>U Mom Knows Best: Pickle Juice And Other Unique Runner Must Have Items For Spring

Pickle Juice And Other Unique Runner Must Have Items For Spring

              Check out these unique products that every runner should try at least once!

           I received samples from the below companies to try to facilitate this post.

   I love that the weather is warmer as that means I can get outside more for exercise and ditch the gym. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with the gym, I just got spring fever and I need to go somewhere when I run. I get tired of staying in one place when I workout and have to stare out the window at the pizza place that is near my gym. Although I work out faster when I see the overweight people picking up their pizza, it gets boring after a while. So I am excited to be back outside with the birds and looking at all the spring plants blooming. There are plenty of purple flowers for me to see while I run. I received a box of unique must-have runner products to try out and I am excited to share them with you.

           Have you ever drank pickle juice?

   You are probably thinking, yuck no way I am going to drink the salty liquid from the pickle jar! Well, apparently it is a hot new craze for runners to drink pickle juice. This juice is loaded with stuff to help you recover faster from running, especially on a hot day. Runners have discovered that this pickle liquid helps with muscle cramps and hydration as it is loaded with sodium and potassium. The plus of this liquid from the pickle jar is it is fat-free and has way less sugar than those neon-colored sports drinks. The green liquid is also loaded with antioxidants and the vinegar may even help with weight loss.

  That sounds all good to me but I just don't think I could drink pickle juice without gagging. 

 Relax, I found a better way to get the pickle juice benefits and it tastes a lot better. You also don't have to buy the Costco size jar of pickles. I discovered this delicious Cultured Liquid Pickle Boosts that goes beyond the benefits of pickle juice. These 2 oz shots of pickle juice have other healthy superfoods and taste so much better. These shots are made with the 7000-year old method of lacto-fermentation.

This liquid pickle offers the bold and complex flavor of fermentation and the probiotic power of lactobacillus.  Drink this unique shot to restore balance and energy to your day. The acidity and electrolytes from the lactobacillus may help alleviate muscle strain.

Check out the different flavors:

GREEN has 35 mg of caffeine from organic green tea, organic chlorella and organic spirulina algae. 

RED GINGER has 35 mg of caffeine from organic green tea, vitamin C from organic hibiscus and the flavor and antioxidant properties of ginger.

DEEP PURPLE has 35 mg of caffeine from organic green tea organic elderberry and organic licorice root.

TURMERIC has 35 mg of caffeine from organic green tea, organic turmeric and organic dandelion root.

Hot Shot has 35 mg of caffeine from organic green tea,  and spice and antioxidant properties of chili peppers.

Beet has 35 mg of caffeine from organic green tea, and the flavor and antioxidant properties of red beets.

             Prevent ankle injuries!

   As a runner, my ankles can always use some extra support and I don't think I am going to get them from wearing high-tops. Do they even make high-top running shoes? Change your old school socks for this revolutionary athletic sock that mimics ankle taping patterns and gives you the freedom to perform at your best. These compression socks will transform the way you move, play, train, and compete. I had never tried any form of compression socks, my teen son who can run less than a five-minute mile loves them, so I just had to try these. I like that these did not go up to my knee as I just don't like tight things on my calves. I wish I had known about these socks when I had my ankle injury many years ago. These comfy socks sure do put a spring in my step and help with my circulation. I love wearing them after running to reduce the soreness that I sometimes get when my ankle flares up from that past injury.

         A perfect GRAB & GO high protein snack!

 My teenager son is always looking for snacks to stash in his gym bag for track meets. These tasty Skinny Salamis are what he is enjoying this spring after a long run. He loves that one pouch gives him 10 grams of protein to help his muscles recover. I love that the animals are raised without antibiotics and have only 90 calories per serving. The individual servings are traditionally cured and made in small batches. The six unique flavors are a perfect meat lover snack.

    Take care of spring injuries the natural way!

  Even the best runners fall down. After being stuck indoors on a machine at the gym not going anywhere, I find that I have to be more aware of all those cracks in the sidewalk and on the road. I once tore my hamstring from tripping over a crack in the street and then there was the time I got a bad scrape from a raised sidewalk crack, I even have a cool scar from that one. These injuries were from running in trail shoes on pavement. Maybe if I had treated the injury with CUROXEN, I would not have this pretty scar on my leg. That scrape from my fall hurt too and I never thought to treat it with a natural & organic first aid ointment. This homeopathic medicine kills the bacteria fast to prevent infection in minor cuts, scrapes, and burns. I love that it has no artificial antibiotics or chemicals either. I need to send a box of Curoxen with my boys when they go camping as the youngest always comes home with cuts and burns. On his last camping trip, he burned his fingers from a lighter and had to wear band-aids for quite some time.

                                 Love this chart that I discovered on https://www.curoxen.com/

Keep pests away without stinky chemicals!

  The last thing I want when running outdoors is having insects such as mosquitoes, flies, and gnats bugging me. I like that this DEET-free band works effectively to repel insects naturally for up to 120 hours! It is so much easier to use than sprays that can sometimes stink or rinse off from my sweat. The Bugband is easy to fasten to your wrist, hat, belt, and even a running stroller. The best part is it can be stored in the included reusable plastic “pod” so it can be used more than once. The bands come in many colors that include a glow-in-the-dark one along with a family 4- pack. I will be sending some of these BugBands with my boys when they go camping this summer.

What product would you like to try?

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