>U Mom Knows Best: The Sleep Well for Kids: Under the Sea CD Will Help Your Child Fall Asleep Faster And A Giveaway

The Sleep Well for Kids: Under the Sea CD Will Help Your Child Fall Asleep Faster And A Giveaway

My 8 year old sometimes has trouble falling asleep, he takes after his mom. Most nights he falls asleep within 15 minutes, but there are nights when he comes downstairs and complains he can't sleep. We usually let him stay up for 30 minutes more, but then the next day he is crabby from lack of sleep. I knew that music helped him sleep when he was a baby, but that keeps his younger brother whom he shares a room with awake. I decided to take a new approach to helping my son fall asleep. I decided to try a Guided Imagery CD that was made for children to help my son fall asleep.

  The Sleep Well For Kids Under The Sea is a CD that takes kids on a guided imagery journey to the bottom of the sea. The CD has a lady telling a story and invites your child to join her on a trip to the sea. The lady has a calm soothing voice.There is also soothing music in the background with sounds that you might hear if your were at the sea, like seagulls. I just love how descriptive the lady is as she describes the fish and other items in the story. This CD will help your child imagine they are on a trip to the sea as they drift off to sleep.

   When we received the CD, I played it for my son at bedtime. He was happy to listen to the story and he did not come downstairs complaining that he could not sleep. My teen heard some of the CD and said the lady telling the story had a boring voice. I told him that is needed for helping people fall asleep. Think of the times you struggled to stay awake in church when the pastor was telling a boring sermon. I went to check on my son 20 minutes after I said goodnight to him. He was still awake and said to me as he was rubbing his eyes and yawning "I don't think the CD is working, but I like the story." He looked very sleepy to me.

    I am happy to say that the Sleep Well For Kids Under The Sea CD helped my son fall asleep that night and he was not crabby the next day. This CD is also great for all ages. So if you have trouble falling asleep, try this CD before you turn to sleep medications. So if your child has trouble falling asleep this CD just might help. They also make a sleep CD that takes you on a trip to the farm. Check out the Sleep Well For Kids at the below link. You can even listen to a sample of the CD'S.



I have a  Sleep Well for Kids: Under the Sea CD to giveaway to one of my readers. Just enter on the form and good luck!

                            a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway is open to US residents 18 years of age or older. Chances of winning giveaway depends on number of entries. All entries will be verified. Winner will be notified within 24 hours of end of contest and will then have 48 hours to respond to the email or a new winner will be chosen. Sponsor is responsible for shipping out prize. Void where prohibited.

"These opinions are my own and I was sent the above mention product in exchange for a review."


Unknown said...

I like sleep well for kids relax at bed time

Ashley Packard said...

This seems great. Guided imagery is great for adults during relaxation/meditation, so it makes sense that it would work to help kids get to sleep

Amanda Scott said...

Sounds like it is worth a shot :)

CarolynH said...

I'd like to have the Sleep Well CD to help me fall asleep more easily.

Susie Ellis said...

This sounds like something that would be pleasant for adults to listen to, too. :-)

Live Laugh Love said...

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Dawn said...

The Sleep Well for Kids CD looks like a great choice.

Natalie B. said...

Hi! Another product of theirs I'd love to have is the Sleep Well, Get the Rest You Need, Tonight! CD. I've only done guided imaging once, and it's amazing. Thank-you for this super fun chance. :)

Terri Patillo said...

Sleep Well for Kids would be perfect for my grand-daughter.

Unknown said...

This is goo to know.. I will pass this onto some friends who have said there is a problem.

Kristina L said...

I think the 11 minute Nap CD sounds cool.

Shonda said...

I think adults might like this sleep well CD too.

Pat said...

I like the Escapes CD.

Uplifting Families said...

This sounds like a great cd. I've used cd such as these when I has trouble sleeping. I struggle with insomnia a ton due to my pain.

Rebecca said...

what a great cd for kids. Anything that helps sleep come is a good thing.

Unknown said...

This sounds like a great CD to get kids to wind down and go to sleep. I think I'd probably even enjoy it! lol

The Minister's Wife said...

I love the idea of calming music to ease stress and to relax!

Kristin said...

That would be great - maybe my kiddo wouldn't come out of his room so many times. Both kids CDs sound great!

Avry said...

As a child I always slept better with music. This is great

Lisa L said...

I like the Sleep Well for Kids CD! It's so soothing.

Stephanie G said...

sleep well for kids. my 5 could use it!!

Jennifer H. said...

I like the Sleep Well CD. I would like that one.

John H. said...

I think the Sleep Well CD would be nice.

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Mom knows best