>U Mom Knows Best: DIY Homemade Beet Juice

DIY Homemade Beet Juice

 When life hands you beets, you make beet juice. Beet juice is loaded with nutrition and is so easy to make. Beet juice has a delicious sweet taste.

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 The pandemic of 2020 has brought so many new experiences into my life. Having to stay home and practicing social distancing has left me with time on my hands. Last summer, I started a garden as I worried about food supplies. I thought growing food would help me fill up my deep freezers with fresh veggies. For me, growing a garden has always been something that I wanted to do but have put off simply due to the fact that I live in a desert. So when this lung virus covid thing hit and I had time on my hands, I gave growing vegetables a try. I started a small garden with the hopes of growing tomatoes, peppers, spinach, beets, and kale.

 My garden last year did not give me much but I enjoyed the vegetables that I did grow. I was amazed that I could grow food and that inspired me to grow a swingset garden. I had big plans and I expanded my Southwest garden the next year. I started a compost pile to enrich my soil and planted seeds to grow beets, kale, chard, and watermelon. I also bought tomato plants, pepper plants, and several herbs. I had a passion for growing food.

Beets are my favorite garden vegetable

 Last year I grew beets in my garden. I was amazed that beets grow well in the desert. My beet plants gave me plenty of beet greens that were so delicious but only a couple of small beets. I think it may have been that my soil was too rocky, so the beets did not have room to grow. So this year I made a new space for my garden and bought several bags of soil. I planted two packages of beet seeds as I had big plans to grow lots of beets. 

 I was going to grow beets to make beet powder. I love adding beet powder to my daily protein smoothies for their pretty pink color and nutritional boost. Beets are a superfood and are loaded with so much nutrition. So beet powder is a dried version of beets and gives my smoothies some awesome nutrition. Check out the amazing benefits of beets. 

9 Benefits of beets

+ High in fiber

+ Loaded with nutrition

+ Helps lower blood pressure

+ Can Improve Athletic Performance

+ May Help Fight Inflammation

+ May Improve Digestive Health

+ May Help Support Brain Health

+ May Have Some Anti-Cancer Properties

+ Are Delicious

To find out more about the benefits of beets, read this article https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/benefits-of-beets#TOC_TITLE_HDR_10

I was blessed with beets

 My garden gave me plenty of beets and beet greens. I roasted beets in the pressure cooker but did not have enough beets to make beet powder. Then God blessed me with beets in an amazing way.

 My church has a monthly food pantry that my husband runs and we received a huge pallet of fresh beets. I had never seen that many beets in my life. The beets were packaged in 25-pound bags and we gave out plenty of beets. When the food pantry was over, we still had 15 bags of beets left for the volunteers to take home. I then took the rest of the fresh beets home. I was excited to process the beets into many different recipes, including my beet powder.

While I was dehydrating all the beets, I remember last year's huge supply of fresh carrots that I received from the food pantry and how I made delicious homemade carrot juice. So I grabbed my vegetable juicer from the pantry so I could make beet juice. I was excited to turn fresh beets into purple beet juice. 

Beet Juice uses

+ As a delicious drink

+ Add to smoothies

+ Make beet soup

+ Freeze to make popsicles 

+ Use in recipes for color 

+ Add nutrition to recipes

 Beet juice was so simple to make with the juicer. I just loved the purple color. Beet juice is loaded with so many vitamins and minerals. All I had to do was peel the beets and cut them into pieces that fit into my fruit juicer. Check out the easy steps to making homemade beet juice.

Steps to making beet juice

+ Wash and scrub the beets

+ Cut of the ends of the beets

+ Peel the beets

+ Cut the beets into pieces

+ Add beets to the juicer

+ Save the beet pulp to make beet pulp waffles

 That is how easy it is to make beet juice. If you don't have a vegetable juice machine, then take a look at this inexpensive juicer. Beet juice has a slightly sweet taste to it and is perfect for adding to smoothies. If you are going to drink the beet juice, I recommend adding some other fruits to the juicer to give the beet juice a sweeter taste. My favorite fruit to add to juice recipes is apples as they are super sweet.

Add other flavors to DIY beet juice

+ Apples

+ Cherries 

+ Strawberries

+ Blueberries

 What to do with beet juice pulp

 Since this was my first time juicing beets, I was amazed at how much beet pulp was leftover. The beet pulp is the fiber from the beets. While the majority of nutrients are in the beet juice the beet pulp has some nutrition and is a great source of fiber. So don't toss it! There are many uses for beet pulp. Since I had a lot of beets, I made a huge jar of beet juice and that left me a big bag of beet pulp. So I had fun creating beet pulp recipes. I also froze the beet pulp for future recipes.

+ Freeze it for future recipes: Place the beet pulp in quart-size freezer bags, about 2 cups, for future recipes

+ Add it to smoothies: Beet pulp is loaded with fiber so it is a great way to add fiber to smoothies.

+ Compost it: Give your soil some love with the beet waste

+ Add to juice pulp waffles: I added beet pulp to my homemade waffles and my husband was surprised that they did not taste like beets but I snuck fiber into his meal. I just loved the pretty purple color of the waffles.

+ Add to homemade veggie burgers: Add bulk and fiber to homemade veggie burgers.

+ Make juice pulp crackers: This one may sound strange but they are super tasty and crunchy.

+ Add to quick bread: Adds fiber and texture without a strong carrot taste.

Pin these recipes on Pinterest to make them later

Check out these beet recipes

+ Beet Hummus

+ Oven Roasted Beets

+ Pressure Cooker Beets

+ Gluten-Free Berry Beet Pancakes

+ Beet Burgers

+ Beet Waffles

+ Add to muffins: Adds fiber and texture without a strong carrot taste.

DIY Homemade Beet Juice

DIY Homemade Beet Juice
Author: Mom Knows Best
Beet juice is loaded with nutrition and is so easy to make. Beet juice has a delicious sweet taste.


  • 1 pound fresh beets
  • 1 large apple


  1. Cut off the ends of the beets.
  2. Scrub and peel the beets. Slice into pieces that will fit into the juicer chute.
  3. Chop the apple into 4 pieces, no need to peel
  4. Place the beets and apple slices into the juicer.
  5. Place the juice into a container with a tight lid and store it in the fridge.
  6. Use up within a week. For longer storage, freeze in serving-size portions.


Tammy said...

Well, I am NOT a beet eater and I haven't tried beet juice yet. I do know all the health benefits and maybe I should try soon.

Razzledazzlestyles said...

Love beets, how long does the beet juice last? Can beet juice be frozen? Thank you. Love this 😊

CDA HD said...

Lovely recipes. Thanks a lot for you.

Eileen M Loya said...

My mom used beets a lot in her cooking. She'd add them in casseroles, in salads, even in desserts. I should try doing that too. I will check out your recipe for beet juice.

Kathy said...

I've never actually had beet juice before. It does look good though. I'll have to try this.

Terri Steffes said...

Lol, I am not a fan of beets, but there is nothing that beats that color. Get it? Beats??? Ha. I'll keep my day job.

Beth said...

Beets has so many benefits. Its really good to add in salads which makes them really healthy

Richelle Milar said...

This looks amazingly good! I would love to try this really nice recipe!

LisaLisa said...

WOW, now this I may try! I'm not a beet juice eater either but this do looks tasty and its healthy.

Mom Knows Best said...

Lol. Great joke

Marysa said...

Beets are so healthy and it is nice to have some recipes to try out. I like your Mason jar and lid too!

Gust si Aroma said...

I've heard that beet juice is so awesome and good! I would like to make it!

Unknown said...

My husband loves beets. It's one of his fave side dishes. I haven't seen him drink beets juice, though. -LYNNDEE

moonlightmel said...

I know they is so many benefits but I am not a huge fan of beets, maybe this juice will change my mind since they is so many benefits

Ice Cream n Sticky Fingers said...

I am not a fan of beets. My grandmother used to fix them on occasion and I do remember trying them as a child. Eating beets isn't on my list but I could see that the beet powder might work because I can hide it in a smoothie.

Titane2021 said...

Beet is great for urinal problems!

Informatyk broker said...

Nice recipe, i do it today!

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Mom knows best