>U Mom Knows Best: Showing My Disney Side With A Celebration

Showing My Disney Side With A Celebration

  We love Disney at my house! We received a huge box of Disney items to have a celebration with and decided to share them with the Sunday school class at church. The kids at church were having a pizza party to celebrate filling up their nickle's for Jesus jar. The teacher of the class told me that she was bring pizza to the kids, so I decided to surprise her class with other goodies from my Disney box along with the paper goods. The teacher of the class was thrilled, not only for the goodies but for the paper goods, as she forgot to bring those.

My son helped me set the table with the plates, cups, and napkins. We them gave every setting goodies like pencils, nail polish ( even the boys loved these), tattoos and other fun items from the box. The Sunday school kids were thrilled for the celebration! I only took pictures of before the party as I did not want to take pictures of the kids without the parents permission. 

Here are the items I received in my Disney Side box. The green boxes are filled with photo cards. I gave those to the Sunday school director so she could use them for badge pictures of the kids. My boys and I tried to make cupcakes with the cake mix for another party that had with Cub scouts, but they did not turn out well. Thanks Disney for the great party items!

1 comment:

Handbrewedsoaps said...

What a great idea! We love Disney at our house too and are going to surprise our kids with a trip to Disneyland. I think we are going to have to have a Disney party the night before we leave!!!! Thanks for the idea!

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Mom knows best