>U Mom Knows Best: Which Protein Powder Should I Use?

Which Protein Powder Should I Use?

 So you made the decision to use protein powder but are overwhelmed by all the choices of protein powder that are available. Keep reading to learn more about the different types of protein powder and discover which one is best for your needs.

  Protein powder is a popular nutritional supplement on supermarket shelves. People purchase protein powder for many reasons. Protein is a necessary dietary item and our bodies need protein for many reasons. Protein is the building block for muscles and most people may not be meeting their daily protein needs. Increasing your protein grams may help older adults slow down the aging process

 Protein supplementation may help people meet their nutritional goals, build muscle, and lose weight. Protein powder is not just for bodybuilders. Protein powder is a healthy supplement that can be used by any age. From children to seniors, protein supplementation is a good thing. Did you know that our protein needs increase as we age?

Some Reasons people buy protein powder

+ To supplement their diet - especially good for those who don't eat meat

+ They are an athlete - protein helps muscles repair after exercise

+ They are looking to build stronger muscles - from weightlifting to weak muscles

+ To add to recipes - makes recipes more nutritious

+ To lose weight - swapping out a meal for a protein shake

 I am sure there are many other reasons people choose to buy protein powder. Protein powder is not just for those who want big bulky muscles. I use protein powder on a daily basis and it has helped me be able to tone my body and increase my muscle strength. It was several years ago that I increased my protein intake, through a protein powder, to heal an injury to my ankle tendon and I was amazed that it also helped me tone my muscles. It was then that I realized that my body was not getting enough protein.

 So I continue to drink a daily protein smoothie, that has 20 grams of protein after I exercise. Protein powder helps my muscles recover after I exercise and is helping my muscles stay strong. Since I am not a meat-eater, I also use protein powder and protein bars to help supplement my vegetarian diet.

So many options for protein powder, which one do I purchase?

 Go to any store that sells protein powder and you will be amazed that there is a whole section filled with many types of protein powder. From whey protein powder to vegan protein powder with many other protein options in between, which one do you buy? It is not as simple as selecting the best protein powder based on price. There are different types of protein powder and one needs to make sure they are selecting the protein powder that is suitable for their protein powder needs. 

 Using the wrong protein powder may come with unwanted side effects as it may have ingredients in it that you may be allergic to. I discovered that it was a whey-based protein powder that made my asthma out of control. That lead to me discovering that my dairy lactose issue was a dairy allergy, thanks to a food allergy blood test. So consider food allergies when selecting a protein powder. Make sure to read the label on the container of protein powder to make sure the ingredients are safe. If you have food allergies ~ keep reading to discover a protein powder that is free of the top 8 food allergens.

Types of protein powder

 I compiled a list of several types of protein powder to help you with your selection of protein powder. Many of the types of protein powders I have used or my son, who lifts heavyweights with bulky muscles, has used. The protein powder market is huge so I may not have every type of protein on my list.

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1. Whey Protein

Whey protein is derived from milk. Whey plays a significant role in building muscle and promoting muscle growth. It’s high in protein content and is packed with branched-chain amino acids that help in muscle recovery. Whey is a favorite protein powder of bodybuilders, as it is one of the best types of protein powder for building muscle.

My son's favorite whey protein is made by MyProtein. This whey protein is packed with 21g of protein per serving and is available in large quantities. So that makes it an affordable protein for him.

2. Soy Protein

 If you’re lactose intolerant and allergic to milk protein, then soy protein is a good option. Soy protein powder is plant-based and has a high protein content. The best part is that it offers each of the nine essential amino acids that promote growth. It is advised not to over-consume this protein as it may mess up with the body’s estrogen levels. Soy protein is cholesterol-free.

3. Pea Protein

 If you’re looking for a vegetarian source of protein, then Pea protein is a protein powder to consider.  Pea protein powder is plant-based and made from yellow peas. It is rich in fiber and also contains essential amino acids. Pea protein is good for those with food allergies to dairy, soy, eggs, and nuts.

4. Pea Protein with pumpkin seeds 

 If you are looking for a plant-based protein with more nutrition than pea protein, then you need to check out this Pea Protein made with pumpkin seeds and quinoa. This protein blend has a unique combination of three complex plant-based proteins. It is rich in micronutrients like manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, and folate. This type of protein is also abundant in healthy fats and protein. The combination of proteins makes it a thick protein. 

  A protein powder of this type is Organifi Protein PowderCertified Glyphosate Residue Free and made with 20g of diverse protein sources ensuring it is in the all-in-one nourishing solution. This creamy, delicious complete protein has 20g of protein, has additional vitamins & minerals derived from whole-food sources like fruits and vegetables, and digestive enzymes.

5. Casein Protein

 Casein protein comes from milk just like whey protein, but the difference here is that, unlike whey protein, casein is absorbed and digested at a much slower rate. So you feel fuller longer when you use casein. Casein protein is popular for weight loss! If you’re a lactose intolerant person or have a dairy allergy casein protein powder is not the best option for you.

6. Hemp Protein

 Hemp Protein powder is made from the hemp seeds of "another" supplement: cannabis. Relax though as it contains very little THC, the ingredient in marijuana, so it is safe to consume. No one is going to get high off of this protein powder. Hemp seeds are not only high in protein but also omega 3 & 6. Hemp protein powder is 100 percent plant-based and easy to digest. The downside for some is the high fat count from those omegas.

Check out this delicious recipe for snack bars that contain hemp protein.

7.  Brown Rice Protein

  Brown rice protein powder is a 100 percent plant-based supplement. As the name says this protein powder is made from brown rice. It is a gluten-free type of protein. This protein is low in amino acids like lysine so it is not a complete protein. So if you use this protein, make sure to combine it with another form of protein, like beans to make it a complete source of protein.

8. Almond Protein

 Almond protein powder is slowly becoming a very popular choice among fitness-conscious people. It’s rich in dietary nutrients and helps in muscle growth. The best part is that almond protein is both gluten and cholesterol-free! It has a rich almond flavor so it is a good choice for baking. If you have nut allergies, then almond protein should be avoided. I recently discovered almond protein powder at the Expo East event that I attended last year. Octonuts Protein also makes a walnut-based protein powder.

9. Egg White Protein

  Egg white protein comes from dried egg whites. Egg white is cholesterol-free and contains zero amount of fat. So egg white protein is good for those who are limiting fat in their diet. It can be a good protein powder for those who want to lose weight. 

10. Allergy-Friendly Protein

 If you have multiple food allergies, then you should check out this allergy-friendly protein powder. Nuzest Clean Lean Protein is free of common allergens, tastes great, and is a plant-based drink that’s suitable for most people! Nuzest is Vegan, Dairy-Free, Soy-Free, GMO-Free, & Gluten-Free. Nuzest's protein source is from European golden peas and is high in protein ~ 18-21 grams per serving. This plant-based protein has no added sugar so it is low in carbs. If you are looking for a low-fat protein, this one has less than 1/2 a gram per serving. 

  This clean ingredient protein is available in 9 delicious flavors like Wild Strawberry and Coffee Coconut. Nuzest is also the best plant-based protein to use in recipes as it substitutes well for flour. Check out these 4-Ingredient Mocha Coconut Breakfast Cookies. These cookies are so delicious and loaded with protein. 

Save 15% on Nuzest with code MOMKNOWSBEST15 


AiringMyLaundry said...

I will keep this in mind if I ever start taking protein powders. You have some great advice here on which one to pick.

Kathy said...

This is all really good to know. My husband loves to use protein powder. I'll have to show him this.

Lavanda Michelle said...

Great insights on choosing the right protein powder! This guide makes selecting the best option so much easier.

mail4rosey said...

I didn't know there was a no-fat option. Happy to see that one on the list.

LisaLisa said...

I've never taken protein powder before, but I will surely keep this in mind for when I do start to try out some protein powder.

Marysa said...

There really are so many different protein powders, and I find it overwhelming. Thanks for the useful guide! I've been getting back into working out and would like to try some of these.

booksbyjlbooks said...

There are so many different protein powder, if I fine that it over whelming to choise from. I use protein power when I make my smoothies. You have given us some great advice here.

Marie Gizelle said...

I have only been aware of 3-4 protein powders before this... :D Good to know if the others, we'll have to do a lot of more reading!

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Mom knows best