>U Mom Knows Best: Making Lunch With Welch's Fruit Snacks Can Help Fight Child Hunger

Making Lunch With Welch's Fruit Snacks Can Help Fight Child Hunger

 A simple lunch can help fight hunger.

   When you take the time to pack a lunch with delicious Welch's Fruit Snacks you are helping fight child hunger. It is cool to know that your purchase of Welch's Fruit snacks can help children. This back-to-school season, Welch's has partnered with Feeding America, the nation's largest hunger-relief and food rescue organization. From now through October 2016 Welch's fruit Snacks has committed to provide 1 million meals to children in need.

I know my children, especially the teenager, loves the taste of Welch's Fruit Snacks. They are made with real fruit and provides 100% of the recommended daily value of vitamin C. I want to help fight hunger so I will give my children this delicious treat in their lunch box. So I will be stocking up on fruit snacks for my boy's lunches. Can Welch's count on you to help fight hunger across the country? 

What flavor of Welch's Fruit Snacks will be in your child's lunchbox?

You can even print a coupon to save $0.50 on your next purchase of Welch's Fruit Snacks Just click on the above link for more information.

"These opinions are my own and I received samples of Welch's Fruit Snacks to facilitate this post."


Buzz4Mommies said...

I love the Fedding America program! Makes me want to buy the products more!

Unknown said...

This is such a amazing program! Welch's is doing great!

Carol Cassara said...

Welch's is a tried and true brand. Plus what a great program they have here!

Denise C said...

The kids usually favor the berry flavors. Can't say I blame them!

Amy Jones said...

That's why I love Welch's, it's a reliable brand

Shannau said...

We LOVE those fruit snacks. We always always have them here for the kids.

Agnes Dela Cruz said...

My kids grew up having Welch for drinks and when we discovered Welch snack they loved it so much. And, with this advocacy to feed the hungry is a good step for the company to give back to the community. Kudos!

Unknown said...

I never knew that Welchs has fruit sancks. I will check these out soon.

Elizabeth O. said...

Welch is a great brand and I'm glad they have these fruit snacks now! Life will be filled with less worries knowing that we have healthy snacks like these to rely on for packed lunches or as after school snacks.

Rachel Mouton said...

I just love that Welchs is helping fight hunger. They make the best fruit snacks :)

Ellen said...

My kids love these. I really like that they're helping Feeding America.

Liz Mays said...

I'm so glad they're doing this. Also, the kids love these!

B is 4 said...

My kids love these fruit snacks, usually the mixed berries. What a great cause to go along with it. We will have to pick up some of these soon.

Unknown said...

We love Welch's fruit snacks! This is so amazing to know -- makes me want to buy a bunch more my next grocery run!

Unknown said...

My kids love to have Welch's fruit snacks in their lunchbox. I didn't know about this cause, but it makes me love Welch's even more!

Ana De-Jesus said...

It is amazing that Welch has the initiative to help end world hunger good on them.

alfonzowrods said...

Welch sounds awesome, brilliant initiative by them. I wish them the very best success in this endeavor

Unknown said...

This is awesome that they are working with Feeding America. Everyone needs to send in the pictures. I will definitely pick some up the next time I am at the store!

Echo aka The Mad Mommy said...

I absolutely love the Feeding America campaign! There are so many kids that need good food here!

Katy {AShadeOfTeal} said...

Welch's fruit snacks are the only fruit snacks we but since that's the only brand my daughter likes. I'm glad to know I'm helping with this campaign to fight hunger.

Anonymous said...

I very thankful for Welch. It makes it easier to pack snacks.

Unknown said...

We usually get these fruits snacks in bulk during the school year. Makes for some tasty treats for lunches.

ConciergeLibrarian said...

The thought of any child being hungry always rubs me the wrong way. There is too much food being wasted around the world for any child, any where to be hungry. This is a great venture to support

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