>U Mom Knows Best: My Motivation To Run A 5K Is ShiftCon 2016 Eco-Wellness Influence Conference

My Motivation To Run A 5K Is ShiftCon 2016 Eco-Wellness Influence Conference

Find out more about a wonderful Eco-Wellness conference that is my motivation to run faster.

     I am doing so much better with my running. My hamstring is feeling so much better and has healed enough so I started up running again. I am able to run for 3-5 minutes at a stretch and then walk for one. I hate how long after an injury that it takes my body a while to get used to running again! My muscles hurt a bit after running but my ankle has no more pain, yea! My ankle injury/tendonitis took over a year to heal but it finally is not giving me any problems. I thank great supplements and collagen for its healing. I take a daily joint supplement  and that has done wonders for my ankle problem. It also will keep that joint healthy to prevent future problems. My goal for now, is to run for longer distance. I want to get back to my five miles a day. Once I achieve that again, I will work on speed. I have about four months to get to my peak performance and be ready to run a 5K.

I am hoping that this year the fitness event at ShiftCon 2016 Eco-Wellness Influence Conference will be a 5K so I can reach my goal of running a 5K. So when you see me crossing the finish line with a big smile on my face, you will know that this is a big accomplishment for me. I hope you will be in New Orleans this December for this big healthy living event. As of right now, they are predicting 40-60 booths in their expo hall! These companies want to work with bloggers that have healthy living values, so this is a great time to network. There will also be great speakers and events at this conference. Check out the conference details here.

Check out the speaker and agenda lists here

Now do you want to save $50 off a ticket for this awesome conference? 
Then use code VMOMKNOWSBEST at checkout. These tickets are selling fast, so I would not wait. 

JP Sears will be the keynote speaker on Saturday night! So what are you waiting for? Get your ticket now!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Proud of you for doing this - I'm sure you'll do great! :)

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Mom knows best