>U Mom Knows Best: At Home Screening Tests With Imaware ~ No Doctor Approval Needed

At Home Screening Tests With Imaware ~ No Doctor Approval Needed

 I am an affiliate with imaware

Skip the doctor and screen for food allergies, diseases, and more

 I remember over two years ago when I started experiencing severe asthma attacks but did not yet realize that I had asthma. It all started in the summer of 2017 when my seasonal allergies got worse and I was feeling out of breath when I was exercising. My seasonal allergies were causing me to cough a lot. I thought that maybe more of the weeds that I was allergic to were growing. I also thought that getting older was the reason that I was out of breath when exercising. When fall came, the time that my outdoor allergies would normally get better, and the bad cough did not go away that I started to think ~ could this be asthma?  I started to think that I was experiencing an asthmatic cough. 

My asthma got worse

 The next year my health took a turn for the worse. I starting experiencing a real bad cough, one that made it hard to breathe. It was January so I thought that I had a bad cold. When the cough did not go away and I had to sleep sitting up, I knew something was not right with my body. This cough would leave me gasping for air and I began to question even more that I had asthma. I knew that I needed to make a doctor's appointment but at the same time, I knew that getting an appointment with a doctor could take a while. So I tried to ignore this bad asthmatic cough and started Googling things. Online searching led me to that dairy products could trigger asthma symptoms. I already was sensitive to milk and could not eat ice cream or drink milk without feeling sick to my stomach. 

 What I did not realize at that time that my use of whey-based protein powder and nightly snack of cheese and crackers was causing me to have severe asthma attacks. I, not willingly, eliminated all dairy from my diet. In a couple weeks, my cough went away. I still did not believe that I had a dairy allergy so I decided to get a food allergy blood test to determine if I was allergic to milk products. The blood test result confirmed that I was allergic to all dairy products and the cause of my severe breathing problems.  

Food allergy testing from the comfort of your home

 Back in 2018, I went to a lab to get my food allergy testing done. If it was the year 2020, I probably would have not felt safe going to a medical lab, let alone a doctor's office. Not because of the COVID virus but because of all the disinfectant products that are being used, as the chemicals trigger an asthma attack. I took my son to the dentist the other day and my asthma flared up from sitting inside the exam room for 10 minutes.   

 So I am glad that I discover a place that allows you to perform health screens from the comfort of your own home. Imaware™  sends everything that you need to safely complete a health test at home with no need to see a doctor. This at-home health testing company has tests available from allergy testing to celiac testing. They even have COVID-19 testing.    

 As you probably know, COVID-19 has forced many people to re-look at their own health and put their own metaphorical oxygen mask on first. At imaware™ they make it easy for someone to order a test and complete a test - all at home - with just a few drops of blood. Imaware is an at-home health testing company that empowers patients to put health back into their own hands.

So much more than food allergy testing

This at-home health testing company came into the market many years ago and were known for their at-home celiac disease screening test, they have since grown so much and now offer health screening tests for the following health conditions:

~ Overall baseline health tests: Women’s Health & Wellness, Men’s Health & Wellness

~ Autoimmune diseases like celiac disease and rheumatoid arthritis

~ IgE allergies (unlike the food sensitivity screenings you see that are not recommended by allergists)

~ Prostate cancer (PSA) screening

~ Baseline Heart Health and pre-diabetes testing

~ Specialized cardiovascular screening and more!

Available online at imaware, imaware™ is a convenient and reliable at-home blood testing solution. Easy-to-use collection kits and accurate online results empower you to take control of your health.

 Will I need to see a doctor?

 With imaware, there is no need for a doctor's approval. You don't see to see a doctor or have a doctor write a prescription for the health test. So there is no need to call your doctor or schedule a doctor's appointment. So you can do your health screening at home and get the results that you need without ever seeing a doctor.

What about medical insurance?  

 If you don't have medical insurance, no worries as imaware is affordable and does not use medical insurance. You order the tests you want and pay for them with a credit card, all safely online.

What will the tests tell me?

~ The easy to read and actionable lab reports will help you understand:

~ Whether you may have the condition

~ How likely you are to have the condition

~ How to engage your healthcare professional

~ How to track your health and progress over time

Get more information about imaware home screening test HERE

Is the testing accurate?

 All of the laboratories that imaware uses are based in the US and CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988) and CAP College of American Pathologists) certified. This standard ensures that lab sample processing is reviewed and audited to the highest standards.

How Does The Test Work?

 The health screening tests are easy to perform and you can do everything at home. It takes four simple tests to get the health results that you need.

1. Draw 5 drops of blood

2. Collect in the collection device

3. Secure and return the sample

4. Check your results online

My results with imaware at-home health screening

 Since I already knew that I was allergic to dairy and milk products, I had no need for additional food allergy testing. My last food blood allergy testing also confirmed that I was allergic to soy and mushrooms. So I decided to order a  Women's Health & Wellness Test to check how my overall health was. I liked that this blood test checked my vitamin D levels and cholesterol, along with many other important health conditions. I wanted to know how my health was so I could be aware of any health problems that may require me to visit a doctor.

 It was kind of easy to perform the health test and I only had to fast for 8 hours. Poking my finger with the lancet was the easy part. I had a hard time squeezing the blood out of my finger, so I am glad that the kit came with 2 lancets. After I got the blood on the device,  I sent the test packet back through UPS in a prepaid envelope. Then in 7 days, I got the results. I really liked how detailed the heath test results were. I was happy to see my test results in the comfort of my home. I discovered that my vitamin D was a healthy range, must be my daily sunshine, and the supplement that I am taking. My cholesterol was also fine as well as the other items that the test checked in my blood. These blood results encouraged me to keep up my healthy habits.

Did you know most illnesses can be prevented through proactive screening?  

But every year, millions of Americans avoid traditional lab testing because it can be costly and inconvenient. Our mission is to help everyone gain access to easy and affordable at-home tests, so together we can prevent life-altering conditions and disease.

Get more information about imaware home screening test HERE


Brianne said...

This is such a great alternative to having to go into a doctor's office. Especially now! I'm so glad I found this.

Cristina Petrini said...

Interesting and useful! In short, above all because you receive everything at home, here you find them useful! Here are the things to take care of yourself now more than ever. There is not only the covid there are many other ailments that could hurt us a lot!

The Super Mom Life said...

I'm so glad that there are more and more of these at home tests becoming available. It makes things so much more convenient.

Lynda Hogan said...

These home tests are a brilliant idea and very useful during these pandemic times. There are a few asthmatics in my family, I'd have really appreciated these when were going through the allergy test stage.

Gervin Khan said...

Wow, this is such a great help and alternatives to those people who wanted to know on what food they have allergy most especially today that most people hates to visit the hospital for their appointment.

Ryan Escat said...

Such a great product, it's so nice that such test can be done at home, no hustle especially now that it's scary to go to hospital.

Sarah M said...

Wow, This is a timely post. What would be better than testing those health conditions at home? To be honest, I have been avoiding going to the hospital.

Wren LaPorte said...

This is a really neat thing to be able to do in the comfort of your own home. Especially since we are in a pandemic, any excuse to not go in to the hospital is a good thing by me.

Nyxie said...

I've heard of this or something similar to this before. I was temped to do it myself when my doctors failed to diagnose me in 2018, but I didn't. Turns out it was only stress but I still think I have allergies to some foods.

Lyosha Varezhkina said...

great post! doing test at home seams very useful to me!

Rebecca said...

Allergies are so scary - would be helpful to be able to do these at home tests.

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Mom knows best