>U Mom Knows Best: No-Bake Vegan Chocolate Hemp Seed Protein Bars

No-Bake Vegan Chocolate Hemp Seed Protein Bars

 These no-bake hemp seed protein bars are amazing! Loaded with wholesome ingredients and plenty of protein with plenty of chocolate flavor. They are the perfect after-the-gym snack.

 After I work out, I always recover with plenty of protein. Protein helps your muscles recover after a workout and it is essential for building muscle. While most days, I consume a protein shake after the gym, as it is a quick and easy way to get my protein, there are days that I want to have a protein snack with some chewing. I like to have options for my high-protein meal.

 I have been training for a 5k race, so I have put more time into my workout sessions. So lately, I have been starving when I get home from my morning workouts and my protein shakes are not satisfying my hunger. So I have been grabbing cookies from the pantry to eat with my protein shake. So I thought to myself, why not just make some grab-and-go protein bars to eat for breakfast. 

Making healthy high protein bars 

 Since I wanted a substitute for my protein shake, I needed to create a protein bar with 20 grams of protein. So I took Easy No Bake Dairy Free Peanut Butter Chocolate Granola Bar recipe and made some ingredient changes to make it a high-protein granola bar. One of the ingredient changes that I made was adding protein powder, as this is one of the best ways to increase protein in a recipe. I usually use Nuzest plant-based protein in my protein recipes but I wanted to try a new protein powder.

 I recently discovered hemp seeds and I am loving all the nutritional benefits from eating hemp seeds. So I grabbed the bag of Hemp Protein Powder from my pantry, so I could start my baking. I also grabbed many other wholesome ingredients for my high-protein granola bar recipe.

Ingredients Needed

~ Evo Hemp Protein Powder

~ Oatmeal

~ Hemp Hearts 

~ Flaxseed Meal or Chia Seeds

~ Sunflower Seeds or Pumpkin Seeds

~ Maple Syrup

~ Applesauce

~ Peanut Butter

~ Coconut Oil

~ Hemp Chocolate Chunks

~ Vanilla

What is Hemp Seed?

 Most people hear the name hemp and immediately think of the marijuana plant. They also start thinking that hemp has THC and eating it will get you high. I am here to inform you that while hemp does come from the marijuana plant, it contains no THC, so you will not get high from eating any hemp products. 

 Hemp seed comes from the hemp plant. Hemp and marijuana are the same plant. The major difference is that hemp is a mixture of male and female cannabis plants. Hemp seeds do not contain any THC — in fact, they don’t contain any of the cannabinoids you’ll find in the flowers, leaves, and stalk of the rest of the hemp plant. The hemp plant is primarily grown for CBD, stalk, hemp seeds, and other highly beneficial and nutritious properties.

Nutritional Benefits of Hemp Seeds

 Hemp seeds or hemp hearts (hulled hemp seeds) are grown for their delicious nutty taste and nutritional benefits. Hemp seeds are loaded with protein and they contain all nine essential amino acids. Hemp seeds also contain healthy fats such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, 10g of protein, vitamins E, B6, and B1, and minerals including phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc.  

 Many people consider the hemp seed a “superfood” because of its nutritional completeness! Think support for heart health, digestion, energy production, and so much more!

Hemp Seed is Delicious in Recipes

While many people like to sprinkle hemp seeds over things like oatmeal and yogurt, hemp seeds are awesome in recipes. These powerful superfood seeds add nutrition and protein to your favorite recipes. To get the maximum nutritional benefits of hemp seed, use these seeds in recipes that don't call for heating or baking, as that will lower the nutrition of the seeds. That is why I chose to make a no-bake hemp seed protein bar.

No-Bake Vegan Chocolate Hemp Seed Protein Bars

~ Are Plant-Based

~ Loaded with Protein

~ Gluten-Free

~ Vegan

~ Full of Fiber

~ Delicious

~ A Healthy Snack

~ Loaded with healthy fats from omega-3 and omega-6

~ A No-Bake Recipe

~ Can be made Nut-Free with Sunflower Butter Vs Peanut Butter

How Is Hemp Protein Powder Made?

Hemp protein powder is made by grinding pressed hemp seeds into a fine powder. This powder yields an earthy taste similar to nuts and is perfect for adding to smoothies and shakes to boost their nutritional value! Evo Hemp Protein contains 27 grams of protein per serving.

Easy-to-Make Protein Bars with Plenty of Protein

These delicious protein bars are super easy to make and they are loaded with plenty of protein. While the hemp protein powder and hemp hearts contain protein, I also added other ingredients that contain protein like peanut butter and seeds. These bars have 12 grams of protein per serving! The sunflower seeds give these bars a crunchy nutty taste. I also added some chocolate chunks to the granola bars as I love chocolate.

 The chocolate chunks are also made with hemp hearts. You will love that these hemp milk chocolate chunks are 100% plant-based and sugar-free. The hemp milk chocolate has a rich & silky smooth taste and it tastes great on its own or sprinkled on ice cream.

Check out these additional no-bake bar recipes

~ No-Bake High-Fiber Bars

Bake Dairy Free Peanut Butter Chocolate Granola Bars 

No Bake Salted Chocolate Brownies


Pin this recipe on Pinterest to save to make later


Melanie E said...

These chocolate protein bars sound amazing. They would come in handy for my training days as a quick snack.

AiringMyLaundry said...

These bars look tasty! I am always a fan of no bake treats.

Kathy said...

These sound so good. I love no baked bars. I'm going to have to try these.

Lavanda Michelle said...

I love that they're loaded with wholesome ingredients and packed with protein, making them the perfect post-workout treat.

melissa cushing said...

These bars look so delicious and I so would love to try them! I especailly appreciate the they are no bake!

Marysa said...

What a great idea! I love making recipes where I can incorporate some healthy elements in it. This would be a great idea for something to bring to work.

Beautiful Touches said...

I love a good no-bake recipe. These look healthy and delicious!

LisaLisa said...

This is my kind of recipe...NO BAKE!! I like how healthy it is and easy it is to make. Surely packed with protein

Sassywifestyle said...

I'd love to try this delicious recipe, especially since it's a no bake protein bar dish.

Lady In Read said...

thank you for this easy and healthy recipe (and with ingredients i happen to have at home too!)

LoriBosworth said...

These protein bars sound so healthy! I need to prepare them to enjoy post-workout!

booksbyjlbooks said...

these sound so good, I love no bake products and recipes that I need to try this one, for a holiday treat that my family will love.

Dana Vitolo said...

These no-bake hemp protein bars look delicious. I will try these! I use hemp hearts a lot, mostly in my oatmeal for breakfast or in a smoothie to add protein. I eat vegetarian so this is a great protein source for me.

Yufi Rizkianti said...

It looks delicious and healthy. I'm interested in making it, thank you for sharing the recipe.

mail4rosey said...

That's awesome that they are no-bake. Sometimes that is the best option, especially this time of year when we're busy with end of year testing at the schools and there is NO time to bake but we still appreciate a nice treat.

Unknown said...

I am a chocolate person and that is literally making my mouth water. Can't wait to make some. -LYNNDEE

Clarice said...

This looks really delicious. I love how generous the chocolate chips are.

Thank you for clarifying what hemp seeds are. I also immediately think of marijuana but I am happy to know that we don't get high from eating them.

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Mom knows best