>U Mom Knows Best: How To Roast Pumpkin Seeds On The Stove

How To Roast Pumpkin Seeds On The Stove

You just carved your pumpkin and now you have a mound of pumpkin guts along with pumpkin seeds. Don't toss those seeds as they make a delicious snack. Learn how to roast pumpkin seeds on the stove. 

    I love carving pumpkins with my boys as it means I get lots of yummy pumpkin seeds to eat. I have a simple recipe to toast those seeds.  I toast my pumpkin seeds on the stovetop instead of the oven. The seeds only take 5 minutes to toast and are so crispy and easy to chew. 

 So carve your pumpkin and save those seeds.  After scooping out the goop and seeds from the pumpkin, all you have to do is remove the big pieces of goop from the seeds. Then wash the seeds and drain them. There is no need to soak the seeds or thoroughly dry them like the oven method requires. Don't worry if a little orange goop remains on the seeds, it will cook off.

I love carving pumpkins so I can toast the seeds!

 Pumpkins are plentiful in the fall and the prices of these orange pumpkins are good. Most people select their pumpkins based on how they are going to carve their jack-o-lantern for Halloween. I know my kids think the big pumpkins make the best decorations for Halloween night. All pumpkins have seeds in them so let your child select their favorite shape and size of pumpkin. 

Pumpkin Seeds Are
~ Healthy
~ Full of Fiber
~ Loaded with Protein
~ Delicious
~ Contain Magnesium and Iron
~ Crunchy

 If you are selecting a pumpkin to enjoy the pumpkin flesh for baking pies, make sure to select the smaller pumpkins that are labeled for pies. While the big pumpkins may have more orange flesh inside they are not suitable for baking pies as they lack flavor. I love using pumpkin for baking pumpkin pie and making Dairy-Free Soft Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies. I once cooked a pumpkin for making a pie and it was a lot of work. It really is not that difficult to cook a pumpkin but it is time-consuming.

 Read about how to cook a pumpkin here. If you don't have the time to cook a pumpkin, no worries as the stuff in the can is just as good. I always buy several cans of pumpkin in the fall so I can use it in all my pumpkin recipes.

Cooking the seeds in a pan is so easy

  Heat a pan over medium-high heat and add 2 teaspoons oil. Place the washed pumpkin seeds into the pan and add some salt. Salt makes the pumpkin seeds taste so delicious! Stir the seeds with a spatula for about 5 minutes or until toasted. The pumpkin seeds will start to pop and that is ok. They are toasted when they are lightly brown. Taste one to see if they are crunchy. If the pumpkin seed is hard to chew, cook it some more.

                             Toast until light brown

   I love the pan-toasted method as it is so easy and quick. I love not having to turn on the oven either. If you want a sweeter pumpkin seed, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon cinnamon instead of the salt while you are toasting them in the pan. You can add salt also to make a sweet and salty seed version of pumpkin seeds. So don't toss those pumpkin seeds and enjoy eating them. Pumpkin seeds are high in protein, fiber, and magnesium.

Stovetop Pumpkin Seeds

2 tablespoons oil
Pumpkin seeds

Scoop the seeds out of the pumpkin. Then remove large pieces of the orange goop. Wash the seeds and remove any large stringy pumpkin pieces. Place the pumpkin seeds in a strainer to remove excess water. Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat and add the oil. Add the seeds and salt to taste. Stir the seeds in the pan for about 5 minutes until lightly toasted. Taste one to see if they are to your desired crunch. Remove from heat and enjoy.

The best part of carving is eating the pumpkin seeds.


Marissa said...

I wish we would have done this with the pumpkin that we carved last night! Growing up, I remember it being a hassle to toast the seeds...we have one more pumpkin and I will try this! I love the idea of using cinnamon.

Buzz4Mommies said...

Oh yummy! Thanks so much for sharing this-I have always wanted to do this!

Jamie said...

This used to be something we did every year - memories!!

Crystal Green said...

Thanks for the tip on cooking pumpkin seeds. I may have to make some sweet and salty ones here in just a few with my kids. I'm trying to hold out until my husband gets home to do it, but I may not have that option because it's getting later and later.

We got wrapped up in doing other things that we didn't get to it yesterday.

Diane said...

We like to use garlic salt fo a little extra flavor!

Brynn @ MommyDigger.com said...

Oh man that sounds so much better than baking them, I have a pumpkin we didn't carve and I think I'm going to do this instead - thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, this looks delicious. I love pumpkin seeds and roasting them always brings out so much flavor! I would love to try this method for sure.

Unknown said...

My mom and sister used to do this every year after we carved our pumpkins and they are delicious. I can't believe I forgot about that! I'm such a slacker. I can't believe I have never done this with my kids. Thank you so much for the awesome reminder! :)

Unknown said...

Roast pumpkin seeds are delicious! I used to put garlic, salt and pepper and it was awesome.

AiringMyLaundry said...

Mm, I need to do this. I haven't had roasted seeds in forever.

Brandi said...

Such a great way to "roast" pumpkin seeds! I'll have to try this with the kids. (Posting for Jay Simms)

Purposeful Habits said...

This is easy to make and good advice. I have never tried roasted pumpkin seeds.

Liz Mays said...

I never thought to do it this way, but it does seem easy. I'm craving pumpkin seeds now!

Unknown said...

Wow. This is a must-try for me. I love pumpkin seeds!

Jenny @cookeatgo said...

We love pumpkin seeds!!! We are making some this weekend when we carve pumpkins, I love making them this time of year.

Buzz4Mommies said...

Your timing couldn't be more perfect! I have seeds and I just needed a recipe!!

Rachel Mouton said...

These look delicious! Now I want pumpkin seeds LOL

Andrea said...

I love roasted pumpkin seeds. Such a healthy snack, too!

Echo aka The Mad Mommy said...

Yum! I love pumpkin seeds! I haven't made them on the stove top, but I think I should try it!

Unknown said...

I love pumpkin seeds. I just baked some the other day. I've never tried them in a pan before.

mail4rosey said...

We are making seeds today. I've never done it on top of the stove. I will have to give this a whirl!

Unknown said...

Oh that's a new way for me! I usually roast them in the oven. I have two pumpkin so we are going to try this!

Nikka Shae said...

Rosted pumpkin seeds on a salad with almonds is so good! You should try it!!

Deborah Davis said...

There's nothing like munching on freshly roasted pumpkin seeds in Autumn. I am so delighted that you shared these healthy and delicious roasted pumpkin seeds with us at the Plant-based Potluck Party. I'm Pinning and sharing this!

Eileen said...

I was away for Halloween and my daughter didn't get to make roasted seeds. We have one pumpkin that wasn't carved ...got to do this tonight.

Why Girls Are Weird said...

Oh my gosh, we used to always make pumpkin seeds when I was a kid. I'll have to try them out now that I'm an adult!

The Super Mom Life said...

This took me right back to my childhood. I remember making these with my Mom, as a kid.

GiGi Eats said...

I LOVEEEEE pumpkin seeds! Those babies are INSANELY addicting!

Cristina Petrini said...

You know I've never tasted them I don't know maybe they don't attract me but I want to trust you! I will try them!

Brianne said...

One of my favorite snacks this time of year! I look forward to making up a big batch this year!

Laura G said...

So do you just chew and snack on them? I toast mine stovetop too but always add them on top on my pumpkin bread.

1stopmom said...

I love eating pumpkin seeds, especially with different seasonsings. My favorite is ranch. I usually make them in the oven I will have to give the stove top a try!

Krista said...

I love pumpkin seeds but I have never thought to roast them on the oven before. I am planning on making dinner in a pumpkin tomorrow night. I am going to give this a try with the seeds!

Kathy said...

My oldest daughter and I love pumpkin seeds. We always save them from carving pumpkins and bake them. They are the best!

Emily said...

This is one of my family's favorite parts of carving pumpkins. Growing up I never ate pumpkin seeds but my husband did, our kids have loved the tradition ever since!

Tania said...

Oh my word, cooked pumpkin seeds are my favorite! They are the only reason I carve pumpkins!

Rachel said...

We did this last year and it was great. I am hoping we will save the seeds again.

Celebrate Woman said...

Love it! We do this recipe all the time. And the pumpkin season is here, so toasting we go!

Gust si Aroma said...

Pumpkin seeds are favorite in our house! Thanks for this recipe! Now I can make them at home!

Ruth I said...

There are so many stuff you can do with pumpkins. I also like eating pumpkin seeds too. Best to take when watching movies.

Nyxie said...

I didn't realise you could eat pumpkin seeds! I knew you could get bagels with them on top, but I've never seen the offered as treat along side the other seeds/nuts. Very interesting.

Prime Beauty said...

I've done this before and they are so so good. Love them as a snack with nuts!

Anne Marie said...

I'm saving this wonderful and easy to do fall treat! We are hoping to have a party this October.

Ckrusch said...

I love roasted pumpkin seeds. Such a great healthy snack, love it!

Fatima D Torres said...

I've always enjoyed roasted pumpkin seeds. Didn't know you could do stovetop as well.

Ada said...

Pumpkin seeds are so yummy! I can't wait to have some this year.

Candace Hampton said...

I didn't know that pumpkin seeds were edible and yummy. OMG! I need to try it. It's a simple and interesting recipe. I bet that it's a great snack.

Krystel | Frugal Living said...

I have never had these before, I really do have to try. Pumpkin picking coming up.

Daniela said...

Yum! I'll have to do this when we carve our pumpkins in a couple of weeks! What a great snack!

Cristina Petrini said...

I know many people who have a sweet tooth, even if they are not really to my taste, but at least now I know how to make them myself!

AiringMyLaundry said...

Thank you! I love pumpkin seeds, so I'll try this out for sure. It's been ages since I did anything with them. Normally I dump them out.

Kathy said...

I love pumpkin seeds. I usually do this every year. My oldest daughter and I are the only ones who like to eat them, but more for us.

Fatima D Torres said...

My mom loves pumpkin seeds. We typically buy it instead of making it. Should be worth trying.

Ryan Escat said...

I've never thought that we could do that on pumpkin seeds, I'm glad to see this and at least I can make it by myself.

Sherry said...

After all of these years carving pumpkins with my kids I haven't thought about cooking the seeds. This is something I will have to try this year.

Gust si Aroma said...

I use pumpkin a lot in the kitchen. I am so agree to make stovetop pumpkin seeds at home!

Lyosha Varezhkina said...

I love pumpkin and use it all. seeds are very important to me. I like eating as a snack for movie night and also adding it to homemade granola, bars or oats. totally worth the time

Toni said...

My kids love pumpkin seeds! I am sure they'll enjoy this!

The Motivated Mom said...

I say that I am going to do this every year. I am doing it this year!!!!

Lydia said...

I don’t think I’ve ever actually eaten pumpkin! Me and my family don’t really do Halloween, but maybe my new housemates and I will give it a try this year

Nyxie said...

I love pumpkin seeds as does my partner! I'll have to pass this onto him as he's the one who likes to experiment with all this stuff.

Stockpiling Mom said...

I had no idea you could make pumpkin seeds on the stove top. I always make them in the oven.

Kathy said...

I love pumpkin seeds. I usually make them each year. They are so good.

alita said...

It will be fun to cook seeds this way. I will do this every year!

Melanie Edjourian said...

That's such a great idea. My husband really loves eating pumpkin seeds.

Sol said...

I didn't realize that we could also do this with pumpkin seeds, great idea!

Lavanda Michelle said...

I've never had toasted pumpkin seeds before. I know I'd love them if I love sunflower seeds. Thanks for sharing!

mail4rosey said...

My favorite part of carving the pumpkin is getting those seeds!! I love them.

Lynndee said...

We always enjoyed having squash seeds, not pumpkin, back in my hometown. I haven't tried these. Looks delish! -LYNNDEE

Gust si Aroma said...

I am sure this will be our new favorite snack! It's a must try recipe!

Marysa said...

I never thought to toast the seeds. We always bake them in the oven and it would be fun to try this method instead.

Authentic Food Quest said...

Yum....I love the simplicity of of just pan frying the pumpkin seeds. What an easy and delicious way to get even more from the pumpkins. An easy snack to enjoy!!

Richelle Escat said...

It sounds amazing to try, but maybe I'll just buy some from the store since we barely bought a whole pumpkin.

Unknown said...

Has anyone made these yet? Did they turn out ok?

freshcalendar said...

This is such a fun and easy recipe for making pumpkin seeds! I love that it’s quick and doesn’t require using the oven, which can sometimes feel like too much hassle just for a small batch of seeds. I never knew you could just toss them on the stovetop and have crispy, delicious seeds in minutes. Plus, adding a touch of cinnamon and sugar is such a great idea for a little sweet treat! I'll definitely be trying this method after our next pumpkin carving session, and it’s a great way to get the kids involved in the kitchen too. Thanks for sharing this simple but tasty way to make the most out of fall pumpkin season! 🎃Also visit my website: https://templatecalendar.com/

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