>U Mom Knows Best: Thryve Gut Health Test Review

Thryve Gut Health Test Review

 Gut health is important for overall health but how do you know that your gut is healthy?

I received a Thryve test to facilitate this post.

 It seems that gut health and probiotics are huge topics in the health and wellness topics. Most people know that the health of your gut can affect your overall body health. When the bacteria in your gut is balanced with good bacteria, the rest of your body tends to work better. When your gut is not healthy, it can lead to many health problems in your body. 

 Things like your immune system and skin health can be traced to a healthy balanced gut. If you have an unhappy gut or a leaky gut, you may have skin issues like acne or many other health problems. Your gut controls your body health in so many ways beyond stomach problems like constipation. So it is important to be kind to your gut. Many ways that people improve their gut health is with healthy food, prebiotics, and probiotics.

How do I know if my gut is healthy?

 So you do the right things to take care of your body and gut. You take a daily probiotic, eat healthy foods like homemade yogurt, and exercise. On the outside, your body looks good and you are having no issues in the bathroom department. You feel healthy and rarely get sick so your gut must be healthy. Or the opposite is true, you may take a probiotic and try to eat healthy foods but your health can need improvement. How can one know if their gut is healthy?

Gut health is linked to so many things

+ Did you know that 70% of your immune system is actually in your gut?

+ Have you ever heard the gut being referred to as “the second brain?” That’s because it contains over 100 million neurons (more than the spinal cord or peripheral nervous system).

+ 95% of the body’s serotonin (the feel-good neurotransmitter that anti-depressants try to keep up levels of) is in the gut.

+ Having a “gut feeling” about something? The vagus nerve travels from the gut to the brain where the brain makes emotional decisions based on the info it receives.

+ Research has identified that leaky gut is linked to hundreds of medical conditions including Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, ADHD, Autism, Eczema, Depression, and many more.

Meet Thryve

 Thryve is the world’s first gut health company that incorporates microbiome testing with personalized dietary and probiotic recommendations. This at-home test analyzes your poop to target the good & bad bacteria in your gut to treat the root cause of your symptoms with guidance on what foods are best for you and which ones to avoid. 

Thryve is so simple to use

 As a person who is passionate about teaching others about health and nutrition, I wanted to know if the things that I was doing for the health of my body were making a difference in the health of my gut. I take a daily probiotic synbiotic, I eat healthy food, and I exercise on a daily basis. So I wanted to know to take an at-home test to see if I had a healthy gut microbiome.

 So I ordered Thryve gut health test. I wanted to know if my health routines were making a difference in my gut health or if I needed to make some improvements in my diet or supplements. Maybe my numerous food allergies and asthma were linked to the bad bacteria in my body. 

Thryve is the world’s first gut health company that incorporates microbiome testing with personalized dietary and probiotic recommendations.  This at-home test analyzes your poop to target the good & bad bacteria in your gut to treat the root cause of your symptoms with guidance on what foods are best for you and which ones to avoid.

My Experience with Thryve

 I liked that the Thryve gut health program could offer me guidance on how to treat the root cause of my symptoms and all I had to do was send them a sample of my poop. My Thryve sample kit arrived quickly in the mail and the gut health test was so simple to perform. All I had to do was poop and wipe with tissue, like I normally do. There was no need to even touch my poop as the gut health program kit included a swab that I wipe over the toilet paper. That swab went into a collection tube with a tight-fitting lid. Then I mailed the collection tube with my poop specimen off to the lab so Thryve could do a gut health review of my gut. My next step was to wait for the results of my Thryve gut health program review. I was anxious to know if my gut microbiome was healthy or not.

What is the microbiome and how can Thryve help my health?

             All Disease Begins in The Gut.” - Hippocrates

 + Your gut is home to trillions of bacteria, contains 70% of your immune system, and produces 90% of your serotonin (happy chemicals). If anyone is serious about their health, it starts by improving your gut.  

+ Probiotics are good bacteria that protect your digestion, immunity, mental health, energy levels, and ketone levels.

+ The Thryve gut health program gives you insights into your gut health and recommends personalized foods for you to enjoy and avoid. Thryve customizes a probiotic formula just for you to replenish the good bacteria and remove the bad.

Clinically Proven Health Benefits Of A Healthy Gut Microbiome

✔ Cut Constipation, Diarrhea, and Bloating for a Calm Stomach

✔ Reduce Inflammation and Protect Your Immunity

✔ Fight Metabolic Syndrome and Promote Ketosis

✔ Remove Brain Fog for Mental Clarity and Sharpness

✔ Fight Fatigue and Improve Focus

What does the Thryve gut health test review?

 I was excited to have my gut reviewed. From the moment that I sent off my poop to Thryve, I knew that they would utilize next-generation DNA sequencing with my sample to pinpoint my problem areas down to a molecular level. Once they were done with the testing, Thryve would send me a link to review my gut test results. I would then have insights into thousands of bacterial species, how they affect my body, and personalized recommendations to improve my health. One can always improve their health. For now, I am waiting on the test results of my gut health but once I get my gut microbiome results, I will be sure to update this post.

Get your personalized gut health test now!

If you are ready to improve your health through the health of your gut, then head over to Thryve and order your Gut Health Test. Your gut is home to trillions of bacteria, contains 70% of your immune system, and produces 90% of your serotonin (happy chemicals). If anyone is serious about their health, it starts by improving your gut.

Order your Thryve Gut Health Program HERE  


melissa said...

I am ready to take this test because I pride myself on good health especially my GI tract. I will be sure to include this to my annual check up

AiringMyLaundry said...

I do want a healthier gut, so I'll have to try this out. I'm curious on what the results will say.

LisaLisa said...

I've been looking for a good Gut Health Test to try. I've noticed since becoming older I'm having gut issues a little more than normal. I may give Thryve a try just to see what my results say!

Chef Dennis said...

Oh wow! This is amazing! I will check out this Thryve Gut Health Test. We all want to have a healthy gut and first step is to know if it is.

Simply Tasheena said...

This sounds like a really interesting service. Thanks for sharing this.

Lavanda Michelle said...

This sounds like an awesome service.

Lavanda Michelle said...

This sounds like an awesome service. I really need to give this a try!

Kita Bryant said...

I just did a food sensitivity test with another company. I would love to do this one next. A wonderful tool to better health!

Gervin Khan said...

This is definitely a great help most especially to those people who doesn't want to go to the hospital for their appointment. I might try this tool, thanks!

Gervin Khan said...

This is definitely a great help most especially to those people who doesn't want to go to the hospital for their appointment. I might try this tool, thanks!

Lynndee said...

I sure didn't know all those things that are linked to gut health. I'd like to take the test. -LYNNDEE

Melanie Edjourian said...

This sounds like it would be very useful. I'd love to give it a go myself. I know a friend that could do with using this too.

monicazyoung said...

Sounds very interesting and something I want to do, everything that can help me get healthier is a plus

Janeane M Davis said...

Technology like what is needed to make Thryve work was just a dream not that long ago. It is incredible that things like this that help you be healthier exist.

Swathi said...

Sounds like realy nice and useful one. I will check it out. As gut health is important as lot of useful bacteria are in side our gut.

Gust si Aroma said...

I've found out a lot of interesting things about gut! A health test is always neccessary!

Rika said...

I always experience brain fog. It looks like I need to take this gut health test.

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Mom knows best