>U Mom Knows Best: A Day At The Park With Zevia

A Day At The Park With Zevia

    The weather is warm and my kids are so happy. My boys get out of school at 12:45 PM on Wednesday. That means we get to go to the park. We have a park one block away from our house which makes going to the park easy. Since it is such a nice day today, the boys and I have decided to bring a snack with us to the park so we can stay and play for a long time. My boys favorite treat to bring to the park is Zevia Zero calorie soda. Now Zevia is not just another diet soda. These colorful cans contain yummy clear soda that is mom approved. This zero calorie soda is is sweetened with two plant based sweeteners. Zevia is sweetened with Stevia and Monk fruit. I just love that this soda has no artificial colors and comes in 15 yummy flavors. Our favorite flavors are grape, grapefruit citrus and lemon lime. Only the colas and root beer Zevia soda contains color and that color is all natural.

      My boys and I packed our cold Zevia soda in a cool looking lunch bag that Zevia sent me, along with some yummy snacks. Then the boys rode their bikes to the park while I walked. When we arrived to the park, we set our snack bag on a table. My boys had fun riding their bikes around the park. I used the time to get some exercise in too as I walked laps around the park. All that fun made us hungry and thirsty so we sat down to enjoy our snack with our cold Zevia. I love that I can give my boys a treat of soda and not have to worry about chemicals and sugar. They are growing boys and they don't need those in their bodies. Zevia is a drink that I can feel good about giving to my boys.

    Look for Zevia zero calorie soda at stores like Target, Smiths, Whole Foods, and Sprouts. This soda comes in yummy flavors like grape, orange, cola, root beer, and many more. I have tried all the flavors and love them all. I like to keep a variety in my pantry.  Click the below link to save money on Zevia.

Talk with Zevia on

So what flavor of Zevia do you want to try first?

"These opinions are my own and I the above mentioned product in exchange for a review."


Shonda said...

All of these new products I am learning about from you. This one I would have to try.

Terri Patillo said...

Anything remotely grape is my choice!

ReviewsSheRote said...

My kids love the rootbeer--I like Ginger ale =) That bag is cute!

Athena said...

We love Zevia and it is so much better than some of those other "pop" options!

The Minister's Wife said...

Looks like a fun day.

Ashley S said...

Love Zevia! Root Beer is my favorite.

"Iowa Mom" said...

Big fan of Zevia. Wish I could find it locally!

Danisdecadentdeals said...

Zevia sounds great! I had never heard of it before but I am always looking for no calorie sodas. Thanks!

Christy Maurer said...

Park visits are the best! I haven't tried Zevia but it looks very refreshing!

Jeanine said...

Looks like a great time! I've never tried Zevia before.. Will have to check it out!

Unknown said...

Aw...park day, bet the kids love it. We love any flavored, carbonated sodas around here!

Uplifting Families said...

I will have to look for these drinks. I want to try the grape and root beer. I gave up diet soda but here lately I've been having a little bit of regular dr pepper. I personally don't need all the calories.

Rebecca said...

We love Zevia. They are so good and delicious.

Kristin said...

Love Zevia! The cola, ginger ale, and and black Cherry are my favorites! I was thinking of bringing the strawberry to add to the mint juleps at our Hats and Horses party tomorrow - sounds like a good combo!

A GAL NEEDS... said...

I must say you are a reviewing machine. I like the looks of these sodas!

Makeba Giles said...

Wow now this looks like a fun day at the park! I love the products, too!

mail4rosey said...

I like that it's zero calories. I bet the kids would like it.

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Mom knows best