>U Mom Knows Best: Allergy Shots Treatment Experience #2

Allergy Shots Treatment Experience #2

 Are you considering allergy shots but need more information before you start an allergy shot treatment plan? Keep reading to discover my experience with receiving allergy shots.

 Several months ago when my allergy doctor for asthma problems suggested allergy shots as an alternative treatment for asthma medications, I was interested but I had plenty of questions. I had plenty of questions about allergy shots before I consented to an allergy shot treatment plan. I had questions that were unanswered at my limited allergy doctor appointment.

 Doctors never seem to give you enough time to ask medical questions and when they do answer your questions, it seems that you never get all the information about medical questions. So that can leave you consulting online medical websites. 

Read more about allergy shots here

Sure the doctor that I saw for my severe asthma symptoms from mold sickness gave me a pamphlet about what allergy shots were. While the pamphlet was helpful in helping me understand the allergy treatment plan as far as how many shots I would be receiving and the benefits of allergy shots. The allergy shot pamphlet did not give me any real information about what to expect from allergy shots. I wanted to know some of the side effects from allergy shots I might experience. 

Allergy shots could affect my asthma?

 I was hesitant to agree to allergy shots as I was worried that it might make my asthma symptoms worse. The allergy doctor had told me that my asthma has to be under control the day of my allergy shot. After experiencing a life-threatening allergy attack that left me gasping for air, I wanted to know the reality of the side effects of asthma shots. The only allergy side effects that the doctor mentioned was related to seasonal allergies and skin irritations.

Side effects from allergy shots the doctor mentioned

~ Skin irritation at the injection site

~ Swelling at the injection site

~ Seasonal allergy symptoms like runny nose

~ Allergy shots could be fatal, very rare

 So if the allergy shots' side effects were only skin problems and a runny nose, why did they want me to wait 30 minutes, after receiving the allergy shot, in the medical office waiting room. All my online searching left me with unanswered questions. I took a leap of faith and signed up for an allergy shot treatment plan. I needed the allergy shots to help my asthma improve. You can read more about allergy shots and asthma here. My choices to avoid further damage to my lungs were taking prescription asthma medicines for the rest of my life or curing seasonal allergies with asthma shots.

The side effects from my second allergy shot visit 

 Last week I had my second allergy shot injections. Yes, you read that right. I have severe allergies to many things that grow outside, so each allergy shot visit I receive 3 injections in my arms. The vials of my allergy shots contain small amounts of all the plants, weeds, grass, and trees that I am allergic to. I get my allergy shots every two weeks. I rolled up my sleeves and the nurse gave me the allergy shots in both arms. I received the injections and then sat in the waiting room for 30 minutes. I kept myself busy online so I could try to ignore the side effects of my allergy shots. That was a hard thing to do. 

My side effects from my 2nd allergy shot doctor appointment

~ The injection site on my arms had a stinging feeling for 15 minutes

~ My arms felt itchy

~ My asthma kicked in and I had to take some deep breaths and use my essential oil inhaler 

~ My whole body felt itchy for 12 hours, especially in my stomach

 I was thankful that I did not experience a severe asthma attack later in the evening like I did with my first allergy shot. I did not have any breathing problems that night when I slept. I actually woke up feeling good. The severe asthma reaction that I experienced with allergy number one may have been due to the mold we discovered in the bathroom. I may have slept better the night after my allergy shot since I had a new product for my sleep apnea.

 My second allergy shot had fewer side effects than my first allergy shot and the reason may be due to the fact that my body was healing from mold sickness. The natural plant-based mineral supplement that I was taking as part of my lung healing treatment plan.

 The plant minerals that I have been using for the past two months were BEAM Minerals - Link to affiliate link. BEAM Minerals is a 2 bottle supplement that is helping my body detox the mold, that we discovered last year. BEAM Minerals are also helping my body cells absorb the nutrients that I am eating from healthy food. This amazing supplement that is made from plants is also helping the cells utilize the other supplements that I am taking. You need to discover more about how BEAM Minerals can be beneficial for everyone, even those who have no health problems. Read more about BEAM Minerals here.

Use code MOMKNOWSBEST to save 20% on BEAM Minerals

Up next allergy shot #3

 My allergy shot treatment plan is over the course of 4 years. The first six months are the build-up phase and the remaining years are the maintenance phase. The first six months of my allergy shots will be allergy shot injections every 2 weeks. The allergy shots start out with small amounts of the allergens that I am allergic to and are gradually increased. That way my body can get used to the allergens gradually. It will be after this 6-month phase that my body will be cured and no longer be allergic to the many plants, weeds, grass, and trees. The allergy shots have an 80%  chance of success of working and I am thinking positive that these allergy shots will work.

 After the 6-month build-up phase, I will begin the maintenance phase of the allergy shot treatment. I will receive the allergy shots at the highest level once a month for 4 years. These shots will help my body to continue to not be allergic to all those outdoor seasonal allergies. It will be so nice to not have the seasonal allergies triggering my asthma. My asthma will never be cured but the allergy shots will take a layer off my asthma triggers. Seasonal allergies are a huge asthma trigger for me and are hard to avoid. I will still have my other asthma triggers of food allergies, smoke, mold, air pollution, and chemical fragrances, Most of these asthma triggers, I have been able to avoid. The allergy shots will cure my seasonal allergies and I will be able to manage my asthma naturally without any prescription medicines. I will finally be able to stop taking over-the-counter allergy medicines.


AiringMyLaundry said...

I hope the shots continue to help you with your allergies! I'm glad you didn't get another attack.

Beth said...

I have a family memeber who has to have allergy shots, and from what I've seen, your symptoms should be less and less with every visit. Good luck!

LoriBosworth said...

I don't have allergies, but it's interesting to learn about the side effects of allergy shots. I hope they work for you in the long run!

Terri Steffes said...

Dang. I hope the third shot is what makes you feel good again. That's a lot to ask of a person, to feel sick that long.

Elizabeth Neas said...

I am sorry you had the itchy after effect after your second allergy shot. I cannot imagine 12 hours of that. I give you huge credit. I hope your third one is much better.

Lavanda Michelle said...

In North Carolina we have a heavy pollen season. My allergies are tough during that time of year. I have never received a shot.

Melanie Edjourian said...

I know what you mean, doctors do seem to rush you out as quick as they can. I'm so pleased to hear you had less side effects this time. Hope the 3rd shot goes well x

alita said...

After reading your story, I am now considering allergy shots. I will look into the treatment plan more.

Brianne said...

I have allergies and it starts in Spring. I might actually try getting allergy shots.

Claudia said...

It's interesting to know that after the 6-month build-up phase, maintenance phase of the allergy shot treatment comes up. I will look into this more. Thanks for sharing the information.

Tasheena said...

I really enjoyed reading your post, thanks for your transparency, and sharing your experience.

Marysa said...

Sorry to hear you are going through all of this. I'm not familiar with allergy treatments and it is interesting to read about your experience.

Tammy said...

Sorry to hear you are having to go through this. My brother was the same thing, but it helped him so much.

moonlightmel said...

Sounds worth it if you have allergies, I didn't know about these things, will recommend to my mum

Gust si Aroma said...

I am so glad to know more about this allergy shots treatment plan. I know someone that would need it.

Mom Knows Best said...

That is good to know. I know it the long run, these shots will help me

Mom Knows Best said...

It will be a rough time during the treatment but to be cured of thes allergies will be amazing

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Mom knows best