>U Mom Knows Best: January 2023

GATSBY Chocolate Is Guilt Free ~ Plant Based ~ Low Sugar ~ Low calorie

If you enjoy chocolate but not the sugar and calories, then you need to try GATSBY Chocolate. This Chocolate has HALF THE CALORIES or less when compared to other chocolate brands!

 Can chocolate be healthy and taste good at the same time? When you think of healthy chocolate, what comes to mind? For me, healthy chocolate used to mean yucky-tasting dark chocolate that had no sweetness. How can someone say that dark chocolate tastes good? This is like saying black coffee tastes good! Dark chocolate might be good for you but the taste is not worth it. 

 I would rather eat a small piece of unhealthy chocolate once a week than several pieces of dark chocolate every day. Dark chocolate just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. 

 I received this product for free from Moms Meet (momsmeet.com) to use and post my honest opinions. This post may contain affiliate links.

Discover GATSBY Chocolate

 When I heard about a company that makes an unbelievably indulgent, melt-in-your-mouth dark chocolate that tastes good, I had to taste this chocolate to see if it lives up to its claim. So I said yes to GATSBY Chocolate to see if it tasted good. 

 I was glad that GATSBY sent me samples of their plant-based chocolate to taste. GATSBY also makes milk-based chocolates which I can't enjoy since discovering a dairy allergy(through an at-home blood allergy test) was causing me to have severe asthma symptoms. I have been dairy-free for almost 5 years and I was glad that I could enjoy some chocolate.

About GATSBY Chocolate

  An unbelievably indulgent, melt-in-your-mouth chocolate that’s somehow way fewer calories and a fraction of the sugar compared to other premium chocolate. In fact, GATSBY Chocolate products have two to three times fewer calories than comparable products. GATSBY Chocolate is low in sugar at only 2 grams of sugar per serving.

Just the facts

• Low calorie: the first and only low-cal chocolate with half the calories

of even sugar-free brands

• Low sugar: 90% less sugar than premium chocolate brands

• Low-fat: 90% less fat than premium chocolate brands

• Keto-friendly: only 1–2 grams of net carbs per serving, or 6 grams of

net carbs for an entire bar

• Vegan varieties: Sea Salt Extra Dark, Almond Dark, and Dark

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups

• Typically retails for $2.99–$3.99

 GATSBY Chocolate was founded by the co-founder of Halo Top ice cream. Doug Bouton and his team members created this chocolate after discovering there were no low-calorie options of chocolate available on the market. Even low-sugar chocolate options had almost as many calories as regular chocolate! It took these guys more than a year to develop the recipe for GATSBY Chocolate but the result was worth it. This indulgent, melt-in-your-mouth chocolate has fewer calories and a fraction of the sugar compared to premium chocolate.

 Try GATSBY Chocolate with this 50% OFF COUPON CODE: MOMSMEET

 I was sent 6 bars of GATSBY Almond Dark Chocolate and I was surprised at the taste of the chocolate bar.  This bar of chocolate had a nice flavor of chocolate and no nasty dark chocolate taste. I had to sample several pieces of the chocolate bar to formulate my opinion but at 70 calories for 1/3 of the bar, I had no guilt doing just that.

 I admit that I sampled 6 pieces of the low-calorie chocolate bar and I enjoyed every bite! I really loved that the chocolate was made with good ingredients and nothing artificial. I also loved that I was getting 4 grams of fiber per serving with my chocolate fix and 2 grams of protein. So if I ate the whole bar of chocolate, I would be getting 12 grams of fiber and 6 grams of protein with only 210 calories! I call that a nutrition win.

GATSBY's secret to low-sugar chocolate

 The secret to the amazing low calories is a natural sweetener called Allulose. Allulose is a rare sugar that naturally occurs in fruits like figs and raisins and it’s about 70% as sweet as sugar. Therefore the GATSBY Chocolate is low in sugar at only 2 grams of sugar per serving! Allulose is sweet and rich tasting but has no funny sugar alcohol or chemical taste.

 I like that GATSBY discovered allulose. This is not my first experience with this zero-calorie sweetener. Several years ago, my family got to sample ice cream made with allulose sweetener and they enjoyed the ice cream. I have also enjoyed allulose sweetener products in my coffee. So I am happy to see other products being made with this sweetener.

Sign up for a free GATSBY Chocolate Bar at discover.gotoaisle.com/gatsby

Where to purchase GATSBY Chocolate

 GATSBY Chocolate Bars are available to purchase at Kroger, Ralphs, Mariano’s, Fred Meyer, Dillons, Smith’s, Fry’s, QFC, City Market. and online at gatsbychocolate.com 

GATSBY makes 11 varieties of low-sugar chocolate bars and cups. Several of the products are made with plant-based ingredients also, so we dairy-free people can enjoy chocolate too.

Stay on track of your diet & fitness goals when you save this many calories and grams of fat & sugar with GATSBY Chocolate.

4 Tips for Furthering Your Career When You’re a Parent

 No matter how rewarding it is to be a parent, sometimes it might feel difficult to be able to juggle your parenting responsibilities while also managing your performance as an employee.

Here are four tips for furthering your career as a working parent.

1. Work Smarter, Not Harder

 As a working parent, time is precious in both your professional and personal lives, so make sure you can prioritize each. 

 It might help to compartmentalize your day so you can have separate hours of the day for personal and professional errands and concentrate on each area separately.

 To do this, you could invest in a diary, or even make use of the calendar function from Google to keep track of appointments you need to attend. Companies like Paperchase stock some wonderful full-year diaries for you to track events in.

 Dedicating specific time to focus on your family will also help you to build lasting and strong relationships with your children.

2. Study a Distance Learning Degree

 If you want to extend your skill set in your existing career, you could enroll in a distance learning degree that will allow you the flexibility to learn around your working hours. This means that you can work your degree around all your other responsibilities easily, including your childcare obligations. 

 This will provide you with the skills you need to progress your career, while also teaching you additional transferable skills like time management and personal discipline. 

 Universities like Anglia Ruskin can help you find the perfect course for your interests and career choice that will lead you to success.

3. Work From Home if You Can

 Working from home can help you to become better at juggling that work-life balance more effectively. 

 With commuting time cut to the length of time it takes to walk from your bed to your computer, you suddenly have an increased number of potentially productive hours during the day.

 If you can also manage to work flexible hours, you can also shift your working hours to accommodate the school run and after-school activities. ​

4. Look After Your Health

 It may sound obvious, but looking after your health is the key to being an exceptional parent as well as a great employee. 

 Make sure you are eating a balanced diet, sleeping for around 8 hours every night (admittedly this can be tricky with small children around!), and exercising regularly. 

 This will help to keep your energy levels up, build immunity against nasty illnesses, and keep your concentration on point.

 Exercising regularly will also help you to keep up with your energetic children during playtime! You can use exercise bikes like the Peloton to get into your daily exercise routine with ease. You might even find a bike on a craigslist free stuff listing. 

Do you have any tips for furthering your career as a working parent? Share your thoughts in the comments below!​

5 Things You Need To Know Before Buying a House

Are you planning on buying your home or looking for a new place? Do you want to know everything there is to know about buying a home before getting stuck in the process?

 Buying a house is undoubtedly one of the biggest investments you will make in your entire life. It is a once-in-a-lifetime purchase for most people and something you should be very excited about. However, that shouldn’t cloud the fact that buying a home is a tricky and difficult process that can get complicated and stressful. 

 If you are buying a house for the first time, you should follow a few tips and tricks to find the house of your dreams without going over budget or having any issues. Here are five things you need to know before buying a house. 

Use Any Realtor                          

 When it comes to buying a home for the very first time, there are a few things that you should know Before going into the process. However, buying a house can be incredibly tricky, and it is perfectly fine if you don't understand what might be happening. This is where realtors or real estate agents come in.

 When buying a home, you should always hire a real estate agent or a realtor to help you with the process, as they will help you with everything from finding the property, negotiating the price, and even signing the paperwork.

 However, when choosing a real estate agent, you should be thorough because some are far better than others and will be able to find you your dream home. You also need to find someone knowledgeable about the area. 

 For example, if you’re looking for a house in Seven Kings, reach out to agents, who have long been recognized as sales and rental specialists in this area. A great way to find the best realtor is to go online and check the reviews of their past clients.

Check Out the Neighborhood  

 The next thing you should understand before buying a house is the neighborhood you want to live in. It's easy enough to choose a city or a town that you want to live in, but within those cities or towns, there are also many different neighborhoods for you to choose from and they are likely all offer something slightly different.

When buying your dream home, you may think you have found the perfect house for you and your family to live in, but you should always pay attention to the neighborhood that you're in because it could be a place that is unsafe or not suitable to you and your needs.

 By checking out the neighborhood, you can see what kind of people live around you, what you are dealing with in terms of safety, how close the nearest school and grocery store are, and more.

Does It Have Enough Rooms                   

 Another consideration is how much space you will need within the home. Something to remember when buying a home is that this is likely going to be a place where you will live for a very long time, if not for ​the rest of your life, and you want to make sure that you have enough room for your family to grow and expand.

Although you might not have children, pets, or other family living with you right now, it is a good idea to plan for the future and make sure that you have enough room and enough space to grow and to house everyone needed.

Buy For the Future   

Staying on the topic of planning for the future, you should also choose your house based on other needs, such as the location, the size of the house or the yard, what amenities you might need, and more. These are all very important considerations to make and keep in mind when buying a home because you want to ensure that the house is perfect for you and your family and that you won't grow out of it anytime soon.

Go to Inspection    

 Last but not least, the final tip you should follow before buying a house is to go to the inspection. Typically, before any houses are purchased, there will be some kind of inspection, and you can even hire someone to do this yourself.

 The inspection will comb through the house in fine detail to see what, if any, issues need to be addressed, what you can expect in terms of issues, and more. This could be anything from chipped paint on the walls, wall outlets that aren't working, or even burst pipes or rust that you might overlook. These inspections can greatly help when deciding whether or not you want to purchase the house.​

Allergy Shot Therapy + Results Update

 If you are considering allergy shots as a treatment for your seasonal allergies and other airborne allergens, then you are at the right place. A year ago I started allergy shots and it has been quite the learning experience. Keep reading to discover my experience with allergy shots.

 It was sixteen months ago, that I had a severe dairy allergy reaction that left me struggling to breathe. It was a scary experience that even my husband did not know how to handle. That was the wake-up call that made me realize that I could not manage my food allergies and asthma on my own. So I made an appointment to see an allergy specialist.

When I made the doctor appointment to see an allergy doctor, I also made an appointment to get allergy testing and an asthma breathing test. At the allergy testing place, I did a breathing test and then allergy testing. The allergy testing was done on my back with the nurse poking my back with serums of all different allergens. From pets to plants to grass, trees, weeds, mold, dust, and food, these were all placed into my skin. When the testing was done, the nurse said my back was angry. All I want to do was itch my back.

 Then the doctor went over my allergy and asthma history and the results of my tests. The doctor showed me all the things that I was allergic to. I was allergic to almost every weed, grass, tree, and plant in New Mexico. I was also allergic to dust, cats, dogs, cockroaches, mouse urine, and wheat. The milk and soy allergies that I discovered through a food allergy blood test, did not show up on the testing as I had not consumed those for 3 years. Strangely, the mold that I have been allergic to my whole life, did not show up on the testing. After telling the doctor about having mold in my house 4 months ago, she said that my body may be overloaded with mold sickness and that can cause it not to show up on tests.

The allergy and asthma doctor gave me the bad news

 The doctor told me that my asthma was out of control and I needed to get it in control or I would have COPD later in life. The doctor wanted to prescribe asthma medications but I was reluctant to take prescription medicine for asthma as I did not want to experience the side effects. I had been managing my asthma symptoms naturally for several years with good success with natural asthma treatments. I tried my son's asthma inhaler many years ago but it did not open my airway. This natural breathing inhaler works best when I am having an asthma attack.

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The doctor suggested allergy shots

The doctor then told me about allergy shots as a treatment for asthma. The allergy shots would help with my seasonal allergic asthma symptoms. As the doctor explained, it would take a layer of inflammation off of my lungs. That would help with my asthma.  

 Unfortunately, there was no treatment option for my food allergies but decreasing inflammation of my lungs could help with the asthma symptoms from my food allergy reactions. The doctor prescribed an epi-pen for my food allergies. Thankfully, I have never had to use an epi-pen. 

 While I have had several accidental ingestions of my food allergies, a double dose of Benadryl has helped. I have learned the symptoms of a food allergy attack ~ coughing, mucus overload, and my voice changing ~ to administer Benadryl. If I am going somewhere to eat, I bring my emergency food allergy medicine kit with me.

My emergency food allergy medicine kit contains

~ 2 epi-pens

~ Clearlungs

~ Benadryl

~ Claritin

~ Olbas Inhaler

~ Olbas Lozenges

~ Nasacort Spray

Portable Nebulizer when traveling

My experience with allergy shots

 I did not say yes to allergy shots at my first doctor's appointment for allergies as I had to do some research first. I wanted to hear about other people's experiences with allergy shots. While I found plenty of medical information about allergy shots, I found very few people experience info related to allergy shots. 

 The medical sites said that allergy shots are safe and listed the side effects of allergy shot treatments. I also read that a rare side effect of allergy shots was anaphylaxis and possible death. That right there scared me but my husband reassured me that the allergy place would have the medicines to handle that. 

Allergy shots update after a year

 I have completed a year of allergy shots and it has been a wild ride. I like to compare the side effects of allergy shots to a roller coaster. The allergens of the allergy shots are injected into your body and you have side effects like an allergy attack as your body gets used to the allergens. Every day the side effects get better and eventually go away. Then you get your next treatment and it starts over again. That is my life right now!

 Allergy shots have 2 phases, the build-up phase, and the maintenance phase. I am still in the build-up phase of allergy shots. While most people can complete the build-up treatment part of allergy shots in 6 months, my severe asthma made the doctor select a year build-up. I still have a couple more months due to some side effects that I experienced from the shots.

 While the side effects were not life-threatening to me, they were bothersome. I have experienced itchiness in my arm, a sore arm, and asthma breathing issues. It took me a while to learn what to do and not do on the day of my allergy shot appointment The day of my allergy shot and the day after are always tough for me. Check out Allergy Shots Tips For Fewer Side Effects to learn more. 

I had to stop eating wheat

 A month ago, I had to stop eating wheat. As the levels of my allergy shots go up, it can be compared to being exposed more to the items that I am allergic to and this can cause my body, especially my lungs to be more inflamed. Last month, I noticed that an hour after I ate something with wheat in it, my asthmatic cough would start. It was on Christmas, after I ate a meatless roast made from wheat, that I had a bad asthma attack. Thankfully Benadryl calmed it down. So now wheat has been added to my food allergies.

 While wheat showed up on my allergy shot panel a year ago, it never bothered me. The doctor said it may be a temporary allergy and I am hoping that I will be able to eat wheat again in a couple of months when my build-up phase is done. So now my food allergies include dairy, soy, mushrooms, and wheat. Eating out at restaurants is a challenge.

Do I recommend Allergy Shots?

 So the question is do I recommend allergy shots? The answer is yes! While the allergy shots have been hard for me due to my asthma, I have been seeing improvements in my health. I am able to recover faster from an asthma attack and some airborne allergens don't bother me as much. I used to not be able to be in the same room with someone wearing a chemical fragrance without having an asthma attack but now I can be near them for a couple of minutes. 

  I am also able to do intense exercise. A couple of months ago exercise was hard and I had to take lots of breaks but now I am able to run on the treadmill for 2 minutes at a fast speed. The exercise is helping my lungs get stronger. I know exercising with asthma sounds strange but exercise is good for those with asthma. These Ten Tips For Exercising With Asthma sure do help.

 My son is also receiving allergy shots and the only side effects he has had is the typical seasonal allergy symptoms like sneezing, sinus congestion, and a runny nose. The goal of the allergy shots is to get the body to tolerate the allergens and eventually not be allergic to them. That can happen after the build-up phase. So I will update you on that in a couple of months.

Products that I recommend for those with allergies and asthma

 As a person who has been dealing with allergies and asthma for way too many years, I have tips and products that have helped me and I love recommending them to others. I have made many improvements in my home over the past couple of years and they have helped with my allergy symptoms.

Things to do if you have allergies and or asthma

~ Replace Carpet with tile or vinyl. The carpet holds in dust and allergens plus it is hard to keep clean. Tile floors are so easy to clean.

~ Remove Shoes inside the home. Your shoes are dirty and they could be covered with pollen or grass.

~ Close Windows on windy days or days when the air quality is not good and stay inside. Check your air quality here.

~ Buy an Air Purifier to help keep the air inside clean. An air purifier is an investment for your health. Don't buy the cheapest air purifier as they may not work well. Also, make sure to buy the correct size of air purifier. If the room that you want to clean the air in is 1000 sq feet make sure to buy a purifier made for that space. I have done my research on air purifiers that work best for allergies and I purchased this air purifier. I like that this air purifier has a sensor that automatically adjusts filtration and it is quiet to operate. I also like that it has three filters to get those small particles. 

Products that I use to help with my asthma and allergy symptoms




Olbas Inhaler

Olbas Lozenges

Nasacort Spray

Portable Nebulizer

 The past couple of years has been a learning experience with healing my body. From discovering that I had asthma to discovering that food allergies were making my asthma worse to starting allergy shots. Then there was discovering mold in our home to mold remediation services. I am learning what is best for my body. While I will never be 100% cured of my allergy-induced asthma and food allergies, I am learning how to manage them so that they don't take over my life. My body is healing from lung trauma and my lungs are getting stronger. Make sure to check out some other posts that I have composed about my body's healing process.

How to Naturally Heal Your Lungs From Trauma

7 Effective Ways To Clear Mucus For Better Breathing

Discovering Food and Plant Allergies With Home Testing

8 Breakfast In Bed For Valentines Day Ideas

 Looking for a unique way to celebrate Valentine's Day? As Valentine’s Day is coming up right around the corner, surprise the one you admire most with a delicious breakfast in bed!

 When you think of Valentine's Day, what comes to mind? Flowers, heart-shaped boxes of chocolate, jewelry, and going out to eat are some of the things that come to my mind. What about eating a pint of ice cream in bed with the one you love or surprising the one you love with breakfast in bed on Valentine's Day?

 If you are looking to save money, from that expensive restaurant meal or work nights ~ then creating a special breakfast-in-bed meal for the one you love is the perfect Valentine's Day celebration idea.

 My husband used to work in the restaurant field and Valentine's Day was always a busy night for him. That meant that he would have to work and come home late on Valentine's Day. My husband always came up with the best creative ideas for Valentine's Day gifts. From flower and chocolate-dipped fruit deliveries to a scavenger hunt of finding a pound of chocolate throughout the house, I loved the gifts of love from my husband. I think my favorite gift on Valentine's Day was eating a pint of ice cream in bed.

Create a Special Breakfast In Bed Meal

When you consider the various types of love languages, I think we all can agree anyone would be swooned by the one thing that never lets us down… food! As Valentine’s Day is coming up right around the corner, surprise the one you admire most with a delicious breakfast in bed! 

Check out some products and recipes to make the perfect morning with the one you said "I love you" to.

This page may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases

1. Happy Grub–Squeezable Pancake Mix

 Squeezable pancake mix is just what you need to create the perfectly shaped heart or XOXO pancakes on your skillet! Happy Grub provides a variety of flavors from Banana, Apple Cinnamon, Whole Wheat, and Buttermilk. Just add water to your mix and whipping up pancakes never became easier! 

 Happy Grub makes playing with your food so fun! Once you mix up the pancake batter, the container becomes your food pen. Just squeeze out the pancake mix and make pancake-shaped hearts, smiley faces, and more. This mess-free bottle is filled with natural organic pancake mix and makes delicious pancakes or waffles. The best part is no messy bowl to clean up.

Available on Amazon

2. Lardera French Press Singles

 Dunk these portable bags of coffee in hot water for a delicious and aromatic cup, no matter where life takes you. Staying put? These bags are great for a quick cup of third-wave coffee without any prep or cleanup. At home or on the road, this is the simplest way to enjoy great coffee. Each contains 20g of ground coffee, nitrogen flushed for utmost freshness.

 Breakfast in bed is not complete without coffee. So serve gourmet coffee without having to use a coffee maker. Just grab a coffee mug and heat up the water. Place the perfect blend coffee bag in the mug and add water. It is that simple, no need to measure coffee grounds. In minutes, your lover will be waking up to the smell of coffee. Lardera makes these coffee french press singles in three wonderful coffee blends. From coffee beans from Tarrazu region of Costa Rica to Monobamba, you will want to stay in bed for a long time to enjoy three cups of coffee.

Buy Lardera French Press Singles

Lardera Travel Pour Over Singles

To make coffee in bed even more simple these Pour Over Singles offer a convenient means of enjoying pour-over coffee anywhere you have hot water. Simply place the Single atop a cup and pour hot water to enjoy great coffee anywhere.

 I love that these pour-over coffee singles make a big 12-ounce cup of coffee. Lardera’s packets contain 20 grams of ground coffee enclosed in a portable paper filter and a cardboard bracket that fits any cup. Lardera’s packets make great coffee portable, to be enjoyed anywhere that life takes you. Weighing just one ounce, they are ideal for camping, vacations, or any other place where you'd like good coffee. They are quick and easy to use and offer a perfect reprieve for when you're pressed for time but still desire a quality cup. Trust me this makes a delicious-tasting cup of coffee!

Buy Lardera Pour Singles 

3. Natureul Tigernut Granola

 Granola is always a delicious breakfast idea. Grab 2 bowls, spoons, plant-based milk, and a bag of Tigernut granola for a delicious breakfast in bed. This yummy plant-based granola comes in 4 scrumptious flavors ~ Choco and Banana ~ Banana and Vanilla ~ Strawberry and Coconut ~ Orange and Cardamom.

 Tigernut raw granola is made completely of plant-based ingredients and is safe for vegans and vegetarians alike! The main ingredient, the tigernut, is a root vegetable grown on the yellow nutsedge plant. And as for the other ingredients? They are all whole, earth-grown foods you can recognize and pronounce. Natureul products do not contain meat, dairy, eggs, or animal products of any kind and are completely vegan-friendly. Natureul also makes a delicious stunningly smooth and creamy spread. Tigernut naturally has a mildly sweet, nutty flavor, comparable to an almond or a peanut, that makes this spread irresistible and perfect for toast. 

Available at natureul.com

4. Vegan Chocolate Protein Pancakes

These vegan pancakes are loaded with plenty of protein and fiber and are so delicious. Loaded with plenty of chocolate flavor and are perfect for a Valentine's Day meal. Top them with your favorite fruit for a delicious healthy breakfast.

The secret to these yummy pancakes is rich chocolate vegan protein powder. Adding protein powder to pancake batter makes them a nutritious breakfast. These pancakes are super easy to whip up and can be made ahead of time. Just store the homemade pancakes in the fridge and heat them up in the microwave. 

Get the recipe here

5. Wildgrain Sourdough Bread

There is something about the smell of sourdough bread baking in the oven that excites my tastebuds. Of course, the best part of baking bread is being able to enjoy a slice of bread fresh from the oven while it is still warm. Then spreading plenty of butter on the homemade baked bread from the oven is such a delicious treat. Do you love homemade bread with butter?

 Wildgrain makes it easy to bake homemade bread without the messy work. Just pop the parbaked sourdough bread in the oven to bake. This delicious bread box comes filled with several loaves of sourdough bread and artisanal pastries. This bake-from-frozen bread delivery service has the best chewy sourdough bread. 

Take $10 OFF Your First Wildgrain Box with code MOMKNOWSBEST10

6. Sticker & Co Love Stickers

 Make the Valentine's Day breakfast even more special with a Happy Valentine's Day Sticker greeting card. This custom greeting card will make the one you love feel special. Select a photo from a special place or memory and create it into a sticker card. Add a special greeting and you have a unique card that says "I love you." 

The recipient can peel back the sticker and use it to personalize and decorate a belonging. Not only can the photo become a sticker but so can the message on the card. Sticker & Co Valentine's Day Greeting Card is available in pink or red. You can select the sticker to be permanent or a wall decal. The wall decal can be removed and repositioned, while the permanent sticker can't. The wall decal would look great on the refrigerator or a door. The permanent sticker is waterproof and dishwasher safe. So they are great to stick to coffee mugs, water bottles, laptops, and more.   

Available at Sticker & Co

7. Lily O'Brien's Milk Chocolate Truffles

 Make sure to include gourmet chocolate on the breakfast tray. Don't just buy any random chocolate but splurge and get some decadent indulgence chocolate truffles. Lily O'Brien's Milk Chocolate Truffles are a decadent indulgence crafted with passion. Our carefully selected ingredients and creative recipes come together to create truffles that have a thick chocolate shell that melts away to reveal a silky smooth and creamy center. With an ooh-so-luxurious flavor, you can enjoy these delicious treats as part of a special occasion or as an indulgent treat for yourself.

 Each box contains 200g of our signature Milk Chocolate truffles, with seventeen pieces inside. The smooth, creamy chocolate is made from the finest ingredients and is the perfect balance of sweet and savory. Truffles are the ultimate indulgence.

Available at Lily O'Brien's 

8. Seven Sisters Scones

 Surprise the one you love with a gift box full of delicious scones. Scones are perfect for a Valentine's Day breakfast served in bed. These delightful treats go perfectly with a cup of coffee.

 Seven Sisters Scones have the best-tasting scones in so many flavors from sweet to savory. For Valentine's Day, they put together a wide selection of scones gift boxes. Each box of delicious scones has the perfect combination of fun sweet flavors that also include goodies like jam and clotted cream. Each Valentine's Day scone gift box also includes a free gift! Seven Sisters Scones are also available in gluten-free varieties. Seven Sisters Scones are the perfect complement to your Galentines & Valentine's Celebration! Save 10% sitewide with code HEART10. Limited to one use per customer

Available at Seven Sisters Scones

Check out some other recipes for breakfast in bed

4-Ingredient Mocha Coconut Breakfast Cookies 

Breakfast Granola Bars 

Lemon Blueberry Bread 

Chocolate Zucchini Protein Bread 

Beet Waffles 

+ Dairy Free Salted Caramel Cold Brew Coffee Latte 

Vegan Scrambled Eggs 

No-Knead Dairy-Free Jalapeno Cheese Artisan Bread 

Dairy Free Homemade Doughnuts Made In The Air Fryer

Two Ingredient Everything Spice Bagel Recipe In The Air Fryer

Dairy Free Iced Brown Sugar Oat Milk Coffee Latte

 So now that you have plenty of ideas for what to serve the one you love for breakfast in bed, gather your best dishes, some pretty flowers, and even that heart-shaped box of chocolates. You are now ready to surprise the one you admire most with a delicious breakfast in bed!

5 Gifts for the Sceptical 17-Year-Old Who ‘Doesn’t Need Anything’


Are you someone trying to find a gift for a 17-year-old who claims not to need anything? If so, you understand more than anything that this might be one of the most difficult age groups when it comes to buying gifts, and this is because seventeen-year-olds are a bit skeptical when it comes to cheesy gifts. 

 Not to mention that some seventeen-year-olds have a general resistance toward receiving any gifts, which makes the process quite challenging. With that being said, with some thinking outside of the box and consulting a great online gift guide like Gift Experts, you can still come up with something special and unique gift for your boy that will make him feel seen and appreciated. 

 In this blog post, we will be sharing five non-traditional ideas for unconventional yet thoughtful gifts that your teen will actually love- all without being too heavy on the pockets. Let’s go!

A Kindle 

 The first gift you should consider giving your seventeen-year-old is a kindle. This is especially great if your teen loves to read but does not want to carry around a bunch of physical books that can be heavy and take up space. 

 Kindles are great because they allow you to carry thousands of eBooks and the device only needs to be charged once every few weeks, making it an efficient and durable thing to own. To add to the appeal of a kindle, there are tons of free books available online, so your teen will never run out of things to read. 

A Netflix Subscription

 The next gift idea, a top hit, is a Netflix subscription. A Netflix subscription is perfect for a seventeen-year-old who loves to watch TV series and movies. With the Netflix streaming service, your teen can watch whatever they want, whenever they want, even binge-watching for hours on end if they please. 

 Netflix is great entertainment, and you don’t have to worry about annoying commercials interrupting your viewing time. To make matters better, you don’t have to worry about paying per episode, either. There is always something new being added to the Netflix library, so with this gift, it is guaranteed that your teen will never be bored. 

A Gift Card to Their Favourite Show 

 If there’s one thing that cannot be denied, it’s that seventeen-year-olds are good at spending money and love shopping at someone else’s expense. A great gift for your teen is a gift card to their favorite store so they can buy whatever they want, whether it's clothing, makeup, or something else. This is an easy-to-give gift that will go down a treat without any doubts. 

A Movie Ticket or Two 

 Everyone loves movies, and one of the age groups that spend most of their time at the movies is teens, which brings us to the next great gift idea for your seventeen-year-old: a movie ticket or two. Your teen can use these tickets to watch the latest blockbuster or even an independent film; with an extra ticket, they can bring someone along (perhaps a date). ​

A Concert Ticket

 Last but not least, you can get your teen a concert ticket. This is a great gift for a teen who is a music lover, and this is the perfect gift, whether they’re into pop, rock, hip hop, or RnB. There is sure to be a concert that they will love, and with this gift, you will give them an experience they will never forget. If you want to take this gift to the next level and are feeling generous, get them two tickets so they can invite a friend to tag along. 

 So that’s it! If you have a seventeen-year-old in your life and need a gift idea, look no further than the suggestions in this article. They will be well received!​

5 Benefit-Rich Skincare Ingredients You Need in Your Life

 Have you decided that it’s a good time to show your skin a little TLC and want to learn more about skincare? Do you want to know what kind of ingredients you should look out for when it comes to your skincare? Do you dream of having clearer, healthier skin? 

 If so, the answer might be easier than you think. All it takes is finding and using the right skincare ingredients to nourish your skin and let its natural beauty shine through. But which ingredients should you start with first? 

 That's where we come in! In this article, we'll cover five benefits-rich skincare ingredients that your skin will thank you for including in your daily routine from vitamin C to hyaluronic acid and more! Read on to learn how each ingredient can help improve the look and feel of your skin!


 When it comes to skincare, retinol is undoubtedly one of the most popular and beneficial ingredients. This powerhouse nutrient helps to stimulate collagen production and cell turnover, resulting in a more youthful complexion while also decreasing fine lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation. Retinol has been proven to diminish acne, making it a welcome addition to any skincare routine! 

 Furthermore, retinol creams, such as Misumi’s cream you’ll find at misumiskincare.com, can help even out discolorations in the skin, making it a great choice for those looking for more radiant-looking skin. With all these benefits in mind, retinol should be included in everyone’s daily skincare routine if they want an effective way to nourish their skin.

Vitamin C

 When it comes to skincare, it is more than just using a cleanser and a moisturizer and hoping that things go well for you. There are so many different products on the market that you can choose from that can be beneficial to your skin, all of which offer different benefits and advantages.

 One of the most common ingredients you could use on your skin is vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can be used to help protect your skin against damage from free radicals, which are essentially unstable molecules that cause cell damage. Vitamin C is also a product used to help brighten the skin and improve its overall complexion and appearance.

Hyaluronic Acid

 Another very popular benefit-rich skincare ingredient that you should be looking out for when it comes to your skincare routine is Hyaluronic acid. Although it may seem bizarre to put anything with the name acid on your skin as we've been told to stay away from this, Hyaluronic acid, also known as Hyaluron, is a substance that is naturally produced by the body and is also known to be responsible for keeping your skin hydrated.

Very often, products containing this ingredient are used in an anti-aging manner because it helps keep the skin plump and hydrated. When you begin using products containing this ingredient, it is best to start slow and then build up your tolerance over a couple of weeks, as there is likely a little bit of dryness or flaking that will show up around the mouth and nose.​


Moving on down the list, the next benefit-rich skincare ingredient that you should keep an eye out for is niacinamide. While the name might be quite daunting and scary, it is basically just a form of vitamin B3 that can be used on your skin. It is an ingredient proven to help improve the appearance of acne, redness, and multiple other skin concerns. It is also used to help brighten the skin and even out its overall tone.

Green Tea Extract

 Lastly, the final skincare ingredient you should look for is green tea extract. Green tea extract is one of those products that is extremely rich in antioxidants, which is great for reducing skin inflammation. It is also proven incredibly helpful when protecting the skin against damage from free radicals. However, soothing and reducing inflammation and irritated skin are among its main purposes.

What You Need To Know About Vertical Blinds

 Are you replacing your home’s window shades this year? If you are it would be a great deal of help if you knew more about all the types of window blinds available to you.

 One popular type of blind that we’ll be focusing on today is Vertical blinds, we have spoken to the team at DotcomBlinds who’re experts on made-to-measure Vertical blinds to find out all you could possibly need to know about these blinds.

What Are Vertical Blinds?

 Vertical blinds are a special type of window shade, that allows for great control of how much light you let into your home. Unlike other types of blinds like Roller blinds or Roman blinds, these Vertical blinds are made up of multiple small strips of fabric, rather than a large solid piece of material. These thin strips of fabric are connected to a headrail and hang down, shading the window.

How Do Vertical Blinds Work?

 Vertical blinds are pretty easy to use, with two main methods of opening and closing the blinds. 

-You can pull the slats side to side, to cover and uncover the window, or you can have the slats sit on either side of the blind or split from the middle outwards.

-You can rotate the slats using a crank, when the slats are all parallel to the window, they will block out more light, then they can be rotated to be perpendicular to the window allowing light to pass through the gaps between slats.

Where Can Vertical Blinds Be Used?

 Vertical blinds are incredibly versatile and can be used successfully in most rooms of a house, thanks to the variety of fabric options that you have when buying Vertical blinds. You can use waterproof fabrics in bathrooms, easy-clean fabrics in kitchens, and standard fabrics in living rooms.

However, it is not recommended to use Vertical blinds in bedroom settings, this is because even when the blinds are fully closed some outside light may still pass through between small gaps in the slats, which can cause sleep disruption.

What Are The Benefits Of Vertical Blinds?

 There are a lot of good reasons to use Vertical blinds in your home compared to other types of blinds, some of the advantages include:

Cost – Thanks to the simple design of Vertical blinds, they typically have a lower price point compared to other blinds.

Light Control – As you have two ways to let light in with a Vertical blind (opening or rotating slats), you have a great level of control when it comes to how much outside light you let into your home.

Versatile – Another big benefit of Vertical blinds is that they’re incredibly versatile and can be made in a wide range of fabrics, allowing them to be effectively used in most rooms.

Replaceable Slats – Unlike other blinds, when the slats of your Vertical blinds start to show their age, you can remove the slats and replace them with new replacement slats, without needing to outright replace the whole blind.

What Are The Drawbacks Of Vertical Blinds?

While there are many benefits to Vertical blinds, they also do have a few drawbacks compared to other blinds, these include:

Light Leakage – As there are small gaps between each individual slat on a Vertical blind, they can let light leak in between the gaps, which makes them inappropriate for use in bedrooms.​

Style – While Vertical blinds are cheap and versatile, they aren’t the most stylish window blind available, meaning that if style is a priority for your home, you may be better suited using a different type of blind.​

Help Your Grandpa And Grandma Move Easier And Faster

 We all want our grandparents to live happy, healthy lives for as long as possible. But as they age, it can become more difficult for them to do things that once came easily – like moving around their home.

 Thankfully, there are some things we can do to help them out. By making a few simple changes and additions to their home, we can make it easier and faster for them to move around – without sacrificing their independence. Here are some of our top tips:

Mobility Scooters

 Mobility scooters are changing the way grandpas and grandmas can get around town. They provide newfound independence that allows seniors to move about freely and explore their environment with ease. Not only does this give them the freedom to get out of the house and go for a stroll, but it also allows them to go shopping or visit friends without having to worry about walking long distances which can quickly become tiring. As seen at mobility paradise, there are many different types of mobility scooters – from compact models to sporty three-wheelers. Mobility scooters are becoming a popular choice for grandpa and grandma, enabling them to stay active while still being able to enjoy retirement.

Wheelchairs and Walkers 

 For grandparents who have difficulty walking due to injury or age, wheelchairs and walkers are a godsend. These medical devices allow grandparents to move around more freely while still having the support they need to stay safe. Whether they're used to navigating through tight spaces or cruising down bike paths, wheelchairs and walkers provide independence and dignity that would otherwise be lacking. It's amazing how something as simple as a wheelchair or walker can make all the difference in an aging grandparent's life.

Stair Lifts

 Stair lifts have become increasingly popular in elderly homes over the past few years as grandparents are starting to take more and more precautions for their safety. Stair lifts provide a sense of independence, allowing grandparents who previously felt they needed someone else's help to navigate the stairs, to remain mobile and independent at home. Available with either manual or remote-controlled functions, stair lifts offer an easy-to-use seating solution for those with mobility challenges, providing effortless transport from one floor to another without the need for physically navigating the stairs. With the option of using manual or automatic features, many grandparents now enjoy the newfound freedom to move around their own house safely and independently.

Grab Bars

 Grab bars are becoming a popular addition to bathroom designs in many homes. Not only are they helpful for adults living with physical limitations, but they can be a major benefit for grandparents that may struggle to stand up from the bathtub. Installing grab bars throughout the bathroom can give seniors a sense of security and safety and make day-to-day activities much easier. Families can be sure that these simple additions will provide older adults with greater comfort, stability, and peace of mind during times of physical vulnerability.

Remove Obstacles

 In addition to these additions, it's important to take into account the environment in which grandpas and grandmas are living. It's important to remove any obstacles that could impede their mobility or make them feel unsafe. This could include things like loose rugs, trailing wires, cords, or anything else that can create an obstacle or a potential hazard. By removing these hazards, we can make it much easier and safer for our seniors to move around without any issues. Not only will this help them to stay safe, but it will also provide a sense of security, allowing them to move around with confidence and independence.

Improve Lighting

 Lighting can be an overlooked but critical aspect of our homes and lives. Good lighting can help provide a pleasant atmosphere while also ensuring the safety of those accessing the area. Improving the lighting in your home or around your area can help you and your family see more clearly and help those with impaired vision move about without trouble, especially for elderly relatives like grandparents who might have difficulty adapting to darker environments. Improvements like adding more decently-powered lamps or LED lights near doorways or in hallways can help them move around easier, providing much-needed clarity and peace of mind to both them and their family members. Properly lit areas help create safer atmospheres for everyone!

 As our grandparents age, it's important to take into account their safety and security when designing or renovating a home. From wheelchair and walker accessibility to grab bars for the bathroom, stair lifts for navigating stairs easily, removing obstacles from hallways, and proper lighting in all areas of the house - these are just some of the ways we can ensure that our elderly family members have access to safe mobility at home. Not only will this help them stay safe but also provide them with independence and dignity as they continue living life on their own terms. With simple additions like these, your grandparent’s quality of life is sure to improve significantly!

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