>U Mom Knows Best: I Am Going To Be A Grandma Very Soon

I Am Going To Be A Grandma Very Soon

My first grandchild will be here soon!

                       I received a sample of Baby Butz Cream to feature on my website

  I am so excited that I will be able to see my first grandchild shortly after she is born. God worked in an amazing way the other day. My daughter emailed me to let me know that she is going to be induced this Friday and it was the best news ever for the grandma-to-be. I am not sure the induction is good news for my daughter but for me, it means that I am able to fly to Las Vegas for the birth of my granddaughter. This is so amazing because my daughter's original due date was August 30th and that is when we will be visiting my son in New York at the Merchant Marine Academy. So that would have meant that I would not have been able to see the baby until several weeks after her birth. My daughter's induction made things so much easier and I get to be there for the birth of the baby.

A planned birth means this grandma saved money

 When I received my daughter's email about the scheduled inducing of her baby, I was able to buy my plane ticket at a reasonable cost and I found a hotel room also at a good price near the hospital so I could walk to see the baby from my hotel. I love that I can visit my daughter and the new baby for several days. I will also be able to be there to help my daughter's husband with trips to the store so he can stay at the hospital with my daughter. There is plenty of stores and restaurants near the hospital. I am just so excited that I can be there for the birth of the baby.
I am just so excited that I can be there for the birth of the baby.

  I will be bringing my daughter lots of goodies. I have presents from friends and grandma approved products that I will be packing in my suitcase. I want to provide natural baby products to my daughter to use on the baby. I discovered a 100% All-Natural diaper rash cream that is 100% safe for babies. I am hoping that the new baby never gets diaper rash but my daughter will be prepared. I love how thick this diaper rash is and it has a nice scent too. This cream is supposed to heal a diaper rash fast and take any away pain right away. My daughter can also use it to prevent diaper rash.

My daughter will be prepared for postpartum constipation

  How many moms remember the dreadful postpartum potty problems after giving birth? Nobody prepares first-time moms for the awful constipation that comes with childbirth. I remember the potty problems that I had after I gave birth and the stool softener that the hospital gives you does nothing. So by the time child number three came along I brought with fiber supplements to the hospital. These supplements made going number two a breeze. I use Regular Girl when I travel as traveling always messes with my potty habits. This prebiotic fiber keeps me regular and it is so easy to mix into liquids like water or juice or even my morning yogurt or oatmeal. My favorite traveling supplement has no taste so it is so easy to take and causes no bloating or gas either. You really got to try Regular Girl as being regular is a great feeling. I call this supplement "you go girl" and I need to get my new granddaughter the Regular Girl onsie!

                    Save 10% on Regular Girl with my coupon code MOMKNOBEST10

This is my favorite travel supplement, even flight attendants love it! 

Probiotics may prevent Group B Strep

Group B streptococcus (GBS) is a type of bacterial infection that can be found in a pregnant woman’s vagina or rectum. This bacteria is normally found in the vagina and/or rectum of about 25% of all healthy, adult women. Women who test positive for GBS are said to be colonized. A mother can pass GBS to her baby during delivery.

  My daughter was diagnosed with Group B Strep so she will need antibiotics before the baby is born. New research shows that probiotics can help with Group B Strep if used throughout pregnancy. If only my daughter had taken a daily probiotic. I am glad that they are treating her with antibiotics before the baby is born but I am going to bring my daughter plenty of my favorite probiotic so she can get her gut healthy. My youngest boys take a daily probiotic and they no longer complain of tummy problems. I will also be bringing some of my Genuine Health Probiotics to my son as his new diet at the academy has made his acne worse. It just amazes me how a healthy gut can help with so much.

Snacks for me and my daughter

15 grams of protein!

When I travel I always bring plenty of healthy snacks as the food in the airports is expensive. I am loving these fermented vegan protein bars, especially the peanut butter chocolate ones as they have dairy-free chocolate chips in them. They taste like cookie dough and I get my chocolate fix while I am on this dairy-free diet. These bars not only travel well but I get gut healthy protein in them. So it is like a probiotic and protein bar in one. I also love the fiber in them to keep me regular while I travel. I will be bringing a couple of boxes for my daughter so she has healthy snacks to eat. I remember those first months with my babies and how they were always nursing and how I had no time to make food for myself. The nutrition in these protein bars (15 grams of protein) will be great so my daughter makes healthy milk for the baby.

 Save 20% on all Genuine Health products with code Tara18

  Once I get to Las Vegas, I will be making a trip to the store to buy my daughter some more presents for the baby like diapers, fresh fruit, and a balloon bouquet. I just can't wait to spoil my first grandbaby. Since this is my first time being a grandma, I would love advice on what to buy my daughter and how to help her after the baby with not being a pain in the rear.

What advice do you have for this new grandma?


Unknown said...

Congratulations to you. Hope you cherish your days with your grand kids.

Anonymous said...

Awe. Congrats! It's so wonderful you will be there for the new arrival. Wishing you all the very best.

tannawings said...

What a blessed event and it is so nice you get to be there! Congratulations to you and tto your family. Have a wonderful time!

Olga Zak said...

congratulations! Its really lovely to know you brought so many good things to your daughter's child. Wishing you and your family all the very best.

Chin chin said...

Welcoming a grandchild is exciting. Your daughter is lucky to have you when she gives birth. I was in another country when I gave birth so I missed the care of my mom when I gave birth.

Unknown said...

How exciting for you! I remember how excited my mom was when she found out she was becoming a grandma when I was pregnant with my first.

Suzanne Melton said...

Congratulations, grandma-to-be! This is such an exciting time, I know my mom loved it when I was pregnant. These are some wonderful suggestions, by the way.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on becoming a grandma! I bet you're going to love spending time with not only your daughter but your new grandchild x

Dominique said...

Congratulations! It must be exciting planning to meet and spoil your new granddaughter! Have a safe trip and good luck to everyone!

Brittany Vantrease said...

I wish I would have known about all the bathroom problems and was prepared. I wonder if the probiotics help with other versions of strep too... hmmm! Advice for a new grandma: It's nice to give advice to a new mommy and daddy, but wait for them to ask you for it. I always felt like my mom was criticizing me when she was just trying to help, but when hormones are all wacky, it's hard to differentiate.

Unknown said...

Ooo, those vegan snack bars sound yummy! Congratulations to your entire family on the new baby!

Mary said...

Simple advice...love and enjoy every moment. Time goes way too fast!

vaishali said...

Congratulations and I bet you are very excited about this new phase of your life.

Lauren Russell said...

Congrats! I know you'll be a great grandma

Yeah Lifestyle said...

Congratulations! How wonderful that you will get to be there not long after. You are bringing so many lovely products to her, I am sure she will really appreciate them.

Casey said...

Congrats! So so happy for you. The feel must be on cloud nine... I think my days as a granny won't come for a few more years. Anyway, all the best to you and your family!

Binge on Basics said...

Many congratulations! And I can see that you are preparing well for the new addition in your family

Unknown said...

Congratulations to you and your family! You're preparation looks like it's going well.

Unknown said...

Wish I'd read this a few weeks ago I could've shared this with my sister-in-law, she's just had a little boy. Enjoy

Princess Quinn said...

Congrats to you and your daughter. That is so exciting. I think you are well prepared. Just bring tissue as I'm sure you'll shed some tears. lol!

Claire said...

I can feel the love from this post! Congratulations, how awesome is that?

Unknown said...

Congratulations on this next wonderful season of your life!

Waren Jean Go said...

Congratulations! It’s gonna be exciting for you like how my grandma gets excited if there is new grandchild in the family.

Kiwi said...

Congrats on being a first time grandma and good thing you can schedule when to go visit. Also I am cracking up at baby butt cream!

Blair Villanueva said...

Congratulations! This is another exciting journey for you and a little angel for your family :D

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Mom knows best