>U Mom Knows Best: Ending Seasonal Allergies With Allergy Shots ~ Shot #4

Ending Seasonal Allergies With Allergy Shots ~ Shot #4

   Are you considering allergy shots for seasonal allergy relief but need more information before you start an allergy shot treatment plan? Keep reading to discover my experience with receiving allergy shots.

 I have had seasonal allergies for over 20 years. My seasonal allergies seemed to have started when I moved to New Mexico. The allergy symptoms mostly happened in the spring, summer, and fall. My allergies to plants were the typical allergy symptoms ~ runny nose and sneezing.  Then over the years, my symptoms of seasonal allergies involved a dry cough that I later discovered was allergy-induced asthma.

 My doctor prescribed the allergy medicine Claritin and that helped reduce my allergy symptoms. Several years later, when my seasonal allergy symptoms got worse with the cough, the doctor prescribed a nasal steroid medicine called Nasacort. The nasal allergy medicine helped for a couple of years when I used it during spring, summer, and fall. I had no allergy symptoms in the winter for many years. Then several years ago, my allergy symptoms continued to linger year-round, even in the winter.

I discovered that I had a dairy allergy

 So I had to take my allergy medicines year-round. Then the allergy medicines stopped working and my asthma symptoms became severe. I was having severe asthma attacks several times a day. I would have an asthmatic cough when I was eating, talking, and even sleeping. There were many asthma episodes that left me struggling to breathe. Through prayer, God revealed to me that I needed to eliminate dairy from my diet. My asthma symptoms improved and a food allergy blood test confirmed that I was allergic to dairy products. All my life I thought that I had a lactose issue. My seasonal allergies and asthma symptoms improved for a couple of years and then my asthma got out of control again.

 A life-threatening asthma attack led to allergy shots

 After a food allergy episode that left me struggling to breathe is why I started allergy shots to help my asthma improve ~ read more about that here. So I just finished allergy shot #4 and I was surprised that I had no side effects. 

Read about my previous allergy shot appointments 

+ Allergy shot appointment #1

+ Allergy shot appointment #2

+ Allergy shot appointment #3

 After the weird side effects that I had from my last allergy shot treatment, I was surprised that I had no side effects. I did not have any breathing problems. At first, I thought that the reason for no symptoms was that my #4 shot dosage was the same as #3. 

 While I was at the allergy doctor, receiving my treatment, I noticed that I did not experience any asthma problems. So I went to confirm with the person who administered the allergy shot about my shot dosage. He told me that my dose was increased. I left the allergy shot appointment happy that I was feeling fine.

No side effects from allergy shot #4

 I slept fine the night after my allergy shot treatment and woke up with no breathing issues. I did not experience any asthma symptoms either. I was so relieved. I still have four more months of the build-up phase of the allergy shots. So I know that I will have some rough allergy symptoms along the way. The allergy and asthma symptoms are so worth it to be cured of my seasonal allergy shots.

Could the BEAM Minerals be helping reduce my allergy symptom side effects?

 I was amazed that I had no asthma problems from my allergy shot treatment. As I was making my morning smoothie before I went to bed, my husband reminded me to do a nebulizer treatment. I told him that I felt fine and felt no need to do a treatment. I was adding the BEAM Minerals to my smoothie like I have been doing for the past 30 days, and I then realized that the BEAM Minerals were helping my body heal. I started taking plant-based minerals to heal my inflamed lungs from asthma and the mold problems we had in our house last year.

Use code MOMKNOWSBEST to save 20% on BEAM Minerals

The minerals in the BEAM supplement were helping my lungs and that may have been the reason that the allergy shots did not trigger my asthma. My body was healing from the mold sickness I was experiencing from the mold in our walls. I admit, when I first started taking the BEAM Plant-based Minerals, I was not really sure how they would help me. It was a product testimony from a person, who had mold sickness, that convinced me to take the minerals. I am glad that I took his advice. You have to head to beamminerals.com to discover how these minerals can help everyone with their health.

Stay tuned for allergy shot #5

 I will have my next allergy shot treatment in 2 weeks and I will make sure to share with you the side effects from that appointment. I am hoping that it will be good news again. 

Use code MOMKNOWSBEST to save 20% on BEAM Minerals


melissa said...

Alergy season is upon us and so many people suffer from seasonal allergies. This is such useful information for people who want to begin an effective treatment

moonlightmel said...

Seasonal allergies are such a pain, its good they is options for people! Very useful information here

Shelley@stockpilingmoms.com said...

My son has horrible allergies. We live in Kentucky and it doesn't seem to matter what time of year it is. We are doing allergy testing as we speak.

Melanie Edjourian said...

It's awful when you suffer with allergies. It's good the supplement helped.

Terri Steffes said...

It's so good to hear that the supplements may be helping with side effects.

Jenn @ EngineerMommy said...

My husband and younger daughter suffer from seasonal allergies. I need to look into this!

Lynndee said...

It's good to know the supplement is helping. I hope there will be no side effects on your next allergy shot. Best of luck. -LYNNDEE

Gust si Aroma said...

I am so glad that allergy shot #4 was better and you had no side effects from allergy shot #4. I can't wait to here about #5.

Mom Knows Best said...

How is his treatment going?

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Mom knows best