>U Mom Knows Best: September 2022

The Health Benefits of Gut L-Glutamine

 Are all gut health products alike? Gut L-Glutamine supports your gut health and is made for sensitive guts.

 I never thought that I would be saying that I have a sensitive gut but having multiple food allergies kind of makes my gut sensitive. While my food allergies can make me nauseated, my food allergies also cause respiratory issues which can lead to breathing problems like asthma attacks. So I avoid my food allergies as I do like to breathe.

When you think of gut issues and sensitivities what usually comes to mind? If you guessed gas, occasional bloating, flatulence, GI discomfort, constipation, or diarrhea, then you guessed right. I remember struggling with all of the above before I discovered my milk allergy. Once I did an elimination diet and avoided the foods that I was allergic to, I seldom had gut issues. I then started taking a probiotic fiber supplement to keep my gut happy. Then I discovered that not all probiotic supplements were safe for me to take as some of them contained dairy ingredients or were fermented with dairy ingredients. So I stopped taking my probiotic supplement. Then I started having intestinal issues.

I discovered a new gut health supplement

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A company reached out to me to try their supplement for gut health. Before I agreed to try the product, I went to their website to learn more about the product and to make sure that it did not contain dairy. Once I found out that Gut L-Glutamine was 3rd party verified gluten, dairy, and soy free, I agreed to try the gut health supplement. 

 I liked that Gut L-Glutamine was good for digestion health and immune health along with other benefits. While checking the ingredients of the Gut L-Glutamine, I learned the following about the product.

What does L-Glutamine actually do?

 L-Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body and the most important for maintaining the strength and integrity of bodily tissue, including the lining of the intestinal tract. In other words, L-Glutamine is the best fuel source for the cells that form the intestinal lining. 

How does L-Glutamine help?

 Studies show that supplemental L-Glutamine is mostly absorbed and metabolized in the tissues of the intestines. That’s great news if you have a leaky gut, which is caused by a weakening of the lining of the intestinal wall. Gut L-Glutamine supplies the extra glutamine needed to patch up and fortify the thin, single-layered mucosal barrier of the intestines. By strengthening and tightening up the junctions of the cells that line this barrier, L-glutamine prevents food particles, harmful bacteria, and toxins from escaping into the bloodstream. When food particles and bacteria are kept in the intestinal tract where they belong, the body is more likely to maintain normal levels of inflammation, which supports all aspects of your overall wellness.

How do I know if I should take this supplement?

Gut L-Glutamine may help if you experience any of the following symptoms: gas, occasional bloating, flatulence, GI discomfort, constipation, or diarrhea. 

My experience with Gut L-Glutamine

 I was excited to check out Gut L-Glutamine as I like the feeling of a healthy gut. I liked that the powder was tasteless and mixed clearly into water. I learned that this supplement could be mixed into juice, tea, or other cold liquids and that it was best to take on an empty stomach.

 So, for a week, I mixed the Gut L-Glutamine powder supplement into a glass of water and drank it after I did my morning exercise. I did not experience any side effects from the supplement and I liked that I was strengthening the cells of my gut lining. Making my gut stronger could even help with my asthma problems as I learned that a healthy intestinal tract supports your overall wellness.

 After a week of regularly consuming Gut L-Glutamine, I noticed that my daily bathroom #2 pit stops in the morning were happening at the same time and they were easy to accomplish. I was happy that I found a safe gut health product that I could take. Since one tub has 60 servings and the brand sent me two tubs of product, I will continue to take this for several more months to support my gut health and overall wellness. With winter coming, I sure can use additional wellness support to keep my body healthy from all those winter colds. 

Learn more about Gut L-Glutamine here

How To Help Someone You Love Go Through A Rehab Process

 If you have a loved one who is struggling with addiction, you may be feeling overwhelmed and helpless. You want to do whatever you can to help them, but you may not know where to start. In this article, we will discuss the rehab process and how you can help your loved one through it. We will also provide some tips for coping with the situation yourself.

Help Them Get Into Rehab

The first step in helping your loved one is to get them into rehab. This can be a difficult process, as many people with addiction are in denial about their problem. They may not believe that they need help, or they may be afraid of what will happen in rehab. The folks at villaoasissandiego.com note that it is important to be patient and understanding with your loved one during this time. You should also try to provide them with as much information about rehab as possible so that they can make an informed decision. Keep in mind that women often face different challenges in addiction compared to men, such as societal pressures and gender-specific trauma. So, as you research different rehab options, consider looking into a women's addiction rehab program if possible. These programs are designed specifically for women and can offer a more tailored approach to treatment.

If your loved one is resistant to the idea of going to rehab, you may need to stage an intervention. This is a meeting in which you and other concerned individuals confront the person about their addiction and explain how it is affecting their life and the lives of those around them. The goal of an intervention is to get the person to agree to seek treatment. There are many resources available to help you plan and carry out an intervention, such as books, websites, and support groups. You should also consult with a professional interventionist or addiction counselor who can help you plan and conduct the intervention.

Prepare Yourself for the Rehab Process

While your loved one is in rehab, you will likely experience a wide range of emotions, including worry, anger, sadness, and relief. It is important to prepare yourself for these emotions beforehand so that you can deal with them in a healthy way. There are a few things you can do to prepare yourself:

+ Educate yourself about addiction and the rehab process. This will help you understand what your loved one is going through and how you can best support them.

+ Find a support group for families of addicts. This can be a great way to share your experiences and get advice from others who are going through the same thing.

+ Make sure to take care of yourself. It is important to eat well, exercise, and get enough sleep. You should also make time for hobbies and activities that you enjoy. This will help you stay healthy and sane during this difficult time.

+ Talk to your loved one about their expectations for treatment and aftercare. This will help you set realistic expectations for the process and avoid disappointment later on.

Support Them During Treatment

Once your loved one is in treatment, there are a few things you can do to support them. First, make sure to stay in communication with them. This can be difficult, as they may be busy with treatment and have limited time for phone calls or visits. However, it is important to let them know that you are thinking of them and that you support their decision to get help. You should also try to be understanding if they are not able to participate in family activities or events during this time. It is also important to avoid enabling their addiction by giving them money or covering up for their bad behavior. Instead, focus on helping them build a foundation for recovery by attending meetings with them, participating in therapy sessions, and helping them find sober housing and employment.

Aftercare Is Important

Aftercare and relapse prevention are important aspects of the treatment process. Aftercare is a plan for continued care and support after the person leaves treatment. This may include things like therapy, 12-step meetings, and sober living arrangements. Relapse prevention is a plan to help the person avoid relapsing into their addiction. This may include things like avoiding triggers, having a support system, and attending therapy. It is important to help your loved one develop a solid aftercare and relapse prevention plan before they leave treatment. Plus, you should make sure to continue supporting them after they leave treatment. 

The rehab process is not easy, but it is worth it if it means saving the life of someone you love. With patience, understanding, and support, you can help your loved one through this difficult time. Make sure to take care of yourself as well, and seek out support if you need it. Remember, the goal is to help your loved one build a foundation for a happy and healthy life in recovery.

How Can The Law Protect You If You Suffer An Injury

 Have you suffered an injury? Here is how the law can help you overcome the losses you have suffered!

Universal human rights protection by the law

 Everyone in the world is entitled to fundamental freedoms and rights. They hold true no matter who you are, what you believe, or how you conduct your life. While they can occasionally be curtailed, like when someone violates the law or for reasons of national security, they can never be taken away. These fundamental rights are founded on universal principles like independence, justice, equality, respect, and dignity. These principles are outlined and safeguarded by the country’s constitution. Likewise, in cases where you suffer an injury, pain, and distress due to someone else’s fault, you have all the legal rights to demand your right to be compensated for the suffered losses. In most cases, you will be represented by a lawyer who will faithfully protect your rights.

Getting paid for damages

 For example, if you have been injured in an accident and believe you are entitled to compensation, you may want to consider hiring a lawyer. These circumstances might range from getting hurt at work without your fault, being at fault in a vehicle accident, or even obtaining a defective product for which you should be reimbursed. Instances of reimbursement for damages following a dog bite, a fall down a shaft, or an unauthorized termination are also rather common. In these circumstances, retaining legal counsel will assist you in obtaining the damage settlement you are due.

 Employing a personal injury attorney guarantees that your rights are upheld as you pursue financial recompense for your losses. Additionally, it guarantees that the required actions are taken to maintain the progress of your case while you concentrate on recovering from your injuries.

 You have the right to hold the offender accountable for their careless behavior if they are to blame for your personal injury. A personal injury attorney will do all in their power to assist you to understand your options for obtaining compensation so you can choose the one that is best for your situation. Therefore, a litigation firm can provide you with legal assistance for these types of injuries. With a trained professional, you can overcome this uncomfortable situation fast and with less stress and frustration.

Legal representation

 The most common type of legal aid offered is a lawyer’s representation. The basic goal of representation is for the attorney (representative) to carry out certain legal and factual activities in the name and on behalf of the represented, with the same results as if they were carried out by the client himself. In other words, it is assumed that the client himself took certain legal or factual actions if they were taken by a lawyer acting as the client’s agent. This reduces the risk of the client losing his rights and legal interests—that is, the rights and legal interests of other people—because the client, who typically lacks the knowledge, experience, and skills to undertake legal actions in order to protect his own rights and interests, entrusts his undertaking to a trained individual who performs this work as his registered profession. Finally, dealing with insurance companies and lawyers on the other side is easier if you have your own legal representative. 

Hiring a lawyer

 Any lawyer can be chosen. This implies that the client has the freedom to select and keep any attorney for representation and legal help at his own discretion. Clients cannot be forced to hire a lawyer, either, but if they wish, they can represent themselves without a legal representative. However, this is rare.

 The lawyer, on the other hand, is free to choose whether or not to accept representation and the provision of legal help in line with the law. Once the lawyer accepts to represent the client in his case, he/she must abide by the Law on Advocacy and the Code of Professional Ethics for Lawyers. This must all be followed if he/she chooses to offer legal aid. Likewise, he/she must also do it professionally and honestly. Finding top-rated injury lawyers is essential to ensure that your legal representation is competent and has experience in handling personal injury cases. Also, make sure that you are comfortable with the lawyer and have a good rapport with them as this will greatly affect your case.


 A lawyer is required to retain as a professional secret all they learn from a client while giving legal advice and representation. Data, papers, files, items, documents, recordings, and records that the party submits to the lawyer in connection with the matter for which the lawyer offers legal help are covered by the need to maintain secrecy. The duty to keep a client's identity secret is an inalienable human right with no time limit. A lawyer can be disciplined for violating legal professional confidentiality by having their case brought before unauthorized entities.

 If you are a victim of any kind of abuse or injury, make sure you always report it and find a legal representative who will protect your rights!

Legacy Peak Is a Family Friendly Adventure Movie

 Legacy Peak is a thrilling adventure that the whole family can enjoy and it will be on Pure Flix on September 22nd!

Many thanks to Pure Flix for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own. 

 I am so glad that I have a subscription to Pure Flix as they have the best family-friendly movies and shows. When I have some downtime, I love watching a show or movie. Sometimes, I even have a movie from Pure Flix streaming on my tablet as I get some work done on the computer. When I watch something on Pure Flix, it tends to change my mood for the better.

 Pure Flix has a wide variety of movies and shows for the whole family. Even my teens enjoy watching episodes of shows and movies on this family entertainment website. As a parent, I love that I don't have to worry about what my boys are watching on their devices as I know Pure Flix is positive entertainment. The best part is Pure Flix is always adding new content every month.

Legacy Peak exclusively on Pure Flix starting September 22nd! 

There is so much content to watch on Pure Flix that sometimes I get overwhelmed with what to watch. So I love that I am a part of the Pure Fix ambassador program and I get to preview movies and shows before they premier on Pure Flix. That way when I watch a movie that touches my feel-good sensors, I get to share my review of the movie with you. I also get to offer a giveaway with a prize of 3 months to Pure Flix to my readers.

 When I received an email from Pure Flix to watch a movie called Legacy Peak, I was not sure what to expect from this movie. So I got myself comfortable in my favorite chair and started the movie. From the first scene in the movie, I thought this was going to be a low-key movie about a family enjoying Christmas together at a cabin in the mountains. I thought that I would watch it while getting some work done. I had no idea that it was going to be an adventure-packed movie that had all my attention and that I would not be getting any work done. 

“Legacy Peak” is a movie about pushing past your fear to start a new adventure.

Synopsis of Legacy Peak: Jason wants nothing more than to have Noelle’s kids like him. But when a perfectly planned trip to a mountain cabin falls apart, the ensuing adventure could tear them apart or bring them closer than they ever imagined. Together they'll discover how to trust again and what it means to be a family. 

 Jason is on an adventure to win the hearts of Noelle’s kids before they marry. The plan for them to fly to her parent’s cabin days before she wraps up work quickly falls apart and the adventure turns into a struggle to survive before this new family can start a life together.

Featuring: Lucas Black, Kyleigh M. Bakker, Roman Engel, Todd Terry, Ina Barron

I should have looked at the movie poster and movie trailer

If I had watched the movie trailer for Legacy Peak and looked at the movie poster, then I would have wondered if the movie was going to have life struggles. I am glad that Pure Flix offers trailers of the movies and shows that you can view before selecting what you want to watch. 

  Once I started watching Legacy Peak, it grabbed all my attention once Jason had to make an emergency landing with the small plane they were flying. When Jason could not get the plane to fly again, I had no idea how much adventure was in store for him and his girlfriend's kids.

Tragedy after tragedy happened to them and thought for sure, they would never make it to the mountain cabin for the happy ending. From wild animals to a fire, Jason and the kids sure did struggle to survive. The worse part was Jason had no idea how to handle kids, with one of them being angry at him and the other diabetic. I think that may have made things even more difficult to survive in the cold woods.

Check out the website for Legacy Peak

Watch Legacy Peak on Pure Flix starting September 22nd!

“Legacy Peak” is a family adventure where teamwork, cooperation, and honesty are the keys to survival.

 Jason is a single guy that likes things in order and has no experience raising kids. He quickly learns that he can't control things with the situation and learns to let go and let God take control. It is during the toughest times, that he realizes that he has to pray for help and protection for the kids. Like when a wolf shows up at the ranger station and a fire catches the building on fire, Jason had to act fast to save the kids. Jason has to put aside trying to win over the kids and instead save them. Jason then realizes that only God could save them.  

Be sure to check out the trailer for Legacy Peak today.

 Looking for the best place to stream movies and shows that are perfect for the whole family? Pure Flix is your Home for Wholesome Faith & Family Streaming.  

About Pure Flix

Pure Flix is your home for faith and family-friendly exclusive movies and shows where you can confidently stream with the entire family. With new high-quality original entertainment every week, you can strengthen your faith and family with Pure Flix – a streaming service that inspires, uplifts, and entertains.

You’ll get access to the largest variety of wholesome movies, series, and kids' content at one low price. Experience the difference that positive, encouraging entertainment can have in your home.

Pure Flix is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sony Pictures Entertainment, alongside AFFIRM Films.

Discover more at www.pureflix.com 

Giveaway ~ 3-month Pure Flix subscription 

 Pure Flix is giving away one 3-month Pure Flix subscription to one lucky Mom Knows Best reader. The giveaway is limited to US winners only. The giveaway starts on September 20th, 2022, and ends on October 3rd, 2022. To enter the giveaway ~ enter on the giveaway form below.

If you have won a Pure Flix subscription from this website or another website in the past 6 months, you can not enter this giveaway. 

Recipes Inspired By Starting a Garden in My Backyard

 Check out these delicious recipes that will inspire you to start a garden in your backyard. Don't have a garden you can still make these recipes with fresh produce from the grocery store.

 Have you been thinking of growing vegetables in a garden in your backyard? Growing a garden may take some work but reaping the rewards of picking fresh vegetables is so worth the effort. Fresh vegetables taste so good when you grow them yourself. Then when your garden rewards you with a surplus of veggies, you will need some recipes. You will need recipes that were inspired by a garden surplus of vegetables.

Keep reading to discover the amazing recipes for garden vegetables and discover the best place to purchase seeds for a home garden.

 Two years ago if you told me that I needed to start a garden in my backyard, I would have laughed. I live in the desert of the Southwest, where it does not rain that much. The soil in my backyard is sandy and filled with rocks. It took a lockdown from a virus to inspire me to start a swingset garden in the southwest.

 I started out small with my first garden and planted seeds that would grow best in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The vegetable seeds that I planted in my desert garden were beets, spinach, and kale. These vegetables grow best in rocky, sandy soil. I also bought a tomato plant as tomatoes grow best in hot weather. I wanted to grow some other vegetables but garden seeds were hard to find as so many people were gardening in the summer of 2020. 

Where to buy seeds for a home garden

 When most people think of starting a backyard garden, they head to their nearest hardware store to buy garden seeds. The colorful packages of vegetable seeds at the local home stores are plentiful, so you grab all your favorite vegetables that you like to eat. The problem with buying garden seeds from a store that also sells tools and appliances is the lack of seed-growing information. While these seed packages have some information on them, it is not enough to grow a successful garden.

 So I recommend that you buy your garden seeds online from a website that specializes in garden seeds. Along with the ease of buying your garden seeds, you will also get the best gardening advice. I prefer to buy my vegetable seeds online and I discover that Eden Brothers has a huge variety of seeds at affordable prices.

 Selecting the vegetable seeds that are best for your growing zone and things like water needs is very important for the success of growing food. Eden Brothers has all the information you need to select the seeds that will grow in your type of soil and temperature. That way you don't try to grow broccoli in the desert. When you select your seeds from Eden Brothers, you will get information about how to plant the seeds and how much sun is needed for the veggies. 

Buying a greenhouse and other gardening tips

 Before you start a garden, it is good to do some gardening research. Things to consider are where is the best place to start your garden in your backyard and what vegetables you want to grow. Some vegetables are easier to grow while others may not grow in your garden zone area. If you want to start your seeds outside, buying a greenhouse might be a good garden investment. Check out these garden tips and how a greenhouse may help your vegetable plants grow better.

Gardening is great for fresh produce for cooking 

A simple way to decide which vegetables to grow in your garden is through recipes that use garden produce. That way when the vegetables are ready to pick, you will have plenty of ways to cook with vegetables. I included a list of my favorite recipes that use fresh garden produce. Some of the recipes will tell you how to best prepare the garden veggies to save for later recipes. So take a look at the below recipes for inspiration for cooking with produce from your garden.

Carrot recipes

Carrots are a delicious vegetable to grow in your garden. From orange carrots to rainbow carrots, carrots can be enjoyed in many ways. The most common ways to eat carrots are raw or cooked but I have included some unique ways to use the carrots that you grow from your garden.

Roasted Rainbow Carrots

Homemade Carrot Juice 

+ Carrot Waffles

Crunchy Carrot Crackers

+ Spicy Carrot Hummus

Easy Vegetarian Egg Foo Young

Southwestern Style Sushi Burrito

Keto Friendly Pad Thai

Beet recipes

I love growing beets in my garden for many reasons. The beets are so delicious. While you are waiting for the beets to grow in the soil underground, you can eat the beet greens that grow above the ground. Beet greens have a taste similar to spinach but with a touch of sweetness. My favorite way to enjoy beets from the garden is roasted beets.

+ Easy Roasted Beets In The Oven

+ Beet Hummus

+ Beet Powder

Homemade Beet Juice

+ Pressure Cooker Beets

+ Gluten-Free Berry Beet Pancakes

+ Beet Burgers

+ Beet Waffles

Tomato recipes

Tomatoes fresh from the garden taste so much better than the ones you get from the store. While fresh tomatoes taste so good after you pick them, you can only eat so many fresh tomatoes. So what do you do when you have an abundance of tomatoes from your home garden? Sure you could make tomato sauce but that is a lot of work. So instead check out these tomato recipes.

Roasted Tomatoes Made In The Air Fryer

Oven-Dried Roasted Sun Dried Tomatoes

Rosemary and Caramelized Onion Sun Dried Tomato Focaccia

Brussels Sprouts recipes

While I have never grown Brussels Sprouts in my garden, as they don't grow well in my garden zone. I love the taste of fresh Brussels Sprouts, especially when they are roasted in the oven. You need to check out these two delicious ways to roast Brussels Sprouts in the oven.

Roasted Rainbow Brussels Sprouts

Maple-Roasted Brussels Sprouts With Pumpkin Seeds

Pepper recipes 

 Peppers from the garden can be enjoyed raw but they can also be enjoyed cooked in many recipes that use peppers. If your garden blesses you with an abundance of bell peppers, I included a recipe for air frying vegetables. After air frying the veggies, you can then store them in the freezer to use later.

Roasted Red Pepper Eggs Skillet Dish

Air Fryer Vegetables

A fun way to use vegetables from your garden

The best way to enjoy the vegetables that you grew in your home garden is to make food art. Start with some homemade pizza dough and then have fun decorating the dough with the fresh veggies. I remember the first time I made Focaccia Bread Flowers and it was so fun using the different colors of vegetables to make flowers on the pizza dough. The best part came after the bread dough art was baked in the oven and I got to enjoy eating my masterpiece. Get the Focaccia Bread Flower recipe and have fun creating your vegetable art.

Start planning your garden

 So now that you have discovered some delicious recipes, it is time to order your garden seeds. I know that the weather is getting colder and planting a garden is not ideal but this is the perfect time to start your garden research. While you are waiting for spring, you can also order some seeds to plant herbs inside. A kitchen herb garden can be grown inside in planters near your windows. Check out the selection of herb seeds at Eden Brothers. My favorite herbs to grow inside are basil and sage.

Everything You Need to Know About Customized Hair Care Products

There are advantages to maintaining a routine for skin and hair maintenance. But establishing a proper hair routine can be challenging. It cannot be easy to discover the ideal combination of products that work year-round, regardless of hair type, texture, or lifestyle. However, the growing trend of personalized hair care aims to transform how we buy products and establish a long-lasting regimen for healthy hair. What constitutes a good haircare routine is a valid question, as most of us merely use shampoo, conditioner, and perhaps a deep-conditioning mask.

To try personalized hair care products, you should know a few things. First, customized shampoos and conditioners are a great way to treat your hair. They contain safe ingredients for your hair and will prevent it from falling out. 

Personalized shampoos

Personalized shampoos are hair-washing products specifically formulated for your hair type and scalp. These shampoos are designed to clean your hair, make them smell good, and moisturize them. But unlike other shampoos, personalized shampoos change the microbiome on your scalp. 

When choosing a personalized shampoo, it's important to consider your hair type, lifestyle, and other factors. For example, if you have very oily hair, you'll likely want a more cleansing formula, while a dry scalp might require a lighter formula. Before ordering a custom-made shampoo, take a few minutes to fill out a questionnaire and assess your scalp. Some shampoos will even collect hair samples to analyze to determine your specific needs. Several customized shampoos will also allow you to choose the fragrance you want.

Another option is to use a website that offers personalized haircare products. For example, personalized shampoos for hair care are becoming more popular with the help of reviews such as Function of Beauty reviews. In addition, this company constantly improves its technology and makes modifications based on customer feedback to meet your needs better.


Personalized conditioners

Personalized conditioners for hair care are becoming a buzzword in the hair care world. These customized products are available for purchase through many beauty companies. Customers can select what they need, including their specific concerns and hair type, to receive a custom-created product. There are a variety of benefits to using personalized hair care products.

Personalized conditioners are designed to match the unique needs of each customer. First, users take a quiz to determine what products best suit their hair. The questionnaire will ask about hair type, moisture content, structure, and five other goals. While these products began with shampoo, they've expanded into other products, including leave-in treatments, masks, serums, and a wide array of other products. These products are ideal for people with curly or wavy hair.

Personalized conditioners for hair care are becoming increasingly popular, and more consumers are looking for customized solutions. This trend is ripe for formulators. Using mix-and-match ingredients, formulators can target common hair problems and deliver the most personalized hairstyles. So, whether you want to add a little luxury to your haircare regimen or give yourself a more personalized touch, this guide will help you choose the best products.

While formulas may be the most important aspect of hair care, the technique of applying them is just as important. Some products work better than others, and it's always best to consult a professional to get more information. With a customized routine and custom formulas, you can ensure that your hair care regimen is effective and doesn't cause damage.

What Does Personalization Mean When It Comes to Hair Care?

Hair care is frequently divided into groups that focus on particular hair types or problems. Building a system that considers both type and external influences is ideal because so many distinct factors affect hair condition and health. Regarding the intended outcome, two people who appear to have the same hair type may have very diverse haircare habits and preferences. They will undoubtedly require different products and regimens to achieve those particular results.

Great Ways To Spend More Time With Your Kids In Nature

 There is something about spending time in nature that feels right. Maybe it's the fresh air, the sunshine, or the way being surrounded by plants and trees seems to put everything into perspective. Whatever it is, getting outside is a great way to connect with your kids. Here are some ideas for how to make the most of outdoor time together.

Go to the Park

 This is probably the first option parents choose when they want to get their kids outside, and for a good reason. Parks are great because there are usually plenty of activities, from swinging and sliding to playing tag or hide-and-seek. Plus, most parks are free, so you don't have to worry about spending money on entertainment.

 If your kids are a little older, you can make a park visit more educational by teaching them about the different types of plants and trees you see or having a nature scavenger hunt. No matter what you do, spending time at the park is a great way to get some fresh air and have fun with your kids.

 These days, you can always search online for "the best parks near me" to find some great options in your area. This way, you can explore different parks and find the ones your kids like the best.

Go Fishing
This is another excellent activity for kids of all ages. Fishing is a great way to teach your kids about nature and the outdoors, and it's also a lot of fun. You can usually find a spot to go fishing near you by checking with your local parks department or doing an online search.

 If you don't have your fishing gear, you can usually rent it from a local bait shop or sporting goods store. And if you don't know how to fish, there are usually plenty of resources available to help you learn, such as books and websites. Regarding kayak fishing, investing in a fishing kayak that is on sale can be a great idea.

 You and your kids can enjoy this activity while staying safe on the water. Besides, gather information on the principles of fishing before you go so that everyone has a great time while doing it. This understanding makes it easy to stand up and fish on a kayak. Begin by buying supplies from reputable dealers. Also, focus on the sizes such that your kids will have an easy time doing kayak fishing. You can always rely on relevant online sites for such information.

Visit a Nature Center

 These centers are usually located in state or local parks and exhibit the area's plants, animals, and history. They also usually have staff who can answer any questions you or your kids might have.

 Some nature centers also offer programs for kids, such as Junior Ranger programs, which are usually free or low-cost. These programs can be a great way to get your kids excited about nature and the outdoors.

 As you choose a nature center to visit, look for one with programs and exhibits appropriate for your kids' ages. This way, you can be sure they'll be able to enjoy and learn from the experience.

Take a Hike

 This is where you can get back to nature with your kids. Hiking is a great way to explore the outdoors and see things you wouldn't usually see on a walk around the block. It's also a great way to get some exercise.

 When hiking with your kids, start with an easy trail that's not too long. You can always work up to longer, more challenging hikes as your kids get older. And be sure to pack plenty of snacks and water, as well as any other supplies you might need, such as sunscreen, hats, or insect repellent.

 Hiking is a great activity to do with your kids because it's relatively inexpensive, and you can do it just about anywhere there are trails. You can find hiking trails near you by online searching or checking with your local park system.

Have a Picnic

 This is an excellent activity for warm weather days, and it's something the whole family can enjoy. Just pack up some food, drinks, and a blanket, and head to your favorite park or another outdoor spot.

 If you want to make your picnic fun, you can turn it into a scavenger hunt or a treasure hunt. Hide things around your picnic area for your kids to find, or give them clues that will lead them to different food items or other prizes. This will help them stay entertained while they're eating their picnic lunch.

 Having a picnic is a great way to spend quality time with your kids while getting fresh air and enjoying the outdoors. Plus, it's a great excuse to eat some of your favorite foods.

Go Bird Watching

 Kids love birds, so why not take them bird watching? This is an excellent activity for kids of all ages, and it's a great way to learn about different types of birds and their habitats.
You can usually find a spot to go bird watching near you by checking with your local parks department or doing an online search. If you don't have your binoculars, you can usually rent them from a local bait shop or sporting goods store.

 The best way to find birds is to go early in the morning before they've flown off to start their day. Be sure to dress for the weather and pack some snacks and drinks. At times, having a tour guide can be helpful. Fortunately, most places that offer bird watching also have guides who can help you spot different types of birds. 

 Such trips are often not only recreational but also educational for your kids. It will be a perfect way to spend quality time with your family while getting fresh air and enjoying the outdoors. 

 Spending time outdoors with your kids is a great way to bond with them and teach them about nature. You can do many different activities together, such as hiking, picnicking, fishing, and bird watching. Just be sure to dress for the weather and pack some refreshments. With some planning, you can have a great time together while getting some fresh air and enjoying the outdoors.

Celebrate Fall With A Fire Pit From Sunnydaze Decor

 Summer is coming to an end and the days are getting shorter. Now is the time to take advantage of the cool weather in the evening with a fire pit. The smell of burning wood and relaxing outside is a great way to end your busy days.

  A fire pit is a great item to have in your backyard. A fire pit is an outdoor decor item that can be used 3 seasons out of the year. Think spring, summer, and fall. From roasting marshmallows for smores to relaxing around the warmth of the fire, a fire pit will encourage you to spend more time in your backyard. Having a campfire in your fire pit and relaxing with friends with the comforting sound of crackling wood is something special.

Discover the many types of fire pits

 Many years ago when fire pits became popular, it seemed that the only type of fire pit you could buy was a wood-burning fire pit bowl. Now, fire pits are available in many types and styles. From wood-burning to propane-burning fire pits, there is a huge selection to choose from and Sunnydaze Decor is the best place to buy an outdoor fire pit for your backyard decor.

 From small metal fire pits to large outdoor cooking fire pits with even Black Steel Wood-Burning Outdoor Chiminea Fire Pits, I know that you will find the perfect fire pit for your backyard.  There are a number of fire pits available with plenty of sizes, styles, and fuel material options to choose from. Make sure to check out our detailed fire pit buying guide to find the best style and size for your space.

Fire Pit Types

Standard Outdoor Fire Pit

+ Fire Pit Table

+ Portable Fire Pit

+ Fire Ring

+ Chiminea

+ Fire Bowls

+ Cooking Fire Pits

Use Code FIREPIT2022 & Save 10% on Firepits from 9/8/2022- 9/30/2022

Fire Pit Materials

+ Cast Iron

+ Steel 

+ Copper

+ Stone

+ Fiberglass

+ Tile

What about fire pit smoke?

 While a wood-burning fire pit can be the best place for relaxing and having great conversations with family and friends, there is the problem of smoke. There always seems to be one side of the fire pit that blows smoke into your face. So instead of having a relaxing night outside, the smoke can ruin your night. You know the scenario, the wood in the firepit starts giving off a lot of smoke in one direction and then you have to move your chair to another side.

 A fire pit should not be a source of excess smoke that leaves your eyes burning. The best way to avoid any smoke from a fire pit is to buy a fire pit that uses propane. Of course, propane fire pits can be more expensive than wood-burning fire pits. So before you purchase your fire pit and the best type of wood to burn in a fire pit, you need to understand what causes excess smoke from fire pits. This article explains the causes of fire pit smoke and gives the best tips to enjoy your fire pit without smoke in your face.

Sunnydaze Decor is the best place to buy a fire pit

 Now that you know more about fire pits and how wonderful they can be for spending time in your backyard. It is time to buy the best fire pit for your backyard. Sunnydaze has a huge variety of fire pits and fire pit accessories to fit almost any budget. If you need outdoor furniture to place around your new fire pit, Sunnydaze also has outdoor chairs and tables as well as outdoor decor. You can create the perfect outdoor spot in your yard to enjoy those last days of summer as well as fall nights. Your yard will be a welcoming place to relax or enjoy the company of friends. Check out all the styles of fire pits and buy one now.  

Which fire pit is your favorite?

Use Code FIREPIT2022 & Save 10% on Firepits from 9/8/2022- 9/30/2022

Lifewit Makes Pantry Organizing Affordable

 We all want an organized pantry but sometimes the cost gets in the way of making it happen. Check out an affordable way to organize your pantry.

 You probably have seen plenty of photos and videos of pantry makeovers and have been inspired to make your kitchen pantry organized. That is until you start adding up the prices of the items that are mentioned in the kitchen makeovers for your pantry. Then after the sticker shock of pricing containers for the pantry, you either head to the Dollar Store or just live with your messy pantry. 

 If you are the one that went to the store with items for a dollar with big inspiration to get containers that fit in your pantry only to be disappointed at the quality or size of the kitchen containers, you are not alone. I remember trying to organize my kitchen cabinets with items that cost a dollar and how it turn out to be a big mess. My pantry was even more disorganized.

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Affordable Storage Containers For A Pantry Makeover

 Do you want affordable storage containers for your pantry? Are you seeking high-quality and convenient storage containers to make your pantry organized? Do you want a pantry that looks nice and is functional at the same time? You need to check out these airtight storage containers from Lifewit.

 Lifewit offers homeware solutions that help you stay organized in the kitchen. This 13-pack food storage container set and 4-piece cereal container storage set have helped me transform a section of my pantry. The kitchen storage containers have helped me even save money at the grocery store!

Containers that help you save money

 Right now with grocery prices being so expensive, I am always looking for ways to save money on my food bill. I have discovered that the easiest way to save money on food is to not waste food. When your pantry is a mess, you can't see what you have inside and food tends to get stale before you use it. Most people buy food in bulk quantities and then it gets lost in the pantry.

 I admit that I buy snacks for my teens when they are on sale. My teens never seem to finish up the first box of snacks before opening a new box. So the old box of granola bars gets stale and then they refuse to eat them. So I will be using these food storage containers to organize the snacks in my pantry. Several months ago I did some spring cleaning in my pantry with a label system on my big plastic snack containers. The problem was the containers were too big and my teens never ate the snacks on the bottom of the container.

Bigger is not always better when it comes to food organization

 I like that the Lifewit storage containers come in many different sizes and can be used in many different ways. The 13-pack food storage set has 4 different sizes. The 4-pack cereal container set are all the same size. Having the correct size for the food is what matters. Some food items like chips take up more space in a container while dried fruit or nuts make take up less space. 

 The 13-Pack Storage Set Includes:

1 tall container ( 10 cups ~ 2.4L)

+ 5 medium containers ( 8 cups ~ 1.9L) 

+ 4 small containers ( 5.5 cups ~ 1.3L)

+ 3 mini containers ( 2.5 cups ~ 0.6L)

4 Piece Cereal Container Storage Set Includes:

+ 4 containers (5.5L)

Food Storage Containers That Are Multipurpose

 The food storage containers are designed to be used in many different ways. These multipurpose storage containers have air-tight lids that are easy to use. So you can store dry or wet items in them, even liquids! The food storage containers can also be used in the fridge for leftovers!

 The cereal containers with the easy pour lids are best when used with dry ingredients like cereal, oatmeal, grains, pasta, flour, and even snacks like popcorn! These storage containers even come with label stickers and an erasable marker so you can identify what is in the containers.

Unique features for the best food storage

The food storage containers from Lifewit all have the same one-size-fits-all universal lid size. So no more having to hunt for the correct lid in a messy storage cabinet. Even the storage containers stack nicely inside each other for storage. You will like that the plastic food storage containers are food safe with no BPA's. The storage containers even neatly stack on each other when in use in your storage area. 

An Organize Pantry Makes Finding Food So Much Easier

 The affordable storage containers from Lifewit solved my snack storage problems. Now my teens can see their favorite snacks and I no longer hear ~ "there is nothing to eat." The labels on the storage containers make it so easy for my teens to grab the snacks, especially when they are in a hurry to leave for school. 

 I am already thinking about my next storage makeover project and browsing through the many storage items that Lifewit sells. I really like their bin-type storage containers for organizing my refrigerator.

What area of your kitchen needs help with organization?

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