>U Mom Knows Best: Adventure Force Thermal Tracker Giveaway

Adventure Force Thermal Tracker Giveaway

My boys love dart blasters!

                               I received a Buzz Bee Dart Blaster to facilitate this post and giveaway.

 After raising 4 boys, I can say that most boys love dart blasters even the big boys. My younger boys are 10 and 11 and have been playing with dart blasters since they were at least 5 years old. You see they have two older brothers who are 18 and 24 years old. I remember when my younger boys were maybe 4 and 5 and the now 18-year-old played dart blasters with them. My older son made the two little ones wear goggles so he would not get in trouble for making them cry when a dart hit them in the eye. It is funny how at that young age a soft dart would hurt them and now these two purposely try to shoot each other with the foam darts in the face. Oh, the joys of boys!

  I think another reason the boys are fascinated with foam dart blasters is their two older brothers are in the military. It is so fun to imagine that you are trying to capture the bad guys in a game of make-believe. Dart blasters give my boys plenty of exercise as they chase each other around the park or house blasting each other with the soft foam darts. When they get together with their friends, my boys grab all their Buzz Bee Dart Blasters and they have even more fun.

Does anyone else have boys who love to watch Youtube videos of dart blasters?

  My boys were excited to receive the Adventure Force Thermal Tracker as adding a new dart blaster to their collection is always exciting. My boys saw this dart blaster on their favorite Youtube channel and already knew how it worked. They loved that the dart blaster came with a Heat-Seeking Scope and a magazine (dart clip) filled with foam darts. My older son is in the Navy, so my boys call the pieces of the dart blasters by the real names. Me, I had no clue what a magazine was or how a scope works. So the boys enjoyed showing me how they could see the target with the light up battery-operated heat-seeking scope. Only the scope needs batteries as the darts are released with the pullback action on the back of the blaster. These foam darts have an impressive 100-foot launch distance!

Includes everything needed for hours of fun: 1 blaster, 1 scope, 1 rail adapter, 1 clip, and 20 long-distance darts

This awesome dart gun is sold in stores and online at https://www.walmart.com

Check out some other great gift ideas for tween boys on my Holiday Gift Guide


I have a Buzz Bee Adventure Force Thermal Tracker to giveaway to one lucky reader. Enter on the giveaway form below and good luck. This will make an awesome Christmas gift!


Sharon Schoepe said...

We have started our shopping. My son wants Funko Pops, video games, books and hoodies. His sister wants Magformers, Peppa Pig and Doc McStuffins

couponing4you said...

Yes but I am a bargain hunter lol. I start Christmas shopping as soon as Christmas is done the previous year! Small things when you find the sale adds up fast!! And my oldest has nerf guns and soccer equipment on his list. My twins are only 5 months so they don't have a list yet lol but this mommy is telling family to get them books and educational toys

BarbaraRiffe said...

I start again the day after Christmas. I like keeping a gift box for birthdays, weddings and Christmas. I look at the clearance section in every store every time I go shopping.

monique s said...

I have not yet started my holiday shopping yet. Legos are on the list as are some dolls.

Shelly Peterson said...

I have not started yet. My son wants video games. My grandsons love gun, trucks and dinosaurs.

Unknown said...

I have started my shopping! I always keep an eye out for good sales and clearances! My kids are getting to t tough age to buy for. 3 girls, lol

Anonymous said...

I have started shopping. Of course, every time a toy commercial is on my kids want those toys.

Elizabeth Tarlow said...

I haven't started my Christmas shopping yet. I'm just waiting to see what my 2 Grandkids have on their wish list :) I know that my Grandson would love this Dart Blaster!

shirley said...

I have started shopping for Christmas. Needing everything from Legos to game consoles.

Jenny Q. said...

I haven't started Christmas shopping yet, I am more of a last minute person. I also usually wait until my kids start giving me ideas, they haven't yet.

nickieisis3 said...

I have not yet started my holiday shopping yet. My son has games and legos on his list

elizabeth miller said...

I have picked up a few things here and there but nothing serious. My 13 year old wants make up, a camera, and her room redone. I have 5 grandkids 5 and under so they are all over the place with what they want. Sunny Day seems to be the big thing among the little girls. My grandson wants typical boy stuff.

Anonymous said...

I have just started some holiday shopping. My sons want a laptop computer.

Lauren said...

I have not started shopping yet but my son always likes Legos.

Unknown said...

I haven't started shopping yet I am way behind. My want all kinds of crazy stuff

Anonymous said...

I haven't started shopping yet-I wait until the last minute and freak out....

kellyr78 said...

My son wants a virtual reality headset. My daughter wants a Perfect Petzzz toy.

kellyr78 said...

I have not started yet!

JJAY100 said...

I have started Christmas shopping last night. Online order

Linda said...

Yes I have started my Christmas shopping, I shop all year looking for good sales and bargains. My grandson would like Legos and remote control car this year.

Rochel S said...

Yes i started shopping. My kids want lego and playmobil.

Yvonne W. said...

I haven't started any Christmas shopping yet. I usually start in early November. However, I have started working on thinking of ideas of what to get for everyone, but that is as far as I have gotten so far.

A.Isaahaque said...

My son is a baby so we got him new clothes!

Heather D said...

I usually have started my holiday shopping by now but not this year.

alena said...

I haven't started shopping but I started putting away each week so I can go christmas shopping on black friday.

Unknown said...

I have started first time I was able say that. My granddaughter is wanting anything PJ Mask this year!

Ronda Patrick said...

I haven't started yet, usually after or on Black Friday!

MaryAnn said...

Yes I do my holiday shopping all year long. My daughter wants Shopkins and ponies.

Lisa I said...

This is awesome and yes perfect gift for Christmas. My brother has been glued to YouTube searching and watching videos on these things. Yes we have started holiday shopping as lots of toys were on sale after summer. He wants Nerf guns, transformers and Pokemon

Nicole Strait said...

I haven't even started yet. My son wants a BB gun and my daughter wants Beyer Horses

Anonymous said...

I have not started my holiday shopping yet.

Kristen V said...

I haven't started shopping yet. I know my son wants a bike

Jeremy said...

I have done a little bit of shopping, my kids mostly want video games and gift cards.

Pauline MIlner said...

So far, our kids have a long list of books and they each want a new iPad. I do most of my shopping on a weeks shopping trip to New Hampshire just after Thanksgiving. Thanks for the super giveaway opportunity.

Robin A said...

I shop all year round for my kids and grand kids. A scooter , toddler piano, gel pens and coloring books are on my grand kids list so far

Marilyn said...

I have purchased a few things, but haven't really started shopping yet. My granddaughter is getting a new ATV Helmet and clothes.

Tracie Cooper said...

Not yet, but my older nieces want jewelry and my younger nieces want stem related games and books. My email is traciemcooper0515@gmail.com

lildevilgirl22 said...

I have started Christmas shopping. I need to get my youngest son a play tool set and another book still not sure what else.

laura rubenstein said...

I have not started my shopping list yet and my daughter has no idea what she wants yet.

Alexandra Y said...

I have not started Christmas shopping yet, but I know video games will be on my kids lists.

Carol said...

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aperry said...

My son has asked for a boomerang. I have started the holiday shopping.

Lindajo100 said...

I have started Christmas shopping. I bought a few things for my grandchildren.

Debbie Jensen said...

We have started christmas shopping.Super heroes and WWe items are on his christmas list.

Christy caldwell said...

I haven't exactly started yet. I have an 18 year old that wants a car 😶 and my 11 yr old wants everything Minecraft, FNAF, xbox, and he loves any nerf type gun.

Ali said...

I have not started Christmas shopping yet. My daughter wants a xylophone and my son wants Rc Trucks.

Unknown said...

I have, my kids have a few electronic items on their list and a lot of books.

Peter Floyd said...

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Heather B said...

I start shopping the day after Christmas, by time Christmas rolls around it is almost like Christmas for me when I go through my boxes and figure out what I have bought for my kids haha!

SexyBrat said...

I have started already. My kids mostly have video games and make up on the lists.

Gabrielly said...

I have not yet started my holiday shopping yet. Dolls are on the list.

Unknown said...

I started a little throughout the year. They are wanting video games and gift cards, and other things.

LesleyfromWI said...

I have started shopping already. My granddaughter wants anything with Kitties and puppies

Leela said...

I haven't started shopping yet. My girls are interested in my little pony.

Bryan Vice said...

Yes I am already almost done Christmas shopping I buy stuff throughout the year

Jo said...

I am half way done with my Christmas shopping. My grandson would love this!

Deb said...

I've not started yet. Haven't even thought about it yet. I need to get busy.

Dave said...

This would make a great Christmas gift for my nephew. Or maybe I will keep it for myself! LOL

bluecat said...

I have not started Christmas shopping yet. Living on a small fixed income makes any shopping nearly impossible.

Kayla klontz said...

My children both have huge lists! My son wants everything dinosaurs and my daughter wants every toy ever made.


No I haven't started shopping yet The kids are asking for a playstation bikes baskey balls and hot wheels

Chucosgirl said...

I have Ive been shopping for the past few months. That way I don't get stuck doing it all at once!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have started holiday shopping. Hatchibabies are on the list! theyyyguy@yahoo.com

jhass said...

no I have not started my holiday shopping yet but i need to!

Unknown said...

I haven't started my shopping yet. My son wants a set of drums for Christmas.

Jennifer Keating said...

I haven't started my shopping at all yet and to be honest it's really stressing me out. I got a Kmart Christmas flyer in the mail like a week ago and that just stressed me out even more! I let the kids look through it and gave them each a different color pen to circle what they wanted, worst idea ever, they literally circled everything in the book. My son circled like every single Nerf Gun in the catalog, and let me tell you, some of them are literally over $200, who buys that?! My daughter wants a Barbie Dream House that's like $160. These kids must think I'm made of Gold. I'll do my absolute best! So I hope I win this, because while it's not Nerf, I'm sure my 7 year old will still love it!

Kathy P said...

Yes I have started my shopping and my granddaughter loves anything Trolls.

Laura Lee said...

I have not started yet. My daughter wants some baby dolls and my son wants just about everything!

Amy G. said...

I have already started my Christmas shopping. Found some good deals so decided to get a jump on my list.

Kelsey Vinson said...

We have not. We just finished our daughters birthday so we Will start soon. My boys was blasters!

dvice12 said...

We haven't started shopping yet. My kids like Legos.

Eileen Boyce said...

Yes I do a little all the time. Our sweetie wants Hairdoables and lol.

Christian A said...

I started.. It helps avoid stresses for later.

Julieh said...

I have just started my Xmas shopping. My kids want video games and outdoor toys.

Peter Floyd said...


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Mom knows best