>U Mom Knows Best: How Probiotics Helped My Boys Stay Healthy

Monday, December 7, 2015

How Probiotics Helped My Boys Stay Healthy

     I have been taking probiotics for quite some time for good digestion.  I never seem to have any problems with my digestion and I know that my daily intake of probiotics has been the reason. Through my research I have discovered that probiotics can be beneficial for so much more than healthy digestion. I discovered that probiotics can be useful during cold season to keep one's body healthy. So I decided to give my younger boys probiotics every day to see if it can help them stay well during cold season. My boys have been taking a probiotics daily for about a month. I think the probiotics are helping him to stay well and fight colds faster.

The other night one of them complained that his throat hurt so I sent him to bed expecting to keep him home from school the next day. I know in the past when he gets sick, that means several days of coughing and a running nose. The next morning my son's throat felt better and he had a runny nose, but he felt well enough to go to school. The next day, my son's runny nose was gone and he never developed a cough. I was amazed as he never gets better that fast. Was it the probiotics he was taking? I can't be 100% sure that was the reason but research has shown that probiotics help replenish the good bacteria in our bodies which helps with our immunity. Daily probiotics don't harm the body so I will continue to give my boys a daily probiotic supplement.

   Taking probiotics everyday is easy. I just add 2 easy to swallow capsules to my daily smoothie when I make them. My sons eat breakfast a school so they take their probiotics with juice before they get on the school bus. The probiotic that my family takes is B4B Probiotics and is made by Basics4Balance. I like this probiotic as this company has test live cultures for over 50 years so they know which one s survive and thrive in people's bodies. Their formulation has 2.5 billion CFU per capsule of L. acidophilus and B. bifidum. The company says that adding other strains dilutes DDS-1 and reduces its proven effect. That is a lot of technical terms to me. The main reason I like this probiotic is that the ingredients are 100% natural. They are also vegan and contain no GMOS. For people with allergies, these probiotics contain no soy, no nuts, and no gluten. They are also made in the USA. I also love that they need no refrigeration.

For more information on how probiotics work and their benefits, visit the below link

If you already know about the great benefits of probiotics and want to purchase B4B Probiotics, then click on this link.

So tell me, do you take probiotics? How has probiotics helped you or your family?

"These opinions are my own and I received the above mentioned product in exchange for my experience."


Masshole Mommy said...

I have been debating getting some probiotics for my boys. These sound like good ones for me to start with.

B is 4 said...

I like that these are natural and do not have any GMOS. I should try these for my kids, luckily, they haven't gotten any colds yet but it's finally starting to get cold here for us and some kids we know have started getting sick so I am worried they may start catching something soon.

ConciergeLibrarian said...

Heard that they did but I have not gotten around to using it at all

Mom of Two said...

We use probiotics to help with my children's winter eczema.

Daughters said...

Glad that you found something that works for your family. :)

Unknown said...

I have always heard that probiotics are good but I was never unaware that it did this much. Good know it worked well for you family.

Elizabeth O. said...

I didn't know it did this much to our health. It's definitely good for our metabolism though. Thanks for all the new information!

Rachel Mouton said...

We started using probiotics a couple of years ago. Now we love them!

Eileen said...

I take them everyday I have a very low immune system. The probiotic has really helped. Highly recommend

Liz Mays said...

It's important to keep the gut in balance,so this is a great idea. I'm glad it's working for all of you!

MyTeenGuide said...

My son used to have tummy troubles, but with the help of probiotics, his tummy is good now. I heard it also helps clear acne.

Unknown said...

I might start my older kids on them.

Chasingmyhalo said...

My husband swears by probiotics, and I like them too I just forget to take it a lot. Mine are in liquid form.

Unknown said...

I have never used probiotics, but they sound interesting.

Lexie Lane said...

Of course I want my kids to be healthy, and I'd like to try this probiotics.

Travel Quest said...

We have probiotics similar to this it helps my body energize

Unknown said...

We also take probiotics to strengthen the immune system of our body, And its really great.

Sojourner Williams said...

Good health starts in the gut. Probiotics are wonderful.

Aduke Schulist said...

We used to take probiotics, but haven't in a while. I need to get in the habit again.

mail4rosey said...

I'm happy to hear it's been working out so well for you all. My DIL takes hers regularly all of the time and swears by it too.

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Mom knows best