>U Mom Knows Best: Reducing My Plastic Waste With ATTITUDE

Friday, April 22, 2022

Reducing My Plastic Waste With ATTITUDE

 Plastic pollution can create big problems for human and ecosystem health. Everyday actions, however, can lessen the problem. 

 The Earth Day 2022 Theme is Invest In Our Planet. Earth Day is a day when people come together to do good things for the earth. For some people, Earth Day is a day when they clean up trash. For others, Earth Day is about planting a tree, and for others, it can be about teaching others to invest in the earth. Earth Day is about doing something that focuses on protecting the planet we live on. 

While Earth Day focuses on just one day, we need to invest in our earth every day. We need to make changes in life every day, doing simple things that will help the earth. If we all make one or more changes in our daily activities, we can make a difference. These small changes can add up to big changes. Sometimes the small changes that we make in our lives can make a huge difference in the lives of those around us. I like to think of making changes as the power of one. While I can't do big things to make the earth a better place to live, I can influence those around me.


 Originating from the first virtual celebration of Earth Day, EARTHDAY.ORG’s Earth Day Live event series explores Earth’s urgent environmental issues and examines a variety of approaches to protect our shared home. Topics include climate restoration, regenerative agriculture, environment and social justice, supply chain resilience, plastic pollution, resource scarcity, food security, the green economy, biodiversity restoration, and universal climate literacy. Panelists range from public and private sector leaders to activists, scientists, influencers, and beyond. The series has reached hundreds of thousands of viewers on several streaming platforms.

My Earth Day Mission ~ Reducing My Plastic Waste

For Earth Day this year, my mission is to reduce my plastic waste. Plastic waste is a huge problem. The plastic that we use and toss is creating plastic pollution. Plastic pollution is not good for the earth or for our health. While I am not going to go into the details of the harm of plastic pollution, I am going to tell you about new ways that I am reducing plastic waste in my life.

Plastic pollution can create big problems for human and ecosystem health. Everyday actions, however, can lessen the problem. 

 I am going beyond the 3 R's ~ Reduce - Reuse - Recycle and introducing 3 new R's into my vocabulary. The 3 new R's are Remove - Refuse - Rally. These new words are helping me make changes in my life to reduce the amount of plastic that not only comes into my house but also the plastic that goes out of my house. I learned about the new R words on Earthday.org and I am excited to share with you one of the ways that I am reducing plastic in my bathroom.


 I decided to swap out my beauty products with zero-plastic beauty products from ATTITUDE. So I put away my plastic bottles of shampoo and conditioner, my body wash that is in a plastic bottle, my plastic container of deodorant, and my plastic lotion jar. I then committed to using plastic-free products in my daily beauty routine. I was up for the challenge to eliminate the plastic in my bathroom beauty products. 

 ATTITUDE’s leaves barsTM collection features zero-plastic solid beauty bars for your daily skin and hair care routines. Everything is crafted to offer maximum results with minimal ingredients, enriched with super leaves extracts, and packaged in luxuriously designed compostable cardboard boxes. These naturally-scented products with indulgent fragrances will quickly become your go-to for your clean wellness regimen, resulting in glowing skin and lustrous hair. The minimalistic size is a space saver and perfect for travel. The collection includes lip balm, natural deodorant, shampoo & conditioner bars, hand soap, and body butter!

 I like that ATTITUDE makes beauty products that are packaged without plastic. ATTITUDE has designed compostable cardboard boxes and containers that are filled with natural beauty products to get you cleaned from head to toe. The zero-plastic containers can also be tossed into my compost pile. I love that these skincare products are made with minimal ingredients and are naturally scented. So they are good for both the planet and my health!

 The ATTITUDE’s leaves bars products cleaned and performed just like the other products that I was using for my hair and skincare routine. The shampoo bar from ATTITUDE had great lather and made my hair so soft. The first time that I washed my hair with the shampoo bar, I thought that I had accidentally grabbed the conditioner bar. I loved that the conditioner bar gave me plenty of product for my hair with just a couple rubs into my hand. I have been using the hair care bars from ATTITUDE for several weeks and the bars still look new. So I see these bars lasting for a long time.

 The deodorant and body butter plastic-free products were also simple to use. I just loved the way that these containers felt in my hand. They also looked great on my bathroom vanity. The body butter had a nice clean scent and was so creamy. The shea butter left my skin so soft. I liked how smoothly the deodorant went onto my armpits and it keep me fresh smelling all day.

 Changing my normal beauty products to plastic-free ones was a great choice that I will continue to follow after Earth Day. This simple swap will keep more plastic out of my recycle bin. Swapping out 5 plastic bottles a month will equal 60 fewer plastic bottles a year that need to be recycled. 

Check out some ways that you can apply the 6 R's in your life

Information from https://www.earthday.org/

Reduce ~ Reduce your own plastic waste. Start by using this plastic calculator to track how much you use — then you can take steps to reduce your use and waste.

Reuse ~ Always choose quality and durability over convenience. Single-use bags, cups, and other products usually cost you more in the long term — and definitely cost our planet.

Recycle ~ Find the plastics you no longer need and dispose of them properly. If you can, replace them with long-lasting options.

Remove ~ Pick up trash in your neighborhood and when visiting parks and beaches. Check local safety guidelines first, and always use gloves!

Refuse ~ This one’s simple: Just make a habit of saying “No straw, please,” and “I brought my own cup, thanks.” It’s a small step, but an easy way to see what you can live without.

Rally ~ Does your city or state have bans on single-use plastics? Send a letter or call your local elected leaders, urging them to ban plastic bags and other single-use plastic items.


Edohpa said...

reducing plastic waste even a little at a time is such a great way to help our earth and a good way to start being purposeful in what we purchase. I have to check this company out! Kelli A

booksbyjlbooks said...

Being mindful on what you are purchasing to help our earth in a good way. thank you for sharing this amazing article.

Forever My Little Moon said...

I'm always on the search for eco-friendly products, will have to check out this brand!

Beth said...

I will have to try the shampoo and body butter. I really like this brand is plastic free and also cruelty free.

Tami Creates said...

This is such an important topic and these look like awesome products!

Unknown said...

We try our best to do our part. We reuse and recycle and we've been doing it for years. -LYNNDEE

Gust si Aroma said...

I've started Reuse, Reduce and Recycle Plastic some time ago. And this plastic free beauty products are exactly what we need!

Christy G said...

I think Earth day should be every single day. We all should do what we can and how we can help to make the Earth a better place to live.

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Mom knows best