>U Mom Knows Best: April 2015

Colorful Composting W/ CompoKeeper Giveaway

***2 Winners***

Hosted by:
A Lucky Ladybug
Make Our Own Network

Did you know that International Compost Awareness Week is May 3rd-9th?

The "innovative food scrap collector was designed with your busy life and the planet in mind. Efficient, no odors, bug-free convenience!  Available in four colors and comes with 12 Compostable Bags, Two Activated Carbon Filters, Easy-to-assemble Handle Accessories

Proprietary bag-sealing clamps
Pedal-powered lid
Ventilated design
Activated carbon filter

What are you doing to reduce your eco-footprint?

This giveaway is open to the Continental US only (because of shipping costs) and will end on May 15th, 2015.  Good Luck!!

How To Make Bake Potatoes In A Slow Cooker

When it is too hot to turn the oven on, use the slow cooker

   I have found a wonderful way to cook potatoes and they taste so good. I usually cook my potatoes in the microwave as it so fast and easy, but not anymore. I tried cooking them in my slow cooker and discovered that they taste so much better. Cooking potatoes in a slow cooker make them so creamy and not dried out like when I microwave them. It is so easy to cook the potatoes in the slow cooker. You simply wrap the potatoes in foil and place them in the slower cooker, no water is needed. Start the potatoes in the morning and come home to baked potatoes for dinner. These will be the softest and most richly flavored potatoes you've ever eaten. They are even better than oven baked potatoes and the best part is you don't have to run the oven for an hour. Now that summer is on its way, the slow cooker method is a better way to enjoy a warm meal.

 Baked potatoes are great for plant-based meals or meatless meals. Even people on a vegan diet can enjoy baked potatoes. If you have dairy allergies like me then you can eat them with salt or vegan cheese. I love using my slow cooker for so many meals as you can start it in the morning and have a hot delicious meal ready in the evening. My family loves when I make when I make tamales in the slow cooker. I also use my slow cooker for making big batches of beans so I can freeze them for recipes. I even use my slow cooker for making homemade yogurt with an electric blanket.

When you make baked potatoes in a slow cooker, make sure to add some water at the bottom of the crock or you may end up with a crack in the slow cooker crock. I learned about that the hard way when my slow cooker crock broke. I like to add about a half cup of water and then place the foil-wrapped potatoes on a wire rack or a vegetable steamer. .

       How to Bake a Potato in the Slow Cooker
           Makes 4 potatoes

         4 russet potatoes
            olive oil


 Wash and scrub the potatoes. Poke the potatoes with a fork a couple of times. Lay the potato on a piece of foil that is big enough to wrap it in. Lightly brush the potato with olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Wrap the potato tightly in the foil. Repeat with remaining potatoes.
   Add 1/2 cup of water to the slow cooker and place a wire rack or steamer on the crock. Arrange the foil wrapped potatoes in the slow cooker, making sure they not touching the bottom of the crock. It is ok if the potatoes are touching each other.
  Bake 8 to 10 hours on low or 4 to 5 hours on high. Remove the potatoes from the foil when done. Split them open and top with your favorite toppings.

 I like to put cooked broccoli and cheese on mine. These potatoes can make a great easy meal on busy days. Other ideas for toppings are can chili and cheese. You can also cook sweet potatoes and beets with this method. I made beets the other day in my slow cooker and my husband said they taste so much better than can beets.

How To Get Longer, Thicker Eyelashes With IncreduLash Eyelash Growth Serum & A Giveaway

     Long thick eyelashes look so pretty. I was not born with long eyelashes so I am so jealous of ladies who have long thick eyelashes. I have these short thin eyelashes that are hard to see when my eyes are open. Even my boys have longer lashes than me. I just want to bat my eyelashes like my boys can. So what is a girl like me to do? 

After using for three weeks

I was given an opportunity to try an eyelash growth serum from Vidi Skin Care and I said yes as I wanted longer eyelashes. I love that the serum is 100% safe and it won't hurt my eyes if I get it in my eyes by accident. I found out that the eyelash serum is easy to use too. I only have to apply the serum to my lashes once a day and I can get longer lashes naturally. Their trials showed that people had a 20% growth in two weeks.

         I have been using the serum for about 4 days so I have not notice any change yet. I took a before photo and will update the post with an after photo after I have used the product for two weeks
Here are some additional facts about IncreduLash Eyelash Growth Serum.

IncreduLash is made from Apple Stem Cells and Peptide which help make eyelashes grow longer.

IncreduLash is made in the USA in a FDA certified facility.

The product is Prostaglandin free and Paraben free.

A bottle lasts for up to 6 months when used once a day.

The product has been easy for me to use everyday. I just run the brush across the skin of my upper lashes where the lashes and skin meet. I close one eye to do this and I only got the product in my eye once. It did sting a little bit but I wiped my eye with a tissue and it felt better. Once the clear serum is on my lashes, I don't even notice it is there, unlike mascara. I can't wait for my lashes to grow. So if you want longer, thicker eyelashes check out IncreduLash Eyelash Growth Serum.

Here is $20 OFF coupon for IncreduLASH EyeLash and Eyebrow Serum on Amazon.com making the price for just $19.95. Use coupon code TOMO2115 at checkout, valid until June 30th and one per customer.


I am giving away a full size IncreduLash Eyelash Growth Serum to one of my readers. Just enter on the form below and good luck!

                    a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway is open to US residents 18 years of age or older. No entry is mandatory. Chances of winning giveaway depends on number of entries. All entries will be verified. Winner will be notified within 24 hours of end of contest and will then have 48 hours to respond to the email or a new winner will be chosen. Sponsor is responsible for shipping out prize. Void where prohibited.

"These opinions are my own and I was sent the above mentioned product in exchange for a review."

Skorch Waterproof Backpack Will Keep My Son's Phone And Clothes Dry When He Goes Sailing

   My son is in Navy ROTC and this summer he will get the opportunity to go sailing. Sailing involves cadets learning how to make the boat go. The boat of course is in the water and they do tip over. When the tip over, you fall into the water and get wet along with your clothes and other items. I found the perfect waterproof backpack for my son that will keep his things dry, including his phone. My son can't wait to use this backpack on his sailing trips. He even joked that he will charge his friends money to put their phone in his waterproof backpack.

 The Skorch backpack is fully waterproof. It keeps clothes, cameras, phones and other things like your lunch dry in all conditions or if the bag falls overboard. This bag has a capacity of 1220 cubic inches and holds a lot of stuff. I was able to get a pair of shoes, a towel, and a change of clothes in the bag with room to spare. The bag has padded straps so it is comfortable to wear while you are enjoying water sports like sailing, river rafting, jet skiing, and more. This bag is also great for the beach or while riding a bike in the rain. The bag is made of durable UPVC material and is strong enough to carry items like books or a laptop. The material wipes clean and drys fast.

I just love how easy it is to close the waterproof backpack. The instructions are printed on the bag. You simply fold over the unique flap a couple times and clasp it with a strong clasp.

    My son tried on the backpack with the items in it and gave it a thumbs up. He said it was comfy and did not feel bulky. He can't wait to go sailing this summer with his Navy ROTC unit, it's his first time. He might even let his friends put their phones in his bag.

To purchase this awesome Skorch Waterproof Backpack, click on the below link. The price is pretty good for an item like this.

Check out my video review!

A Day At The Park With Zevia

    The weather is warm and my kids are so happy. My boys get out of school at 12:45 PM on Wednesday. That means we get to go to the park. We have a park one block away from our house which makes going to the park easy. Since it is such a nice day today, the boys and I have decided to bring a snack with us to the park so we can stay and play for a long time. My boys favorite treat to bring to the park is Zevia Zero calorie soda. Now Zevia is not just another diet soda. These colorful cans contain yummy clear soda that is mom approved. This zero calorie soda is is sweetened with two plant based sweeteners. Zevia is sweetened with Stevia and Monk fruit. I just love that this soda has no artificial colors and comes in 15 yummy flavors. Our favorite flavors are grape, grapefruit citrus and lemon lime. Only the colas and root beer Zevia soda contains color and that color is all natural.

      My boys and I packed our cold Zevia soda in a cool looking lunch bag that Zevia sent me, along with some yummy snacks. Then the boys rode their bikes to the park while I walked. When we arrived to the park, we set our snack bag on a table. My boys had fun riding their bikes around the park. I used the time to get some exercise in too as I walked laps around the park. All that fun made us hungry and thirsty so we sat down to enjoy our snack with our cold Zevia. I love that I can give my boys a treat of soda and not have to worry about chemicals and sugar. They are growing boys and they don't need those in their bodies. Zevia is a drink that I can feel good about giving to my boys.

    Look for Zevia zero calorie soda at stores like Target, Smiths, Whole Foods, and Sprouts. This soda comes in yummy flavors like grape, orange, cola, root beer, and many more. I have tried all the flavors and love them all. I like to keep a variety in my pantry.  Click the below link to save money on Zevia.

Talk with Zevia on

So what flavor of Zevia do you want to try first?

"These opinions are my own and I the above mentioned product in exchange for a review."

Help Your Child Learn A Second Language With Bosley Sees the World: A Dual Language Book & A Giveaway

   I live in the wonderful state of New Mexico. It is sunny here most days out of the year. New Mexico is also made up of a lot of different cultures. The two most common languages spoken here are English and Spanish. There are many people here who do not speak English. It is common here to go to the store and hear the cashier speak both English and Spanish.

   Knowing both of these languages will help people succeed in the job market. My husband is a health inspector and sometimes needs to speak to people who only know Spanish. Thankfully, my husband is fluent in Spanish. My husband learned Spanish from years of working in restaurants. My husband gets special assignments at work because he is able to speak this second language. The schools here do not offer any Spanish classes until high school.  That frustrates me as I know my children can learn a 2nd language easier when they are younger.

I found a wonderful book that helps my children to learn Spanish. The Bosley Sees the World: A Dual Language Book is a book that has the story in both Spanish and English.  Each page of the story has the story in both languages. You read a couple of sentences in English and then read the same sentences in Spanish. The pages are colorful and the story keeps the child's attention as they read or listen to the story about a bear's adventures. This book is perfect for children who are learning how to read too. The parent can read while the child listens or the child can read with you.

            My son enjoyed reading the story to himself in English and then I helped him read it in Spanish. The only thing that would make the book better would be a read along CD so I knew I was pronouncing words correctly.

   The Bosley Sees the World books are available in other languages like French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, and Hindi.This children's book is perfect for kids who are learning English. So if you want your child to learn a 2nd language the Bosley Sees the World: A Dual Language Book  can help them. You can even order the book for your Kindle. 

Buy this book on Amazon


I have a copy of the Bosley Sees the World: A Dual Language Book to giveaway to one of my readers. You can even choose the language of the book. To have a chance to win, just enter on form below and good luck!

                   a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway is open to US residents 18 years of age or older.  Chances of winning giveaway depends on number of entries. All entries will be verified. Winner will be notified within 24 hours of end of contest and will then have 48 hours to respond to the email or a new winner will be chosen. Sponsor is responsible for shipping out prize. Void where prohibited.

"These opinions are my own and I was sent the above mentioned product in exchange for a review."

Shrimp Quesadillas With Wild Blueberry Salsa

  I have discovered a new blueberry that is awesome in taste. Wild blueberries are wildly different from the regular blueberries you normally find in the produce section. Wild blueberries may be tiny but they have a more intense flavor than regular blueberries. They also have two times the antioxidant capacity of the larger blueberries. Research shows the health benefits of these tiny berries to help gut health, diabetes, cancer, and brain health. They are called wild blueberries because they are not planted and they grow naturally in fields of Maine and Canada. They have been growing wild for over 10,000 years!  Did you know that  99% of the Wild Blueberry crop is frozen fresh at harvest? This locks in their nutrition and taste.

   I found my Wild Blueberries at Whole Foods in the freezer section and they were priced at $3.50 for a 10 ounce bag. You can also find these yummy berries the freezer section of other stores. Just make sure the bag says Wild so you know you are buying the right ones.

Learn more about these tasty Wild Blueberries

I decided to make a salsa with my package of Wild Blueberries and this salsa goes great with Mexican food like shrimp quesadillas. I made my salsa with mango and green chile, a pepper that is mostly grown where I live. I live in New Mexico and we put green chile on almost everything. This is what this tasty pepper looks like after it is roasted and you buy it in mild, medium, and hot. This pepper adds a kick of flavor to Mexican food. If you don't live in New Mexico, you can find green chiles in the ethnic section of most grocery stores. They are sold in cans.

Shrimp Quesadillas With Wild Blueberry Salsa
serves 4

salsa ingredients 

1/4 cup white onion, diced
1 tablespoon olive oil
10 ounces frozen Wild Blueberries
1/2 cup fresh mango, diced
1/4 cup roasted green chile, diced( use canned green chile if needed)
1 teaspoon sugar
2 tablespoons lime juice
dash salt

shrimp quesadilla ingredients

1 pound cooked shrimp
1 tablespoon olive oil
8 flour tortillas
2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese

Saute the diced onion in the 1 tablespoon oil for 2 minutes in a pan heated over medium high heat. Let the onion cool. Combine all the remaining salsa ingredients with the cooled onion and gently stir until well mixed. Set aside.

Take the tails off the shrimp and saute them in a pan over medium high heat with the tablespoon of oil. Cook the shrimp until light charred. Set aside.

Place a tortilla in a dry heated pan over medium high heat. Spread 1/2 cup of the cheese on the tortilla. Then evenly place 6-8 shrimp on top of the cheese. Cover with another tortilla and cook for 2 minutes or until light brown on the bottom tortilla. Turn the quesadilla over and cook for an additional 2 minutes or light brown and crispy. Remove from pan and cut into 4 triangles. Repeat with the remaining tortillas, shrimp and cheese. Serve the shrimp quesadillas with the Wild Blueberry salsa.

Show us your Wild Blueberry side for a chance to win!
We want you to enter the “Show us your Wild Blueberry Side” Recipe
Contest! Your challenge is to create a unique, original recipe using Wild
Blueberries. Here’s the catch—you’re encouraged to think outside the box
of traditional baked goods. Think appetizers, lunch ideas, side dishes, and
smoothies—let your imagination run wild! Be sure to take great photos of
the entire process and finished product to post on your blog, along with the
complete recipe and instructions. This contest is open to all bloggers, so
please promote it on your blog and share with fellow bloggers!
The blogger with the most creative recipe will win a Vitamix® Blender, valued
at $329! Five runners up will also be selected and awarded a $50 Whole Foods
Market gift card. For full contest details, visit greenmomsmeet.com/wildblueberrycontest

I received a gift card from the sponsor of the Moms Meet program, May Media Group LLC, so I could purchase the ingredients to make this dish. 

VIIcode Eye Mask Is A Refreshing Spa Treatment For Dark Under The Eye Circles And More

  When I look in the mirror, I don't always like what I see. I see those dark circles under my eyes along with those fine lines. Some days I even see bags and puffiness. The joys of getting older. Not getting enough sleep does not help my eyes either. So what I am suppose to do when I don't like what I see in the mirror? I could complain or I could use a wonderful eye treatment to help my eyes look better.

I decided to try VIIcode O2M Oxygen Eye Mask to help my eyes look better. This spa like treatment provides 8 hours of night care for you eyes. The treatment is very easy to use. You simply place these eye pads on your eyes and enjoy a cooling treatment that helps to repair the skin under your eyes. You can wear them to bed or,if you are brave like me,  during the day if you work at home. The Fed Ex guy most likely got a good laugh when I answered the door while I was wearing these.

      So what are these things under my eyes? These are professional eye masks that contain a gel made from Ecological Oxygen Plant Extraction(EOPE) which are natural ingredients to help repair the skin under the eyes. These ingredients help improve vitality and elasticity while soothing those fine lines. I love that these masks moisturize the eye area to prevent premature aging. They are safe for all skin types and do not contain Parabens, Sulfates, or Alcohol.

  When I first applied the eye masks, I felt a cooling sensation that felt good on my tired eyes. You can store these in the fridge for even more cooling power. The masks did not irate my skin and they stayed in place while I worked on the computer. The next day I wore a pair to bed and they stayed on as I slept as they were still in place the next morning. The skin under my eyes felt softer when I woke up. The instructions say to use them 2-3 times a week and it may take 3 boxes to see the most effective results. I would rather use a natural product for a gradual effect than a chemical one that may damage my skin. 

    The VIIcode O2M Oxygen Eye Mask product comes in a box of six pairs of eye masks. Each pair of eye masks are individually package in a tray in a seal envelope. They are available on Amazon. To purchase a box, visit the below link.

So pamper your eyes with VIIcode O2M Oxygen Eye Mask. Try these eye masks to awaken the skin cells under your eyes to help fade those dark circles, firm the skin and reduce puffiness.

"These opinions are my own and I was sent the above mentioned product in exchange for this review."

Trust Dial Baby Wash & Kids Hand Wash For Clean, Healthy Skin And A Giveaway

  My youngest has sensitive skin and when he washes with grown up soaps he gets eczema on his skin. My son sometimes also breaks out in itchy hives from some soaps. When I select a body or hand wash for him I make sure it is hypoallergenic. Dial now makes baby and kid products that are gentle on delicate young skin. Their new Dial Baby Body + Hair Wash and Dial Kids Foaming Hand Wash was developed with pediatric dermatologists and are

+ Hypoallergenic
+ No added parabens
+ No artificial dyes
+ PH balanced

    I just love that the Dial Baby Body + Hair Wash is fragrance free but does a great job of cleaning my child' skin. This wash has great lather and does a great job of cleaning all the dirt off my son. I don't have to worry about my son breaking out in hives when he washes with this body and hair wash. It also is tear free so when he gets the soap in his eyes he does not cry. My son still has fine hair so this product does a great job of cleaning his hair too.

   As a mom I insist that my boys wash their hands often as they always seem to be dirty. I want a soap that not only is gentle on their skin but also one that makes hand washing fun. Dial Foaming Hand Wash has a wonderful watermelon scent and comes in a cool foam that entices my boys to wash their hands. My boys love the foam so much that they actually scrub their hands a little longer. That makes me happy as they are washing the dirt and germs down the drain

     The Dial brand has been developing trusted personal care products for clean, healthy skin and now you can trust them for your babies and children's skin care needs. Look for these new products in your favorite stores that carry Dial products like Walmart and Target. To get more information on these new Dial products, click on the below links.


I am giving away 2 coupons that are good for either 1 free Dial Baby Body+ Hair Wash or 1 free Dial Kids Foaming Hand Wash. To have a chance at winning, just enter on the form below and good luck!

                             a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway is open to US residents 18 years of age or older. No entry is mandatory. Chances of winning giveaway depends on number of entries. All entries will be verified. Winner will be notified within 24 hours of end of contest and will then have 48 hours to respond to the email or a new winner will be chosen. Sponser is responsible for shipping out prize. Void where prohibited.

"The Dial brand provided me with samples of the above mentioned products in exchange for a product review. However, all the opinions expressed here are my own."
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Mom knows best