>U Mom Knows Best: March 2012

Children’s Claritin Mom Crew

I recently became a Children's Claritin Mom crew member and I am excited to tell all my friends about it. Allergy season has arrived here in Albuquerque and many people including my family is suffering. I give my children Claritin for relief of sneezing,runny noses,and itchy eyes. I happy to be representing Children's Claritin as it works!
I am now apart of Children’s Claritin Mom Crew. This means, I now have a relationship with Claritin and will be providing you, my readers, with information about their product, special offers, & maybe a few special goodies for you as well! I can't wait to get my kit to share the goodies. With Claritin we can make allergy season a thing of the past.

Disclosure:As a member of the Children’s Claritin Mom Crew, I receive product samples and promotional items to share and use as I see fit. No monetary compensation has taken place and any opinions expressed by me are honest and reflect my actual experience

Rubbermaid Hidden Recycler And Giveaway

Rubbermaid sent me a new product to try out. It is from their recycling line and called Hidden Recycler. The product came to me all folded up.
I like products that encourage and make recyling easier. The nice thing about this product is that you can put it in a cabinet and no one sees it. A great place to put it is under the kitchen sink so you will remember to recycle.

It comes with hooks that are backed with rubber pads, so it wont sratch your cabinets, that hang over the cabinet door. The product was easy to put together and hang on my cabinet.
You can also hang the Hidden Recycle in other places. I decided to hang my Rubbermaid Hidden Recycler on a shelf in my laundry room  I already have a place that I put my recyables in the laundry room. Being a family of six we have a lot of things to recycle so I decided to use the Hidden Recycler in addition to my current can. I will use my current can for cans and bottles and the Rubbemaid Hidden Recycler for paper.
 The Rubbermaid Hidden Recycler is easy to take out to take it to your outside container and it is machine washable.

The features of the product includes:
Easy attachment to a cabinet door with hooks included with the product or screws

A convenient handle allows the bag to easily be transported to wherever your recycling is stored for pick-up or transport
A 5 gallon bag that holds up to 36 12-ounce cans and can fit a milk jug
The bag has a leak-proof liner and is machine washable to make it easy to clean after any unexpected spills
The bag is soft-sided allowing for flexibility inside any cabinet
The bag and all packaging is made from recyclable material, and the product is recyclable.

I am lucky I live in a town that encouages recycling. The city provides me with a big blue can to put my recyclables on the curb and I fill it up every week.

You can purchase the Hidden Recycler at Rubbermaid.com for $15.99 or at  a Meijers store.
Rubbermaid also is providing me with a Hidden Recycler to giveaway on my blog to one lucky reader. To enter just enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway below. I will contact the winner when the givaway is over and the winner will have 48 hours to respond. Rubbermaid will mail the winner the Hidden Recycler.

I was given the product for review from Rubbermaid and the opinions are my own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Double The Fun!

Jesse and Kodi got new bicycles the other day. I felt like I had twins when I bought and put together their bikes. Kodi and Jesse are about the same size,although I think Jesse weighs more. Kodi hates when people ask if they are twins. Most people are shocked when I say they are 16 months apart.

     I picked up the new bikes from the store and I had the pleasure of putting them together as dad was at work. I only made one mistake and thankfully the box had an extra part. It took a while to put together two bikes. The boys wanted the same bike so we wrote their names on the flags.
The bikes we bought are Radio Flyer Big Flyer. They are like the big wheels from the past. I choose them as I did not want to be dealing with flat tires,as we live in thorn country. I also like that the seat is adjustable so it grows with them to age seven. I just hope with the wear and tear my boys can do the bikes will last that long.
The boys are loving their new bikes and I love that they can use them up to seven years old. I wont have to change flat tires with these bikes. Big brother Tyler has snuck a couple of rides too.

Finally a great cup of coffee!

Today the Fedex man brought me a surprise. It was my long lost espresso machine. Almost two months ago my Delonghi broke and I had to send it away to be fixed. Those last two months my coffee has never been the same. I have had to use a regular drip coffee maker and the coffee does not taste the same as coffee made from my Delonghi espresso machine. My coffee was bitter and did not have the same taste I am used to. I jumped for joy when I opened the box and saw my espresso machine. I proudly put it back where it belongs on the counter. Tommorrow I will be enjoying a great cup of coffee after breakfast.

A Milestone for Jesse

My Jesse is finally potty trained! Jesse has had a whole week with no accidents so he able to put away the training pants and get Scooby Doo undies. He was so happy to put on his big boy pants as after he put them on he said "I love you mom!" My youngest is growing up too fast. He also went into his bed tonight by himself. We usually let him fall asleep in our bed then put him into his. Tonight was different,as I was saying goodnight to Kodi( his older by 16 months brother) he climbed into his bed and asked for a story. After reading a story to each boys and giving kisses,I asked Jesse if he wanted a light on. He said yes and I told him I would be back in a couple of minutes.  When I came back he was fast asleep. Enjoy your babies as they grow up too fast.

Simple skin care line

I recieved a Skincare product from SheSpeaks and Simple from a new product line called Simple.This is a new line of skincare products that is kind to skin. As they name says Simple,that is what it is. It has no harsh ingredients it it like dyes or perfumes that can upset your skin. What it does have is vitamin E and Pro-Vitamin B5 to soften your skin. This line is great for sensitive skin and anyone who wants a natural product.
The product I recieved was Simple moisturizing facial wash.
I could hardley wait to try it out as my skin breaks out from harsh ingredients found in soap. That night I tried it out in the shower. I liked the easy open cap on the facial wash,that opened with my wet hands. The first thing I noticed was it had a light natural scent and lathered well in my hand.  It felt good on my face as I washed with it. My skin felt clean and soft after my shower. After using it for a couple of days I noticed my face was less red and I had less blemishes. That is a plus for me. You can purchase the Simple skincare line at Walgeens. The Simple line includes a face scrub,lotion,face wash and cleansing wipes.

I recieved a free product to sample from SheSpeaks and Simple. The opinions are my own.

Warm weather!

The warm weather is finally here in Albuquerque and I could not be happier. Today the sun was shinning and the wind was slow. The little ones and I got outside in the backyard for a long time.  I love having wireless internet and bringing my computer out in the back yard. The boys ran around and I surfed the web. I am so loving this weather!
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Mom knows best