>U Mom Knows Best: Allergy Shots Tips For Fewer Side Effects

Allergy Shots Tips For Fewer Side Effects

If you have seasonal allergies or allergy-induced asthma, then allergy shots may be a good treatment program for you. Allergy shots are over 90% effective to decrease allergy symptoms or eliminate allergy symptoms. Allergy shots can help with asthma symptoms and promote lasting relief of allergy symptoms even after treatment is stopped.

 Allergy shots are usually a very effective way of treating chronic allergies but there are some drawbacks that may make receiving allergy shots hard for some people. The high upfront costs of the allergy injections and the time commitment for the allergy treatment can be cons for those who are considering allergy shots. Then there are the side effects that come with the buildup phase of the allergy shot treatment plan.

 While most people have mild side effects from allergy shots like increased seasonal allergy symptoms and pain and swelling at the injection site, for those with asthma the allergy side effects may be worse. I have been receiving allergy shots for 7 months and I have had some side effects from the allergy shots that have caused my asthma to flare up. My main reason for deciding to start an allergy shot program was to decrease the number of asthma attacks that I have. While I have experienced some miserable side effects from my allergy injections, the end result of fewer asthma attacks makes it so worth it.

My allergy shot tips for fewer side effects

 It has been a learning experience for me while undergoing my twice-a-month allergy shot injections and I have learned how to better manage the side effects of the immune therapy of allergy shots. So I want to share these allergy shots tips for fewer side effects.

Stay inside ~ The serum of the allergy shot is basically filled with the items that you are allergic to. So these shots of allergens can make your allergy symptoms worse. So staying inside, especially during allergy season,  is a good idea. That way your body is exposed to fewer allergens. 

Change your diet ~ During the build-up phase of allergy shots, you should avoid eating foods that cause inflammation and eat more food that helps decrease inflammation. Your allergies are causing inflammation in your body. For those with asthma, your asthma symptoms may be the result of increased inflammation of your lungs. Long-term inflammation of the lungs may lead to COPD. So check out the list of the best foods to eat to reduce inflammation in your body and the list of foods that can increase inflammation.

Foods to eat to fight inflammation

+ Pineapple 

+ Turmeric

+ Sardines

+ Walnuts

+ Tuna

+ Almonds

+ Olives

+ Dark green leafy veggies

+ Berries

+ Avocados

+ Red Grapes

Keep reading to discover a delicious turmeric pineapple protein smoothie that helps me breathe better

 Chronic inflammation plays a central role in some of the most challenging diseases of our time, including asthma. Chronic inflammation is when white blood cells start to attack healthy tissues and organs, causing a chronic inflammatory process.

Foods that can increase inflammation


+ Red Meat

+ Processed Meats 

+ Dairy

+ Fried Foods

+ Gluten 

+ Refined Carbs

+ Excess Alcohol

+ Artificial Sweeteners

How to Naturally Heal Your Lungs From Trauma

Exercise ~ Exercise is beneficial for those receiving allergy shots, especially if you have asthma. Exercise will help you the extra mucus, that allergy shots create, out of your nose, ears, and lungs so you can breathe better. Check out these 10 tips for exercising with asthma.

Lift Weights ~ Lifting weights can help strengthen your lungs and abdominal muscles. I find that weight lifting is an effective tool that helps push the mucus out of my lungs to restore my breathing. Check out 7 effective ways to clear mucus for better breathing.

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Allergy Shot Tips For The Day Of Injections

The day that you receive the injections of allergy shots is when you will experience the most side effects. So these tips will better prepare your body to have fewer negative side effects.

 No exercise for 12 hours after the shots ~ exercising after the allergy shot injections will cause your body to process the allergens at a faster rate, thus increasing the side effects. So the allergy shot handbook recommends refraining from exercise for 12- 24 hours after your shots. For those with asthma, resting on the couch is best so you do not experience any asthma symptoms. 

Take an antihistamine ~ Taking an allergy medicine antihistamine like Claritin an hour or more before your allergy shot appointment will help to prevent side effects from the allergy shots. 

Perform a nebulizer treatment ~ If the allergy shots increase the mucus in your airways, using a portable nebulizer after your allergy appointment will help you get the excess mucus out of your airways. Just make sure to use a saline solution with the nebulizer.

Always bring a natural inhaler to the allergy treatment center ~ A natural inhaler will open up your airways so you can breathe better. The inhaler contains a special blend of powerful essential oils that helps you breathe by invigorating nasal passages.

Purchase some lung supplements ~ If your allergies cause you to have asthmatic symptoms, then taking some daily lung supplements will help decrease mucus production and inflammation.

Use a pain-numbing cream ~ Applying a cream that numbs the pain on the injection site will help with the pain and soreness that can happen with an allergy shot treatment.

Avoid hot showers or hot tubs ~ The heat from a hot tub or a hot shower may make the side effects of the allergy shots to be worse.

Turmeric Pineapple Protein Smoothie For Better Breathing

1 cup pineapple juice

1/2 cup pineapple chunks ~ fresh or canned

1 teaspoon turmeric

1 scoop vegan protein powder ~ I like using Nuzest protein as it is allergy-friendly

6 ice cubes

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour into a glass and enjoy. This makes one serving. This smoothie contains several anti-inflammatory ingredients like pineapple and turmeric, so it may calm down the inflammation and mucus production to help restore free breathing. One of the many benefits of pineapple is boosting immunity and suppressing inflammation.

Save 15% on Nuzest with code MOMKNOWSBEST15

Check out some additional articles for allergy shot information


AiringMyLaundry said...

You have some great tips here. I would prefer a shot with less side effects for sure. I have too much to do during the day.

SimplyTasheena said...

Thanks for offering these tips, I can imagine having side effects can be really difficult.

Monica Simpson said...

My nephew is thinking of getting allergy shots. I just couldn't do it! Shots terrify me!

Melissa said...

It is really scary when you have side effects. This is especially true when it seems to come out of nowhere. This is helpful!

Heather said...

These are really great tips for those that suffer with allergies.

Richelle Milar said...

I find these great tips really helpful! Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

Rose Ann Sales said...

I’m gonna share this with my friend who suffers in allergies. This is so informative!

Beautiful Touches said...

Going the route of allergy shots does seem like it would make for less hassle compared to other methods of managing allergies!

Bri said...

Great tips! And that's coming from someone that has been getting 2 allergy shots a week for most of my life!

booksbyjlbooks said...

great tips along with wonderul advice, I will be trying some of these. To help me keep my allergies under control.

Anonymous said...

My maternal aunt has severe allergy issues, not sure why she never took allergy shots till date! I'll have to share your experience and tips with her.

Everything Enchanting ❤️

Gust si Aroma said...

Your advice will help a lot of people! Allergy shots is a great solution!

Marysa said...

It is good to mitigate the effects of allergy shots if you can. Hopefully you are having good results.

Anonymous said...

I am lucky and have not suffered much with allergies but if I did I would totally take use f these shots!

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Mom knows best