>U Mom Knows Best: Sonfish Gear

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sonfish Gear

Once again, the holidays are in full swing! Last minute shopping, out-of-town visitors, holiday parties and church functions are just a few of the things that keep us busy during this time of year. As if being a Mom and blogger doesn't take up enough of our time! On top of that, there is that 2012 church or group fundraiser you have to plan! And for that reason, we are happy to announce the launch of http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=tvj4cobab&et=1108962281381&s=46201&e=0014BcaUnPST4W662Ty3NjDoILtJoSi_kCCaBrtBSGfsruA_cj7YEXbYoFdW2y8l0MMT08_SMYsvFT8iqcNMTFxZZ20_zK1mD5lcilPgzU6aGkVlEPQCL2VEQ==, an online Christian apparel and accessory store.

As a mom, church member or community organizer, we know that you may be looking for fundraising opportunities. Sonfish Gear is proud to offer a unique fundraising program which allows groups to purchase products at wholesale prices and resell for fundraising. This is an exciting way to switch it up from the usual church car wash and bake sale, to offering a variety of quality Christian apparel and accessory products. To find out more about Sonfish Gear's fundraising opportunities, click HERE!

In early 2012, Sonfish Gear products will also be available for individual purchase! From hats and sunglasses, to iPhone cases and baby clothes, Sonfish gear has something for everyone on your 2012 gift giving list. If you need a last minute holidays gift idea, the classic Sonfish Car emblem is immediately available for purchase and would make a great stocking stuffer this year! The Sonfish emblem reminds Christians that Jesus, the Son of God, is always shining his love upon us. To check out Sonfish Gear click HERE!

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Mom knows best