>U Mom Knows Best: We Got a Double Blessing!

We Got a Double Blessing!

Yesterday my husband and I met up with his mom and dad to buy them a new TV. We first decided to eat at Burger King for lunch. Mike's dad was coaxing his wife to eat a little bit faster so we could go shopping. It was good that she is a slow eater because as we were waiting,Craig from church walked in to get a drink. He stopped to talk and we told him about how Mike's dad's Tv broke after 25 years and we were helping him shop to get a new one. Craig then left to go to the church office. When Mike's mom finished eating and we heading out the door,Mike's phone rang. It was Craig saying that church had a TV to offer to Mike's dad. That was blessing number one as Mike's dad just saved 300.00. We picked up the TV and it had a DVD player and VCR in the TV. That was great as now Mike's dad no longer needed his VCR. Blessing number two was that my boys got a VCR player from grandpa and they are now enjoying movies on VHS they have not seen for over a year when our VCR died. This Monday is going to be a wonderful day. My boys have no school and will be enjoying their "new" VCR player. I love how God works!

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Mom knows best