>U Mom Knows Best: Moosh Moosh Are Cuddle Buddies

Moosh Moosh Are Cuddle Buddies

These adorable soft cuddle buddies arrived under the tree

  I received several Moosh Moosh to facilitate this post.

 Some squishy plushie friends were under the Christmas tree this year and they made all smile. The younger boys got a soft surprise Christmas day and they are their new best friends. These soft and cuddly animals were even a hit with their baby niece who slobbered all over them. Even mom loved them as she got a pair for feet. Five cute plush animals were under the tree and the boys knew right away which ones to call their own and which ones to giveaway.

 My sons claimed Brewser the dog and Bandit the fox for their new buddies. The boys knew that Itsy the elephant was perfect for their baby niece. They gave mom Freckles the cat Slipperz as they knew that she loved the colors and the Panda the bear Slipperz were put away for a future gift.

What are Moosh-Moosh?
They are the softest, squishiest and cutest cuddle buddies. They come in many different designs, colors and in three sizes - large, medium and small. You can find your favorite Moosh-Moosh by scrolling through the online shop.

So soft and cuddly

 My boys loved how soft the Moosh-Moosh were. They gave the buddies hugs all day and when their baby niece came over for dinner, they had to show them to her. She gave the Moosh-Moosh a smile and then started to chew on Bandit. My daughter thought it was so cute until she noticed the sequins on the fox. The Sequin Plushies Collection has a special swipe & change feature that makes kids want to “pet” their plushies. When the baby started opening presents, she was happy to get her own Moosh-Moosh. Later that night, I caught my husband using one of the cute buddy pets as a pillow. Yes, these guys are that soft.

Great for pillow fights

 The Moosh Moosh are so soft that my boys had to see how they work in a pillow fight. It has been snowing here the past couple of days so my boys have way too much energy from being stuck in the house all day. The boys did go outside for a bit to play in the snow but since there were only two inches on the ground, they could not do much. We rarely get snow here in Albuquerque so when we do the town shuts down as the roads get very icy. So the boys worked off some of that energy with a pillow fight. The best part was nobody got hurt after a wack from these soft cuddle buddies.

Keep your feet warm and cute

  My Moosh-Moosh Slipperz keep my feet so warm and they are so comfortable. These cute slippers were perfect for the cold snowy day that kept me inside all day. When it is cold out, I tend to stay in my jammies all day. So I have to have cute slippers. I really love the colors and sprinkles on my new slippers. I don't know about you but my feet are in slippers all winter when inside. The Moosh-Moosh Slipperz come in so many styles that I had a hard time choosing which one I wanted. You can find the Moosh-Moosh Buddies and Slipperz online and at many stores like CVS and Michaels. See all the cute Buddies HERE

Which Moosh Moosh Cuddle Buddie is your favorite?


Cristina Petrini said...

The little girl who is in me not only wants those super fluffly slippers, but also this pillow to hug when the lack of love comes to me! Too sweet!

Joan said...

I want those for me and no one would tell me anything. I would own them like a boss. So adorable.

Pinay Odyssey said...

Those Moosh Moosh items really look cuddly and squishy! Couldn't agree more that soft slippers are a must especially during winter. Thanks for the tip; might give the webshop a look!

Jessica Lyles said...

They look so comfy on your feet! I can see these being a great birthday gift for the kiddos in my life. Great review I can tell your boys had fun pillow fighting

Jessi Joachim said...

How absolutely adorable are these! I think my daughter would absolutely love a pair! I have to save this for her birthday in March

Dani said...

I had never heard of a moosh moosh before reading this! My kids would love them! Thanks for the review!

Unknown said...

Oh I like the slippers! And my son would like these.

Mitchelle said...

Oh so adorable! I had a pair before when I was pregnant with my daughter. It was a present from my husband.

AlbuIrina said...

I love the one with the sequins, and I also really like the slippers! If only it were cold enough all year round so I can warm my toes in those fluffs!

HotMess Mom said...

Aww, my girls would love those slippers. My boys not so much, unless there is a dinosaur one.

Wander With Ola said...

Awww the plushies are so lovely! Especially that elephant that screams cuteness. And my niece would love those pink slippers, as she is a sucker of pink and girly stuff.

Jasmine said...

These are precious little gifts, and I love the name! Do you happen to have owl ones?

Madison said...

These are super adorable! My kids got some for Christmas and they love them!

Adventures in Aussieland said...

I honestly have never heard of Moosh Moosh toys before. But I can guarantee you that my nephews would adore these!

Ruth I said...

Oh my, these are all so cute! My niece will be so thrilled if I get her the slippers.

Anonymous said...

These are so cute! Sounds like they would be great for kids.

Monique said...

These are so cute! I would love the slippers. They look nice and warm.

Mommy Sigrid said...

Oh my gosh! These are super adorable that my girls could squeal over these! :D <3 Love the sequinned ones. My little girl likes them sparkly.

Anosa Malanga said...

These are all adorable! Why did I just dropped by this post. I wish I have known this earlier so I could have some of these as a present too. They are all so nice!

Cynthia Nicoletti said...

What cute and adorable slippers. Nothing better than a nice comfortable pair when it is cold out.

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Mom knows best