>U Mom Knows Best: July 2014

Kids Academy $100 Amazon Giveaway

Kid's Academy is all about helping children learn verbal, writing and math skills in an easy and fun manner. Apps such as 123 Tracing and Bingo ABC have been top-50 educational apps in the App Store, and Kid’s Academy has also brought the well-known stories and nursery rhymes The Three Little Pigs and Five Little Monkeys to life with interactive apps. The simple interfaces of the apps allow children to take the reins and play on their own, but the sing-a-longs and other activities are perfect for parent or teacher engagement, as well. Research has shown that singing along with nursery rhymes has cognitive and physical benefits for children. Not only are children learning new words and the context in which to use them, but strengthening tongue and mouth muscles at an early age will help with pronunciation skills.

This Kid's Academy App will make learning fun for your child. This App is a great way to get them ready for school. Keep reading to learn how you can win $100 to Amazon.

Kids Academy is hosting an awesome giveaway!  Head over, download the app, and write a review in the App Store.  At the end of August, Kids Academy will randomly choose 2 lucky winners who will each win a $100 Amazon gift card!  Sweet!


2. Write a short honest review on the iTunes App Store. If you have already reviewed this app, simply update your review and you will be entered!

#SmartKidsWin  #MomBuzz


Disclaimer: Mom Knows Best is not liable for prize fulfillment. Sponsor of this giveaway shall select and award the prizes.

All About The Deck Even Sweepstakes

Welcome to Its All About The Deck Even Sweepstakes

Hosted by: Enter Here Canada
DeckScoutingShot3 (1)

You spent a lot of money on your deck so make sure you take care of it. Choose the proper stain and your deck will give you years of enjoyment.

Homeowners who would rather take it easy on their decks will find a new line of Thompson’s®WaterSeal®Waterproofing Stain that makes deck care just that -- easier on them. The new line, at The Home Depot, offers multiple features that make it easier to choose and use the right deck stain.
“From the new packaging to the formula that’s inside, this line-up offers multiple innovations to help homeowners get great performance with less effort,” said Mike Kozlowski, Director of Marketing for the Thompson’s® WaterSeal® brand. “This is the most complete exterior stain line that we have ever offered.”
Along with powerful waterproofing protection from the industry leader and rich, beautiful color all in one coat, the new stain delivers homeowner-friendly features like:
· Increased durability for a better looking deck, longer. Elastomeric polymers help the dry stain expand and contract with the wood during temperature fluctuations, reducing cracking and peeling. Advanced acrylic polymers greatly improve resistance to scuffing and marring. Waterproofing protection exceeds industry standards, while the coating resists mildew and UV damage.
On horizontal surfaces like decks, the Transparent Stain is guaranteed for three years, the Semi-Transparent Stain is guaranteed for four years and the Solid Stain is guaranteed for five years.

Finished Deck4_Retouched (1)

· Time-savings that start in the store! Pigment suspension technology keeps the color evenly dispersed in the container; there’s no need to put the can on the paint shaker and no waiting at the paint counter. The customer can just “grab and go.”
Back at home, the formula can be applied to damp wood so the project can begin soon after cleaning and be finished faster (most deck stains require a 48-hour wait between cleaning and staining the wood.)
· Latex-based formulas provide soap and water clean-up.
Check out Thompson's Waterseal HERE

Even the packaging of the new Thompson’s® WaterSeal® Waterproofing Stain is easier to use. The product comes in the familiar, traditional square Thompson’s WaterSeal package that consumers prefer. Research conducted for the brand proves that consumers find round cans messy, hard to close, hard to carry because the wire handle cuts into your hand and hard to store because the lid can pop off.
Thompson’s Water Seal Waterproofing Stain is available in the five most popular colors; colors are Acorn Brown, Harvest Gold, Maple Brown, Sequoia Red and Woodland Cedar. Each color is available in three opacities (Transparent, Semi-Transparent and Solid), and the packages feature a sliding-scale graphic with a marker that indicates if that particular formula will show “Most Grain,” (Transparent), “Medium Grain” (Semi-Transparent) or “Least Grain” (Solid.) This provides the user with as much information in store as possible so that the right choice is made the first time. At The Home Depot, the five transparent colors come in one and five gallon sizes; the semi-transparent and solid colors are available in one-gallon containers.
Win 1 of 5 "Deck Care Kits", each valued at $120+. The package includes 1 case of Deck Cleaner and 1 case of Waterproofing Stain (4 gallons in each case). Winners choose stain colour!
  • Open to USA/CAN 18+
  • void where prohibited (Quebec)
  • starts August 1/14 at noon EST
  • ends August 14/14 at noon EST
  • ONE entry per household
  • Winner will have 48 hours to respond to email or a new winner/s will be picked
  • Facebook, twitter, pinterest etc are NOT responsible or liable in anyway!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Disclaimer: Mom Powered Media and Purple Monster Coupons did receive compensation for this giveaway. All other bloggers did NOT receive anything from this giveaway and only Thompson's Waterseal is responsible for the prizes! Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, etc are NOT responsible or liable in anyway. If you have any questions or want to work with Mom Powered Media or Purple Monster Coupons please message me at natasha@mompoweredmedia.com*

How To Tell If My Child Needs His Tonsils Removed

After many sleepless nights and doctor appointments, we found out my son needed his tonsils removed

    My youngest son just had his tonsils and adenoids removed. The above picture is before the surgery. What I thought was just a persistent winter cough turned out to be much more. I am going to share with you the events that led up to my son needing his tonsils and adenoids removed so you can know if your child may need his removed. I am not a doctor, just a mom, so seeing a doctor is always best to get the proper diagnosis. Read on to discover if your child might need a visit to the doctor to see if they are a candidate for this childhood surgery. My son had sleep apnea that was caused by swollen tonsils and adenoids.

Coughing and snoring

 Last winter my son had a cough, that only happened at night time when he was sleeping. He would cough several times throughout the night but not during the day. I mentioned it to his doctor and she said that it was a cold. The doctor said that the cough needed time to go away. I thought maybe it was asthma or the air was too dry. So I placed a humidifier in my son's bedroom. The humidifier did not help the cough and my son continued to cough all night. This nightly coughing episode woke me up several times during the night, so I was not getting any sleep.  During this time my son also sounded nasal, snored and was a mouth breather but he had been like that since he was 3 so I thought nothing of it.  I later found out these were symptoms of adenoid swelling. It makes me wonder if my son had sleep breathing issues since he was three. 

The cough did not go away

 When spring came and my son had his yearly doctor visit, I mentioned to the doctor that he was still coughing at night time. The doctor examined him and said with hesitation "maybe we need to see an ear, nose, and throat doctor to look at the adenoids."

Sleep study

  I made an appointment with the ENT doctor and was surprised to find out my son's adenoids were swollen. The doctor had to insert a camera in my son's nose to see the adenoids as they are behind the nose. The doctor ordered a sleep study right away to determine if my son's swollen adenoids and tonsils were causing my son to have sleep apnea episodes. I later found out my son had severe sleep apnea. The swollen adenoids were causing him to stop breathing 18 times an hour, thus causing the night time coughing. The doctor also looked at my son's tonsils after his sleep study and found those to be swollen too. The swollen tonsils and adenoids were causing his sleep apnea. The doctor said that the removal of the tonsils and adenoids would hopefully solve the sleep apnea problem.

 The ear, nose and throat doctor scheduled the tonsillectomy surgery for my son to get his tonsils and adenoids out. When the surgery was over, the doctor told me that my son's adenoids were as big as his tonsils. She also told me one of the tonsils had an infection. If we had not had the surgery, my son would have had more problems like a persistent infection along with the sleep apnea.

The symptoms

Through this experience, I want to share with you some symptoms to watch out for indicating swollen adenoids and /or sleep apnea.

+ A cough that happens only at bedtime
+ Nasal congestion  
+ Speaking with a nasal sound   
+ Breathing through  the mouth
+ Snoring        
+Ear Pain
+ a Sore throat
+ Sleep problems
+ Tiredness or Hyperactivity during the day

 I am so glad my son had the surgery as now he can start getting a good night's sleep. Lack of sleep was causing my son to be hyper and have some behavior problems. The surgery was not fun for my son.  Read about the tonsil and adenoid surgery here. My son was in a lot of pain afterward the tonsil operation but pain medicine and popsicles helped that. My son had to rest and eat soft food for a week. I thought that I was prepared for recovery after a tonsil operation but it was a difficult two weeks for my son. The tonsil surgery and adenoid operation were scary for me to see my son experience but it was worth it as my son did not experience any sleep apnea symptoms after he recovered from the tonsillitis surgery. My son finally was able to sleep without coughing. 

So if your child has some of these symptoms, ask your doctor to refer your child to an ear, nose, and throat doctor as it just might be swollen adenoids and/or tonsils.

Feel free to ask me questions and I will try my best to answer them based on my son's experience.     
I will next post about my son's surgery experience and recovery. 

Read more

Recovery from the surgery

Surgery information

Bonefish Grill In Albuquerque, New Mexico Is A Great New Place For Seafood

   I was invited to have lunch at Bonefish Grill before they had their grand opening in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Here in Albuquerque we have a lot of great Mexican restaurants but finding great seafood has always been a problem until now. Bonefish Grill is located on Louisiana at the Coronado Mall and is now open for lunch and dinner, also brunch on Sundays.

   Bonefish Grill is a great place to get great tasting seafood in a relaxing place. I love the waiting area that welcomes you, if you have to wait for a table this looks so comfy. The restaurant people took a lot of thought into designing the place to make it a great place to dine. They even have cool fish art work on the wall.

 Bonefish Grill has fresh fish that is shipped several times a week to the restaurant. You can enjoy their wood-grilled fish with lemon or one of their signature sauces that brings out the flavor of the fish.I was treated to their Chilean Sea Bass along with Seared Ahi Tuna and Wild Pacific Caught Salmon. They were all great tasting, the Chilean Sea Bass was my favorite though. Pictured below is their grilled tuna as the fish I had was so yummy, I forgot to take a picture.

      Bonefish Grill also has many wonderful starters like Bang Bang Shrimp, which is crispy shrimp tossed in a creamy, spicy sauce. I found the spicy sauce to be flavorful with a little kick. I also enjoyed their Lobster Roll Sliders, lobster chunks on a mini authentic New England roll.  Their Cilantro Lime Shrimp Salad had a nice cilantro lime vinaigrette served with it.

Bonefish Grill also serves steaks and chicken on their menu along with desserts that are made in the restaurant. I had the Key Lime Pie that was made with real key limes on a roasted pecan crust. This pie had a great creamy lime taste.

If you sign up on their website to be a BFG insider they will send you a welcome gift and a gift on your birthday. I was sent a coupon for a complimentary order of their Bang Bang Shrimp.

Bonefish Grill is open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner, along with brunch on Sundays.

Now for the fun part I have a wine gift set to giveaway to the first person who visits Bonefish Grill in Albuquerque. You must show me your receipt, showing the location, on my Facebook page. You must be able to pick up the prize from me in Albuquerque. For my Cottonwood church friends, I will bring it to you on Sunday. Also you must be 21 years or older to receive the wine, if I don't know you I will ask to see your ID.

"These opinions are my own and I was compensated with a free meal, the above wine set, and a gift card for a future visit."

Pure Shea Butter Is Awesome For Dry Skin

                      Shea Butter is a awesome natural product for dry skin. Shea Butter is made from the Shea nut that is grown in Africa. This product looks just like butter and has a nice nutty scent.

     I was sent a pound of 100% Shea Butter to review and let me tell you I love it. I have tried Shea Butter    as an ingredient in lotions but never in its pure 100%  form. Pure Shea butter is an excellent deep moisturizer. This product has the texture of butter but when you take a little bit and warm it up with your fingers it becomes a great cream that absorbs into your skin quickly without being greasy. A little bit goes a long way. 

 This wonderful 100% natural and organic Shea Butter is great for dry skin, eczema, and stretch marks.This product is also great for acne prone skin as it does not clog the pores.When I applied the Shea Butter to my  dry hands, they felt so soft, like I went to a spa. I love that this product is made from a natural nut and has no chemicals in it. As you can see in the picture above, the Shea Butter comes in a resealable and recyclable container that makes it easy to use and store the Butter. The price of these product is very reasonable as  a pea size portion is plenty for both  hands.

To purchase this awesome Shea Butter, just click on the below link.

 Trust me, you need to try it. It makes you skin feel so soft.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Free Hormel Breakfast Compleats for Kroger & Affiliates 7/25

  This Friday there is a another FREE Friday for Kroger (and affiliate) shoppers! On Friday, July 25th  you can  load a digital coupon for Free Hormel Breakfast Compleats to your card!
The coupon will only be available that day, but won't expire until  8/09/2014. Click on the below link to get your coupon added to your card

Check the list of stores at the link as your store might just be a Kroger store. Here in New Mexico our Kroger store is Smiths.

New Dial Coconut Water Refreshing Mango Hydrating Body Wash And A Giveaway

        Dial has a new wonderful body wash and it smells awesome. This body wash has hints of green coconut and tropical mango to help replenish hydration. Well it is even more wonderful for skin hydration for healthy skin. The mango is known for being rich in nutrients and smells awesome. This awesome product will give you clean, healthy, and hydrated skin. Dial Coconut Water with Mango body wash will whisk your mind away to a tropical island without ever leaving the shower.

    I just love the way this Dial body wash lathers up in my shower. The scent of coconut and mango makes an awesome shower at the end of a long day. I love how my skin feels so soft and hydrated after using Dial. My whole family enjoys using this new Dial body wash. So discover healthier skin with new Dial Coconut Water with refreshing mango body wash. You will feel like you are on a tropical island.

New Dial Coconut Refreshing Mango body wash can be found your favorite stores.

I have 2 coupons to giveaway so you can get this wonderful product for free. Just enter on the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

"These opinions are my own and I received the above mentioned product for free so I can host this review and giveaway."

Davidson's Safest Choice Eggs

Davidson's Safest Choice Eggs

I love eating the dough when I make cookies but I know that it is not a safe thing to do. When I use Davidson's Safest Choice eggs I can eat the dough without worries. The Safest Choice™ all natural egg pasteurization process eliminates the risk of Salmonella in eggs before the eggs even enter your kitchen. Look for them in a store near you.


Fulcrum Gallery Has Artwork For Almost Any Wall In Your House

      I have discovered a great way to shop for artwork for your home. Fulcrum Gallery is an online store that sells artwork for almost any taste. They have a wide selection of framed art, canvas prints, and posters at affordable prices. You can choose to have them frame your selection or order the print to put in your own frame. Fulcrum Gallery makes it easy to bring art to your walls. The headings on their home page allows you to look at the art by styles, rooms, subjects, artists, or size. You can also search by color to make a perfect match for your wall.

I was allowed to choose a product from their website and the variety was so much that I had a hard time deciding. I found the abstract category  was where I wanted to select my print from. When I looked through the abstract category, I found the circle art was just what I wanted for my selection. I was then able to narrow my selection down to size and color with the filters on their website. I wanted a large print in either purple or brown. I finally decided on the print above and I knew that it would be perfect for my wall. I was then able to customize my print. I was able to choose my art in print, laminate, canvas, or framed. I chose my print in laminate and the size is 37" X 37". This print is very large as in the photo below, it is on my dinning room table.

The print arrived within a week after I ordered it. I was very pleased with the way it look. The only thing I would change is the way it was sent to me. I ordered my print without a frame so it came rolled up in a tube shaped box and I had to flatted it out with heavy books. I choose not to frame it because I had a different use for the print. As a blogger I am always looking for new ways to display my work. I knew I would be able to wipe the laminate.So I knew my selection would be perfect for backdrops.

Fulcrum Gallery is my new place to go to when I need art. 

Go take a look and tell me what  print is your favorite. Do you need artwork for your walls?

"These opinions are my own and I was sent the above print to review."

KITCHEN KNIGHT Digital Food Thermometer Is A Must For Cooking Meat

 I don't allow my family to eat meat unless my husband cooks it. Too many people get sick from under cooked meat. Under cooked meat can have dangerous bacteria like Listeria, E Coli. and Salmonella in it. Cooking the meat to a proper temperature is the only way to kill these bacteria. My husband knows that using a thermometer to check the temperature of the meat is the only way to fight these bacteria. Too many people think that they can tell if the meat is cooked properly by sight but taking the temperature of the meat is the only way to tell if the meat is safe to eat. Don't take risks- get a Kitchen Knight Digital Food thermometer to make sure your meat has reach a safe temperature before serving it to your family.

The  Kitchen Knight SD2810W Digital Food Thermometer makes cooking meat easy with its large easy to read numbers. This thermometer is ideal for grilling too. You simply stick in in your meat and press the on button. It will quickly tell you the temperature of your meat. The Kitchen Night has a temperature range of -58 F to 572 F making it great to use for other things like making yogurt or candy. I love that this product is waterproof too. You can also check the temperature of your refrigerator with the accurate quick read probe of the thermometer.

My church had a barbecue today and the Kitchen Knight thermometer came it handy to make sure the meat was safe to eat. The last thing our church needed was a bunch of people getting sick from under cooked meat. My husband was able to quickly take the temperature of the burgers with the Kitchen Knight thermometer. So don't take chances at having dangerous bacteria in your meat, use the Kitchen Knight thermometer and know that your meat is cooked to proper temperature. 

To purchase an affordable Kitchen Knight digital food thermometer, click on the below link.

The company even offers a 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed: if you are unhappy for any reason they will refund your money with no questions asked.


I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

The Rockee Toothbrush (by VioLight) Wobbles, Spins But Never Tips. + Giveaway

  My boys love brushing their teeth and always cooperate with me when it is tooth brushing time. When kids have a toothbrush that looks cool that makes all the difference is getting them to brush their teeth. My 6 year old gets excited when the dentist gives him a new toothbrush and has to try it out as soon as we get home from the dentist.

   The Rockee Toothbrush by Violight is a toothbrush that makes brushing fun for kids. This toothbrush not only looks cool but it also is fun to play with. Do you remember those play people that wobbled  but never fell over? The Rockee toothbrush does the same, it wobbles and spins but it never tips over. For kids that means fun but for parents that means a whole lot more. Since the Rockee never tips over that saves you time from cleaning toothpaste off the counter. The toothbrush stays clean also as the top never touches the counter either. It dries fast and there is no need for a storage cup to hold it. You know how gross those cups can get from holding wet toothbrushes.

  The Rockee comes with two extra brush heads so your child can enjoy the toothbrush for a long time. It also comes in many colors and animal prints. The toothbrush is easy for little ones to hold, making them want to brush their teeth. So now your child can have fun brushing their teeth. The Rockee toothbrush will have your child want to brush their teeth.

 Here is a video that I made showing the Rockee in action. My He tried to get it to fall over but it would not tip over.

The Rockee will bring a smile to your child's face. This make great gifts for children of all ages too. My 14 year old son enjoyed the Rockee toothbrush also.

For more information on the Rockee toothbrush and to purchase, click on the below links.

I have a Rockee toothbrush to giveaway to one of my readers. Just enter on the Rafflecopter form below and best of luck.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Bonefish Grill Is Opening In Albuquerque, New Mexico On July 28th!

I am so excited that Bonefish Grill has come to Albuquerque, New Mexico. We now have a place to enjoy market-fresh fish. They also serve steaks and chicken for non-seafood lovers. Bonefish Grill will be opening July 28th for dinner at 4 PM. The cool part is that night they will donate 50% of their proceeds to Big Brothers and Sisters Of Central New Mexico. So come out for great food and support a great cause at the same time.

When Life Hands You Pears Make Caramel Pear Crisp

I had a bunch of pears that were ripe and I did not want them to go to waste. I was having guests over for dinner and I wanted to make a dessert. I did not want to make a plain fruit crisp so I decided to sweeten the fruit with caramel sauce. The caramel sauce paired wonderfully with the pears and made a delicious dessert. This crisp was simple to make and if you don't have pears, apples would taste great too. I also have a recipe for homemade caramel sauce that you make in the slow cooker.

                                             Caramel Pear Crisp

                             8 pears
                                         1/4 cup apple juice
                                         1/2 cup caramel sauce
                                          1 pouch sugar cookie mix
                                           1/2 cup butter, soften

                                     Oven 400 degrees
                               1. Pour the apple juice in a large bowl, this will keep the pears from browning
                                   while you are cutting into pieces.Peel the pears and cut them into bite size

                               2.  Place the pears into the apple juice and stir well. Microwave the caramel
                                     sauce for about 30 seconds to soften. Then stir into pears, coating well.
                                3. Place the pears in a large baking dish.

                                4. Combine the cookie mix and soften butter until well mixed. I like to use
                                     my food processor for this step, to make it easier.

                                5. Crumble the cookie topping all over the pears and bake for 30-45
                                      minutes, until topping is lightly brown.

                                6. Serve with whip cream or vanilla ice cream on top. Drizzle with
                                   caramel sauce.


Lo Mein Made Healthy With Hodgson Mill Ultra Grain Spaghetti

  My family loves pasta and would eat it every night if I let them. I discovered a new whole grain pasta that tastes great. I have tried other whole wheat pastas and my family would not eat them as they had a bad taste to them and no amount of sauce would cover up the bad taste. Hodgson Mill makes a wonderful whole grain pasta that tastes great. My family gave me the thumbs up when I made it for dinner. They said it did not taste like whole wheat pasta and said I could buy it again. I am happy that now I can serve them pasta with great nutrition in it like 8 grams of protein, 3 grams of fiber and plenty of iron. This pasta is great for traditional sauce or for other recipes. I made Lo Mein with the Ultragrain thin spaghetti and my family loved it.Even my husband, who will not touch healthy foods, ate it.

      Hodgson Mill Ultragrain is an all-natural, 100% whole wheat flour that is specially milled to have the taste, texture and appearance of traditional white flour pasta. The plus is it has all the nutrition of whole wheat pasta. Hodgson Mill adds Quinoa to it for extra powerful nutrients.


 I had carrots and zucchini in my refrigerator along with tofu to use in my Lo Mein but you can use other meats and veggies to suit your taste. Veggies like broccoli, peppers, and green beans work well in this dish. If I had mushrooms I would have added those to my dish also. You can also substitute shrimp or chicken for the tofu.

Lo Mein


12 ounces Hodgson Mill Ultragrain thin spaghetti

1 3/4 cup chicken broth
1/4 cup oyster sauce
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon sesame oil

2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoons minced garlic
2 teaspoons minced ginger
1 pound tofu 
2 cups diced zucchini
2 tablespoons cornstarch


 In a large pot of salted boiling water, cook the noodles according to directions on the package. Drain and set aside. 

For the sauce: Combine the chicken broth, oyster sauce, soy sauce, and sesame oil. Use this sauce to marinate the tofu in. I find the best way to marinate the tofu is to slice the tofu horizontal so you have two slices. Place this slices in a large dish and cover with the sauce. 

Heat a wok over high heat. When hot, add 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, half the garlic, half the ginger and saute for 30 seconds. Take the tofu slices out of the sauce and cook them in the wok for about 1 minute on each side. You will have to do each slice separately. After each slice is cook cut them into cubes and set aside.

In the same pan, heat the remaining 1 tablespoon vegetable oil and add the remaining garlic and ginger.  Saute 30 seconds, and then add in the carrots and zucchini. Saute the veggies until they are tender, about 4 minutes.

     Whisk the cornstarch into 2 tablespoons cold water. Once dissolved, add to the sauce that the tofu was in. Add the sauce to the pan with the vegetables and bring to a simmer.Stir until the sauce thickens. Once the sauce thickens, add this mixture to the spaghetti and combine until well mixed. 

I like to serve the Lo Mein on plates and then place 4 tofu cubes on top of the pasta. You can also place the pasta in a serving dish and put the cooked tofu on top of the pasta.

For more information on this wonderful Hodgson Mill product, click the below links.

"These opinions are my own and was sent the above mentioned Hodgson Mill product in exchange for a review."

$500 Amazon.com Gift Card Giveaway

Amy over at This Mamas Life recently had a new little one and Kinsight.com is helping us Celebrate! One lucky reader will win an Amazon.com Gift Cardamazon gift card

Amazon is my favorite store to shop at and now you have an opportunity to win a $500.00 gift card to shop there too.

A little about Kinsights: Kinsights is an online Pediatric Personal Health Record Keeper for parents. Gone are the days where you’re being held responsible for keeping track of slips of paper or lugging files and folders containing your children’s health information. And in the event of an emergency, you can even have the health records sent to the ER or out-of-town doctor in a snap. Organize your child’s growth and developmental milestones, immunizations, medications, allergies, and more. This tool is amazing and a godsend to parents. Kinsights is also a community where parents can safely seek and share answers to parenting questions. You can ask anything and Kinsights will find the right community members who can provide guidance. Kinsights even offers groups with similar interests their own pages, including single parents, grandparents, those interested in car seat safety, baby & kids fashion, potty training groups, and many more What's really cool about this community is that it makes finding the best answers easy-community members vote up answers so the best content rises to the top.

*One Lucky Reader will receive the items shown above ( $500.00 Value) *Giveaway starts July 14, 2014 at 12:01am est. *Giveaway will end at 11:59pm est on July 31, 2014 *Giveaway is open to US only * You must be 18 or over to enter * Winner will be chosen at random via Giveaway Tools * Winners will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner will be chosen. * The lucky winner will be notified by email at the end of the Giveaway. * This Mamas Life and the other participating blogs are not responsible for prize shipment or fulfillment *Prize will be fulfilled by the Sponsor. BEST OF LUCK TO EVERYONE!

Disclosure: This blog did not receive financial compensation or product in exchange for this giveaway. Facebook, Twitter, & Pinterest are in no way associated with this giveaway. Prize fulfillment and shipping will be handled by the Sponsors

Organic Matcha DNA Green Tea Is Superfood For The Body

I love Matcha as it is a great way to get the benefits of green tea without having to drink several cups of tea. I love how you can use Matcha for drinking as a tea, lattes, smoothies and even baking. The way I enjoy my Matcha is in my morning smoothie. The Matcha gives me the energy and antioxidants to get me out for a 5 mile run every morning. 

I was sent a package of Organic Matcha DNA Green Tea Powder to satisfy my Matcha daily intake. I started taking Matcha green tea powder about 8 months ago and continue to enjoy it as I have experienced the great benefits of this powder. I love that Matcha DNA comes in individual packages. That means I don"t have to measure the green tea powder every morning, no more green fingers from sticking my teaspoon in the package. I just simply open a package and pour into my smoothie. The individual packages mean my Matcha is going to stay fresher too.

So by now you are asking, what is Matcha? Matcha is green tea leaves that have been made into a powder. We know that drinking tea from brewed leaves is good for us, so imagine how much health benefits come from the leaves made into a powder. Green Matcha is loaded with antioxidants, for example a serving of blueberries has 91 units of antioxidants while a serving of Matcha DNA has 1300 units of antioxidants. One serving of this Match green tea power equals ten glasses of green tea.

I like using Matcha in smoothies and yes it sometimes does give my smoothies a green tint depending on the fruit that I use in it. I make my smoothies with one cup of yogurt or almond milk, a cup of fruit and one serving of Matcha green tea powder. The smoothie pictured below is made with blueberries, almond milk and Matcha DNA powder. I love that I can pack a lot of nutrition in a glass to give me the energy I need to run 5 miles every morning.

For more information on Organic Matcha DNA green tea and to purchase, click on the below links.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
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Mom knows best