>U Mom Knows Best: My Summer Fitness Goals

My Summer Fitness Goals

                   Saturdays are great for relaxing in the yard!

  I just love relaxing on the weekends. I slow down on the weekends and the work that I do is the fun stuff. Saturdays are my production days. I use this day to get my pictures for my website done. I also do any baking or cooking that needs to be done. My boys love Saturdays as that means they get to spend more time with mom doing some fun things like baking or going to the park. This Saturday, my youngest son and I started the day with making some delicious Strawberry Lemonade cupcakes and while they were cooling we decided to relax in the yard before the heat set in. While I was relaxing, I took this time to think about my fitness goals for the summer. A cold ginger ale and a comfy chair always help with my thinking.

  I recently joined a couple of gyms so I wanted to figure out how I could use the gym time in my workouts. Yes, I did say gyms. My husband's health insurance added this wonderful gym benefit which allows us to join several gyms for free. The cool thing is there are many gyms to choose from and we can join as many as we want to for free. One of the gyms that I joined is located a half mile from the home. This gym is fairly small and does not have a pool so I joined another gym that is ten miles away. The smaller gym will be great to visit a couple times a week to work on my arms, trying to get rid of those "bingo arms" that my kids make fun of. I will run to the gym and then use the cardio machines to work on my arms. I really need to work on my arms more to get them tone up.

  I will visit the other far away gym on the weekends for a fun workout and then some time in the pool and hot tub. They do have childcare there so I can visit during the week too if my boys want to hang out in the child care area. I really like that I have the option of visiting the gym. This will be great for days when it is too hot to run outside. In the winter time, I will use the gym for the cold windy days. It never really gets too cold to run here in Albuquerque in the winter but there are a few windy days that make it feel cold. The wind also makes it hard to breathe.

Sponsored post: I was sent samples of flavored ginger ale to facilitate this post

   I will be attending a fitness conference later this month so I am looking forward to seeing all the new fitness products out there. I am hoping to add more fitness posts on my website also so this conference will be great for networking with brands and other bloggers. While I was thinking about my fitness goals, I sipped on this delicious and unique flavored ginger ale. Bruce Cost Ginger Ale is a healthy sparkling drink that has fresh ginger in it. I love that you can see tiny ginger pieces in it. The ginger ales are mixed with fruit or tea so it is extra delicious. They even provide iron, calcium and a little vitamin A and C.

 My boys decided to join me in the yard and of course, they wanted some of my cold refreshing drink. So I let them feel grown up and gave them a glass. My boys thought it was so cool to be able to drink out of a glass cup. Since I don't like my boys having too much sugar, they got to enjoy a can of Brooklyn Organics ginger ale. Both boys loved the cola flavor ginger ale as they thought the original had too much of a ginger taste. I just love that their drinks were sweetened with Stevia and contained no caffeine. Since these ginger ales are low in calories, I need to stock up on these for my afternoon treats. The Guava and Coconut drinks sound so yummy. 

I hope having access to the gyms will help me be able to tone my arms but I am really going to enjoy having a place to work out on hot and cold days. 
So do you prefer working out in a gym or outside?

Find out more about these delicious ginger ales at the below links.




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Mom knows best