>U Mom Knows Best: Healthy Sleep Begins With An Awesome Natures Novel Mattress

Monday, October 8, 2018

Healthy Sleep Begins With An Awesome Natures Novel Mattress

This is a sponsored post written by me for SweetZzz Mattress. All opinions are mine alone

Could allergies be the cause of your sleep problems?

  I think I could be called the queen of no sleep. Sleep does not come easily to me and I tend to be a night owl because of my sleep problems. My teen has said more than once "mom is superwoman as she never sleeps." I think on most days I feel the opposite. When I don't get enough sleep, my body seems to have all the energy that I need but my mind is in slow mode. I think I am finally getting a grasp on what helps me to be able to sleep and what causes me not to get enough sleep. Allergies and asthma are the main reason for my lack of sleep. My kids are older so I can't blame them anymore for not getting enough sleep. My sleep has gotten better since I discovered that my nightly snack of cheese and crackers needed to be eliminated due to a dairy allergy that was keeping me up all with constant coughing. I also discovered products and techniques in the past couple of years that have helped me get better at that thing called sleep. I think the most important item for healthy sleep is where you lay your body down to rest along with proper head support. One needs to invest in a quality mattress and pillow for a good night sleep. One can only go so many days without quality sleep before it takes a toll on their health.

Sleep is important for a healthy body

 I have friends who tell me that they will sleep when they are dead. These are the people who also rely on energy drinks like coffee and sleeping pills when their body is too hyper from all the caffeine. I think about these friends as I lay in bed coughing from other allergy and asthma triggers. It is those allergy problems that have been making think about things I need to change in the bedroom to get better quality sleep. I realize that I may have to dust more and clean my sheets more often. I also bought a quality air filter for my bedroom to clean the air that I breathe. That got me to thinking, maybe my mattress could be a cause of my allergies that keep me up at night. Maybe I need to replace my old mattress for a nontoxic mattress made with natural materials. A chemical-free mattress with breathable materials may be the answer to a better night of sleep without my allergies causing my asthmatic cough.

Your mattress may be a cause of your sleep issues

 So I did some searching online for a green mattress and I discovered a mattress that is hypoallergenic. I liked the idea of a mattress that is ideal for people with allergies and asthma. The Sweet Zzz Mattress is naturally mold, mildew and dust mite resistant. This awesome mattress is made from 100% Natural Talalay Latex and has a natural wool cover. I do like the sound of natural as I am working on eliminating toxic chemicals from my house. The natural wool cover is even Fire Retardant.

No gas is a good thing

  I am not talking about eliminating body gas, although my husband would like if I did so. I am talking about the Sweet Zzz Mattress not releasing any harmful chemicals into the air like other mattresses that need to gas off and you can smell it when they arrive at your house. The Sweet Zzz only has a smell of natural Oeko-Tex certified as Class I latex, the highest rating possible. This certification verifies their products are free from harmful substances and are even safe for babies. This mattress is Completely Safe & Renewable

Want to save $150 Off Any Mattress, Any Size at Sweet Zzz Mattress?

Use my code MOMKNOWSBEST15 and click here to purchase.

A healthy mattress means blissful mornings and restful nights

  This green nontoxic mattress is also comfortable as that is a must in getting better sleep. The Talalay latex molds perfectly to the shape of your body and is also durable. This company first made their mattresses green then, that made them comfortable. I like that the product comes with a 100-night risk-free trial and a lifetime warranty! The comfortable mattress has an Eco-Latex® layer that is responsible for the excellent firm support. The Dunlop latex and latex-like foam in this layer act as the firm foundation of the mattress so that different people with different weights, shapes and sizes feel well supported without sinking in too much.

When nature and science write a Natures Novel

 Sweet Zzz likes to refer there comfortable green mattress to a Natures Novel of nature and science coming together to make the perfect mattress. This Natures Novel has a 7.5 firmness rating, one a scale of 1 - 10 with 10 being the firmest. This means firm support that will keep your back and neck aligned while being gentle on your shoulders, back, and hips. The firm support with a mattress that molds to your body is what makes it perfect for every sleeper.

Want to save $150 Off Any Mattress, Any Size at Sweet Zzz Mattress?

Use my code MOMKNOWSBEST15 and click here to purchase.

 The Sweet Zzz Mattress comes in all sizes from Twin to Cal King, they even make a Split Cal King! This unique company offers In-Home-Assembly & Removal of your old mattress along with Free Shipping and Free Returns. That means after enjoying a 100 Day Risk-Free Trial if you don't think it is the most comfortable mattress, they will pick it up for free. They also offer 0% APR Financing.

 So you really have nothing to lose! Go check out the soft touch of a wool cover, the natural mold and solid support of Talalay latex in a green mattress that is engineered by science to bring you blissful mornings and restful nights.


Joanna said...

For me, my bed is very important and I have taken ages to choose the perfect mattress for me. It came at a cost but I never had bad sleeps after I bought it.

Simone said...

Ok so I never knew all these things about a simple thing like a mattress! We are currently looking at buying a new bed and mattress, so now we have better knowledge of what to look for. Thank you!

Unknown said...

I've never thought of this before! I sleep HORRIBLY every night! Maybe its time to switch!

Joan said...

The mattress is really important we have changed ours 3 times due to allergies and being uncomfortable and I think we are due for another change next year

Sarah Bailey said...

A mattress really does make all the difference to how you sleep doesn't it? You definitely need to work to find the one that is right for you.

Vikrant Nimbalkar said...

Every one needs a quality sleep. Its worth trying.

Anonymous said...

A good mattress is the most important part of a good night's sleep! That, comfortable pillows, and the right sheets really make a difference

Annie said...

Good sleep is so crucial! Love all these tips. I need to get a hypoallergenic green mattress now!

Gladys Nava said...

Sounds interesting! This is something what I need to have a better sleep. So cool!

Unknown said...

I loved reading this because I or my husband could relate. He suffers from allergies and sleeps terribly. One of the reasons we think is because of our mattress. So reading this definitely gives me more motivation to purchase a better one.

Hannah Marie said...

I rarely experience a good sleep. I toss and turn in bed most of the time. Maybe it's time to change my mattress into this.

duffelbagspouse said...

I know they are for me. I don't get all clogged up until I get ready to go to bed.

Anosa Malanga said...

Having the best bed is everyones dream. Who would not love taking full sleep and rest with a good mattress, right? Better spend more but with great value that less but you are not even satisfied.

Blair Villanueva said...

Definitely. If you have dusty and uncleansed mattress, allergies will come to you and your family.

Delhifundos said...

I am totally agree with you on this. Getting the best mattress is essential. To get better and productive rest, mattress plays an important role and these tips are very helpful. Thanks for sharing this information

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Mom knows best