>U Mom Knows Best: National Nutrition Month

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

National Nutrition Month

                      What a great month to learn about nutrition!

  The whole month of March is all about nutrition as it is National Nutrition Month. This is a great month to focus on eating healthy. This healthy month is held annually by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and is a reminder of the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has an awesome website to get lots of info and great resources to learn more about nutrition. There are even great recipes, games and printouts so you can teach others about nutrition. This information is about nutrition for kids, seniors, men, ladies, and parents. I love that the site also talks about health and fitness as these go hand in hand with nutrition.

Eat Right for Your Lifestyle
There's no one diet that is right for everyone, so it's important to follow a healthful eating plan that's packed with tasty foods and that keeps your unique lifestyle in mind.

  I love the above saying as there is no one way of eating healthy. Choosing healthy food is the main thing. One of the healthy foods that my teen is eating this month is eggs. He eats four eggs and three slices of whole grain bread for dinner, several times a week. My teen is trying to gain weight and get some muscles in the process so he is eating eggs as they are packed with protein. I love that my teen knows about good nutrition, now to just get him to eat some veggies with his egg dinner. Why did he choose eggs? He chose eggs as they are an easy option for him to cook and they can be cooked in so many different ways. He also loves the way they taste. Some days he eats scrambled and other days he eats them fried.

                           I received coupons from Nestfresh to facilitate this post.

  My favorite eggs to buy come from family farms that give their birds room to roam. These birds are not kept in cages and are fed a healthy diet free of antibiotics, hormones, and harmful chemicals. I don't want those nasty things in my body so I don't want them in the eggs that my family eats.

      I also enjoy eating eggs like my teen and my favorite way to enjoy eggs is a poached egg on top of an avocado and toast. NestFresh sells many kinds of 100% cage-free eggs from Non-GMO Free Range to Pasture-Raised eggs. I love that you can choose from brown or white eggs. Did you know that the color of the egg comes from the type of bird? NestFresh Cage Free Brown Eggs are all-natural, farm fresh eggs from our happy, healthy, brown-eared hens. Cage Free White Eggs are classic NestFreshand have white shells because they come from our white-eared hens.

Eggs are so useful for baking. I do a lot of baking and I want 100% cage-free eggs in my baked goods. How do you like to use eggs?

Check out this delicious recipe for Peachy Keen Cinnamon Pancakes that I found on the NestFesh website. My teen loves making pancakes so I need to show him this recipe. Maybe he might make it for breakfast this weekend.

So celebrate National Nutrition Month and check out this awesome website that is loaded with great information to help you learn more about a healthful eating plan that is right for you.



Lena Charles said...

Starchy foods, such as bread, potato, pasta and rice. Choose wholegrain varieties of cereal-based starchy foods for added nutrients and fibre. makanan untuk penyubur

SimonaGabriele said...

Crazy how much these companies make money, you could incorporate store bought tea to your diet and save a tons!! I think Rooibos Tea could be a great option.

Joseph said...

If pressure is too high inside the cooker, the main pressure valve will release the extra pressure. The first valve become blocked there is a second valve that will relieve pressure. pressure cooker

James Anthony said...

Walking is a low-stress, low-impact form of exercise and is an excellent fat burner. It can improves the condition of your health and give you mental satisfaction.

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Mom knows best