>U Mom Knows Best: April 2018

A Solution for Busy Moms: Natural Supplements for Daily Maintenance

 Check out this article about natural supplements for busy moms.

 Today's mothers are busier than ever before. They have successful careers, children and spouses to care for each day. Juggling these tasks can be a handful. Stress is a common issue among most women. Turning to unhealthy habits isn't the answer to these anxious moments, however. Consider the use of supplements for an improved lifestyle. Busy moms deserve some help with their daily health and emotions.
Look for Natural

 Before you pick out just any supplement, read the label for the ingredients. You want natural products, such as those sold by Acutrition. Natural supplements use plant-based ingredients to create a certain reaction in the human body. The tissues are built to process and thrive on natural substances.

  Chemicals, in contrast, don't complement the human body. There might be unwanted, side effects. The majority of natural supplements have very few side effects if at all. Get the most out of your supplement by choosing natural ingredients.

Promoting Sleep Patterns

 Many supplements help you with your sleep patterns. Busy moms try to do it all. They might be up late on many occasions just to fit it all in. Encourage healthy, sleep patterns by trying natural supplements. The ingredients differ between products, but many of them contain melatonin. This substance is found naturally in the human body. When the lights dim in the evening, the body produces melatonin to induce sleep. Taking a supplement with this substance will only help moms with a restful evening.

Calming the Mind

 If you find yourself dealing with worries almost every minute of the day, consider a natural supplement that calms the mind. There are plenty of supplements that relax your nerves. No natural supplement has any harmful substances. They work with your body chemistry to relax the muscles. As a result, both your mind and body feel calm. Any worries that remain will be easier to deal with than before.

Improving Every Aspect of Life

 Aside from alleviating anxiousness, natural supplements can also improve moms' lives on many different levels. Consider a supplement that improves women's health, libido or organ longevity. From supporting your kidneys to liver, these supplements are helpful as long-term aids. Keeping up with your health means that less anxiousness will be in your daily life. Every mom who puts themselves first will see the stress-free benefits as they raise their families and enjoy life.

 Adding in exercises and deep conversations with friends and family are also good habits in addition to the supplement use. Being a well-rounded person will only help busy moms with their juggling act. Every day might be a challenge, but it's possible to persevere with some supplement assistance.

The Ultimate Game of Laser Tag Giveaway

Now kids can enjoy a game of laser tag anytime they want!

                 Sponsored post: I received a set of Laser X Micro Blasters in exchange for this post.

  My boys love playing laser tag when we visit the local arcade but the game always goes by too fast. So they always want to play again but that can get expensive. So I love that my boys can play a game of laser tag at home or at the park anytime they want and I don't have to shell out any money, nor drive them anywhere. My boys love that Laser X Micro Blasters bring the excitement of a laser tag arena right to their backyard!

Micro Blasters feature state-of-the-art lighting & sound effects

  Do your kids love video games? Laser X will get them off the couch for a fun game of laser tag with an updated, technologically-advanced laser blaster system. These cool Micro Blasters make a game of tag so much fun and get my boys excited about playing at the park. Unlike traditional laser tag guns, these don't require a dark room to play and I love that it does not use infrared beams, making it safe for all ages to play. The Micro Blasters make awesome sounds and have lights that are easy to see even outdoors. The best part is that the sensors have a 100-foot range!

Laser X Micro Blasters may be small, but they deliver big fun.

 My boys were able to enjoy a game of Laser Tag within minutes after opening the box as all they had to do was load batteries into the Blasters. Then they strapped the receivers onto their arms and the fun began. They were able to shoot each other 10 times before they needed to reload. The reloading only took 2 seconds with a quick press and hold of the trigger. So they could reload while running.

Two or more players can join in on the fun.

 All Laser X sets work together so my boys can play a game of Laser Tag with their friends once they get their parents to buy them Laser X Micro Blasters. My boys have will be showing these cool Micro Blasters to their friends in hopes that they will buy a set so they can have an awesome game of tag with their friends at the park this summer. How cool would these be for a game of tag at a sleepover? The new 5-inch Laser X Micro Blasters fit easily into bags so my boys can bring them to their friend's house. In fact, my boys told me about how they played with the Micro Blasters at their friend Jack"s birthday party so this mom needs to arrange a playdate with Jack.

Micro Blasters are recommended for ages 6+ and retail for $29.99 for a double set and $14.99 to equip a single player. The game is available at GetLaserX.com and is coming soon to Walmart, Costco, and Target. 

Want to win a Laser X Micro Blaster?

Enter this awesome giveaway for a chance to win a Laser X Micro Blaster set for two players.

Mom Knows Best is not responsible for the giveaway. The sponsor of this post will notify the winner and send out the prize.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Type A Is A Safer Natural Deodorant That Stops The Stink

Finally, a safe deodorant that works!

        I was sent a sample of Type A Deodorant to put to the test.

  I have reviewed plenty of natural deodorants and my readers always write to me that they are afraid to give up their aluminum-based deodorants for a natural based one as they don't want to stink or they sweat too much. I totally get them as it does take time for your body to adjust to a natural deodorant and stinky pits would not be my thing either. I guess I am one of the lucky ones that do not sweat when working out. It may be for the fact that I live in the desert of Albuquerque where we have very little moisture here. So when I go running, my pits are always dry. They do stink if I forget to apply deodorant but only I can smell them as it is a light stink. I smell them only if I place my nose near my armpits so no one else smells them and if they are then they are too darn close to my armpits. I am so lucky in the armpit category that my but sweats more at the gym. So for me a natural deodorant works as all I really need is a nice scent in my armpits.

I sweat and I don't want to stink!

  So for you unlucky ladies that sweat and want to give up those toxic aluminum based armpit deodorants, I have a product that just might work for you! I received a sample of Type A safer deodorant to try out. So in order to put this safer non-toxic deodorant to the test, I had to wear a long sleeve shirt and go running in 75-degree weather.I normally run in a tank top and shorts when it is warm out. So I knew that I would sweat dressed this way. I applied Type A Deodorant to only one armpit and put nothing on the other armpit. I then cranked up my tunes and ran for 45 minutes.

Type A is made from 100% non-toxic using only plant-derived or safe synthetic ingredients.

  So I after I ran, I smelled my armpits. The one that had the Type A Deodorant still smelled clean and fresh like citrus, the scent of the product and was not wet. The other armpit that I applied nothing to had a non-pleasant odor to it and was a bit wet.

How does it work?

Each and every time you sweat, type:A's odor fighters and wetness absorbers spring into action.

Here's how it works:

type:A is a glycerin-based formula. When glycerin comes into contact with moisture (i.e. your sweat) it sucks it up like a sponge. Plus, glycerin helps your skin stay soft and smooth.

Suspended in type:A's glycerin is a complex of ingredients that prevent odor and protect against wetness including zeolites, silver, zinc, baking soda, arrowroot powder and more.

These active ingredients are released little by little, each time you sweat, mimicking a time-release effect.

The formula acts like an invisible shield on your skin, waiting patiently to defeat odor and sweat as it happens.

Meet the Founder Of Type A

Our founder–Allison–knows what it takes to make a truly amazing product. Years of marketing beauty products for a living actually required her to try hundreds (if not thousands) of creams, serums, oils, lipsticks, fragrances and more. (What a slog, we know.)

When she decided to switch to a natural deodorant, she tried dozens of products but each and every one was a disappointment.

She knew a truly safe deodorant with stellar performance and safe ingredients was absolutely possible, it just needed to be created. So she set out to make it happen.

Find out more


The Best Fitness Tips For Enjoying Running

Sponsored post

Want to enjoy running?

  So you finally got the hang of running and want to work on running longer distances or faster speeds but don't know where to start. You have discovered that running is a great workout and can even be fun too. Yes, running is fun, and that running high that people speak about does exist. You get in your zone and you feel like you can win the race. I love that feeling that I get from running, a feeling of accomplishment. If you are not a runner or just started running, you may not be thinking that running is fun. That is ok, running is not for everyone and there are plenty of ways to get some healthy exercise.

  I have been running for a long time and over the years, I have learned what works for me to enjoy my running time and run longer/faster. Now I am not a sprinter or a marathon runner. I like to run 4-5 miles at a time and my speed right now is 8-minute miles but I would love to get back to those 7-minute miles that I ran in my twenties. I hope some of my tips can help you.



 It is always best to eat something 30 minutes to 1 hour before you run. Your body needs the fuel so have a lite snack that is loaded with carbohydrates so you will have the energy you need to get a good run in. If you like to run first thing in the morning, eat something like a banana before you get ready so it has time to digest before you run. After you run have a snack with protein in it. Protein will help your muscles recover better.


  I hate stretching but a running injury caused me to start stretching more.  Stretching will help your muscles perform better and not hurt so you can enjoy your running more. It is hard to enjoy running if your legs are hurting so stretch before you start running. I also walk about a couple blocks as this also helps the muscles warm up. Make sure to do some stretch after you run too. This will help your muscles recover faster.


 It is always good to drink a glass of water before you run as running will make you sweat. If your body is hydrated, you will feel tired and not want to run. In warmer weather, your hydration is even more important so up your drinking with a Sports Drink that contains electrolytes to prevent dehydration. Check out these Hot Weather Hydration Tips For Runners to learn about the signs of dehydration ways to prevent it.  My favorite sports drink contains coconut water, a great natural source of electrolytes and potassium. It comes in great natural flavors and is low in sodium. This delicious drink is naturally flavored and has no colors from artificial sources. The carbohydrates in the sports drink will also give you some energy to help you run faster/longer.

BODYARMOR Sports Drink now comes in 11 flavors – Strawberry Banana, Orange Mango, Fruit Punch, Blackout Berry, Watermelon Strawberry, Pineapple Coconut, Mixed Berry, Tropical Punch, Lemonade, Grape and Knockout Punch.

Train with a faster person

 I love running with my teenager as he makes running fun. He runs very fast as he is on the track team. I get motivated to run as I want to keep up with him. When I can't run with the teen, I will have the younger boys ride their bikes and I run behind them.

Fast music

 Fast music always motivates me to run. When I have my favorite tunes in my ears I will run faster and longer. So grab those headphones and listen to your favorite fast songs.

Slow music

 Slow music is also great when running. I like slow music when I start my workout as it helps me to start out slow to warm up my muscles. If my muscles are not hurting, I enjoy my run better.

an style="font-size: large;">Have a set goal

 To get the distance in that I like, I have a turn around point that is half of my running. So if I want to run 4 miles, I will run to a place that I know is 2 miles away from my house and then turn around to get my four miles in. If I want to work on my speed, I will try to run fast for one full song or I will look ahead and tell myself to run to a certain tree, sign, or something else that I see in the distance. That helps me with speed as then I know I get to slow down when I get to that point.

Know the signs of dehydration

 It is important to drink water before you get thirsty as thirst is an indication of early dehydration. Here are some signs that your body needs more water:

                               A headache
                               General fatigue
                              An increase in body temperature
                              Muscle cramps

 Stop running, if you become dizzy, nauseated, have the chills, or cease to sweat. Find a shady spot and rest. Make sure to replenish your liquids with a sports drink like BODYARMOR to get your electrolytes back in balance.


 It is always important to drink after running to replace the fluids you lost through sweating. That tired feeling that you get after exercise could be dehydration so play it safe, especially in warm weather and drink a natural sports drink that has potassium and electrolytes in it.

BODYARMOR Sports Drink is a premium, sports drink that provides superior hydration. It is packed with electrolytes, coconut water, and vitamins and is low in sodium and high in potassium. BODYARMORcontains natural flavors and sweeteners and no colors from artificial sources

Starting in 2018, BODYARMOR Sports Drink is now available in 6-Packs
across the U.S. at several retailers including Kroger, Walmart and Sam’s Club. It is available in four
flavors including Strawberry Banana, Orange Mango, Fruit Punch, and Peach Mango LYTE.

FREE Old El Paso Seasoning Mix

Coupon Details

FREE Old El Paso Seasoning Mix Receive ONE (1) FREE Old El Paso Seasoning Mix, any variety (1 oz.). Available in most stores.

Exp 05/13/2018

This Friday, April 27th, 2018– ONLY, you can load a coupon to your Kroger (or Affiliate) Plus Card for a FREE Old El Paso Seasoning Mix,
Although 04/27/2018 is the only day that you can load the coupon, the coupon offer is redeemable through 05/13/2018

What is the Free Friday Download?
Every Friday, you can download a digital coupon for a FREE item! This offer is available exclusively to Customers with a Smiths Food and Drug or other Kroger store reward card.

How does it work?
Visit this page on Fridays.
Download the digital coupon for the product between 12am-11:59pm PT. You can view your coupon under the "My Coupons" section of your digital account or the Mobile App.

Redeem your coupon in-store within 2 weeks.
Your coupon will automatically be applied at checkout when you use your Shopper's Card.
Remember to check back the next Friday for a new offer!

Don't forget to save even more money with other great coupons under the Savings & Rewards Tab!

ProBiotein Adds Taste And Nutrition To Baked Goods & More

I am always looking for ways to sneak nutrition into my family's diet!

       I received samples of ProBiotein to facilitate this post.

  I love my probiotics and know how they have benefited me. I always take a daily probiotic and include a wonderful prebiotic supplement in my daily smoothie. The problem is getting my family to do the same. My younger boys will take a daily probiotic when reminded but my husband is always a challenge when it comes to healthy eating. So I have to sneak nutrition like prebiotics and fiber into his favorite foods.So when I discovered a product that adds prebiotics and fiber to baked goods and oatmeal without changing the taste, I just had to try it as my husband will eat oatmeal. My husband also loves homemade bread and pizza so I just loved the thought of sneaking wonderful digestive enzymes into his slice of bread or pizza without him knowing. Before I tried ProBiotein in my bread, I had to taste it myself. So I put a tablespoon in my morning bowl of oatmeal and I did not notice any change in taste. I read the package and saw that this prebiotic fiber had Omega-3 in it and loved that my teen could use this instead of chia seeds in his daily oatmeal.

 ProBiotein is made from fermented organic wheat, oats & flax!

 There are also other healthy items in this unique product like barley malt, organic golden flax meal, nutritional yeast, and phosphorus. So it makes perfect sense to add it to baked goods like bread and pizza crust. I love that it has 4 prebiotic fibers, 4 digestive enzymes, amino acids, omega-3, and concentrated protein.

  I also love that this prebiotic fiber can be stirred into my oatmeal daily for great digestion. All it takes is 1 tablespoon a day to get some great gut health and digestion. So on days that I don't drink a smoothie, I will add this to my oatmeal. Next time I bake bread, I will add several tablespoons to my recipe to see how it performs.

Want to know more?

Head on over to ProBiotein's website for more great information and wonderful baked good recipes.


Free Hello Baby Box With A Babylist Registry

Create the ultimate baby registry!

I received a Graco SnugRide® SnugLock™ 35 DLX Infant Car Seat.

  Having a baby is so exciting! I am overjoyed that my daughter is having a girl this summer. This will be my first grandchild. Now that my daughter found out that the baby is going to be a girl, this future grandma is excited to go shopping. I am glad that my daughter has made up a baby registry so I will have some ideas on what my daughter desires for the baby.  Having a baby registry is not only great for a baby shower but it is also great for us grandparents so we can get the baby items that the mom-to-be loves. I discovered a really awesome place for new moms to set up their baby registry. The BabyList Registry allows the pregnant mom to create the ultimate baby registry from the comfort of their home. Moms can easily make a registry with baby products from any store on the web and their list is stored at one convenient place to make shopping so easy for friends and family!

 FREE Hello Baby Box
Start your Babylist registry today to be eligible* for a free box full of goodies for you and baby!

*The Hello Baby Box contains product samples for parents and baby from trusted partners. It's free for select Babylist Registry Users who have a complete Babylist registry that is created on or after December 26, 2017. It's only available while supplies last and content of the Hello Baby Box may vary.


  The BabyList Registry is so simple to use, even for grandparents! You can access your list from any device and add baby items from any website with the press of one button. It is the universal baby registry! Getting started takes only a few steps and the mom-to-be can add unique items that are not found in big box stores. The parents-to-be can even ask for things like home cooked meals!

Grandparents can buy and ship the big items!

  I remember when I had my babies and I carefully researched items like car seats, strollers, and cribs to make sure that I was getting the best for my baby. So this grandma wants her granddaughter to be safe while traveling in the car. I love that I can buy the best car seat for the new baby and ship it to my daughter just by looking at her BabyList Registry! This grandma likes the technology on the SnugRide® SnugLock™ 35 DLX Infant Car Seat. This car seat is so easy to install with one simple click so new parents know the seat is installed correctly. There is even an adjustable base so mom and dad can position the baby safely. I love the one hand adjustable handle on this car seat! This will make getting baby out of the seat so easy with a simple press of a button. The sun canopy is even super quiet to move so mom can adjust it without waking the baby. My daughter will love the neutral colors of the car seat so she can use it for the next baby.

Check out these awesome features:
  • InRight LATCH system for a one-second LATCH attachment
  • Adjustable base with 4 recline positions lets you customize fit to your vehicle
  • Easy-to-read level indicator helps eliminate installation guesswork
  • Removable newborn head and body support cushions baby
  • Convenient compartment stores both the LATCH connectors and manual when not in use
  • Click Connect technology provides one-step secure attachment to Graco Click Connect strollers and bases
  • Lightweight infant car seat for easy carrying
  • Be sure to check your local and state laws, as well as AAP and NHTSA recommendations, for car seat usage.
  • Engineered & crash tested to meet or exceed the US standard FMVSS 213 & side impact tested for occupant retention solely with the built-in 5-point harness system
  • EPS, energy absorbing foam for effective impact energy management

You can even transfer items from another baby registry!

 If your favorite baby store is going out of business or you just want to make things simple for your friends and family, Baby List allows you to combine all those baby registries for a one-stop shopping place. So make shopping easy for your friends and family, especially those grandparents and start your BabyList Registry today!


Just FYI, I want you all to know that these Hello Baby Boxes are available in a limited quantity, while supplies last. And they’re available for US residents only. So if you’re an expecting mama that is looking to create her baby registry then start your Babylist registry today to be eligible for a free Hello Baby Box!

Wandering Bear Is The Best Go To Cold Brew Coffee On Tap

This is Cold Brew for coffee lovers!

   I received samples from Wandering Bear to try and give my honest opinion on.

 I get excited when coffee is delivered to my home. Now I am not talking about a package of coffee that I have to brew, no I am talking coffee that is ready to drink. I am talking about a strong yet smooth cold brew coffee that can go from tap to my cup in seconds. This delicious cup of coffee gets me excited about my day. All I have to do to enjoy my coffee is to open my fridge. I don't know about you but my favorite part of my day, now that the weather is getting warmer, is savoring a delicious sweet cup of iced coffee. 

Cold brewed superpowers, to supercharge your every day!

 Wandering Bear makes it easy to enjoy cold brew coffee. They do all the work of cold brewing the coffee for way too many hours and then place it in a handy go to coffee on tap container that fits in your fridge. This unique box keeps the coffee fresh for days (even after opening) so I can enjoy my coffee right away! I love that they use organic coffee beans and cold water. The cold water brew results in a sweet, smooth taste without any bitter taste that I get from my coffee maker. This coffee has such a sweet taste that I only need to add my milk to it and not sugar like I usually do with my hot brewed coffee.

Wandering Bear is the iced coffee for way too busy people!

 Wandering Bear also makes these convenient Cold Brew Coffee-On-The -Go packs. My teen saw these in the fridge and got excited that he did not have to make his coffee before school. For my busy teen that meant 10 extra minutes of sleep. My teen is like me, he does not drink coffee to wake up but rather enjoys it for the taste and all those antioxidants. My teen also knows that cold brew coffee has a way better taste than a hot brew method. 

Always fresh & ready to drink 

 On days that I want hot coffee, I just fill up my favorite mug from the cold brew tap and warm it up in the microwave. I really like having my coffee ready for me in the morning. Wandering Bear puts a smile on my face when I open up my fridge!

Cold brew coffee with options

You decided how often you want your coffee. I love that Wondering Bear has a subscription option so I can get my coffee delivered when I need it and I also save 10%! No worries, you can also get a one time purchase so you can see how awesome cold brew coffee is.

Healthy Road Trip Snacks

       Summer is almost here and so are the road trips!

   Do you have any road trips planned for the summer? My family takes at least one road trip every year. Our last trip was a 12-hour trip to go visit my mom and dad. I am not a big fan of traveling by car but for a big family like mine, it makes the most sense money wise. Now that the kids are older, it is easier for them as they do a great job of keeping themselves busy watching a movie. I think it is myself who is the worst traveler in the car. I have to keep myself busy so I don't drive my husband crazy by being a backseat driver. I always bring my computer, yea to having internet in the car! My husband does not mind driving as long as I pack plenty of snacks. Sure he prefers junk food but I have found some healthy snacks that meet his requirements for salty and sweet. He has to have both kinds of snacks to be a happy driver as well as his crazy music from the 70's and 80's.

Ten Great Road Trip Ideas For Traveling With Kids

 So here are some of my husband/kid approved healthy road trip car snacks. Some are sweet and some are salty but all are delicious. These healthy snacks will keep everyone happy in the car so you won't have to stop for food at unhealthy fast food places.

Good Health Sriracha Veggie Straws 

 These crunchy snackable straws are a family favorite. They are a guilt-free snack that is mom approved as they are packed with nutrients (vitamins!) from tomatoes, spinach, beets, broccoli, and carrots. The best part is this gluten-free and non-GMO snack doesn't taste like veggies! The Sriracha flavor has a mild spicy taste that the boys and I love. We also love the Sea Salt Straws.

Snikiddy Mac N’ Cheese Organic Baked Cheese Puffs

 If you love mac and cheese, then you will love these tasty puffs as they are inspired by kid's favorite snacks. They are an ultra-cheesy kid-approved snack without the messy hands. These puffs are also USDA Certified Organic and nut-free so all kids can enjoy.

Nutiva Organic O’Coconut 

 My teen has discovered coconut flakes and uses it in everything as he loves the taste. So he was happy for these single-serve packages of lightly sweetened coconut cookies that he can take for an on the go snack. These delicious cookies might taste sweet but they only have 3 grams of sugar per snack. I love that each treat has healthy coconut oil too. They are also USDA Certified Organic and non-GMO.

Enjoy Life Foods Grain & Seed Bars 

 While my family does not require gluten-free snacks, I am happy that these delicious bars are also made with plant-based ingredients that include ancient grains and seeds. These allergy-friendly bars come in some amazing flavors like Chocolate Marshmallow, Banana Caramel and more. My family loves the Maple Sweet Potato bar.

Country Archer Honey-Chipotle Turkey Jerky 

 While I don't eat meat, my boys are meat eaters and love jerky. So I make sure that the meat is raised without antibiotics and has no added hormones. The flavor of this turkey jerk sounds so delicious that even this vegetarian gal was craving a taste of the bold honey and chipotle flavor. A whole bag of the slowly marinated cage-free turkey jerky has 29 grams of protein and only 200 calories making it a great high-protein snack!

bare Fuji & Reds Apple Chips 

 Packing fruit for a road trip is so easy when apples come in a crunchy snack. My boys love these made from real apple slices "chips" and can quickly eat a whole bag of them in no time. I love that they are made without any oil, preservatives, or added sugar.

Which of these healthy snacks will you be taking on your next road trip?

FREE bag of Kroger Kettle Cooked Chips

FREE Kroger Kettle Chips Receive ONE (1) FREE bag of Kroger Kettle Cooked Chips, 8.5 oz., any variety

Exp 05/06/2018

This Friday, April 20th, 2018– ONLY, you can load a coupon to your Kroger (or Affiliate) Plus Card for a FREE bag of Kroger Kettle Cooked Chips,
Although 04/20/2018 is the only day that you can load the coupon, the coupon offer is redeemable through 05/06/2018


What is the Free Friday Download?
Every Friday, you can download a digital coupon for a FREE item! This offer is available exclusively to Customers with a Smiths Food and Drug or other Kroger store reward card.

How does it work?
Visit this page on Fridays.
Download the digital coupon for the product between 12am-11:59pm PT. You can view your coupon under the "My Coupons" section of your digital account or the Mobile App.

Redeem your coupon in-store within 2 weeks.
Your coupon will automatically be applied at checkout when you use your Shopper's Card.
Remember to check back the next Friday for a new offer!

Don't forget to save even more money with other great coupons under the Savings & Rewards Tab!

Mother's Day Special Offer

Check out this great gift for mom!

Moms work hard 365 days out of the year, so why give them another predictable gift this Mother's Day? With the exquisite collection of mothers rings from Mama's Jewelry, you're bound to make this the most unforgettable Mother's Day yet! Each time she looks down at her ring puts on her earrings or is asked about her necklace, she'll remember just how much she's loved.

Mama's Jewelry: Who They Are - 

 Mama's Jewelry has been designing rings and pendants for moms for 30 years, and we have no intention of slowing down! Our company is committed to creating exceptional mothers pendants, rings, and earrings at affordable prices.

 A key benefit to shopping with us is our fast turnaround times. As soon as we receive your order, our CAD technicians and certified jewelers get to work designing and building your custom item. All of our processes follow strict quality control measures. Everything that comes from us has our seal of approval. If we wouldn't give it to our loved ones, we won't send it to you!

Most orders for mothers rings and pendants are able to be sent out within 3 to 5 days, reaching you about a week later. If you're shopping at the last minute, Mama's Jewelry will take care of you and ensure that you get a custom made item that looks like it took months to make!

For More Information Visit: https://mamasjewelry.com/

Kitchfix Grain Free Waffles Are 100% Grain Free & Paleo

These delicious grain-free waffles are great for a Paleo diet!

                      I received samples of the mentioned product.

 The box may say grain-free but my taste buds sure did not believe that. These delicious waffles tasted like regular waffles that I made in a waffle iron. I had to try these Kitchfix waffles as I loved how healthy they were. The Blueberry Maple flavor was the thing that caught my eye in the store. My boys wanted to try the original grain-free waffles so I bought both flavors. I love how easy they were to make as I took them from the freezer to my toaster.

    I just love the healthier clean ingredients that these grain-free waffles are made from. I don't need to follow a gluten-free diet but I have many friends who do so I love letting them know about the healthy delicious foods that I discover. My friends who are following the Paleo diet will love these waffles too. My boys did not care one bit that the box said grain-free as they had delicious waffles. I was happy that the waffles had 8 grams of protein, that is more protein than one egg! The waffles are also low in carbs.

I found these yummy perfect for breakfast grain-free waffles at Sprouts but they are also available at many other stores. Kitchfix makes these delicious grain-free waffles in three flavors:
Blueberry Maple
Banana Cinnamon

A Saucer Tree Swing Is Fun For All Ages

I received this product in exchange for review from Giveaway Service website. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

The backyard swingset has a new purpose!

  My boys are getting older and the swingset has not been used for a while. Spring is here and all my boys want to do is ride bikes and skate on their skateboards. So the swingset just sits there waiting for someone to play. So when a company reached out to me and asked me if I wanted to try out this cool looking Saucer Tree Swing, I started dreaming of relaxing lazy days of me swinging. That was the plan but that all changed when the huge swing arrived at our house. The boys saw the big blue circle swing and wanted to try it out right away.

  It was nighttime so I told the boys that I would put it together after church the next day. I woke up the next morning and discovered the swing already assembled. The 10-year-old put it together all by himself that morning. This swing was quite big but also light at the same time. I told my boys to hang it on the swingset. The boys had no troubles hanging the swing as it was easy to do. Then the fun began as the two boys had a blast swinging. Even my husband tried the swing and that was ok as this swing is built to hold up to 400 pounds. I was happy to see the swingset get some use once again.

   After lunch, I found my son relaxing on the swing. I was amazed that he was actually relaxing as this boy never sits still. Then it was finally my turn to try out the swing. I loved how relaxing the swing was. I love that this swing is durable and is made of weather resistant materials so it can stay outside year-round. My boys asked if they could take the swing camping this summer to try it out on a tree. I thought that was a great idea so Cub scout troop could enjoy it too. We are not able to try the swing on a tree at the park near us as the trees are too young so, for now, it stays on the swingset. This swing will keep my boys busy during the summer and provide them with lots of exercise.

 Saucer Tree Swing info

This swing is 40" and comes in many colors like blue, green and even rainbow. It is constructed to last and is easy to put together. The rope is commercial grade and comes with durable strong clips so it can be hung on a tree or swing set. The swing can hold several kids and even adults up to 400 pounds!

 With a load rating of 400 lbs., this swing can handle multiple children at the same time. We take safety seriously and that's why we only use the strongest and safest materials around like 600D Oxford fabric, no lead, and an industrial strength steel frame.

Check out the 40" Saucer Tree Swing at


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