>U Mom Knows Best: Are you Prepared for The Unexpected?

Are you Prepared for The Unexpected?

You never expect an emergency to happen to your family but you need to be prepared.

                          Sponsored post: I received compensation from My Patriot Supply to facilitate this post.

  I live in a desert so wild fires are quite common here. We don't get much rain so the land is always dry. Dry land can easily go up in flames with the littlest spark from something as simple as a lit cigarette. Most of the wild fires that have happened in the past were not near my home but there was one that was five miles away several years ago. Thankfully that one was put out quickly. Even though that fire was put out in a couple of hours, we still had to close all our windows as the smoke from the fire was not good to breathe. For the most part, the wild fires just force us to stay indoors as the smoke is not good to breathe. I count myself lucky that there has never been a fire close to my house. That does not mean there never will be as the dry ground is one spark away from an emergency situation for my family.

  This has got me to thinking, am I prepared for an emergency? I realized that I have some work to do.  I realized that I need to make an emergency kit that I can grab if my family needs to evacuate the house. I also started thinking, do I have supplies on hand if we are forced to stay inside for several days/weeks. How are we going to eat? Sure I have lots of can goods and a freezer filled with food. The problem is the power may go out and the freezer food won't last long. Also, how am I going to cook my food? What about water? Do I have enough for everyone for several days?

What about lights?
What would I do at night when the power is out? Thankfully my husband likes to camp so we have plenty of lanterns in the garage. Now I just need to make them easy to find and stock up on batteries.

What if the emergency happened in the winter?
That got me to thinking how would we stay warm? We have plenty of sleeping bags that are made for cold temperatures. We could also set up tents inside to utilize body heat. I should get some of those instant heat packs, the hand warmer ones. 

A disaster could last days, weeks or even longer. So I realized maybe I need to think about getting some food that has long shelf life. An emergency food kit that takes up little space and can be grabbed quickly in case we have to evacuate would be best. Food kits are great but what about disasters that last longer than several months. Through my searching, I discovered that there are emergency seed vaults. That would then help my family to have food for much longer periods.

So are you prepared for an emergency?
 Do you have any tips for being prepared for emergencies that you could share? I would love to hear your thoughts.


Unknown said...

Great list of questions and concerns that every family should go over!

Parenting Patch said...

I think that my family is prepared for many things. Would could totally do a little better though. Great list of questions!

Unknown said...

We really aren't prepared for any kind of natural disaster or emergency! I don't even carry enough stuff in my car incase of breakdown so these are great reminders

Tiffany said...

Wild fires are out of control right now where we live. I always think of emergencies but I am really not well prepared for one and I need to change that ASAP!

Claire said...

You are so right, disasters can happen anytime in any day. I think it's best to really be prepared and have that emergency kit just in case.

Claudia Krusch said...

I have been working on a emergency kit. You never know when a disaster is going to hit. It is so important to be prepared. I keep a smaller kit in my car as well.

Liz Cleland said...

I have an emergency kit in all of our vehicles. I think to be prepared is a parenting instinct almost?

Melanie said...

I have some emergency supplies, but probably not enough if there were a larger emergency. I need more food & water, for sure. But I also need to check out first aid kits to make sure they are still good.

Kate | Highlights Along The Way said...

This is really helpful! It is really important to have an emergency kit. I always make sure that our kit is always updated with good condition products.

Unknown said...

I live in hurricane alley (Florida Panhandle). We are always prepared with battery operated candles, a power charger than can charge cell phones and run a coffee maker for days (yes, me without coffee is a different emergency), and keep lots of non-perishable goods around.

Apolline Adiju said...

This has really got me thinking. I guess I would follow your footsteps and do the same for my home.

Unknown said...

yes.....I'm in the PNW and we are prepared for the worst...the big earth quake. Hopefully it's far far away in terms of years though.

Cynthia Nicoletti said...

I agree you never know what type of emergency can happen. You have to be prepared.

Unknown said...

Agree to be always be prepared for any type of emergency. Thanks for the reminder - I need to restock on new emergency kit essentials.


I need to get emergency kits for sure, thanks for sharing.

Echo aka The Mad Mommy said...

We just moved into our own home and we are not as prepared as I would like to be. I need to remedy that situation.

Jennifer L. said...

I just got my emergency kit set up and ready. It's amazing how many things we don't even consider that we need in one, but definitely worth investing and planning for.

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