If you are looking for more ways to enjoy carrots, check out the below recipes. Carrots are a delicious and nutritious vegetable. Don't worry about turning orange from eating too many carrots as it would take eating 10 large carrots a day for several weeks to get an orange tinge to your skin.

Spicy Carrot Hummus: This Spicy Carrot Hummus is filled with tangy sweetness and topped with sunflower seeds and apricots — with just the right amount of heat.

Keto-Friendly Pad Thai: This restaurant-quality Pad Thai recipe is surprisingly easy to make at home and can be made keto-friendly.

Easy To Make Homemade Sushi Bowl Recipe: An easy way to enjoy sushi.

Southwestern Style Sushi Burrito: A filling burrito-style sushi that is so easy to make.

Carrot Juice Pulp Crackers:  Turn the carrot waste from carrot juice into a delicious crispy cracker.

Homemade Carrot Juice:  Carrot juice is loaded with nutrition and so easy to make.

Vegan Smoked Salmon: Plant-based alternative to smoked salmon or lox.

Pin this recipe on Pinterest to save for later

What would you make with the carrot pulp?

 I have a feeling that I will be making a lot of carrot juice in the coming months so I will have plenty of carrot pulp waste to use. I would love to hear your ideas and recipes for carrot juice pulp. So please share with me in the comment section.

Carrot Juice Pulp Waffles

Carrot Juice Pulp Waffles

Yield: 4 -6 waffles
Author: Mom Knows Best
A delightfully delicious waffle that is made with leftover carrot pulp from homemade carrot juice. The waffles may have an orange color but with no carrot taste. The carrot pulp adds fiber and extra nutrients to the waffles making them healthier.


  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 3/4 cup milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 cup carrot pulp


  1. In a mixing bowl add and stir together the dry ingredients.
  2. Add the milk, eggs, and oil to the dry ingredients and mix well.
  3. Stir in the carrot pulp.
  4. Heat up the waffle iron and spray with cooking spray.
  5. Ladle batter into the preheat waffle iron and cook until they are the texture of a waffle. The waffle should be a toasted brown/orange color.
  6. Serve with butter and syrup if desired.
Created using The Recipes Generator


  1. I'll be honest, I don't think there would ever be carrot pulp in this house. But if there were, I would try these waffles. They do look tasty!

  2. I've never tried a waffle like this before! It's so unique and sounds absolutely delicious!!

  3. These sound amazing. I've never tried carrot waffles before. I can't wait to try them out.

  4. I would love to try these! Anything to sneak some veggie nutrition into the kids is a great idea to me!

  5. carrot waffles are my favorite! we have it quite often here. nice recipe

  6. These sounds awesome! I love that the carrots add so much nutritional value!

  7. This to me is a perfect breakfast, i love carrot juice and it is so healthy. Love it!!!!

  8. I love this kind of healthy snacks. I have never prepared waffles with carrot pulp, sounds so delicious! :)

  9. Does it matter what kind of flour I use

    1. I think white flour works the best but you could switch out half of the flour with wheat flour. If you have a waffle recipe that uses other flour, you can add the carrot pulp to that, just make sure to add extra water to get the texture of the batter like you are used to.

  10. Made this for brunch and it was DELICIOUS! I did modify a bit and added 1.5 cup pulp (since I have a LOT from juicing over 5lb) but they did beautifully in the waffle maker.

    One thing I'll remember for next time is that I ended up with 12 waffles! Could be the size of my waffle maker haha. So unless I'm expecting company I'll half the recipe in the future. This is definitely a keeper and one to experiment with other pulp as well (apple?? Yum!)

    Thank you SO MUCH for sharing!

    1. Glad you liked the recipe. More carrots sounds delicious. I will have to try that next time I make these.

    2. I love Waffles especially sourdough waffles I always make a large batch and freeze the extra and then when I want one I just pop one in the toaster easy as pie and delicious

  11. Thank you for the recipe. I used 2 cups of carrot pulp and 1.5 cups of flour. They came out tasty. I just had to cook them longer to get crispy texture of waffles.

  12. This turned out really nicely-used a carrot-apple pulp mix and the family loved it!

    1. That sounds delicious and is a great way to use the apple pulp.

  13. How long can you keep the unused batter in the fridge ?

  14. I would use it up in a couple of days. I like to make my waffles and then store them in the fridge for a week or for way longer in the freezer.

  15. I'm not sure I could do waffles with carrot, but it definitely sounds interesting.

  16. I have never tried any of these, and I wouldn't have thought of these great ideas!

  17. What a beautiful color! It amazes me how much food dye is in foods when natural foods can give such gorgeous color!

  18. I've never thought to use the carrot pulp but it sounds wonderful!

    1. I have made these carrot waffles and my family loved them so much! They are sweet and delicious!

  19. This is such a cool recipe. I can not wait to give it a try.

  20. This looks absolutely delicious and tasty! I would really love to try this recipe!

  21. I don't have a juicer, but I want to make some of these recipes including the waffles and the crackers. Dogs would love leftover carrot pulp as a delicious treat too.

  22. This seems like an interesting edition to waffles! I'll have to give these a try!

  23. Wow! This is a great idea. I also have no idea what to do with my carrot pulp. Usually I just throw it away. Can't wait to try these. Thank you so much for sharing. It is also brilliant to add it to veggie burgers.

  24. These do look good but I am not a fan of juicing. I'd rather eat my veggies than to drink them honestly.

  25. I used your recipe to make waffles with left over pulp from juicing with carrots, beets, apples and ginger the day before. The waffles were excellent!!! My husband loved them. You really could not taste the beets or carrots or ginger. I did make a couple substitutions such as flaxseed for eggs and applesauce for oil. Yet, it was still moist and delicious. Thank you very much for this template. I no longer need to compose my pulp:)

  26. I just made these cause I had a load of carrot pulp. This was good!

  27. These sound so interesting, I rather eat veggie instead of juicing them. thanks for sharing this with us.

  28. These sound really interesting. I'll have to give them a try. I would have never thought to make them like this.

  29. This sounds like a fantastic way to sneak veggies into my kids' breakfast! I love waffles and I think they'd like this recipe :)

  30. I love carrots and I will adore these waffles! They look so yummy!

  31. Loved this version of waffles, Perfect way to start the day with these.

  32. My kids are going to love this for sure! This look so good I love it

  33. Your Carrot Juice Pulp Waffles recipe is a game-changer! Such a creative and nutritious way to use leftover carrot pulp. The waffles turned out delicious, and my family loved them! Thank you for sharing this fantastic idea and other uses for carrot pulp. Can't wait to try more of your recipes! 🥕🧇

  34. The waffle looks so nice in that color! Great way to incorporate veggies into kids' diet...

  35. That's a great idea to use up carrot pulp. I used to just add it to the compost heap. Waffles are a better use.

  36. I haven't juiced in so long but I used to use carrots all the time. I love their color so much. Those waffles look great!

  37. That is awesome that you found such a good way to repurpose carrot pulp. So healthy and useful to put into a recipe.

  38. We eat carrots every day, so I'll try making these waffles with carrot pulp this weekend 😍. Looks so good!

    Everything Enchanting ❤️

  39. another colorful healthy recipe .. and this one is waffles with carrots - both things we love - so will try it soon

  40. I've had carrot cake but never had carrot waffles. I bet they're good! Yum! -LYNNDEE

  41. What a clever way to make waffles. Love the idea of the carrot pulp to add nutrition and I think even the kids will enjoy this. Stephanie

  42. I love this use for the pulp! I love making carrot juice but always end up throwing the pulp away. These would be a good use for it.

  43. I've been throwing away the carrot pulp every time I juice, good thing I read this.

  44. This sounds really interesting. I've never had waffles this way before. I'll have to make sure to try this next time.

  45. These waffles sound interesting. I do love how you snuck some veggies into your breakfast. I’ll have to try them.

  46. This recipe is a great way to reduce food waste and enjoy a delicious and nutritious breakfast. The Carrot Juice Pulp Waffles are crispy, easy to make, and dairy-free.

  47. I'm not a person who eats carrots often but I'm willing to try out the waffles, this is a very nutritious breakfast so, I'll try this recipe.

  48. I eat a other of carrot's I don't know if I would juice them and trying the pulp . But the recipe sounds so good. It makes me want to try it as well. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  49. Never heard of this before, but they look so interesting and tasty. Thanks for sharing!

  50. Great way to use up pulp and get those benefits of the carrots! This actually sounds quite tasty!

  51. Great idea turning carrot pulp into waffles! Loved the creative use of leftovers. The waffles were delicious and a unique way to enjoy carrot juice pulp. Appreciate the innovative recipe, keep sharing such tasty and resourceful ideas.

  52. These carrot pulp waffles look absolutely healthy and yummy! I love carrots, so will surely try this recipe 😍.

    Everything Enchanting ❤️

  53. This is such a clever way to repurpose carrot pulp! I've often found myself wondering what to do with the leftover pulp after making carrot juice. These waffles sound like a tasty solution, especially with the added benefits of fiber and nutrients.

  54. Such a unique recipe and a smart way to use the main ingredient! I'll try this one out immediately and enjoy it for myself!

  55. This is a brilliant idea! I actually make carrot juice at home too and I have no idea what to do with the pulp. We usually just throw it away. Thank you for sharing this. Will try the waffles this weekend.

  56. Because of the step-by-step directions, it would be so easy to cook! Thank you so much for sharing! Will definitely try these kind of waffles


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Mom knows best