>U Mom Knows Best: Teaching Children About Screen Free Time With Henry’s Tech Free Trip + Giveaway

Monday, November 6, 2023

Teaching Children About Screen Free Time With Henry’s Tech Free Trip + Giveaway

 In the fast-paced world of smartphones, tablets, and computers, these endless digital distractions could be harming our health. Learn about a book that helps parents create a narrative around screen time and its potentially negative effects. Keep reading to discover more and an amazing giveaway to enter.

 Younger kids are growing up in a digital era and it may be having a negative effect on them. While watching a movie or playing a game on a phone may be fun for kids, parents need to limit the time on devices for many reasons. 

 When it comes to the dangers of smartphones with kids, people mostly think about how screen time is affecting children's brain development. Others may think kids playing video games means they are not engaged in active play and becoming overweight. Then there is the danger of exposure to blue light and EMF radiation, which parents need to consider when it comes to kids and technology. 

The “invisible energy that leaks from electronic devices.”

 EMF radiation is an “invisible energy that leaks from electronic devices.” This health threat is something that we need to consider when we parents let our kids play on our cell phones. While it may be easier to let our phones "babysit" the kids so we can get things done, we need to limit the time that kids are engaged on screens. We grownups should also learn how to take a break from looking at electronic devices. Spending less time on devices can be beneficial to our health. 

Is Technology Harming Our Health?

Teaching kids about the danger of exposure to blue light and EMF radiation

 The founders of Lightbody® Total Eye Health + Blue Light Filter Supplement have written a children's book based on the conversations with their children about Digital Wellness and taking a break from technology. Henry's Tech Free Trip is a sweet book that helps show kids the importance of not just taking a break from tech but about spending time outdoors, being active, and being with family.

Henry’s Tech-Free Trip 

 In the fast-paced world of smartphones, tablets, and endless digital distractions, Henry’s Tech-Free Trip is the first and only children’s book to create a narrative around screen time and its potentially negative effects. This relatable tale follows Henry, a curious child navigating the world of technology.

 Henry’s Tech-Free Trip engages young readers with its amusing plot and helps its readers learn that we can have fun without screens. This book teaches both kids and parents about the dangers of blue light and EMF radiation in an easy-to-understand format.

 The founders of Lightbody Labs ~ Kylen and Michelle created this book along with Kylen Ribeiro. Henry’s Tech-Free Trip narrates the conversation between Kylen and her own children about staying mindful of screen time and enjoying technology in moderation, to limit exposure to blue light and EMF radiation–the “invisible energy that leaks from electronic devices. 

A book for children and adults

 This book may be written for children but parents too need to also learn about the importance of limiting screen time. If parents want kids to not be on screens, they need to set an example and take breaks from their devices. Like the parents in the book, we need to plan family activities that don't involve smartphones. 

While it may be easier to allow a child to have screen time while we do things such as chores or shopping, it may not be good for kids. For older kids, have them help you with the chores. For younger kids, like babies, try singing to them or even talking to them, instead of having them stare at a screen.

Order your copy of Henry’s Tech-Free Trip and embark on a journey towards a more balanced and fulfilling tech-free life!


 I am giving away a copy of Henry’s Tech-Free Trip along with a bottle of Lightbody® Total Eye Health + Blue Light Filter Supplement to one lucky Mom Knows Best reader. To enter for a chance to win this giveaway, enter on the giveaway form below. The giveaway is limited to US winners only. The giveaway starts on November 6th, 2023, and ends on November 15th, 2023. 


Karen said...

This sounds like a great tool for parents! I've always been worried about the negative effects of screen time on very young children.

Marysa said...

This is pretty cool - it is nice to see kids off their devices and getting fresh air or doing other things. This is a great strategy.

AiringMyLaundry said...

This sounds like a great book. It's good to be aware of too much screen time hardships.

TDK said...

Yes my family total needs to unplug for awhile!

Melanie Edjourian said...

This is a really good book. I've been trying to limit my children's screen time but they can get a bit obsessive.

Richelle Escat Milar said...

What a great book. This will help the kids at my home to be entertained and have a rest in digital aspects

jdine said...

Yes, we do need a device break at my home.

Gust si Aroma said...

It's a beautiful book, and I can say that is very useful. We need to teach our kids from early age how important is the screen free time.

Natasha Mairs - Serenity You said...

This sounds like a lovely book. I do think kids are on screens too much. When I was little we was all outside playing most of the day

Lady In Read said...

Definitely a much needed read for today's world of tech everywhere

Beautiful Touches said...

I think it's an important lesson to give children, how to experience their moments/moments in their lives without the presence of technology!

LisaLisa said...

Sounds like a great read, it's so important that our kids get off those screens. Reading and getting outside is not as important as it used to be for some kids. Those devices take over many lives, even adults.

Natalie Loves Beauty said...

This is a marvelous topic to share with kids! Such a different time from when I was growing up.

Zab Zaria said...

I think this would be a good book to read. It's definitely something I'll keep in mind!

Christy G said...

This looks like a cute book. With running a blog, it’s hard to reduce my screen time on a daily basis.

Anonymous said...

Limiting screen time is definitely important. Kudos to the author for writing this book. Great book, for sure. -LYNNDEE

kywave said...

Yes we always take a weekly break from digital devices

booksbyjlbooks said...

This sounds like a great tool for parent to teach their children about the topicmof limiting screen time.

Anonymous said...

Now this is such sweet way of teaching screen time.

Bethel said...

An awareness about taking breaks on screentime is a gem!!

Edye Nicole said...

Yes! We are on devices too much.

Anonymous said...

My children for sure do!

Fredrick Pauly said...

Yes, every family needs a break from digital devices.

Stephanie Larison said...

Yes, my kids and I both need a break. We spend too much time on the devices.

Darlene Carbajal said...

Yes, I think we all need a break from our devices.

wen budro said...

Yes- my family definitely needs a break from devices and technology. We all spend too much time staring at screens.

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Mom knows best