>U Mom Knows Best: Give The Best Gift Of Healthy Home Air Quality

Give The Best Gift Of Healthy Home Air Quality

Over 24 million people in the US suffer from asthma.

         I received several air purifiers from EdenPure to facilitate this post.

  One of the main triggers of asthma is from things in the air. Things like pollution, plants, smoke, mold, chemicals, and dust. I am sure there are other things in the air that affect asthma but these are the triggers that I have. I also experience asthma symptoms when I ingest dairy and soy. Up until this year, I never knew that food allergies could cause asthma. I wish that just eliminating dairy and soy from my diet could control my asthma. Sure I am able to eliminate some chemicals from the air like toxic fragrances but unless I want to live in a bubble, I can not avoid all the things that trigger my asthma. I can control the air quality in my house and limit the allergens that come into my home by not buying chemical cleaners or running the swamp cooler. Our swamp cooler is located on top of our house roof and when it operates it pulls in the outside air along with all the junk in the air that makes me cough up a lung. I can not control the smoke or weeds that are outside my house and during the summer I need to have the windows open to keep the house cool as I have no AC. Even if I had AC, I would not use it as I love the feeling of fresh air. So I use an Air Purifier year round so I can have healthy air in my home.

The gift of healthy home air quality couldn’t be more essential.

  I received the best gift ever the other day and I am amazed at how it has helped me control my asthma symptoms while at home. The gift that is making me so happy is an EdenPURE® Airdog®Air Purifier. This gift has changed my life dramatically. It has helped me get some much-needed sleep as I am no longer waking up several times a night with coughing attacks and having to get up to expel the mucus from my lungs. At night time I keep the Airdog® by my bedroom window so the outside junk that is in the air can pass through the 5 stages of purification. I like that the unit shows the number of pollutants that are being destroyed. I also love that it is whisper-quiet, unlike the last purifier that sounded like a loud fan and had cold air coming out of it. That old purifier was useless at bedtime and in the winter. The Airdog® even has a nighttime mode so there is no annoying light glowing to annoy my husband as he is trying to sleep.

I love that it is whisper-quiet

  During the day I bring this air purifier downstairs so I can have clean air while I work. The unit has side grips so it is easy to transport to another room. Even my skinny 11-year-old can carry it down the stairs. I now can enjoy my fresh air as I park the EdenPURE® Airdog® right by the open back door. So now I can laugh at the growing weeds in my backyard as they no longer bother me. Once the rain stops, I will have my husband burn those weeds, of course on a day that I am not home. The last time I pulled weeds, I broke out in a rash and my oxygen levels dropped so I will not be pulling them again. Got to love these allergies! Just don't get me started on smoke from fires. I think my asthma got worse after the forest fires that were near my home, making me ultra-sensitive to smoke. I wish I had an EdenPURE® Airdog® seven years ago. Now I am wiser and I check the Particulate Index on days that my city issues an air quality warning and I stay indoors if the color is not green.

The EdenPURE® Airdog® cleans and removes microscopic particles as small as 14.6 nanometers. Most allergens and bacteria are over 30 nanometers in size 

• Cleans 300 sq. ft. room in 20 minutes

• Kills & removes 99.9% of bacteria and other harmful elements

• No filters to replace, nor any dangerous air byproducts

• 360-degree airflow circulation

Now if I could just control the air when I am out of the house!

 I take two different allergy medicines and use Airborne Particle Blocker Gel to control my allergies when I am outside but that just alleviates my symptoms like sneezing and some coughing. I find that exercising, a warm drink like coffee or tea, and a warm shower helps bring up the mucus from my lungs after a day of being outside. I recently discovered that arm weight lifting that involves my chest is great for helping my lungs expel the gunk from my lungs.

If I could just avoid the lady with the strong perfume

  The other day at my church bible study a lady sat at my table and she was wearing strong chemical perfume. I did my best to take deep breaths so I would not cough from the perfume. That helped for a while but I was still feeling queasy from the smell. My lungs could not take it anymore and I had a coughing attack and I had to leave the table. How do you tell someone, without offending them that their perfume is making me cough? This was not a situation that I could avoid, like avoiding the gym when the cleaning crew comes. I now know the day and times when the gym gets cleaned.

A small Leaf-shaped box is my answer to clean air on the go

 The Oxileaf is a completely portable air purifier that takes up little space and it cleans the air and kills mold. This amazing air purifier can be plugged in an electric outlet or into my computer! So I can take the Oxileaf when I am traveling and use it in musty hotel rooms. I can even power it with my portable phone charger (this portable charger charges my 4 four times) for about 6 hours as this purifier does not use that much energy. I wonder how many hours the Oxileaf will operate if  I use MyCharge PortableOutlet charger( a charger that can even charge my laptop.) I am thinking that I can use this purifier on airplanes or at the coffee shop as I always have my computer with me. So as I am working, I have clean air and no asthmatic coughs.

 The EdenPURE® OxiLeaf™ removes pet, cigarette, urine and cooking odors. It also removes smoke, pollen, dust, pet dander, and carbon monoxide and kills dust mites. It removes virtually all organic and inorganic pollutants, including toxic gasses. It can also relieve allergies and sinus problems caused by air pollution. 

Give Yourself The Gift Of Healthy Home Air Quality


Cristina Pop said...

These sounds like a perfect purchase! Nowadays, I think we could really benefit from these air purifiers!

AiringMyLaundry said...

I need these! With two cats, we could use an air purifier. Plus my husband is always going on about air quality, so he's been wanting one.

Unknown said...

I actually have one of these and it has been the best purchase I have ever made! I can definitely feel a difference!

HealthyFitCouple said...

Air purifiers are great and should be in everyone's home. We all deserve good quality air.

kumamonjeng said...

These day the air quality is so bad as there are just too many vehicles. A small leaf shape box looks great and I like how it is portable and able to bring from places to places. I can use it when I travel too as I am a frequently on the road.

Anonymous said...

you never realize how much junk is in the air until you use one of these!

tiffanie anne blog said...

We have been shopping for a new air purifier! Thankful I bumped into your post!

Brittany said...

I definitely think we need to look into this! I really like that one that you can take to go! I need one for my office!

Monidipa said...

Hi Tara, as usual this is really good and informative. You have created the article very well. Many will be benefited from it.

Devyani said...

I have to check this out. I have an purifier at home, but its LOUD!

The Super Mom Life said...

There is definitely something in our home that is making us sick. I can't wait to move.

Unknown said...

Great Post. I have an air purifier, i mainly use it on my toddlers room. I love it.

mary jingjing said...

what an amazing product this is! my husband badly need this, nothing more important than a quality product like this!

Natalie Loves Beauty said...

Our household could really benefit from an air purifier. It is impressive how many different odours it can actually remove.

jenniferrluna said...

Oh this looks so great. I wish I'd known about this because I just bought one after hearing the benefits of a air purifier.

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Mom knows best