No matter how rewarding it is to be a parent, sometimes it might feel difficult to be able to juggle your parenting responsibilities while also managing your performance as an employee.
Here are four tips for furthering your career as a working parent.
1. Work Smarter, Not Harder
As a working parent, time is precious in both your professional and personal lives, so make sure you can prioritize each.
It might help to compartmentalize your day so you can have separate hours of the day for personal and professional errands and concentrate on each area separately.
To do this, you could invest in a diary, or even make use of the calendar function from Google to keep track of appointments you need to attend. Companies like Paperchase stock some wonderful full-year diaries for you to track events in.
Dedicating specific time to focus on your family will also help you to build lasting and strong relationships with your children.
2. Study a Distance Learning Degree
If you want to extend your skill set in your existing career, you could enroll in a distance learning degree that will allow you the flexibility to learn around your working hours. This means that you can work your degree around all your other responsibilities easily, including your childcare obligations.
This will provide you with the skills you need to progress your career, while also teaching you additional transferable skills like time management and personal discipline.
Universities like Anglia Ruskin can help you find the perfect course for your interests and career choice that will lead you to success.
3. Work From Home if You Can
Working from home can help you to become better at juggling that work-life balance more effectively.
With commuting time cut to the length of time it takes to walk from your bed to your computer, you suddenly have an increased number of potentially productive hours during the day.
If you can also manage to work flexible hours, you can also shift your working hours to accommodate the school run and after-school activities.
4. Look After Your Health
It may sound obvious, but looking after your health is the key to being an exceptional parent as well as a great employee.
Make sure you are eating a balanced diet, sleeping for around 8 hours every night (admittedly this can be tricky with small children around!), and exercising regularly.
This will help to keep your energy levels up, build immunity against nasty illnesses, and keep your concentration on point.
Exercising regularly will also help you to keep up with your energetic children during playtime! You can use exercise bikes like the Peloton to get into your daily exercise routine with ease. You might even find a bike on a craigslist free stuff listing.
Do you have any tips for furthering your career as a working parent? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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