>U Mom Knows Best: Manage Kids Screen Time With Circle Home Plus

Manage Kids Screen Time With Circle Home Plus

 I received this product for free from Moms Meet (momsmeet.com) to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.

The pandemic brought many changes to my home. Some were good but others, like screen time allowances, were not the best. Discover an amazing device that helped me manage my kid's screen time in a super simple way.

 The year 2020 is a year that most people would not like to repeat. The pandemic brought about so many changes to everyone and now that things are starting to return to a new normal, it is time for my family to make changes. Changes that needed to happen long ago but I was too overwhelmed to implement.

Did you know?

Covid-19 has caused a 500% increase in screen time for kids. Nearly half of American children spend more than 6 hours a day in front of a screen.

 Last year when the whole world shut down and we were told to stay home to flatten the curve, most everyone turned to electronic devices to accomplish things at home. Schools were closed so my kids were issued computers so they could learn at home online in a virtual classroom. My husband parked himself on the couch with his work computer and the college kid set up his computer in his bedroom. My world became crowded and noisy so I escaped to my master bathroom to do my online work. They said it was only going to be for two weeks!

Screen time was out of control

 The kids were easily bored since they could not visit friends. I still had to work so I slowly started to allow my teens to do things that I would normally not allow. I loosened restrictions on device screen time and allowed my boys to play video games online. I allowed my older teen to buy a smartphone for listening to music. My work was getting busier so when my teen asked me if he could start playing online games with his friends, the mom guilt set in and I agreed. 

 The kids were super bored and we could not get to the library, as that too was closed. So I allowed my son to buy a game app for his phone and a fancy game controller that hooked up to his phone. The younger teen found an old cellphone in the junk drawer and joined in on the fun with this video game. The phones allowed my boys to feel connected to friends. I used to be that parent who said no to a cellphone for kids and screen time used to be limited to an hour. Sure I was concerned about their safety while online but I was overwhelmed at finding a sensible solution that would not stress me even more.

Screen Time management made simple

 My husband and I looked into downloading something to the computer to help us monitor the boys while they were online but we had trouble finding affordable options that had everything we needed in one app. It seemed that each computer program did different things and to get everything we wanted in managing the boy's screen we purchased several different programs. So my husband and I tried to manage the online time ourselves by checking the computer history on the teen's devices and reminding the boys to shut down all devices an hour before bed.

 Our screen time management system added more to my to-do list. I knew that there had to be something better for my family when it came to online time. I was glad that I discovered the CircleⓇ Home Plus device. The Circle is a device that all parents need to have for comprehensive screen time management. I am glad that three dads wanted a better internet for their families and it all began at a kitchen table. 

We make families' lives better online and off

Three dads wanted a way to steward their kid's online experiences. They envisioned a way to set healthy screen time limits and find the right balance of age-appropriate content and offline time, no matter where kids (and their devices) might be. These dads created the #1 comprehensive screen time management solution.

A Screen Time Solution

• Find Balance

• Set Healthy Limits

• Build Good Habits

• Get The Best Out Of Digital Experiences

• Not Being Consumed By Screens

• Keep Kids Safe Online

The perfect device for my family

 The Circle device was just what my family needed to control the screen time on all our devices. This was a perfect solution that would allow my boys to still enjoy their devices and give me the peace of mind that they were safe while online. I could finally set time limits on screen time without having to be the bad guy. I would not have the stress of reminding my kids that they need to shut down their devices.

Meet Circle Parental Controls

The Circle Home was easy to install and set up. Everything that I needed to set up the parental controls was included in the box. I loved that the screen-time management device was small. Once the Circle computer monitoring device was hooked up to our modem, it recognized all the devices that were connected to our internet. Then I downloaded the Circle Home app to everyone's phone, including my boy's phones. The app allows for the management of mobile devices on the go, so I can even see what my kids are doing online outside the home. 

  I loved that I could customize settings and features for each child in the family and even on adult devices. So if I wanted to cut the internet off on my college kid devices I could. I loved that this device even showed the history of electronic devices so I could review the sites my teens visited. When I do allow my boys to bring their phones to school, I can even turn off internet connectivity while they are at school. 

With just a few clicks, you can set:

• Age-appropriate filters&nb>sp;

• Time limits 

• Bedtimes 

• Pause/temporarily turn off Internet

• Restrict access to certain sites for specific periods of the day

• Circle enables screen-time management both inside and outside the home

 No one in my family brings their phone with them when they go to bed but technology can one of the main things getting between kids and a good night’s rest. I have heard parents complain about their kids sneaking their phones into their bedroom. Then they wake up in the middle of the night because they received a notification or want to check social media. So the Circle’s Bedtime feature can make late-night scrolling and bedtime arguments a thing of the past. Parents can set a time for the internet to shut off on a teen's phone so it does not interfere with their sleep. I like that these settings on the Circle Home Plus take away the arguments from the kids and nagging from the parents.

The affordable option for device management

 When you purchase the Circle Home Plus device, you get Circle Home Plus device and Circle App access. Then you can select from 3 subscription options depending on your needs. You can buy a three-month subscription, a one-year subscription, or a lifetime subscription. With the one-year plan, it is about $10 a month to have the best features to protect your family on the internet and manage screen time. 

Circle Home Plus typically retails for $69 for a three-month subscription,

$129 for a one-year subscription, or $299 for a lifetime subscription (all

plans include the Circle Home Plus device and Circle App access).

Save money on the Circle Home Plus device with an EXCLUSIVE OFFER 

Save 20% on your purchase of a Circle Home Plus device + 1-year app subscription or Circle Home Plus device + Lifetime app subscription at momsmeet.link/circlehomeplusshop with promo code MOMSMEET2021 ~ Valid until 10/15/21. One promo code use per person


AiringMyLaundry said...

This sounds great. My kids would rebel if I tried this though. I just tell them to watch their screen time. So long as they get schoolwork done, I said I'd leave them alone.

Ben said...

Circle counds like an awesome device. I wish I'd had this when my kids were living at home.

Tammy said...

What a wonderful idea! I know so many families that could use this.

melissa said...

With the pandemic my son's time on line was increased so I would like to try this system. It will be hard to cut back since school is remote.

Beth said...

This sounds like a great system for families who are managing their screen time. I think almost everyone has increased their screen time since the beginning of the pandemic.

Nikki Wayne said...

Even adults spend much screen time nowadays. Good thing there are stuffs like this.

Monica Simpson said...

As my kids get older my husband and I really need to start figuring out parental control and screen time. Thanks for the post!

Ryan Escat said...

Thanks for sharing about this device. I don't have problems like that yet. But this would definitely be helpful in the future.

Gervin Khan said...

This must be a helpful device for all the parents out there. I will check this out! Thank you!

Jenn @ EngineerMommy said...

I've heard good things about this product. I can't wait to check it out

Kita Bryant said...

This is a great tool to keep them in check. Those screens can really get in the way of a lot of things.

moonlightmel said...

This sounds like a wonderful idea, screen time can be a lot with covid so this sure would help out alot.

Mama Maggie's Kitchen said...

Yes, many kids are spending more time on their gadgets since the pandemic. This CircleⓇ Home Plus device. sounds really awesome. I will check it out with my husband.

Anosa said...

I am not surprised that screen time as increased especially since most are doing virtual learning but I love the idea of monitoring screen time.

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Mom knows best