>U Mom Knows Best: June 2023

Watch Eleanor’s Bench on Pure Flix Now ~ Giveaway

 Looking for a new show to binge-watch? You need to check out “Eleanor’s Bench.” This a touching show that shines a light on the juvenile justice system in an informative and enlightening way.

Many thanks to Pure Flix for providing a sample of the product for this review. My opinions are 100% my own.

 I signed up for Pure Flix streaming services last year and I am glad that I did. I always find something that I enjoy watching on the Pure Flix streaming website. When I am in the mood to watch something,  I always find several shows and movies that I want to watch. Pure Flix recommends the best family-friendly shows and series.

 I was on the Pure Flix website the other day and a show that caught my interest was Eleanor's Bench. I watched the official trailer of Eleanor's Bench and enjoyed the subject of the show. So I watched the first episode of Eleanor's Bench. I enjoyed the show so much that I had to binge-watch the other episodes of Eleanor's Bench. This is a Pure Flix series that you need to watch!

New series “Eleanor’s Bench" is streaming exclusively on Pure Flix now!

 If you are looking for a show that your whole family can watch, you will find plenty on Pure Flix. Pure Flix is your home for faith and family-friendly movies and shows that you can confidently stream with the entire family. With new premium and exclusive original entertainment choices every week, you can strengthen your faith and family with Pure Flix – a streaming service that inspires, uplifts, and entertains.

 The newest Pure Flix Original series, "Eleanor's Bench," starring Karen Abercrombie as Eleanor Thomason, a juvenile court judge, is full of important lessons about following God’s calling, practicing self-control, and learning from your past. Eleanor’s journey illustrates how discovering ourselves reminds us that we are enough and deserving of God’s love.

About Eleanor's Bench

 Eleanor Thomas' success as a Washington DC juvenile court judge is challenged when her inner-city past comes to court and demands more than judgment, prompting her to return to her impoverished neighborhood of youth. Will her renewed sense of purpose reinvigorate her faith?

~ Featuring: Karen Abercrombie, Demond Wilson, Cameron Arnett, T.C. Stallings, Lori Schultze, Wesley Williams, Rebecca Rogers, Durrel Nelson, Kamillah Matthews, Caleb J. Avery, Scotty Curlee

I loved watching episode 2 ~ Old hurts and tough truths are revealed as Eleanor spends more time in her old neighborhood.

 Judge Eleanor grew up in a rough neighborhood but her parents gave her what she needed to get a good education to become a judge. Her humble start in life helped shape her and she wasn't afraid to talk about her humble beginnings. Eleanor still had a strong connection to the people in her old neighborhood as her dad still lives there.

 When her dad's health started to decline, Eleanor starts spending more time in her old neighborhood. During this time she learns that the grandson of her childhood best friend is caught chatting with gang members that his mom (her best friend's daughter) killed her boyfriend. This made her realize that our past is never completely in the past and she needed to reconnect with her past. She felt a strong desire to help her dad and the people that she grew up with.

When we sacrifice for family, or any member of God’s people, we are showing what God’s love looks like to our brothers and sisters in Christ.

#EleanorsBenchMIN #PureFlix #PureFlixVIPAmbassador #MomentumInfluencerNetwork

Join Pure Flix now and watch Eleanor’s Bench https://www.pureflix.com/movie/eleanors-bench

Watch the Official Eleanor's Bench Trailer HERE

I love having a Pure Flix subscription as that means I can watch the best faith-based movies like Sun Moon. If you are frustrated with the selection of shows for families on network television, then you need to check out Pure Flix streaming services. Pure Flix has a huge amount of family shows and movies for families. You will love the variety of the selection of entertainment that can be enjoyed by the whole family. No longer will you have to hold the remote while watching tv with your kids.

 Pure Flix Original series, “Eleanor’s Bench,” starts streaming only on Pure Flix on June 30, with new episodes dropping every Friday. 

Giveaway ~ 3-month Pure Flix subscription 

 Pure Flix is giving away one 3-month Pure Flix subscription to one lucky Mom Knows Best reader. The giveaway is limited to US winners only. The giveaway starts on June 29th, 2023, and ends on July 12th, 2023. To enter the giveaway ~ enter on the giveaway form below.

If you have won a Pure Flix subscription from this website or another website in the past 6 months, you can not enter this giveaway.

Sound of Freedom Is A Must-See Movie About Child Trafficking ~ Giveaway

 By raising awareness about Child Trafficking, together we can propel a movement that will save millions of kids around the world. 

Many thanks to Angel Studios for providing a sample of the product for this review. My opinions are 100% my own.

 Most people don't know much about child trafficking. Mention the name child trafficking or human trafficking and most people will say it has to do with children being stolen from their parents. Child trafficking is so much more and the details will shock you! 

 If you are a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, or anyone who loves kids, you need to know all the information about what child trafficking is and how you can help raise awareness about the prevalence of trafficking. The Sound of Freedom is an important film about what child trafficking is. It is a film that everyone needs to watch. 

Sound of Freedom is a powerful new film from Angel Studios (The Chosen, His Only Son) based on an incredible true story! 

 Sound of Freedom is an important film to bring your older children, friends, small group, and more to this July 4th week. Everyone needs to see this film!

 I had the privilege to view Sound of Freedom and it was a movie that I will never forget. The movie opened my eyes to discover how millions of kids around the world are taken away from their parents and sold into a dark world that no child should ever have to experience. Watching these kids being sold into sex slavery is so wrong!

 Learning about how these children are ripped apart from their parents is eye-opening. These parents did nothing wrong and were tricked into giving their kids away through something as simple as signing their kids up for acting lessons. 

Together we can propel a movement that will save millions of kids around the world.

Synopsis: Sound of Freedom, based on an incredible true story, shines a light on even the darkest of places. After rescuing a young boy from ruthless child traffickers, a federal agent learns the boy’s sister is still captive and decides to embark on a dangerous mission to save her. With time running out, he quits his job and journeys deep into the Colombian jungle, putting his life on the line to free her from a fate worse than death.

Buy tickets today to see Sound of Freedom in theaters starting July 4th! ~ You can find showtimes at https://www.angel.com/tickets/sound-of-freedom ~ New theaters are added daily.

Angel Studio’s goal for Sound of Freedom is for two million people to go see the film in theaters the week of July 4 to remember the two million children who are trafficked every year. #2MillionFor2Million 

Watch The Sound of Freedom | Theatrical Trailer for July 4 | Angel Studios

~ Disclaimer: This film is rated PG-13 and has highly mature subject matter, but everything is shown in as tasteful and honorable a way as possible

Angel Studios wants everyone to see this movie

~ If the price of the ticket is keeping you from going - generous fans have Paid it Forward tens of thousands of free tickets for you to be able to see the film during opening week. You can get a free ticket at angel.com/freetickets

~ You can help pay for other people's tickets - to come to the film at angel.com/freedom this helps us reach our goal of #2MillionFor2Million to help end child trafficking.

Buy tickets today to see Sound of Freedom in theaters starting July 4th! ~ You can find showtimes at https://www.angel.com/tickets/sound-of-freedom 

#SoundOfFreedomMIN #SoundofFreedomMovie #MomentumInfluencerNetwork


Want to win tickets to see Sound of Freedom? Enter to win for a chance to win 2 free tickets to see Sound of Freedom. The giveaway starts June 28th and ends July 5th. Enter on the giveaway form below. Note: This is limited to US winners only.

5 Tips To Balance Work and Play With Your Child


 Having and maintaining a healthy work-life balance is always essential, but when ADHD symptoms 6-year-old appear in your child, the importance reaches a crucial point. Children with ADHD need extra support and attention.

 For a professional, setting aside time is challenging, but your child needs routine and extra time with mom or dad. If you are struggling to find ways to balance work and play with your little one, you are not alone. Thankfully, focusing on five tips can improve the balance and your relationship with your child.

1. Prioritize Quality Time

 The first and most challenging aspect of raising a little one is prioritizing quality time. While nothing likely brings you greater joy than spending one-on-one time with your child, balancing professional obligations with personal ones is challenging.

 Many people feel that personal needs take a backseat to professional needs because the professional support the personal, but that is faulty logic. Yes, your job provides money that allows you to keep a roof over your head and food in your belly, but it does not always contribute to mental well-being.

2. Find Common Activities

 Parents should try to balance their schedules with their children's routines. The easiest way to do this is to set aside regular meal times, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Many parents are not home for lunch, so it is enough to schedule breakfast and dinner together as a family.

 Also, children will usually have homework after school, and parents often have several tasks they must take care of after work. Take the time together to perform these tasks simultaneously so that you can all take the rest of the evening off when you're finished.

3. Define a Schedule

  Whether your child is taking over-the-counter medication for child or something else for anxiety or ADHD, their symptoms will still flare up from time to time. The best thing you can do for a child with ADHD is define a schedule. Routines help your little one manage their symptoms.

 A schedule is also helpful to the professional parent. Keeping a calendar makes it easier to ensure you are present at all of the crucial moments for your child.

4. Embrace Meal Prep and Simple Recipes

You don't want to come home and spend another hour in the kitchen preparing dinner when you work long hours. The cooking takes away from time you could be with your children.

Meal prep and simple recipes can help you limit your time in the kitchen during the week. Also, if a recipe is simple enough, you can invite your children to help you cook, creating an opportunity for ​quality time.

5. Learn To Live With Guilt

 No matter what you do, you will likely never feel like you spend enough time with your children; it is a typical concern and belief among working parents. All you need to know is that any time you spend with your children is quality time, which means the world to them.

 For children with anxiety or ADHD, check out natural anxiety relief for kids and OTC options. Also, balance your work schedule to be home and play more often. Contact a local counselor or mental health professional for more tips about balancing work and life.​

Yosuda Rowing Machine Review For Full Body Workout

 Are you looking for an affordable at-home exercise machine that is great for a full-body workout? You need to check out the Yosuda Rowing Machine. This rower is comparable to a gym rower and gave me awesome fitness results. 

Update ~ I have owned this rower for a year and use it 3X a week. I have had no issues with it and still love using it for a great workout.

 Six months ago, I had the desire to do some body toning on my back and my core. Looking in the mirror and at photos, I saw that my back and my core lacked muscles and definition. So I did some online searching to see what exercises and exercise machines help build muscle in your back and stomach. 

 My online fitness search results showed that the best exercise for building back muscles was lifting weights. I discovered that the best exercise machine for back muscles was the rower machine. So I decided to incorporate the rowing machine into my gym exercise routine to tone my back muscles and added some additional weight lifting exercises to build muscle on my back.

 While some folks at the gym focus more on building muscles and not cardio, I am a person who likes speed. I like to perform cardio exercises that also build muscles. I like to do HIIT. The need for speed may be the reason that it took me a long time to add strength exercises to my workout routine. So the rower was the perfect gym machine to help me shape my back muscles.

Benefits of Using a Rowing Machine

 Since I was receiving allergy shots, I was using the gym for my exercise instead of running outside. I started using the rower at my local gym last year and gave myself 6 months to see if it made a difference before I invested in a home rowing machine. For six months, I did 20 minutes 5 days a week on the gym rower. I liked how the rower gave me a full-body workout. I was able to get my cardio exercise by using my legs, arms, core, and back muscles. Did you know that a rowing machine uses 86 percent of the muscles in your body?

The Benefits Of Using A Rowing Machine 

 After using the rower for a couple of weeks, I started to notice my back was getting toned with some muscles. I even started to see muscles forming on my stomach and even my thighs. That was all the encouragement that I needed to keep using the gym rowing machine. I then made the decision that I needed to buy a rower for my home gym, as it would be great to use after I ran outside.

 Rowing can help develop strength in individual body parts such as the arms, legs, and core, improve cardiovascular health, increase endurance, and even burn calories.  It is also a low-impact exercise and great for all levels of fitness.

Yosuda Magnetic Rowing Machine Gives a Full Body Workout

 Since I did not have much space in my home gym, I was hesitant to buy a rower for the home. The one that I was using at the gym was 95 inches in length. The price of the gym rower was also holding me back as it was quite expensive. Then I received an offer from Yosuda Bikes to try out their exercise equipment. Since I already owned a studio cycle, I decided to review the YOSUDA H-185 Rowing Machine.

What I liked about the rower from Yosuda was the size. This rower was 70 inches in length compared to the gym rower of 95 inches. So it would fit in my gym space at home. I also liked that it could fold up when not in use. Since my home gym is also used as a playroom for my grandchildren, that was a good feature.

The Yosuda Rower is Easy to Assemble

The Yosuda rower machine was easy to assemble. It can with easy-to-read instructions and my teen son put the rower together in 20 minutes. I watched my son build the rower and I knew that I would have no problems assembling the rower if I had to do it myself. My son likes building things so I let him have the fun. 

 Once my son assembled the rower, it was ready to use. I let my son try the rower first since he did all the work. My son is 6 feet 2 inches and was able to row comfortably on the rower. The Yosuda  Magnetic rower can accommodate rowers up to 6'6" and 350 pounds. My son had never used a rower machine before but he quickly learned how to use a rower machine. My son was enjoying the rowing machine.

The Yosuda Magnetic Rowing Machine Is Easy To Fold

 Once my son finished rowing, he showed me how to fold the rower. It was simple to fold up the rower. I just had to remove a pin and untwist a knob. When folded the rower was 28.7''L 19.3''W and fit perfectly in the corner of the room. The wheels on the rower made it easy to move.

Adjustable Magnetic Resistance

 The YOSUDA Rower H-185 is a magnetic rowing machine. This means it utilizes magnets and a metal flywheel to generate resistance. The YOSUDA Rowing Machine generates very little noise because the magnets never actually make contact with the flywheel. Magnetic rowing machines tend to be among the quietest types of rowers. You can easily watch TV, listen to music, or carry on a conversation while rowing. 

 The YOSUDA Rower includes 16 various levels of difficulty. Since I have been rowing for 6 months on an air rower, I was not sure if the adjustable magnetic resistance would give me an intense workout. I quickly learned that the magnetic resistance gave me an intense workout. I liked that I could focus on my cardio with the resistance at level 8 and do intense strength exercises at level 16. My core muscles got an intense workout at level 16! It was like rowing through the mud.

Includes a Tablet Holder

 The rower included a tablet holder. Since I have a ifit membership, I could utilize the ift app while rowing. I liked that I could join in on studio rower workouts to guide my rower workouts. I could also watch a movie on my tablet while I was rowing. So that is a handy feature to have on a rower.

Monitor/Control Panel

 The YOSUDA Rower H-185 comes with a small, simple monitor built into the housing. With the Scan button, you can set the display to rotate between all the metrics, letting you see the details without having to stop your rowing. The monitor displays the basic workout data:

+ Distance

+ Calories

+ Stroke Count

+ Total Count

+ Time

Quality of The Yosunda Rower

 The YOSUDA Magnetic Rowing Machine is built using heavy-duty commercial-quality alloy steel, which gives it a very solid and sturdy frame. The rower is very stable and is easy to make level with adjustable feet on both ends of the rower.


I think my favorite feature of the Yosuda Rower is the comfortable seat. The seat cushion is ergonomically designed so my tushie stays put while I row, unlike the flat seat of the gym rower. I never have to adjust my body while I am rowing with this rower seat. When I use the rower at the gym, I am constantly adjusting my body as it has a flat seat.

 The foot pedals have a non-slip texture with adjustable straps and are large to fit even my son's big feet. My son wears a size 12 in shoes. The handlebar of the rower also felt comfortable to use and my sweaty hands did not slip.

The whole family is enjoying the Yosuda Rower

 The whole family has been enjoying the rower. My other teen son has been using the rowing machine almost every night. My teen has been working on building muscles so the rower has become a part of his fitness routine. My son likes the resistance on the rower and alternates between levels to get both cardio and strength.

 The rower is stored upstairs in a room above the family room. I love that it is a quiet machine. When my son is working out, my husband is downstairs watching TV. The rower does not interfere with my husband's TV time, in fact, he can't even hear my son exercising.  

An Affordable Rower

 What I like best about the Yosuda Rowing Machine is the price. Right now this affordable magnetic rower is priced at around $300. That is cheaper than a gym membership. This rower does not take up much space so I have my rower in a corner of my home fitness room. While it can fold up, I decided to not fold it up. That way I can use it after I run outside, for my core and strength exercises. When the grandchildren visit, I can easily fold the rower up and move it into my bedroom.

Yosuda Has a Full Line of Exercise Equipment

 If rowing is not your preferred method of exercise, Yosuda has many other types of affordable exercise machines. From bikes to ellipticals and treadmills, Yosuda even has under-the-desk bikes. Yosuda makes at-home exercise affordable, so you can't use that as your excuse for not exercising.

Buy Yosuda Exercise Equipment for the Home Here 

6 Professional Tips For People Looking To Get Into Shape

 Embarking on a fitness journey is an endeavor that requires dedication, knowledge, and a well-rounded approach. Whether you aim to shed pounds, improve overall fitness, or build a muscular physique, setting yourself up for success is crucial. In this comprehensive blog post, we will delve deeper into six professional tips to help you kickstart your fitness journey. With a focus on clear goals, professional guidance, nutrition, varied exercises, consistency, and rest and recovery, you'll be on the path to achieving your desired fitness level. Let's explore each tip in detail.

Set Clear and Attainable Goals

 To begin your fitness journey, it is important to establish clear and attainable goals. Start by defining what you want to achieve, whether it's losing a specific amount of weight, completing a challenging race, or gaining strength and muscle tone. By setting realistic goals, you can create a focused and measurable plan of action. Breaking down your long-term goals into smaller milestones allows you to track progress and celebrate achievements along the way. This approach keeps you motivated and provides a sense of accomplishment as you move closer to your ultimate fitness objectives.

Prioritize Nutrition

 While exercise is vital, nutrition plays a pivotal role in shaping your physique and overall well-being. It's important to focus on consuming a well-balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods. Incorporate lean proteins such as chicken, fish, tofu, or beans, along with whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, and whole wheat products. Fill your plate with a colorful assortment of fruits and vegetables, which provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Additionally, include healthy fats from sources like avocados, nuts, and olive oil. Staying hydrated is also crucial, so make sure to drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day. Avoid falling for fad diets and instead strive for sustainable lifestyle changes that promote long-term health and support your fitness goals.

Use the Right Supplements

 Supplements can be a great way to supplement your nutrition program and may help you meet your dietary needs. However, it's important to select the right supplements for your unique goals. For instance, if you are looking to gain muscle mass, consider adding whey protein powder or branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) to support a high-protein diet plan. If you want to burn fat more quickly, adding green tea extract or caffeine can help boost metabolism and energy levels. The popular supplement creatine is also known to have numerous benefits, including improving muscle strength and power output. And while supplements can be helpful for many individuals, it's important to talk to your doctor or a nutritionist first before starting any supplement regimen as they may not be suitable for everyone.

Incorporate Both Cardiovascular and Strength Training

 To achieve a well-rounded level of fitness, it is important to incorporate both cardiovascular and strength training exercises into your routine. Cardiovascular exercises, such as running, swimming, or cycling, elevate your heart rate, improve cardiovascular health, boost endurance, and aid in weight loss. These exercises engage large muscle groups and help burn calories, contributing to overall fat loss. On the other hand, strength training exercises, such as weightlifting or bodyweight exercises, help build lean muscle mass, increase strength, and improve overall body composition. Engaging in resistance training not only enhances physical performance but also boosts metabolism, as muscle requires more energy to maintain than fat. Balancing these two types of exercises will provide a comprehensive approach to achieving optimal fitness and reaching your desired goals.

Stay Consistent and Practice Discipline

 Consistency is the foundation of any successful fitness journey. Design a workout schedule that suits your lifestyle and commit to it. Treat exercise as a non-negotiable appointment with yourself, just like any other important commitment. Consistency breeds results, so even on days when motivation is lacking, sticking to your routine is essential. Keep in mind that results don't happen overnight; progress may be gradual. Embrace the journey and celebrate small victories along the way to maintain motivation. By practicing discipline and staying consistent, you will develop habits that become integral parts of your daily life, ensuring long-term success in achieving and maintaining your desired fitness level.

Prioritize Rest and Recovery

 While dedication and consistency are important, it is equally crucial to prioritize rest and recovery. Allowing your body ample time to recover is essential for avoiding burnout, reducing the risk of injury, and maximizing your overall performance. Incorporate rest days into your training schedule to give your muscles and joints time to repair and rebuild. During these rest days, engage in gentle activities like stretching or yoga to promote flexibility and aid in recovery. Proper sleep is also vital for your body's recovery processes, so ensure you are getting adequate restful sleep each night. If needed, consider techniques like foam rolling or massages to alleviate muscle tension and promote recovery. Remember, a well-rested body is a stronger and healthier body, ready to tackle the challenges of your fitness journey.

Embarking on a fitness journey is an exciting and transformative endeavor. By implementing these six professional tips – setting clear goals, seeking professional guidance, prioritizing nutrition, incorporating varied exercises, staying consistent, and allowing for proper rest and recovery – you can establish a solid foundation for achieving your desired fitness level. Remember that everyone's journey is unique, so listen to your body, stay motivated, and enjoy the process of becoming a healthier and stronger version of yourself. With determination, patience, and a holistic approach, you're well on your way to reaching your fitness goals and embracing a lifelong commitment to your well-being. Here's to your success!

DOWAN Serving Bowls Are Perfect For Summer Entertaining

 This set of 2 Stunning Ceramic Bowls is perfect for summer entertaining. The vibrant bold colors will impress your guests.

Summer is here and it is the perfect time for outdoor parties and cookouts. Now is the time to update your dinnerware and invest in some new serving bowls. Don't just buy just any type of serving bowl but take a look at these large deep versatile bowls from Dowan.

 These salad bowls are the perfect addition to any modern kitchen, adding a pop of color and style to your dinnerware collection. The bowls are wide and perfect for serving large quantities of food. Just think of the possibilities of what you can use for these beautiful large bowls for. From fruit salad to pasta and even for summer side dishes. You will love these Dowan large serving dishes.

Dishes that are meant to be seen

 Dowan ceramic bowls are just as attractive as functional. When the bowls are not being used for your favorite Strawberry Basil Lime Watermelon Salad, they will look good being displayed in your kitchen. The bowls can be used to hold fruit for snacking or as a cloth napkin holder. 

Food ideas for the colorful serving bowls

~ Fruit salad

~ Pasta with sauce

~ Soup

~ Potato salad

~ Pho

~ Roasted vegetables

From food prep to mixing bowls to serving platters

From food prep to mixing bowls to serving platters, these bowls are built to last. They are ideal for everyday use to your fanciest party. 

~ Chip Resistant

~  Stain-resistant

~ Dishwasher Safe

~ Microwave Safe

~ Oven Safe

~ Healthy Porcelain Quality

~ Food Prep 

~Mixing Bowls

Dowan serving bowls make great housewarming gifts or holiday gifts

~ Fill them with cookies

~ Add a kitchen towel, kitchen tools, and more

~ Fill them with ingredients to make a recipe

~ Place a fresh loaf of homemade bread, cover with a new dish towel and a pretty bowl

DOWAN Makes Daily Use and Entertaining Serving Bowls

+ Large Serving bowls ~ Perfect for fruit salad, pasta, soup, and more.

+ Colorful Featuring vibrant colors and intricate geometric patterns~ can be used in the microwave, oven, freezer, and dishwasher. 

+ Safe and Sturdy Ceramic ~ Lead-free, Non-toxic, Plastic-free, Eco-friendly

+ Affordable for All ~ Available in many styles and colors ~ Check out their 30% off page for some amazing deals on plates, bowls, and more. 

+ Use code DOWAN100 to save 15% on these awesome 22-ounce bowls and other amazing products!

Start planning your summer Barbecue

 Now is the time to say yes to summer parties and yes to new serving bowls. Dowan large serving bowls are affordable and made to impress. They will look awesome on your dinner table and bring a smile to your face every time you use them. These bowls are perfect for anyone who loves to entertain or just wants to add some color and style to their daily routine. They're not only stylish but also practical and durable, making them a great investment for any household.

Check out these summer recipes to serve in these bowls

Vegan Strawberry Basil Lime Watermelon Salad

~ Beet Hummus

Roasted Rainbow Brussels Sprouts

Afghani Rice

Roasted Tomatoes Made In The Air Fryer

Roasted Red Pepper Eggs Skillet Dish

DOWAN Utensil Holder Helps Your Organize Your Kitchen

 Looking to better organize your kitchen? Discover an amazing large utensil holder that is made for plenty of storage.

 Your kitchen is a place where the living happens. It is the room where your family spends a lot of time. The kitchen is also the place where entertaining happens. From the time you wake up and eat breakfast to that late-night snack, we spend a lot of time in the kitchen. The kitchen is the heart of the home.

 So it makes sense that you would want your kitchen to look nice. We all want our kitchen to be a place that brings a smile to everyone's faces when they are in there. So you decorate the kitchen to make it look special. Decorating the kitchen is the easy part. Keeping the kitchen clean and clutter-free is the hard part. The key to a clean, clutter-free kitchen starts with kitchen organization.

An organized kitchen is such a vital part of a well-run home

 Often, a lack of storage space can create a mess in your kitchen, making it a frustrating place to create meals in. One of the most frustrating places in the kitchen to keep organized is the utensil storage drawer. You try hard to keep all your spoons and cooking utensils organized in a kitchen drawer but over time it gets cluttered. When it comes time to make a meal, you can never find the spatula that you need to make something as simple as pancakes. So you give up and order takeout. 

Are you ready to take back your kitchen? 

 Are you ready to create an organized system that will get you back to enjoying your kitchen? Creating a kitchen that can be functional can be as simple as buying a utensil holder. Having a storage place to hold all your kitchen serving utensils can make cooking a joy again. 

 The Dowan Farmhouse Utensil Holder brings a nostalgic feeling and old-school taste to your home decor, all while giving you a place to put all your kitchen utensils. This large utensil holder has plenty of space for spoons, spatulas, whisks, and more. Having all your utensils in a storage organizer can free up space in that kitchen drawer. Being able to reach for your cooking items can also free up space on your kitchen counters.

Dowan Extra Large Utensil Holder  

~ Can Keep Your Kitchen Clutter-Free

~ A Convenient Solution for Overflowing Kitchen Drawers and Countertop Clutter

~ This utensil crock is deep and large enough to hold more than 20 cooking utensils

~  The utensil holder has a "lazy susan" 360° Rotating Base so you can quickly spin the bucket to find the tool you need.

~ Weighted Bottom to not tip over

~ Lead-free, Non-toxic, Plastic-free, Eco-friendly

~ Rust-proof and easy to clean

~ Multiple Uses ~ this versatile kitchen utensil holder can also be used as a planter, vase, or even a wine freezer, making it the perfect addition to any farmhouse kitchen decor.

~  Makes a perfect gift for any home chef or kitchen enthusiast

DOWAN Makes Daily Use Tableware

+ Discover ceramic tableware suitable for your daily use. 

+ Tableware sets made of sturdy porcelain. 

+ Can be safely used in the freezer, microwave, and oven

+ Colorful Featuring vibrant colors and intricate geometric patterns

+ Safe and Sturdy Ceramic ~ Lead-free, Non-toxic, Plastic-free, Eco-friendly

+ Affordable for All ~ Available in many styles and colors ~ Check out their 30% off page for some amazing deals on plates, bowls, and more. 

+ Use code DOWAN100 to save 15% on this awesome Extra Large Utensil Holder and other amazing products!

Check out other ways to organize your kitchen

~ Affordable Pantry Organization

Creating an Organized Refrigerator 

The Best Way To Organize Spices 

How To Solve The Kitchen Junk Drawer Problem

Why Treating Skin Problems is Vital for Maintaining Optimal Health

 The importance of taking care of our skin cannot be overstated. Not only can common skin problems like dryness, acne, and dermatitis cause discomfort and affect our physical appearance, but they can also affect our overall health. While some may think that simply treating the symptoms is enough to improve their condition, many more fail to realize that addressing the underlying causes of their skin issues will lead to lasting improvements in not just how we look but in how we feel as well. 

 To understand why treating skin problems is so important for maintaining optimal health, let’s take a closer look at what goes on beneath the surface.

Understand the Importance of Skin Health

 Skin is the largest organ of our body and plays a crucial role in protecting us from external harm. It acts as a barrier to harmful bacteria, viruses, and chemicals. It also helps regulate our body temperature and excretes waste through sweat. Therefore, it is imperative to take skin health seriously and avoid neglecting it. Unhealthy skin can lead to various skin problems, including infections, allergies, and even skin cancer. 

 To maintain healthy skin, we need to adopt healthy habits like eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, protecting our skin from UV rays, and keeping it clean. It is essential to understand that taking care of our skin is not just about looking good but also about our overall well-being. Therefore, we should give skin health the attention and care it deserves.

Recognize Common Signs of Skin Problems

 When it comes to our skin, sometimes it can be difficult to decipher what's normal and what's not. That's where recognizing common signs of skin problems comes in handy. Blemishes, rashes, and other irritations can all be indicators that something isn't quite right with your skin. These issues can arise for a variety of reasons, such as allergies, hormonal imbalances, or even stress. Being aware of these signs can help you catch potential skin problems early on, allowing you to take the necessary steps to treat them before they become more severe. If you have rosacea, light therapy for rosacea can be a great option to help you manage it . Or if you want to get rid of dark spots on the butt there are several effective remedies and practices you can try, of course after consulting with your doctor. So, keep a watchful eye on your skin and consult with a dermatologist if you notice any persistent issues.

Learn how to Identify Potential Causes for Skin Issues

 Skin issues can be frustrating and even painful to deal with, but identifying their potential causes can help you find a solution. Allergies, environmental factors, and genetics are all possible culprits behind common skin problems. Allergies can cause rashes, hives, and itching, while environmental factors like pollutants and UV radiation can lead to dry and damaged skin. Genetics can also play a role in skin issues, as certain conditions may be hereditary. By understanding these potential causes, you can take steps to prevent and treat your skin issues and achieve healthier, happier skin.
Explore Ways to Treat Different Types of Skin Problems

 Dryness, acne, and eczema are all issues that can affect both our physical appearance and our mental well-being. Fortunately, there are many ways to treat these conditions and restore our skin's health. For dryness, it's important to keep the skin hydrated with the right moisturizers and avoid harsh soaps that can strip away natural oils. Acne can be controlled with topical treatments, such as salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, and a balanced diet that limits sugar and dairy. 

 Eczema may require a more specialized approach, such as prescription ointments or avoiding certain triggers like harsh chemicals and environmental irritants. It's important to remember that every individual's skin is unique, so finding the right treatment may require some trial and error. Nonetheless, with the right approach, healthy skin is within reach.

The Benefits of Regular Visits with a Dermatologist to Maintain Optimal Health

Your skin is your body's largest organ, which is why it's so crucial to take good care of it. While daily skincare rituals are important, sometimes we need a bit of extra support to ensure that our skin stays in tip-top condition. Regular visits to a dermatologist can provide just that. Dermatologists are trained to identify any skin issues and provide professional guidance on the best practices for caring for your skin. They can help you develop a personalized skincare routine, offer advice on the best products to use, and even identify potential skin cancer risks. By prioritizing regular visits to a dermatologist, you're not only taking care of your skin but also investing in your overall health and well-being.

 It is vital to understand the importance of treating skin problems to maintain optimal health. With these tips, we hope you will be able to treat existing skin conditions successfully and also protect yourself from future issues by understanding the basics of what can contribute to skin irritation and imbalances.

God’s Country Song Is The Perfect Movie For Fathers Day

 Looking for a movie to watch? “God’s Country Song” is a heartfelt movie about what it means to be a father. Even if you are not a father, you will enjoy watching this faith-based movie.

Many thanks to Pure Flix for providing a sample of the product for this review. My opinions are 100% my own.

  Being a father is a tough job and can be even more difficult when you become an instant father to an older child. Most fathers have 9 months to prepare themselves for fatherhood but Noah had only a couple days to become a father when he received a notice that he had a child from a past relationship. 

 “God’s Country Song” is an emotional movie about second chances and the main actor in this film, Noah received his 2nd chance after accepting to become a dad to a son that he did not know about. Noah became a dad when a lawyer contacted him about taking a paternity test to see if he was the father of a child who was in foster care. The test revealed that Noah was the father to a little boy who had just lost his mother and he had to decide if he was going to do the right thing.

Family reminds you what is important

“God’s Country Song” is a heartfelt movie on what it means to be a father and place your family before your ambitions. Watch as Noah rediscovers his faith, reconnects with his own father, and follows God’s plan for his life.

Watch God’s Country Song exclusively on Pure Flix starting June 16th!

 Noah is a country music star on the rise. Living life in the fast lane, he’s focused on his music, drinking, and fame. While Noah wants to be a father to a little boy whose mother just passed away, he does not know how to be a dad. 

 Noah's dream of becoming a country music star is shattered when he discovers that being a dad takes more than just loving someone. Noah has to make some tough choices and one of them is asking for forgiveness from his own dad, who he abandoned many years ago.


 Only God knows if Noah can be the man and father he’s meant to be. Will Noah stop chasing selfish dreams, heal broken relationships and start down God's path for his future? Will Noah be the man that he needs to be?

Featuring: Justin Gaston, Mariel Hemingway, John Laughlin, Christopher Michael, Justene Alpert, JJ Miller, Coffey Anderson.

“God’s Country Song” is a story about what can happen when we follow the dreams of the world instead of seeking God’s will and how family and faith can set us on the right path.

 This is a powerful movie that reminds us that we need to seek God's will when making life choices. It also reminds us that no one is perfect and we all make mistakes. When we learn to forgive and ask for forgiveness, we may discover God's purpose and plan. 

Watch the God’s Country Song ~ Trailer Link

Pure Flix Streaming Services Are The Best

 I love having a Pure Flix subscription as that means I can watch the best faith-based movies and shows like God's Country Song and an Unlikely AngeI. If you are frustrated with the selection of shows for families on network television, then you need to check out Pure Flix streaming services. Pure Flix has a huge amount of family shows and movies for families. You will love the variety of the selection of entertainment that can be enjoyed by the whole family. No longer will you have to hold the remote while watching tv with your kids.

 I signed up for Pure Flix last year and I am glad that I did. I always find something that I enjoy watching on the Pure Flix streaming website. When I am in the mood for a movie, I quickly find a movie to watch. Even my teen son discovers movies to watch on Pure Flix. Pure Flix also has plenty of shows that the whole family can enjoy.

 Pure Flix is your home for faith and family-friendly movies and shows that you can confidently stream with the entire family. With new premium and exclusive original entertainment choices every week, you can strengthen your faith and family with Pure Flix – a streaming service that inspires, uplifts, and entertains.

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Giveaway ~ 3-month Pure Flix subscription 

  Pure Flix is giving away one 3-month Pure Flix subscription to one lucky Mom Knows Best reader. The giveaway is limited to US winners only. The giveaway starts on June 14th, 2023, and ends on June 22nd, 2023. To enter the giveaway ~ enter on the giveaway form below.

Note: This is limited to US winners only, and only to those who have NOT won a Pure Flix subscription in the last 6 months from this website or any other website. 

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