>U Mom Knows Best: Gramma in a Box Football Treats

Gramma in a Box Football Treats

Enjoy homemade treats without having to bake

  My boys have expressed an interest in cooking and baking so I am teaching them more. I would love to see them be able to bake cookies or make dinner without my help as these are life skills that they need to learn. So I am starting to teach them more and let them be in the kitchen more. That is hard for me as that also means a messy kitchen. Sure I am teaching them how to clean up after they cook but they don't seem to clean like me. So, I have to take deep breaths and put aside my control freak behavior and realize that they are learning. To do this, I sit in the family room which is right next to the kitchen and let my boys do simple recipes like things in the microwave. I have learned that teaching the boys how to cook has some advantages as I can have them make me a cup of tea. I love that they know how to safely turn on and off the stove to use the tea kettle!

use code 10off to save $10 off your first box

  During winter break my boys had a blast helping me bake cookies. They really enjoyed pressing the cookie cutters into the sugar dough. The most fun came with decorating the cookies. By the time we were done with the cookies, the kitchen was a mess. I really don't like cleaning so baking with the boys only happens once in a while. I know I should bake more with them but time gets in the way or we don't have the ingredients in the house. So I am happy when my boys get a Gramma Box in the mail. That way they can make sweet treats all on their own with very little mess.

The monthly Gramma in a Box includes cookies, frosting, & sprinkles

  So when our monthly box of cookie and candy projects arrived, I decided to let the boys create the treats all by themselves. I gave them a couple of instructions like they had to clean up their mess and they had to share the treats with me. The boys were excited to make the treats this month as the theme was football and New Year related.

The instructions were easy to read!

 The boxes from Gramma always include easy to read instructions with pictures of how the treats should look. I love that all the ingredients are individually packed in small containers so my boys know which ones to use for which recipe. The monthly treat boxes always have three treat projects and one is always cookie decorating. This month's cookies were shaped like footballs and the frosting colors were blue, white, and yellow. There was also plenty of sprinkles to decorate with.

Gramma always shares the ingredients

 I like that all the ingredients for each treat project are listed on the back of the recipe card along with what allergens are present. Thankfully my boys do not have food allergies but this information is good for me as I have a dairy allergy. My boys have learned to read food labels as they don't want to see me coughing. I only discovered my dairy allergy 6 months ago and I sometimes sneak treats that have dairy in them thinking that I will be ok but I always regret it later when I am having a coughing attack. My husband always chews me when I start coughing and asks me if I had dairy. So he has put the boys in charge of not letting me have treats with dairy in them. So by letting the boys make the treats on their own, they will only offer me the treats that are safe for me.

use code 10off to save $10 off your first box

The sweet treats always look amazing

 The recipes in this sweet treat cookie box are always kid-friendly and only require a microwave to melt the chocolate. The projects are also so simple that my boys can make the treats look so amazing. This is the fourth box that we have received in the mail. My boys always get excited when the monthly Gramma Box arrives and look forward to a day of cooking/baking. Each month the box of goodies is a different theme. The last box we made was filled with Thanksgiving cookies and the box before had beach shaped cookies. My boys had a blast with the emoji cookies and they always wonder what next months theme will be. Sure some might say that these boxes are not filled with healthy food but I say as long as you are eating healthy foods 80% of the time then sweets are perfectly fine for kids. I am not going to be that mom that bans sweets but I am going to teach my boys about healthy food. I am also going to be the grandma that bakes cookies with my grandkids. My grandbaby is still too young for cookies as she just started on baby food.

Make sure to use code 10off to save $10 off your first box



Cristina Petrini said...

Only the best for two great sportsmen like them! What a nice idea you had!

AiringMyLaundry said...

This is such an amazing box. My daughter loves to bake, so I need to get this for her. Plus I love cookies!

What Corinne Did said...

Those treats look so tasty and amazing! i love to bake and it is always an amazing feeling to ear what you've baked!

Joan said...
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Joan said...

These look really good, as much as I would like to prepare my own, I don't like waiting so this box would totally be for me.

Sarah Bailey said...

Now this looks like such a fun bake and make! You could make them ready for the match and then sit down and snack throughout!

Riana said...

Wow they really have a subscription box for everything! And what great pictures of your boys decorating the cookies. They are going to look back on those when they're older and they'll be glad you took those pictures.

The Super Mom Life said...

I've never seen anything like this before. Sounds like something my kids would enjoy.

Cynthia Nicoletti said...

Love this box looks like so much fun for the entire family. I love no bake so its nice and easy !!

Sarah M said...

I always love your ideas. Simple and easy to make and enjoy. Kids Would love to try it.

Hannah MArie said...

This is absolutely a life saver. I think getting kids into stuff like this is easy. Those treats are lovely.

AlbuIrina said...

This is so nice to have around the house! A good project for the kids too! Regarding the allergy, you can live without dairy, but man, life is hard! I am also dairy free due to allergies, but I hope to get rid of them! :)

Waren Jean Go said...

Wow! This is the first time I've heard about Gramma in a Box. Would really love to try it too!

Natalie Loves Beauty said...

It's good to start them young on the cooking and baking! I've been enjoying it much more lately too.

Raina said...

What a great box! This is definitely something my girls would love.

Enriqueta E. Lemoine said...

This is so cool! And convenient. And Fun. Thanks for sharing, now I-m running to that grandma website to order mine!

Shawn Keo said...

They look too adorable. This is such a delicious and joyful activity!

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Mom knows best