>U Mom Knows Best: November 2019

Friday, November 22, 2019

Simple Dairy Free Apple Pie Cookies Made With Real Fruit

The best holiday cookie for cookie exchanges

   I received samples of Crunchies to facilitate this post. 

 The one part that I love about the holiday season is baking cookies. I know that my family loves to eat all the cookies that I make for Christmas. I too enjoy eating my holiday cookies, even if it means that I have to spend a couple extra minutes at the gym. I also love baking cookies for Christmas cookie exchanges. So that usually means that I am baking several different varieties of cookies. I have some cookie recipes that my family requests every year and then I also like to try new cookie recipes. Since I am making so many cookies, I try to switch out ingredients in the recipes so the cookies are a bit healthier. I also switch out ingredients in my cookie recipes so they are allergy-friendly for both my daughter and I. I have a dairy allergy and my daughter has a nut allergy. At times this can complicate my cooking so when I know that my daughter will be eating the cookies that I make, I always make sure to use coconut or oat plant-based milk.

 Dairy-free baking is not that difficult for me as it just requires switching out the dairy ingredients for ones that are non-dairy. I always have vegan butter and plant-based milk in my fridge as well as dark chocolate chips that are dairy-free. Trader Joes sells dairy-free vegan chocolate chips that taste so good and are cheaper than other vegan brands. So when I shop at Trader Joes, I stock up on their plant-based chocolate chips as they freeze so well.

The Best Christmas Sugar Cookie Recipe

Baking with less sugar is easy and delicious

 Since my family enjoys eating sweets like cookies, I have been experimenting with different low calorie and zero-calorie sweeteners in my baking. The sweeteners that I have been using have been natural sweeteners and I have eliminated toxic chemicals from life. To think that I used to use those sweeteners in the pink, blue and yellow packets makes me cringe. I am glad that my body had no lasting effects from those chemicals. So now the only sweeteners that I use to lower my sugar intake are stevia and monk fruit. I really like using monk fruit when baking as my family can't tell the difference. The monk fruit that I started using and love the taste in my baking is Lakanto.sugar. I like this brand as they have a powder sugar substitute and a brown sugar substitute as well as a maple syrup. This sweetener is similar to sugar when you use the right measurements. The package may say that it measures 1 cup to one cup but I get the best taste when I use 3/4 cup to one cup. I find that when I use monk fruit in the full measurement it is way too sweet. So if a recipe calls for one cup sugar, I will use 3/4 cup monk fruit. This sweetener is also keto-approved making it a keto-friendly sweetener for keto recipes.

 There are also ways to make desserts sugar-free without the use of sweetener by using sweet fruits like dates. Dates are naturally sweet so they add that sweet taste to desserts like my Vegan Chocolate Dipped Salted Caramels That Are Dairy Free. These caramels taste so similar to real caramels and if you have to avoid dairy like me, you will love them. This vegan recipe is so easy to make and it uses some healthy ingredients so you can indulge. These tasty vegan caramels are my healthy treat that satisfies my chocolate craving.


The best freeze-dried apples

 My family loves apples and we always have plenty in the fridge but I tend to not use them for baking. Baking with fresh apples is time-consuming as you have to peel the apples and then the apples tend to brown quickly. So I like to make my apple desserts with these amazing freeze-dried apples. Crunchies makes a cinnamon-flavored freeze-dried apple snack that my boys love. This delicious snack is a great way to add the flavor and texture of apples to my baking without all the work. Since the apples are freeze-dried, they are less wet so it does not make my cookies soggy. Crunchies sent me some of their freeze-dried apples and this Apple Pie cookie recipe. I made some modifications to their recipe so it would be dairy-free and lower in sugar but you can see their original recipe on the Crunchies website.

A cookie that tastes like apple pie

 My family loves apple pie but I don't like all the work that is involved in making pies. Making an apple pie can be an all-day project. Sure, I could buy a premade apple pie but they never taste as good as homemade apple pie. I prefer homemade baked goods over store-bought desserts. When I make my pies, I also make a homemade crust. So to make an apple pie, that means making a pie crust, peeling apples, slicing apples, and rolling pie dough. So I would much rather make a delicious cookie that tastes like a homemade apple pie. This apple pie cookie recipe is much healthier too when you use a natural sweetener like monk fruit. You can even make these cookies vegan with a vegan egg substitute so the cookies can be plant-based cookies. I am always substituting eggs in my baking with a vegan egg substitute as I never seem to have eggs in the fridge. I have used egg substitutes in many recipes like my Gluten-Free Chocolate Mocha Protein Brownies and my Peanut Butter Cup Protein Pancakes as well as my Healthy Lemon Zucchini Protein Bread.

 These delicious homemade cookies are super moist and are the perfect cookie for holiday cookie exchanges. You can even eat them for breakfast as they have oatmeal and fruit in them. I like to pack a couple of these cookies in my kid's lunches for a special treat. If you can't wait until Christmas to make these apple pie cookies, then make them for your Thanksgiving menu dessert. Make sure to check out these other holiday favorite cookie recipes that my family enjoys.

Make the cookies healthy and low in sugar

 When I made these cookies, I used wheat flour as I ran out of white flour and they still tasted awesome. Since this recipe has oatmeal in it, that helps with the wheat flour. I don't recommend using wheat flour by itself in most cookie recipes as it tends to make them dry. If you want to use wheat flour for added nutrition then swap out half the white flour with wheat. I also used the above-mentioned monk fruit sweetener when I made these cookies. I used 1/4 cup of the Lakanto Classic and 3/4 cup of the Laknato Golden. My family did not even notice the difference in taste.

If you liked this recipe, be sure to Pin It on Pinterest!

Dairy-Free Rosemary Sugar Cookies  


Sugar Cookies With Half The Amount Of Sugar  

Holiday Pumpkin Pie Spiced Sugar Cookies  

Lemon Frosted Rosemary Holiday Sugar Cookies 

Simple Dairy-Free Apple Pie Cookies

Simple Dairy-Free Apple Pie Cookies
Yield: 36
A delicious cookie that tastes like homemade apple pie


  • 1 cup vegan butter
  • 1 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 1/2 cups rolled oats 
  • 2 bags Crunchies Freeze-dried apples (crushed)


How to cook Simple Dairy-Free Apple Pie Cookies

  1. Preheat oven 350°
  2. Cream vegan butter and sugars until light and fluffy.
  3.  Stir in eggs and vanilla extract.
  4. Mix dry ingredients in a separate bowl ( flour, oats, salt, cinnamon, baking soda, and baking powder)
  5.  Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients stir until combined.
  6.  Fold in Crunchies freeze-dried apples. You may need to use your hands to work the apples in.
  7. Place 1 tbsp. sized dough balls on a cookie sheet that is lined with parchment-lined or a silicone sheet and flatten them lightly with your palm.
  8.  Bake for 10 – 12 minutes or until lightly brown. Let the cookies cool before removing from the cookie sheet.
Fat (grams)
Sat. Fat (grams)
Carbs (grams)
Fiber (grams)
Net carbs
Sugar (grams)
Protein (grams)
Sodium (milligrams)
Cholesterol (grams)
Created using The Recipes Generator

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Benefits Of Watching TV With Younger Kids

Parents need not feel guilty about their kids watching TV

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  As a parent of young children, you want to do the best job of raising your kids. You want your kids to learn so they can be a smart kid when they head off to school. So before your child is even born, you read books about how to successfully raise your child. You feed your kid the best healthy food and buy them the educational toys. You have the best plans to read to them daily and you may even be the parent who says " my child will never watch TV!" So you do your best and attempted to make homemade baby food only to discover how time-consuming it is. You spend hours a day reading books to your children and teaching them their ABC's and then reality hits you.

You discover that raising a child is the hardest job that you have ever had but something inside, (that thing called love), of you, makes you never quit. You realize that it can be tough to keep your child from watching the television so you give in and let your child watch Paw Patrol. Then the mom guilt sets in and you wonder if it is ok to let your toddler or preschooler watch TV. As a mom of five, I say TV watching can be beneficial for younger kids but as with all things it should be done with limits.

 I have raised five kids. My oldest is 29 and my youngest is 11 years old with 3 others in between. I allowed my children to watch the big box called the television and my kids turned out just fine. Two of my oldest kids were valedictorians of their graduating high school class. One of these kids is attending the Merchant Marine Academy and another older child served in the Navy and is currently working as a diesel mechanic. The two younger kids are in the gifted program at their middle school. So they were not hurt by watching tv but I did place limits on their tv viewing and did not use the TV as a babysitter. I used technology to help my child succeed.

Helping Your Child Succeed In School 

 Where kids are concerned, TV can get a bad rap, but with healthy viewing habits and parental supervision, limited “screen time” can be a positive experience for children. Watching tv shows that are geared towards younger kids can actually benefit kids in many ways. TV watching can be a safe activity for kids. When I talk about TV being beneficial to kids, I am talking about kids who are ages 2+.  The American Academy of Pediatrics has some good recommendations on digital media for younger kids and I agree with their below statement.

 Limit digital media for your youngest family members. Avoid digital media for toddlers younger than 18 to 24 months other than video chatting. For children 18 to 24 months, watch digital media with them because they learn from watching and talking with you. Limit screen use for preschool children, ages 2 to 5, to just 1 hour a day of high-quality programming. Again co-viewing is best when possible and for young children, they learn best when they are re-taught in the real world what they just learned through a screen. So, if Ernie just taught the letter D, you can reiterate this later when you are having dinner or spending time with your child.

1. TV can help kids learn 

 My kids grew up watching Sesame Street and this educational show helped them to learn things like their ABCs as the fun songs reinforced the learning that was happening at home. Shows that are geared towards kids can make learning fun and give parents ideas on learning activities to do with their kids once the show is over. Watching their favorite TV character bake cookies can lead to a lesson in math when mom or dad later that day bake cookies together. Sometimes these educational children shows teach kids words or lessons on how to be nice to their friends. I remember when my son was at the zoo looking at the monkeys and he said:" look at their habitat." This child was only 2 at the time but he had learned about animals and their habitats from a kid's TV show. My oldest daughter was reading chapter books in kindergarten and I think that our daily reading along with a children's TV show made reading fun for her.

2, Interactive play

 When kids see their favorite characters from shows like Paw Patrol putting out fires and rescuing cats, they then take those experiences when they are playing with friends. The shows can spark their imagination so they are out in the yard pretending to put out make-believe fires. Think back to your childhood and think about a tv show or a movie that you had fun role-playing with your friends. I loved to imagine that I was Cinderella while my friends were the ugly stepsisters. Preschoolers’ shows are especially effective for generating ideas for learning activities and using characters to motivate kids.

3. Motivate kids to read books

 Reading books to kids is always a good thing to help them learn. A topic on a children's TV show can spark your child to want to learn more about that topic. So you can head to the library and check out books that pertain to that. While at the library, you can even find books that have stories and learning activities from your child's favorite TV show. I remember when grandma gave my kids books that were based on Sesame Street and they not only contained great stories that my kids loved for me to read to them but they had learning activities that taught my kids how to count and match.

4. Encourage exercise

 Exercise is always a good thing, even for kids. I think playing outside is the best way for kids to get exercise but on days that the weather does not cooperate, a kid's TV show may be the thing to help kids burn off some extra energy. It is way more fun to dance and jump with a favorite TV character, especially when mom joins in. When my kids were little and it was too cold to get outside, I would put on some music and we would have a blast dancing in the living room. Back then, there were not many TV shows that encouraged kids to move. Parents today can easily find a children's show that has kids dancing and singing.

5. Downtime or mom time

 I admit that I have used TV for sanity moments or for times that I needed to get something done. I have allowed my children to watch a children's television show when my kids were driving me crazy and I just needed a break. I also have turned on the TV when I need to get something done and the kids would not stop interrupting me. I admit that the educational tv show was able to rescue me at that moment and sure I could have done something else. It is OK once in a while to let your kids watch TV so you can get something done or for a much-needed sanity break. 

Tips for safe TV time

 While TV can be beneficial to kids, too much screen time is not a good thing and may interfere with their behavior and development. We parents are our kid's best teachers and we should not rely on children's TV shows to be a replacement for our attention and teaching. We should at all times know what are kids are watching and follow some guidelines when it comes to kids and TV viewing. So here are some of my tips for safe TV time with children.

Limit the amount of TV time
 Kids ages 2-5 should only be watching 1 hour of TV per day according to the American Academy of Pediatrics*. So that usually means 2(30 minute) shows a day. That way TV viewing does not interfere with things like playing outside, reading books, and playing with toys. This includes watching shows on tablets while grocery shopping or during car trips. Kids can become addicted to screen time and may not learn how to entertain themselves or use their imagination.

  I know it is easier to get the grocery shopping done when your child is watching a movie on a device but this time instead could be one that you involve your child in. When they are young, use this time to talk to them about the different items that you see in the store. Have them be your helpers and give them simple tasks like putting the cans of food in the cart or selecting which apples to buy. You are your child's greatest teacher and a trip to the grocery store can be a great learning time. One of my pet peeves is seeing young kids on their parent's phones while they are in stores. Once I even saw a kid playing games on the phone at the zoo. Stores offer so much for kids to look at, so while they are young, stop giving them the phone and allow them to look at things. Another bonus is you don,t have to worry about your phone get damaged.

 My kids do not watch shows while in the car unless we are on vacation. Even then I set limits to the amount of time they can have on their kid-friendly tablets. For daily car trips, they listen to music and sing along or they look out the window. When my family traveled by train earlier this year, I brought with other activities so my kids were not on electronic devices the whole time. My boys enjoyed playing board games while on the train much more than watching movies. Kids may get cranky in the car but offer them books or talk to them.

Monitor what they watch

 Kids are like sponges and they can pick up things like bad words from TV shows that are not geared for kids. So, allow kids to watch tv shows that are made for kids on channels that are geared to kids like Nick Jr. and PBS. If possible watch the children's TV shows with your kids or be in a room that allows you to see the TV. So let the kids watch TV while you clean the dishes but make an effort to pay attention to the show so you can later re-teach something that was on the show. For example, if the letter of the day was B, later that day you can point out items that start with the letter B to reinforce their learning.

Set rules

 It is always a good rule for the child to ask if he can watch tv so they know that mom or dad choose when it is TV time. When you do approve of TV time, let them know how many shows they will be watching so they will not be upset when the tv is turned off. Have a couple of parent-approved channels or shows so it will be easier to select what shows the child can watch. Kids thrive on routine and repetition so having TV time at the same time every day will help cut back on kids asking if they can watch TV. So if your child knows that they get to watch a kid's show after breakfast, they will not ask to watch TV before naptime.

No TV in bedrooms

 Kids need their sleep and having a TV in their bedroom will interfere with healthy sleep habits. It is also hard to monitor what they are watching if the TV is not in your viewing range. Having a TV in the playroom is ok when it is a safe TV for kids. A kid-friendly TV that offers educational content and kid-friendly apps is a good choice for the playroom.

 Ematic just introduced the first-ever PAW Patrol™ TV and this adorable pup-themed TV is perfect for every fan of the hit Nickelodeon show. The 32” TV has a built-in TV Tuner and HD LED display and comes equipped with a matching “Pup Pad” remote, so kids can access all their favorite channels and shows. Loaded with a multitude of high-end functions, the PAW Patrol™ TV from Ematic is built for kids but parents will enjoy it too! Featuring a high definition display resolution, ultra-fast response time and closed captions, this TV is fun for kids and doesn't compromise on the most innovative features available today. This fun TV is available at Walmart.com at a parent-friendly suggested retail price of $129.99.

Watch the shows with your kids

When you choose to watch educational children's tv shows with your kids, you can take what they learned and turn them into learning opportunities later that day or week. If you noticed that the show was discussing about cleaning up their toys, then later in the day when it is time for your child to clean up her toys, you can reference back to the show. If the characters in the show visited a museum, then your child will be excited later when you take him to a museum.

Embrace technology

 When a kid heads to school, chances are they will be learning how to use a computer. Computers are the future so giving them time on electronic devices like a computer or TV can help them be prepared for school. I know that my boys had computer classes starting in first grade and now in middle school, most of their homework is on the computer. So a kid-friendly tv and remote can teach your children the basics of technology. Pressing buttons on kid-friendly remote can teach them about technology and recognition of symbols. They are also learning cause and effect. You don't have to worry about your kids breaking your fancy remote control or messing up your TV programs.

*Limit digital media for your youngest family members. Avoid digital media for toddlers younger than 18 to 24 months other than video chatting. For children 18 to 24 months, watch digital media with them because they learn from watching and talking with you. Limit screen use for preschool children, ages 2 to 5, to just 1 hour a day of high-quality programming. Again co-viewing is best when possible and for young children, they learn best when they are re-taught in the real world what they just learned through a screen. So, if Ernie just taught the letter D, you can reiterate this later when you are having dinner or spending time with your child.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The 14 Best Unique Gift Ideas For The Hard To Shop For Person

Need a unique gift idea for the hard to shop for friend?

 This page may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I received samples of the mentioned products to facilitate this post.

 Buying Christmas gifts can be fun but it can also be stressful as there is always that one person on your holiday gift list who is hard to shop for. It seems that there is always one person who seems to have everything they want or they buy themselves everything their heart desires. Then there is the other person who is ultra picky so buying for them is hard. Then there may be the person who is trying to declutter or just wants no gifts and that leaves you at wondering what to buy this friend on your Christmas gift list. So I have a list of gift ideas that would be perfect for the hard to shop for person. Take a look at my unique gift ideas and you may just find the perfect gift for one or more family members or friends.

To save this cool list for later, press the “pin-it” button on the photos to save it to your Pinterest boards. 

1. Drinkmate Countertop Drink Maker

 The Drinkmate Countertop Drink Maker is the first and only carbonation system that can carbonate any beverage. This fun machine creates fun drinks and is perfect for holiday get-togethers. You can add sparkling bubbles to any liquid of your choice. Liquids like water, juices, iced tea or coffee, wine, cocktails, mocktails, and even flat soda or beer. This drink maker needs no batteries or electricity and does not take up much space. This drink maker is a gift that is eco-friendly as it includes a reusable bottle and it will also save money as you can stop buying all those bottled drinks at the store.

  My boys had fun adding bubbles to juice and water. They made deliciously flavored sparkling water with the Drinkmate. The machine was super easy to assemble and it has been helping my boys drink more water as they love the bubbles in their drinks. This item would also make a great gift in a stocking or under the tree! Available in three modern colors: Royal red, Matte black and Ivory white.
Available: Amazon 

The 9 Best Small Gifts For Health & Beauty 

2. 12 days of superfood teas & lattes

 Combine 12 superfood teas and lattes with an advent calendar format, and what do you get? The 12 Days of Organic Traditions – Limited Edition Holiday Box is the perfect gift for almost anyone on your gift list. This awesome box contains 12 different delicious drink mixes so that special someone can sip their way through delicious superfood teas & lattes, all promoting a variety of health benefits.

 The gift box contains 8 Instant lattes & 4 loose leaf teas. The cute keepsake box also includes a booklet explaining each superfood ingredient and recipes. My favorite drink from the holiday box was the Beet Latte as it was so delicious and had the awesome nutrition of beets. This red drink can be made hot or cold. Check out all the other drinks that are included in the box!
Available: Organic Traditions 

1. Limited edition Mint Chocolate Latte     7. Beet Latte with Fermented Beet
2. Limited edition Red Velvet Latte              8. Macaccino Latte
3. Limited edition Holiday Spice latte          9. Matcha Latte
4. Turmeric Latte with Saffron                     10. Lemon Grass Tea
5. Premium Matcha latte                               11. Hibiscus Tea
6. Chocolate Latte with Ashwaganda        12. Holy Basil Tea

3. Haute Cocoa® Body Gift

 Satisfy that chocolate craving with a special gift for the chocoholic in your life or yourself. The Haute Cocoa® Body Gift set features a sample-sized collection of our rich dark chocolate line. Made with blends of real cocoa, honey, plant oils, and botanical extracts that nourish the skin with caffeine and antioxidants to reduce the appearance of fine lines and dark spots. It is perfect for any chocoholic and smells like chocolate. The set includes a detoxifying cocoa masks, aromatherapy candles, an exfoliating rich dark chocolate scrub, and smooth, moisturizing body butter. This is the perfect gift for your best friend. 
Available: Waxing Kara 

10 Super Fun Holiday Gift Ideas For Tweens & Teens 

4. Holiday Floral Arrangements

 Send or gift the ultimate holiday surprise of fresh and festive flowers with a joyful bouquet from Teleflora, the world’s leading floral gifting service. The new Christmas lineup includes artistically curated arrangements. These beautiful flowers are always made by hand and delivered by hand by a local florist. This holiday season, Love Out Loud and deliver a cheerful, heart-melting gifting experience that your loved ones will cherish for years to come.

 Surprise someone with this stunning centerpiece that is overflowing with red roses, red carnations, chrysanthemums, fresh winter greens accented with silver berries and, natural pinecones. The flowers are arranged in a crosscut mercury glass bowl that can be used in many ways after Christmas. These flowers not only look amazing but they also smell so wonderful. Flowers always brighten my day and make any room look amazing as they are the perfect decoration. I just love the vase that came with this bouquet of flowers and I will be using it in my bathroom for a makeup storage container as it will look so pretty on my vanity. Teleflora has many holiday floral arrangements to fit almost any budget,
Available: Teleflora

The 10 Best Holiday Gift Ideas For Toddlers And Preschoolers 

5. Food Huggers

 Nobody wants to waste food, and yet we’ve all done it more than we want to admit. To help save some of those half-eaten onions and tomatoes that get forgotten at the back of the fridge, Food Huggers invented a set of patented reusable silicone covers that keep food fresh and offer an alternative to using wasteful single-use plastic wrap, plastic baggies or foil. This year, give a gift that helps your friends and family kick two bad habits with one simple set of Food Huggers. Food Huggers are colorful, fun and easy to use. Reducing plastic waste and food waste is a great gift to give.

 These colorful silicone covers are the perfect product to wrap up so many food items. I love using the food huggers to cover a half of avocado and a grapefruit half. That way I can enjoy them later. The butter hugger is perfect for a stick of butter, especially when the recipe only calls for a couple of tablespoons. My butter stays fresh and clean until I need it for the next recipe.
Available: Amazon

6. Bumpin Blends smoothie cubes

  Looking for the perfect gift for a mom to be or a new mama? This customized smoothies delivery program is the perfect way to help someone get the nutrition that their growing body or baby needs. Bumpin Blends is a delicious smoothie subscription that is fully customizable based on taste preference, dietary restrictions, and food aversions. The smoothie blends arrive in frozen cubes that are so easy to toss into a blender with the liquid of your choice. I love that there are so many delicious flavors to select from. Flavors like Cherry Dreams, Peanut Butter Cup, Cookie Dough to name a few. The delicious drinks also have ingredients in them to support symptoms that pregnant mamas experience.

 The frozen smoothie cubes are made from organic, whole-food ingredients that are scientifically supported to be safe and beneficial for pregnant women. Each of their 22 smoothie blends is designed to support particular symptoms of motherhood from pregnancy symptoms (like morning sickness and swollen ankles) to postpartum needs (like boosting milk supply and mood) to the many needs of an on-the-go mom (like energy and reducing anxiety). When you order the delicious smoothies, you fill in your symptoms, due date or baby’s age, and dietary preferences so the drinks are made for your needs. What a great way for moms and almost anyone who loves smoothies to get some amazing nutrition. One-time smoothie bundles and lactation cookie bundles are available too.
Available: Bumpin Blends

7. Reminder Binder planner

 The perfect gift for almost anyone who needs to remember important dates, appointments, and other activities. The Reminder Binder helps you keep track of almost anything and has plenty of space for notes. This 18-month calendar planner book includes monthly and weekly calendars as well as places for notes. As a blogger, I love it for keeping track of all my assignments, expenses, and payments. You can read my full review over HERE. You can save money on this amazing planner with my code momknowsbest. There are many styles to select from.
Available: HERE

Use code momknowsbest at checkout for 30% off your order! 

8. Sugru Mouldable Glue 

 Loved by fixers, makers, adapters, and improvers in 178 countries around the world for 10 years,  Sugru Mouldable Glue is the ideal gift for the ‘hard to buy for’ during the holiday season. Sugru is the world’s first mouldable glue that sticks to almost anything and turns into a strong and flexible rubber overnight. I was able to fix a broken handle on this dish with this amazing glue that is basically like clay but hardens 24 hours after you mold it. I love that I can wash this dish in my dishwasher and the Sugru glue stays put. The kits come with 4 packs of different colors and a great idea book. You can also buy the moldable glue by itself in so many colors. I discovered this amazing product back it 2016 and wrote about it HERE.

Perfect for:

Tech Enthusiasts to protect their new devices and prolong the life of their cables.

Crafters who want to upcycle furniture, make creative walls and personalize gifts.

Homemakers keen to organize small spaces and keep kitchens tidy!

Children who are curious about adapting old toys and designing new ones.

Gardeners who want to get a better grip on their tools and make indoor floating herb gardens.

Photographers & Filmmakers to create custom mounts and get the perfect shot.

Disabled family and friends who want to customize the world around them on their terms.

Makers & Hackers who like to tinker, create and invent in their workshop!

Eco-activists who choose to repair instead of buying new and reduce what goes to landfill.
Available: Amazon

9. Wine VEIL

 Tis the Season to entertain!  This is the time of year when being a little “extra” is fine. Whether you need a hostess gift, a gift for someone you don’t know very well…or to just dress up your holiday gathering the Wine VEIL® is a perfect choice! These beautiful veils elegantly lay over a wine glass, bottle or any beverage glass and will add color and sparkle to any holiday party this season. The soft and simple 5” x 5”  squares are made with high-quality organza in a variety of exquisite color swatches and each one is weighted with beautiful silver charms of dragonflies and grape leaves. The result is a shimmery, sheer drape or VEIL over each wine glass, decanter, bottle or any glass giving a little “extra" special look to your gathering. Also, great in the summer for “al fresco” gatherings, because they keep flying leaves, bugs, and dust out of your glass!
Available: Wine VEIL

10. Everything Bidet’s new portable bidet

 Everything Bidet’s new portable bidet is the must-have travel accessory for women to keep fresh and clean while on the go. It does not require batteries and is instead chargeable through a USB cable that plugs into any computer, wall outlet; even a car!  A convenient carrying case is also included.  Not only is the portable travel bidet more efficient and hygienic than tissue paper, but it is also more environmentally friendly as toilet paper destroys 27,000 trees every day.

 This is one gift that I am loving as I do love using my at-home bidet as I like the feeling of a clean tushie. When I travel, I just hate that I can not have that same clean bottom after using the bathroom. So this portable bidet will be awesome to bring with me when I travel. It is so easy to use as I just fill it with water and then use it after my number two.  
Available: Everything Bidets

11. Feetures performance socks

 Meet the revolutionary socks that people are obsessed with. Engineered for performance, but perfect for everyday comfort. Feetures are the most comfortable socks that I have worn for running. These cute socks give my feet amazing cushion and I love the way that they hug my feet. These socks offer compression for my feet and I can run better, The socks come in both male and female styles and many sizes so you can get the perfect fit. I also love wearing them to the gym.

These ultra-comfortable socks make the perfect gift for runners and other fitness buffs. They are the perfect stocking stuffer for those Christmas stockings. So buy a couple pairs for last-minute gifts.
Available: Feetures

12. Nomadik monthly subscription box

 A perfect gift for someone who enjoys the outdoors. My husband loves camping so I knew that the Nomadik monthly subscription box would be a great gift for him. This fun box has many useful items in it for a camping trip. This month’s exclusive holiday box includes these outdoor gear items: Hero Clip, Survival Frog Pocket Stove, Nomadik Multi-Purpose Gaiter, Gear Aide Ni-Glo Gear Marker, Alpine Start Dirty Chai, and Alpine Start Medium Roast Camp Coffee!

These fun boxes allow the recipient to discover the latest, innovative finds in outdoor gear! The monthly boxes contain up to $70 worth of items for only $29.99. One month, 6 month and 12-month subscription options are available! Up to 7 full-size premium gear items in each box!
Available: The Nomadik

13. Coffee that supports the military

 Most everyone likes coffee. So when you give the gift of delicious coffee, you will not only make the recipients morning a bit better but you will also be supporting American Military families. Founding Fathers Products’ mission is to create superior quality American made products that support American Military families with 50% of its profits.

 They offer the freshest coffee on the market as their coffee is packaged almost immediately after roasting and then sent out within a week after roasting. I enjoyed the convenience of their delicious k-cup coffee blends and love the rich taste. They offer many different varieties of coffee like French Roast and 100% Columbian.
Available in 12, 16, 36 and 80 Count Brew Cups, 12 oz. Bag Ground Roast and Espresso!
Available: Amazon

14. Gift of time

 Bia believes that every woman possesses a power within that pushes her toward her objective, and the raw energy to help her achieve goals and empower other women. This is a watch that will look awesome on your favorite girl's wrist. I love that the Bia time pieces come in so many styles and colors and I love their mission. When you buy a Bia you help women succeed. With every purchase, Bia will donate to organizations that work to give women the help they need to be independent, educated, healthy, protected and valued.

          Use code Mom Knows Best to save 40% off your purchase!

 Bia's bright face is powered by Visible 24/7, which is the highest performing Luminescence Technology. This is a quality watch that is water-resistant up to 200 meters and features a highly scratch-resistant K1 glass crystal. The watch also glows in the dark for up to 10 hours.  
Use code Mom Knows Best to save 40% off your purchase!
Available: Time Concepts

Which unique gift would you love to receive?

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Mom knows best