>U Mom Knows Best: If You Want A Healthy Body Then Get Naked

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

If You Want A Healthy Body Then Get Naked

I love getting naked in the morning. Now before you start looking for a picture of me in the buff, I am talking about my smoothies being naked and not me.   I am talking about protein powders that are 100% protein and nothing else.


I love using protein powders in my morning smoothie. I find that consuming protein in the morning helps me have start my day off in a great way. The protein in my smoothie not only gives my muscles their protein, but it also helps to keep me full until lunch which mean less snacking. When I make my smoothie I make it with wholesome natural ingredients like fruits, veggies, protein powder, and various supplements like flax meal, matcha, probiotics, and iron. My kids make fun of my smoothies, but it does not bother me as I know my smoothie is loaded with great nutrition. I like my smoothie to be all natural and the last thing I need in it is chemicals or sugar. Did you know that some protein powders have artificial sweeteners in them? Artificial sweeteners are chemicals and I don't want that in my body. I like to use protein powders that are 100% protein and nothing else.

     I recently discovered Naked Nutrition protein powder. I love that they make a protein powder that is 100% protein with nothing to hide. I also love that they have many types of protein powders to suit all types of diets. I try to follow a vegetarian diet so I was happy to see that they make protein powders from peas and rice. For folks who want their protein to come from dairy sources, they offer protein powders made from whey, casein and goats milk. The best thing is that their protein powders do not contain any added sugars, fillers or artificial sweeteners. My smoothie can taste like the fruits and veggies that I use. I find that using one cup of fruit in my smoothie gives me plenty of sweetness. 

Naked Nutrition has nothing to hide when it comes to protein powders. They offer protein powders that are made from one ingredient and nothing else. Their powders are also 

                                                                       GMO Free
                                                                      Soy Free
                                                                      Gluten Free
                                               Growth Hormone Free, no rGBH or rBST

   The nice folks at Naked nutrition sent me a sample box of their protein powders so I could try them. Every Sunday I usually make my smoothies for the week, it makes weekday mornings easier. Some weeks I use the same fruits and veggies for all my smoothies and other weeks I use different depending on what I have in the fridge, I made this week's smoothies with spinach and pineapple along with my supplements. I then put a different package of Naked Nutrition into each smoothie. The cool thing is each smoothie tasted them same, delicious as the protein powder allowed my pineapple and spinach flavor to shine and not a artificial sweet flavor.

So if you want to get naked with 100% protein powder, then check out Naked Nutrition. You can also purchase the above sample pack to see which protein powder is best for you.


"These opinions are my own and I received the above mentioned product to facilitate this review."


Masshole Mommy said...

I don't get enough protein in my diet, so I will try this.

Gina @ MoneywiseMoms said...

I already do a morning smoothie, but I didn't know there was anything else in my protein powder. Thanks for the heads up!

The Shopping Duck said...

I have never heard of these before but I will definitely check them out now. I am always needing a boost of protein.

Ana De-Jesus said...

Wow this sounds like a great buy and I love that it is made from natural ingredients. When something is pumped full of chemicals it can have an effect on the immune system.

B is 4 said...

Haha, that's a catchy brand name! I love that these contain all protein. I need to drink smoothies more and these sound like a healthy way to go.

PatriceMFoster.com said...

The brand NAKED never heard of them ...Protein drinks for smoothie sounds like a healthy plan for this year.

Daughters said...

Very interesting, granted I am not much of a protein shake drinker. Will for sure bear it in mind should that change.

Unknown said...

Never heard of NAKED before but it does sound very healthy. I need to loose some weight this upcoming year so this may be the jump start I need.

Unknown said...

i have heard of Naked juice i haven't heard of the naked protein powder before i'll have to check it out

Rika said...

I love naked products with all natural ingredients and pure! Simple better and safer

Elizabeth O. said...

I'm down for anything that's all natural! It's really nice to have more products like this.

Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said...

I'm not a fan of whey products. I'd rather get protein from real food.

Liz Mays said...

This is great for people who don't eat a lot of meat. I'd consider this for sure!

Unknown said...

I have never heard of these before. I will have to check them out.

mail4rosey said...

My son and his wife make a smoothie every morning. They'd love these packets!

MyTeenGuide said...

I haven't tried adding protein powder to my smoothies. Naked sounds like a great products. I want to try it.

Mardene said...

Protein is so important, yet so many of us do not get enough of it....great post

Love, Mrs. Mommy said...

This looks great, I love it! Thank you for sharing!

Ickle Pickle said...

I do love smoothies - these look great, I have never tried protein powder before. Kaz

Louise said...

We love our smoothies but have never thought to put protein powder in them before!!X

DerrickMeister said...

These are all new foods to me. I'm strictly a all-preservative unhealthy type of eater. The damage is irreparable.

Unknown said...

Very interesting. I should try these, Really sound great :) Thanks for sharing these to us.

Eileen said...

I Love protein smoothies!! I also make mine on Sunday for the week. I am going to try the Naked proteins, I have one now that leaves an after taste, I bet these will be delicious

Simple Mama At Home said...

I love smoothies. They are so easy to make and full of vitamins and nutrients.

Anonymous said...

I always use protein in my smoothies! I find that sometimes Whey and Soy can bother my stomach so it's great to see other options like Pea (my favourite!) and Rice! I'll definitely have to check into these :)

CourtneyLynne said...

I definitely need more protein in my diet!! I will have to check this out!

Mom's Magical Miles Archive said...

Thanks for the suggestion! I am a distance runner and I like to make protein smoothies after my runs. I'll have to look into this!

Unknown said...

I've been looking for ways to incorporate more protein in my diet and this may be just what I'm looking for!

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Mom knows best