Take the pledge to support stem and enter to win $500 worth of educational products.
I am a firm believer in STEM Education as I have seen the difference it has made in my children. My teenager has earned some wonderful scholarships and opportunities through his STEM Education. My younger boys are excited about school because of STEM Education. You can read more about all of this and discover a cool STEM toy for kids ages 5 and up over HERE. While you are discovering the cool STEM Learning toy, make sure to enter for a chance to win this 100% screen-free coding toy. Kids are never too young to learn about coding and STEM.
Why STEM Matters.
STEM skills form the backbone of a 21st-century education. That’s why Learning Resources has partnered with the Busby family, stars of TLC’s OutDaughtered, to make sure that moms and teachers across the country have the resources they need to inspire kids through science, technology, engineering, and math.
Support Your School.
According to a recent Gallup study, 90% of parents want their kids to study computer science, but only 25% of schools offer the classes. That’s where we come in. Take the I Support STEM Pledge to show your commitment to STEM education and tell us which teacher or school deserves our help the most. We’ll give five winning schools/teachers $500 worth of educational products.
How To Win
1. Pledge:
Take the pledge to show your support and nominate a teacher or school to win an awesome STEM prize!
2. Share:
Share the pledge with your friends and family. The more people who nominate your teacher or school, the higher the chances of winning!
3. Win:
On 04/30/2018, 5 randomly selected winners will receive $500 worth of educational products!
Take the I Support STEM Pledge Today!
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